Maloco's battle notes

Chapter 265 Miss of Fighting

Zhou Ting's opponent is the only girl in the fight club, that is, the girl who was fighting for breakfast on the bus.

This girl is very famous in the school league. As long as she has been in the school league for more than a year, she is five people.

The reason why she is so famous is that she is one of the few people among girls who deserve praise, but also her chilling princess disease.

Don't think that her behavior on the bus was deliberately to embarrass Ren Jingcheng. If you really think so, you are wrong. She is simply the kind of spoiled little princess. From time to time, she has to smoke for a while, which makes others depressed. She even has a small temper several times and quit the game in the middle of the game. According to the record of the play, if it hadn't been for a Qian Yibo in the Fight Club who could control her, I guess this aunt would have wanted the moon in the sky.

As soon as Zhou Ting saw that her opponent was her, a pair of beautiful eyebrows suddenly twisted into a ball. The last time she fought away, her impression of this girl was extremely bad. If it hadn't been for this game, she would have wanted to quit.

"Please enter the players of the fight club..."

The stadium supervisor held the microphone, looked around and shouted.

"Please enter the field as soon as possible, or you will be dealt with as a loss!"

The stadium supervisor shouted several times, but no one agreed, and his face suddenly became extremely ugly.

Zhou Ting was already full of black lines in the field, because her opponent disappeared. She had just seen the girl enter the preparation area with her. Why did she turn around and disappear?

The people on this side are also very strange. They clearly saw the young lady walk into the preparation room, but why didn't they appear on the field?

"I'll look for it. You go and explain it to the supervisor. Just say something and hold him back!"

Seeing this situation, Qian Yibo didn't know that the aunt's arrogant princess was ill again. He hurriedly told the others and ran to the preparation room quickly.

When the others heard this, they hurried to the stadium supervisor and said a lot of good words to delay the time.

And here Qian Yibo broke into the preparation room, but saw that the young lady found a blanket from nowhere and spread it on the ground. He lay on it with his eyes closed, as if he had fallen asleep.


Qian Yibo couldn't help cursing in a low voice and walked over quickly.

"Get up!"

Qian Yibo didn't care whether she was a girl or not at this time. When he went up, he kicked her with his toes, roared and shouted.

"Don't quarrel. I haven't slept at noon. I'm very sleepy. Let me have a rest!"

The girl waved her hand gracefully, didn't even open her eyes, and said faintly.

"Auntie, please get up, the game!"

Qian Yibo squatted down, put his hands together, and pleaded urgently.

"Let them wait for me for 15 minutes, I just need a short sleep..."

The girl still didn't open her eyes and said lazily.

When Qian Yibo heard the words, his head was full of blue veins. The dead girl really thought that the earth revolved around her!

Qian Yibo angrily reached out and grabbed the side of the blanket and suddenly pulled it up again and again. The girl rolled several times on the ground.

"What are you doing!"

The girl jumped up suddenly, stared at the apricot eyes, and shouted in a delicate voice.

"Go to the game!"

Qian Yibo stretched out his hand and pointed to the direction of the field and shouted with high momentum.


"What are you, go to the competition, or..."

Qian Yibo interrupted the girl's words and said coldly. Although she didn't say what would happen otherwise, the girl seemed to know what Qian Yibo would do. She shook her body, snorted coldly, and turned around and walked towards the field.

Qian Yibo breathed a sigh of relief and turned around and left the preparation room.

The people in the fighting club outside saw the prompt of "Miss Player enters the game" on the screen, and no longer pestered the supervision of the game. They lowered their heads and slipped away one by one.

The field supervisor doesn't know the intentions of these guys, but after all, this is a school-level league. The players are all students, and they have only been able to play for a year or two. He doesn't want to be too serious with them, otherwise he would have been sentenced to lose this game long ago.

The girl's game ID is called "Miss", which is very in line with her image.

Zhou Ting sighed slightly when she heard the prompt tone. She really hoped that the young lady would not appear on the field, but the result was contrary to her wishes.

Although the young lady is capricious outside the field, she is really hard under her, and her style is very similar to Zhou Ting. They all like to attack, which is still very different from other female players.

Although there is no difference in strength, physical strength and speed between men and women in the game, players will separate boys and girls by themselves. Generally, girls will try to avoid attacking their opponents, but prefer to defeat their opponents in terms of skills.

