Maloco's battle notes

Chapter 266 Failed Fight Club

The energy value of the Heart of Slaughter is too high. Although the young lady has only been hit twice, she has been cut down by two-thirds of the OP value by Zhou Ting.

The young lady was helpless. At this time, she had long forgotten what genre and style of play. In addition to shrinking defense, she could hardly do anything else. She could only wait and wait for Zhou Ting to make a mistake, so that she could have a chance to fight back.

Zhou Ting was not in a hurry at this time, as if she was doing a demonstration. One combat skill after another, slowly wearing out the remaining OP value of the young lady.

The young lady expected Zhou Ting to make mistakes, but Zhou Ting did not give her this opportunity. From beginning to end, she did not make any mistakes and abruptly grinded the young lady to death.

The game lasted only three minutes, and Zhou Ting won with an absolute advantage. This scared a group of people in the fight. They all thought that Zhou Ting had never seen so fierce last time. Why did she suddenly become so awesome today, like turning into an Ultraman, invincible within three minutes!

In fact, Zhou Ting's victory this time was a little clever. If it hadn't been for the fact that there was such a huge stone on the map, and she had the heart of slaughter, a weapon that hurt the sky, it would have been impossible for her to win this game so simply.

However, whether it is clever or by strength, the game has finally won, and the big stone in the bottom of the big brother's heart also fell to the ground.

Zhou Ting won the game and has tied the score to 3:3.

Big Brother breathed a sigh of relief and was finally relieved this time. Although there is still an individual match, even if the score of the two teams loses the game is 3:4. If there is a difference of one point, there is still a chance to win in the team game.

The big brother on the side of Feihu put his heart in his stomach, but the pressure of fighting the Oriental Star on the other side is great. After all, the team game is not a strength of fighting. Although Liu Yuexin is a good player in command, the group of people who fights have been used to fighting separately. Although they have trained for half a season, it is a pity that it is effective. It's really not big, so every point in the individual game is very important for fighting.

On the other hand, Oriental Star also wants to prove to the others of the fight that he is the real captain of the Fight Club. He has enough ability and strength. They don't need to rely on Qian Yibo alone. He can also become the most reliable person in the Fight Club.

In this game, Oriental Star must win!

After Big Brother and Oriental Star entered the map one after, the game officially began.

The eldest brother played the game in a relaxed mood, so he was not in a hurry to clash with his opponent at the beginning, but moved forward slowly and slowly delayed the time.

Big brother has fought with the Fight Club a lot in the past three years. He knows a lot about the situation of the Fight Club and more or less understands the idea of Oriental Star. His procrastination is also a tactical need.

Compared with the leisurely way of moving forward, Dongfangxing seemed particularly anxious, completely let go of his speed and rushed to the birthplace of the eldest brother.

The encounter between the eldest brother and the Oriental Star was actually a little unexpected. The route of the two of them was not originally on the same line, which can be said to be a parallel line that would not intersect at all. As a result, they didn't know what the two thought. Suddenly, they turned a corner together and bumped into each other.

The opponent is naturally jealous when they meet. What else can they say? Just start fighting directly.

It is not by luck that Dongxing can become the new captain of the fight. He can serve as the captain in the battle of the masters. How can he convince those unruly guys without any real kung fu?

In fact, strictly speaking, the eldest brother is not the opponent of Oriental Star, but the eldest brother is more agile and has more experience than Oriental Star, so the two people are very lively, and the situation is evenly matched.

But after a long time, the eldest brother began to fall into the upper hand. Experience can make up for the gap in strength between them in some aspects, but after a long time, the eldest brother still couldn't resist the crazy attack of Oriental Star and began to retreat step by step.

This scene fell into the eyes of the fighting crowd and immediately aroused their cheers.

But before they were happy, the eldest brother somehow cut into the attack of the Oriental Star, broke the attack rhythm of the Oriental Star a few times, and gained the upper hand in the blink of an eye.

Dongfangxing tried several times to take the initiative, but the big brother's attack was so sharp that he could cut at his point, leaving him no chance at all.

Oriental Star could not fight back successfully. The more anxious it was, the more anxious it became, the more chaotic it became. On the contrary, it became more powerless it to fight back.

What kind of vision is the eldest brother? He almost immediately noticed that something went wrong with Dongfangxing, and the speed of action was a little faster, which made Dongfangxing even more tired of dealing with it.

The whole game ended with the big brother chasing Dongfang Xing fiercely. It took only 2 minutes and 30 seconds, even less time than the game between Zhou Ting and Miss, and ended faster.

It's not only the people who are fighting on this side, but also the group of people who are dumbfounded. They don't understand what happened that made the big brother suddenly become so fierce.

Qian Yibo saw that the score on the big screen became 4:3 and sighed helplessly.

He doesn't understand what Dongfangxing is thinking. If he had left the school when he left as the captain of the club, it's okay, but he still stayed in the school and had influence on the club, and the worst thing was that he had to stand up again when the club had a poor record and beat Dongfangxing's unsteady prestige in the minds of the players. Fall.

So this time, Dongfang Star lost not in strength, but in the pressure he brought, and in the imbalance of mentality.

Maybe it's time to let go!

Qian Yibo couldn't help sighing and thinking to his heart.

At this point, the individual game was all over, and the Flying Tigers Club defeated the Fighting Club by 4:3 to win the individual game.

Dongfangxing returned to the rest area of the Fight Club blankly and sat in a chair without saying a word.

Seeing this scene, Qian Yibo shook his head with a bitter smile, thought about it, and walked over.

"Don't think too much. Prepare for the next team game. We still have a chance."

Qian Yibo sat on the chair next to Dongfangxing and gently persuaded him.

Dongfang Xing didn't say anything for a long time, just sat there with his head down, and didn't seem to listen to Qian Yibo's words at all.

Qian Yibo stood up helplessly and was about to leave.

"Captain, I'm sorry..."

The Oriental Star, who had been lowering his head, suddenly muttered a little.

Qian Yibo turned his head and looked at the Oriental Star, nodded, and walked away gently.