Mei Gu Xiancheng

Chapter 53 The voice is whining, like resentment, like crying

"I'm with this!!" Lao Cao is completely speechless. Is this gentleman all right?! Sure enough, there is a mental problem! His wife told him that there were rumors in the inner door that Junyi was really "unbearable" because Junyi was mentally ill, that is, mentally ill.

Lao Cao didn't believe it, but today it seems that he has to believe it! The truth is in front of us! No one comes all night... in the morning... No matter what it is, who doesn't sleep in the middle of the night, runs on the mountain road in the middle of the night, and disturbs people's sleep, just to ask this?

"I'm sorry," Junyi felt very sorry. She pleaded, "I know it's too abrupt. I actually arrived at night and dare not disturb your Shuangxiu. I've been standing outside until now... I really want to know, I really need to know! Please be sure to tell me that this is really important to me."

It's really insane! In the middle of the night, he didn't sleep and came to ask a strange question, and said that it was very important to him... Lao Cao returned a sympathetic look to Junyi and said, "Go back, go back and have a good rest. Stop making trouble."

He said that he was about to close the door, but he was still in a hurry to go back to the quilt to hug his wife!

Unexpectedly, Junyi put his hand in the crack of the door and clamped her hand when closing the door, but the door could not be closed. Looking at Junyi, who would not shrink his hand even if he clipped the handle in front of him, Lao Cao was helpless: "What on earth are you going to do?"

"I just want to know the answer to the question," Junyi said, "Please."

"I don't have any answer!" Old Cao was so angry that he lowered his voice and said, "You are crazy! What are you talking about?! Don't let go of me again!"

Old Cao has a bad temper when he is in a hurry to hug his wife. No matter how noisy it is, it will disturb him to kiss his wife to sleep. Kiss his wife is very hard tonight... Besides, he really has no answer. He has never thought about this question, and how can he answer Jun Yi's question? If he has to answer it, there is only that mysterious "life" It's doomed.

At this moment, a fist hit Lao Cao mercilessly and hit him directly against the wall. The whole wooden house trembled. "The girl asked, just say you would die!"

Lao Cao's wife woke up, punched Lao Cao from the bedroom, opened the door and said to Junyi, "Girl, come in. My family just owes a beating. I'll be honest after a beating!"

"Wife, I'm not dishonest..." Lao Cao was wronged and asked a strange question. He really doesn't know where to start. "Kiss my wife, go back to sleep quickly and don't catch a cold!"

His wife kicked her over again: "Dare to take care of my mother!"

Lao Cao: "Wow..."

Lao Cao's wife somewhat understands the king's will. As soon as she is born, she is taken back to practice for a person and live for a person. The whole meaning of life lies in the designated person. Why is the beginning the same, but the final ending is so different??

Junyi was ruthlessly abandoned. Of course, she wanted to know why she was abandoned, but Lao Cao's wife did not. Why was the same origin, the same personality, the same ordinary appearance, and even she was ruthlessly abandoned. She was also said to be her own fault, which made people "unbearable" But Lao Cao's wife didn't. What's good is Lao Cao's wife so that Lao Cao can stay together all the time.

What's the problem?

Lao Cao's wife sighed, "Sister, I told you, you just can't listen. You just met the wrong person. It's so simple."

"Really?" Junyi still can't listen. That's probably what the so-called authorities are obsessed with. "He said I can't stand it, so I want to know what's wrong with me. How on earth did you keep your father-in-law?"

Junyi's voice was a little choked. Yes, she didn't keep Mingzhen's brother. Why? She worked so hard, and she really worked hard... Especially after Sister Bing came, she really tried to make herself better and gentler, and didn't let Mingzhen have much contact with Sister Bingwei, but in Mingzhen's eyes, there was still more and more undisguised disgust day by day. If it was to lose her temper. In the end, Brother Mingzhen couldn't stand it, but Lao Cao's wife was not too much. Why could Lao Cao tolerate her and really liked her?

Why on earth? Has anyone come to tell her?

"Girl, why can't you hear me!!" Lao Cao's wife was also annoyed. She raised her foot and gave Junyi a kick and kicked Junyi to the ground, but she didn't kick it hard. Her cultivation really kicked hard. Junyi had a few bones all over her body, and she hung up at that time.

"I..." The cloak fell down, and Junyi hurriedly covered the cloak.

"Oh..." After all, they are poor people. They are all women. Lao Cao's wife softened her heart and turned her head and kicked Lao Cao fiercely. When she calmed down a little, she said angrily to Lao Cao, "Have you solved this woman for me?"

"Oh~~~" Lao Cao screamed and answered, "Yes! Yes! I'm going to kill her! Buried under the newly planted grapes in the backyard, it's just a good fertilizer!"

"Who told you to kill her!" Lao Cao's wife kicked her hard again, "You answer her question and answer her well until she is satisfied."

