Maloco's battle notes

Chapter 254 Bad News in Advance

"Be quiet, be quiet!"

I haven't seen you for half a month. Everyone seemed to hold back a lot of words and chatted enthusiastically. Suddenly, someone shouted loudly.

Everyone was extremely familiar with this sound. His whole body trembled, and he turned around and looked in the direction of the source of the sound. He saw the eldest brother standing aside with his arms, looking at them with a cold face.

Is anyone going to be unlucky again?

Seeing the big brother's expression, everyone can't help but be nervous, because every time the big brother shows this expression, someone will be taught a hard lesson.

"I have some bad news for you!"

Big brother's sharp eyes scratched everyone's faces one by one, and then slowly opened his mouth, but the tone made people tremble, so that everyone knew that this news was probably not just a word "bad" that can be described.

"Our next opponent, the Flower Club, has been forced to disband, so our battle with the Fight Club was brought forward on February 8, which is the day we fought against the Flower Club."

Big brother took a deep breath and said the news.

This news was absolutely an uproar. In addition to being surprised by the dissolution of the Flower Club, they were more frightened that the game with the Fight Club would be advanced.

Ren Jingcheng doesn't know much about the flower club. All he knows is that this is also an old club that has existed since the establishment of the school league. The record of the flower club is not very good, but there have been times between the ups and downs. However, it has been rumored that the funds of flowers and plants have encountered difficulties at the beginning of this season. It's hard to face dissolution. I didn't expect that after a winter break, this matter came true, which is really sad.

Ren Jingcheng is not very worried about the fight club's game. His fighting strength is strong, but since the new version of the game, WarGame has undergone a great change, and it is difficult to guarantee that the Fight Club will not capp the ditch.

But after all, this is the first time to fight a face-on battle with Feihu. Ren Jingcheng still decided to prepare well. After all, for him, the new version is also a new thing. Although he has studied for a long time since the war in ShowTown in C City, it is difficult to guarantee that there will be any problems.

After the big brother left this blockbuster, he began to arrange tactics.

This time, the big brother's tactical arrangement has made a lot of changes to adapt to the new version. Many places are guessed out of thin air. Not only is the confusion of his explanation, but these listeners also feel very confused, and it is completely unclear how he wants to arrange it.

The eldest brother talked for a long time, but everyone still looked like a cloud and fog. In desperation, he could only enter the game in person to let everyone feel it.

The new version is also a new thing for the people of Flying Tiger. Because of the school league, they are usually more concerned about the old version. This contact with the new version is the first close contact for many people.

Big brother divided their 21 into two teams, each entering the game to fight, while he made tactical arrangements and command outside.

Although everyone is very interested in the changes in the new version after entering the game, they have to hold it down at this time. The eldest brother will not let go of anyone who is messy. They all know that the eldest brother's mood at this time is extremely bad, which is easier to explode than the gunpowder barrel. Who wants to be a thorn, big brother I absolutely don't mind borrowing him to vent my anger.

Big brother is really in a bad mood at this time. The strong enemy of the Fight Club has always been a thorn in his heart, and it is still a thorn that can't be bypassed. In the first half of the season, they did not meet the Fight Club, which is good or bad for the club.

On the good side, the club can win a few more games to earn more league points, and the more points, the less psychological pressure on the club players. But on the bad side, the later we meet, the shorter the interval between home and away battles. If you win the first game, it's okay. If you lose, you may not be able to get out of that shadow at the beginning of the second game.

And when the big brother got the league schedule in the second half of the year, he had to scold his father even more, because there were only two games between them and the home and away games of the fight, and what worried him most was that the opponent he originally intended to familiarize the players with the 23rd round of the game was replaced by disbandment. Fight, advance the number of rounds of encounter between them.

This is absolutely almost desperate news for Flying Tiger. In addition to the strangeness of the new version, it is inevitable that the players will have a loose mentality after the holiday and cannot concentrate on the game. If there are one or two weak teams to transition, the big brother believes that they are meeting with the Fight Club. It will be much better in the future, but now it doesn't give them any time to adapt, so how can he feel at it?

At this time, the eldest brother regretted that he should not have ordered the players of the banned club to contact the new version of WarGame for fear of affecting the game, so that they would have to train and fight with their eyes blackened, even if they had a little understanding, they would not fall into such a passive situation. Situation.

If he really loses this game, he, the captain, will bear a lot of responsibility.

(P.S: The number of words in this chapter is a little, mainly because there is something wrong at night. I can't write it absent-mindedly, and it's not very good. Please forgive me)