Maloco's battle notes

Chapter 251 Encounter at the Airport

Ren Jingcheng lay on his back**, looked at the information card containing the medal in his hand, and inadvertently smiled at the corners of his mouth.

Since Zhou Ting went to the temple fair on the first day of junior high school, Ren Jingcheng and Zhou Ting have not met, and they have not even made a phone call, but Ren Jingcheng has a feeling that they are not estranged. He doesn't know if Zhou Ting feels the same as him, but he hopes that Zhou Ting's ideas are the same as him.

"Xiaojing, are you ready? It's time to go!"

After the knock on the door, Ren's mother's voice came outside the door.

"Okay, I'll come out right away!"

Ren Jingcheng quickly stood up from **, put away the information card, lifted the luggage by the bedside, and walked towards the door.

When he touched the doorknob, Ren Jingcheng reluctantly turned his head to look at the neat room and sighed deeply.

It's time to leave again. This time, unlike the excitement of the last time, his heart is full of strong reluctance and attachment. This is the first time that Ren Jingcheng knows that he is so homesick.

Today is the sixth day of the Chinese New Year, which is still early before the start of the university, but Ren Jingcheng is leaving to return to P University. Because the tenth day of the first lunar calendar is the last day of the winter break of the school-level league, and the competition will officially resume on the 11th day of the first lunar month, he must rush back to participate in the training of the Flying Tiger Club as soon as possible, and due to the second half of the competition The season is about to fully launch the new version of the competition. This training is particularly important. The eldest brother has already greeted him for a long time. He must arrive on the eighth day of the first lunar month, and no one is allowed to be late.

Who dares not obey? Even if Ren Jingcheng doesn't want to, he will be burdened and honestly prepare to go back to school.

Now is the time for him to leave.

This time, Ren Jingcheng was not alone to go to B city. Ren's mother decided to go north with her son. She did not go to B city to study with her son, but a sister she had not seen for many years suddenly called during the Spring Festival. Ren's mother missed her for a moment and went to B city to meet others and visit them. .

This time, Ren Guozhu sent his own car to send the mother and son to the airport. Because he had to follow the leader to inspect the work, he did not send them.

Ren Jingcheng and Ren's mother came to the airport with a big bag to apply for the boarding pass and went to wait for the plane. Unexpectedly, after taking two steps, Ren Jingcheng suddenly shook his body and stopped.


Ren's mother looked at her son strangely, but saw Ren Jingcheng looking ahead with a stupid expression and didn't hear her call.

Ren's mother followed her son's eyes and found that there was an excellent girl standing not far in front of her, with a sense of coldness all over her body. She looked very classical, but the girl turned her back to them, and Ren's mother could not see her face.

Ren's mother's reaction to Ren Jingcheng was quite surprised, because in her memory, her son didn't seem to be a person who couldn't pull out when he saw a woman. Even when he dated the girl named Ye Xiaoqian, he rarely mentioned the relationship between the two. Why is it such a gaffe this time?


Ren Jingcheng suddenly shouted loudly and completely forgot Ren's mother beside him.

Ren's mother was really shocked by Ren Jingcheng's sound without psychological preparation. She was laughing and scolded her son twice, but she saw the girl in front of her slowly turn her head and smiled particularly intimately at her son.

Ren's mother is an experienced person. Naturally, she knows what it means when a girl smiles like this to a boy. Suddenly, she doesn't have time to teach her son a lesson, and her eyes stick directly to the girl opposite.

The girl's height is 1.7 meters. Her skin is white and delicate, and her body temperament is not bad. She has the demeanor of an ancient lady. She seems to know that she is from a good background, and her appearance is not to mention. Although Ren's mother dares not say that she has read countless people, she has never seen such a beautiful woman for so many years. She originally thought Ye Xiaoqian, her ex-girlfriend, is already very beautiful, but she is still inferior to the girl in front of her.

The girl came over with a smile, generous and did not let her mother feel any cramped and uneasy.

"Jingcheng, what a coincidence, did you also go back to school today?"

The girl smiled sweetly again, with a hint of surprise in her words.

"Yes, what a coincidence!"

Ren Jingcheng nodded, and his smiling mouth almost grinned behind his ears.

It's not good for Ren's mother to watch it. It's true that a woman forgets his mother. His son didn't even mean to introduce himself at all, which made Ren's mother extremely unhappy.

"Is this aunt? I've seen you in the photo!"

The girl's ability to observe words is not bad. Seeing Ren's mother standing aside, she hurriedly took the initiative to say.

"Oh, by the way, mom, this is Zhou Ting, my friend!"

Only then did Ren Jingcheng think of his mother and quickly introduced her.

"Can I call you Tingting?"

Ren's mother was extremely dissatisfied with her son's performance and didn't look at him. She took half a step forward, getting a little closer to Zhou Ting, and then said with a smile on her face.

"Of course, auntie!"

Zhou Ting nodded and couldn't wait for her mother to call it that.

"Tingting, are you also going to B City?"

The more her mother looked at Zhou Ting, the more she liked it, and the smile on her face became stronger and stronger, and she asked very close.

"Yes, I'll take the XXXXX flight!"

When Zhou Ting saw that Ren's mother was so easy to get close, her nervous mood suddenly eased halfway and answered with a smile.

"We are the same. What a coincidence."

Ren's mother said with joy.

Ren Jingcheng, who couldn't plug in, rolled his eyes beside him. There are only three or four flights a day from City C to City B. Of course, he can take the same flight at this time. Is his mother really confused or fake?

Of course, Ren's mother didn't see Ren Jingcheng's small movements with her back to her son. Instead, Zhou Ting looked at it clearly and lowered her head and secretly smiled. Ren's mother regarded her action as a girl's shyness. Naturally, she would not think that her son was making a grimace and laughing at herself behind.

"Tingting, why are you alone? No one came to see you off?"

Ren's mother looked around and did not find anyone waiting for Zhou Ting. She asked curiously.

"No, my father came to see me off, but someone came to him just now because of work. They went to talk to him and asked me to wait for him here."

After saying that, Zhou Ting turned her head in one direction and signaled that her father was there.

Ren's mother and Ren Jingcheng also turned their heads and looked at it, and suddenly they were surprised.

At this time, five or six men standing not far away who were talking together seemed to feel their eyes. Just looking at this side, one of the Chinese-faced man was shocked and looked very surprised.

After muttering for a moment with a suit next to him with slightly gray hair and a very majestic man, the two left the others in place and came over together.



When the two men approached, Ren Jingcheng and Zhou Ting shouted in one voice.