"Woo-woo... Let her kill me..." Lao Cao cried, "I really don't know!"

"If you don't know, just think about it!" Lao Cao's wife has another kick.

"Yes, I think, my wife told me that I can think of it even if I can't think of it!" Lao Cao quickly flattered his wife, lay on the ground holding his wife's leg and kissed her calf. He stood up with grin in pain and said fiercely to Junyi, "You madman! What exactly are you going to ask? If it hadn't been for my good wife, I would have chopped you up as a flower fat!"

"Think about it, what nonsense are you talking about!" Lao Cao's wife is another kick!

"Ouch~~~" Lao Cao screamed repeatedly, "It's really nothing. I never thought about it. That year, the master brought you back and told me, 'Xiao Cao, look, this is your wife.' You are my good wife. I'm your husband. That's it. What do you want me to think? What do I think about... Ouch!!! Ah~~~ hiss~~~"

Lao Cao's wife pulled out her belt from her waist and said, "It seems that it is good for you to think. Go and tie yourself up with a rope!"

"Don't...woo..." Lao Cao was wronged to death. "My attitude is good. I really think about it. It's really that she can't listen. Didn't you say that she is unscrupulous when she meets people, but it's true that the boy has no conscience. What can she do if she can't listen to this psychopath? There is no reason for this, woo-woo... Wife, kiss my wife..."

Is the question strange? Junyi pondered, maybe he really asked the wrong question.

"Lao Cao, could you please tell me about what happened to you back then?" Junyi said, "What did you think when your wife first came here?"

"At that time..." Lao Cao said. Recalling the past, he immediately grinned and smiled stupidly. "At that time, I was just seven years old. That day happened to be my birthday. The master came back from outside and held a * in his arms. At first, I didn't know it was a little doll. At that time, I had been practicing on the mountain. I haven't seen it. It's really a bag of candy..."

"You treat me like candy!!" Lao Cao's wife kicked in.

"No, no! Wife..." Lao Cao was anxious at that time, "Kiss your wife, don't worry! Don't be angry! Isn't that my birthday? I thought the master would bring candy back..."

Lao Cao's wife kicked her fiercely and scolded, "I'm still candy!"

"Ouch! ~~~" Lao Cao was kicked and shouted quickly, "You are the best candy I have ever received in my life!!"

His wife kicked halfway and stopped when she heard the words. She was quite satisfied with the answer. Finally, a smile appeared at the corners of her mouth: "I will say sweet words..."

When Lao Cao's whole body was kicked over, Junyi suddenly dodged aside to avoid the airman.

She stepped back a few steps to keep her distance. Lao Cao scolded her for being insane. In her opinion, Lao Cao's spirit is abnormal. Every day, when she is beaten as a sandbag, she performs flying people in the air from time to time. She also likes his wife to die. She loves her wife's cold and hot, and she eats fish to thorns! Hello!

Obviously, he is a very civil and introd person. When he is with his wife, he is the most disgusting, and he also calls "my wife" and "my wife" endlessly. What's wrong with this?

A whole masochist, for sure!

"Sister, don't always beat Lao Cao, you can't finish this..." Junyi pleaded. The key is, if you continue to fight like this, does Lao Cao still have the order to answer his own questions?

"Well, I won't fight for the time being." Lao Cao's wife rested on the bench, and Lao Cao quickly got up and poured tea.

Sure enough, she was a psychopath... Junyi didn't understand at all. Seeing that Lao Cao loved his wife, he once again affirmed the speculation in his heart that she did not keep Mingzhen's brother and was finally abandoned and insulted because - she did not turn Mingzhen into a psychopath and masochist! - If this reason was abandoned by Mingzhen, she would It is acceptable.

"What happened later?" Junyi asked, "Later, did you like her when you were a child?"

"I like it, of course I like it," Lao Cao cracked his mouth and giggled, "How cute it was to kiss my wife at that time..."

Bum! He was kicked for saying something wrong and flew in the air once.

"Isn't my mother cute now?" Lao Cao's wife.

"Wow, at that time, my wife's little face was chubby, and the meat on both sides bulged out and flushed. Everyone said it was a beautiful girl..."

Bum! He was kicked for saying something wrong and flew in the air once.

"Isn't I beautiful now?" Lao Cao's wife.

After avoiding the flying Lao Cao again, you thought: If you have failed, you should take it out to ask.

"Why don't you Lao Cao, shall we go out and talk about it? Let the elder sister rest at home. You are going to try.

Bum! Lao Cao was kicked when he said something wrong, and Lao Cao was kicked and flew in the air once.

"What do you want to say behind my back! Speak ill of my mother!!" Lao Cao's wife.

Junyi was helpless: "Then the eldest sister, don't always beat Lao Cao, or you can't finish it."

The ground is really... too violent. I really don't know how Lao Cao put up with it. Junyi really can't stand it. If Junyi is Lao Cao, he will leave in minutes! It's not a big deal in this world now!