There are also exceptions, such as Huang Le, a star player of September Flower, who is just 20 years old this year, but her fierce fighting style is three points better than boys, which is well-known throughout the professional circle. As Huang Le became more and more famous, female fans who worshipped her also began to imitate her fighting style and gradually began to change their skills to a fierce attack.

Coincidentally, Miss and Zhou Ting, two girls, happen to be admirers of the fierce attack, so this game is particularly good.

As a matter of combat style, Miss and Zhou Ting are not interested in tentative contact, and directly began a fierce attack at the center of the map.

At the beginning, Zhou Ting encountered a little trouble when she started, so she was snatched the first attack by the young lady, which immediately put her down.

As the most offensive genre, it is very important to grab the first attack, but Zhou Ting made an undue mistake in this aspect and directly put herself in a dangerous situation.

The weapon in Miss's hand is a one-handed sword rarely used by power characters. This weapon is generally lethal, but its speed has a great advantage over two-handed weapons, so many girls like to use it very much. Girls like Zhou Ting who like to use two-handed giant swords are relatively rare, but think about the fear of slaughter. The horrible 17,000 DP energy value is estimated to make him give up the weapon he is used to and turn to this high-energy weapon.

The killing power of a one-handed sword is not as good as that of a two-handed sword, so the young lady is always used to taking a quick move after using a skill. It was not appropriate to do so. After all, there is a stiff effect after the use of combat skills, if the two skills Poor connection is easy to expose flaws.

But this is not a problem for the young lady at all. She can be said to know the rigid time of each skill well. She has her most unique insight in the connection of skills. Not only does she not reveal any flaws, but also makes the attack sharper because of the use of two combat skills at a time.

The young lady's sword light flashed and kept attacking Zhou Ting, while Zhou Ting was slightly embarrassed to dodge. Several times she wanted to cut off the young lady's attack, but because the young lady's skills were seamless, Zhou Ting could only sigh and give up.

Zhou Ting retreated while fighting, and soon ran from the center of the map to the lower right corner.

Zhou Ting swept the corners of her eyes and saw a half-meter-high stone behind her. Her eyes turned and she suddenly had a plan. Her feet moved slightly, completely blocking the boulder.

The young lady was busy with fierce attacks. Coupled with the perspective, she did not find Zhou Ting's small movements, but still chased Zhou Ting with her sword.

Zhou Ting dodged the young lady's attack in her heart while silently calculating the distance between her and the boulder. At this time, she did not dare to look back blatantly, otherwise the young lady was likely to see something.

Five meters, three meters, two meters, one meter...

Every few steps back, a number appeared in Zhou Ting's mind. When the number "1" flashed in her heart, Zhou Ting suddenly jumped up, crossed the top of the young lady's head, and rushed out behind her.

The young lady was shocked when she saw this and waved her sword to stop Zhou Ting. Unexpectedly, her habit of using two combat skills in a row made her suffer.

At the moment when Zhou Ting jumped up and exposed the boulder behind her, the young lady just waved her attack. Although the first combat skill wiped the boulder, after she habitually waved the second combat skill, the one-handed sword just slashed on the boulder.

Although the sword body will not be cut into the boulder in the game, the anti-shock force generated after cutting the boulder still exists, and it depends on the size of the damage and the length of time.

Of course, Miss, as the second skill of connection, will not use any big moves, so the anti-shock effect is not long, but these are enough for Zhou Ting to fight back.

Zhou Ting's weapon is different from the young lady. The advantage of her heart of slaughter lies in its ultra-high damage. If she uses small moves to attack, it is a waste the attack power of the weapon. Zhou Ting will naturally not do so. The heart of slaughter dances, and a move of "Whirlwind Dragon Chopping" suddenly hits the young lady's vest.

"Scyclone Dragon Chopping" belongs to the upgraded version of "Dragon Chopping", which has both the floating effect of "Dragon Chopping" and the multiple damage of "Whirlwind Chopping". It is a combat skill with both control and damage.

The damage of "Whirlwind Rising Dragon Break" and the high energy value of the heart of slaughter directly cut off the 2000 OP value of the young lady, and this is not over. The young lady is now in a floating effect that is not on the world, and she will definitely have to be beaten by Zhou Ting again.