Maloco's battle notes

Chapter 255 The Arrival of Fighting

It turns out that the eldest brother's worries are not aimless.

A total of 21 players are qualified to participate in the school league in the Flying Tiger Club, and there are only a few players who are well adapted to the new version, especially the powerful role players who have made the biggest changes in this revision, who can't show many more bad conditions than other players.

There is nothing good about this, so I have to end the day's training and wait until the next day to hope it will be better.

As a result, on the ninth day of the first lunar month, new problems appeared again.

The best map of the Flying Tiger Club is that the new version has been redesigned this time. The places that allowed the Flying Tiger to play their advantages have been changed, which makes the big brother have to give up the plan to use this map to deal with the Fight Club and find other maps that can give them an advantage.

It was not easy to find a similar one. If the eldest brother won the treasure, he began to design the tactics to be used in the competition, but it was not until the ninth day of the first lunar month that he took it out for everyone to train, and found that many things were not as perfect as he thought, and all kinds of problems emerged one after another.

Although with brainstorming, everyone has still developed a seemingly feasible tactic, without actual combat testing, everyone's hearts are full of ups and downs, and they are not sure at all.

After two days of chaos on the eighth and ninth day of the first lunar month, the eldest brother originally thought that he could make a serious pre-match preparation on the tenth day of the first lunar month, so that everyone could make preparations and be as familiar with the discomfort caused by the new version as much as possible, but he didn't expect that Zhu Xin, one of the core main forces, brought him another one. Bad news.

Zhu Xin's graduation thesis made a major mistake and had to redesign the experimental design. That is to say, he could not participate in all future competitions. Although he did not withdraw from the club, it was no longer important, because he no longer had time to come to the club.

This news is definitely adding insult to injury to Feihu. According to manager Li Cuiyun, the eldest brother almost lifted the table in anger after hearing the news.

But this news does not have as much impact on others as expected. After all, Zhu Xin has missed many times in previous games, and now it is just a little more thorough.

The tenth day of the first lunar month was spent with the big brother's cold face, shouting and roaring anytime and anywhere. Tomorrow, they will face the strongest opponent in the school league, the fighting club.

February 8th, 11th of the first month.

This day was the day when the Flying Tigers Club played against the Fight Club at home. They won the last away game and thus won the first place in the league. Unfortunately, the continuous away game made the Flying Tigers quickly fall to the third place in the league. This time, the Flying Tigers rushed to fight, the master I can only hope not to lose too shamely, and I didn't expect to win at all.

Since school has not yet started, this competition was arranged until the afternoon at the request of the Fighting Club. This arrangement is not decided temporarily. The winter in B city is too cold, and you can't wear too thick clothes if you want to move freely after wearing game clothes. The evening games are really not conducive to the health of the players. For this reason, many leagues have been changed to be held in the afternoon, which is also a precedent.

In the afternoon game, the preparation time left for the Flying Tiger is not so sufficient. The eldest brother was assigned the task when he disbanded yesterday. Ren Jingcheng was lucky to be assigned to pick him up at the airport and did not have to follow the rest of the club to build the competition field. Land.

At 6 o'clock in the morning, Ren Jingcheng got up and went to the school gate of P University to wait for them to contact the bus, and then go to the airport together.

The plane of the fight club arrived in B city at 9 o'clock. Ren Jingcheng had to arrive before 8 o'clock, so he kept urging the driver to hurry up along the way, but the traffic situation in B city was really terrible. The traffic jam made you lose your temper at all, especially today is still a working day. When you get up in the morning, the car will be blocked. It's even better.

Hurry up. After Ren Jingcheng arrived at the airport, the time had already pointed to 9:20. Ren Jingcheng rushed into and out of the station in a hurry, praying that the group of people who were fighting should pick up their luggage faster.

Unfortunately, his prayers were still not favored by God. Thirteen people stood near the exit and stretched their necks and looked around with an unhappy face.

Last time there was a fight away from home, Ren Jingcheng was able to see their arrogant attitude of refusing people thousands of miles away. He simply told everyone nakedly, "I'm the first in the world. You have to stand aside." The taste of superiority in his words made Ren Jingcheng very disgusted. This time he picked up the plane. I don't know what mean words these people will say when they are late.

Desp> Despite this, Ren Jingcheng still bravely walked up. Anyway, he stretched out his head and shrank his head. Anyway, he had to hit this.

"Oh, I still know how to come. If we don't see your flying tigers again, we will take a taxi by ourselves, and let people know the hospitality of your flying tigers."

Except for Liu Yuexin, the first newcomer of the fight club, who can say such words, Ren Jingcheng saw this guy's mean and stingy character last time, so he did not intend to talk to him, otherwise he would be more energetic and really annoying.

"I'm sorry, there's a traffic jam on the road. I'm late!"

Ren Jingcheng laughed and apologized.

"Oc's it, just come. Where is the car? The legs are sore."

The speaker is Dongfangxing, the captain of the Fight Club.

Ren Jingcheng was even more unhappy when he heard this and almost replied: Your plane didn't arrive until 9 o'clock. It took 15 or 20 minutes from getting off the plane to picking up your luggage. The time you can wait here absolutely no more than five minutes. Your legs are sore after standing for such a while. It's too Lin Daiyu!

For good, Ren Jingcheng is not the kind of person who likes to argue with others. He nodded perfunctorily, "Uh-huh, yes, yes" and took this group of young masters and girls to the parking lot.

For fortunately, no one said that "the legs of walking are broken" along the way, otherwise Ren Jingcheng 9 is really afraid that he can't help but leave them and go back to P University alone, no matter whether their group of guys are dead or alive.

When they boarded the bus, a group of people criticized the situation in the car. It was not until the driver's face turned green that they stopped a little.

Ren Jingcheng hurriedly apologized to the driver in a low voice, which would have calmed down the matter, otherwise the driver would have driven down this group of ignorant guys.

After working up and down for a long time, Ren Jingcheng was already sweating profusely. Just as he wanted to sit down and have a rest, but another girl shouted behind him.

"Breakfast, where's our breakfast? They have low blood sugar. If they don't have breakfast, they will faint. Do you flying tigers deliberately want to kill people?"

The next Jingcheng couldn't help it any longer. Huo Ran stood up, stared angrily and waited to speak.

(I want to apologize here. Due to the arrangement of the outline, I forgot to write the battle with the fight in advance last time. This part is equivalent to repeating the front, so this time I can only temporarily change it to the home battle of Flying Tiger. If there is any bug content in front, please ignore it! I can't help it. There have been a lot of things recently, so I'm a little out of my mind. I'm really sorry!!)