Mei Gu Xiancheng

Chapter 54 The voice is whining, like resentment, like crying

Junyi was helpless: "Then the eldest sister, don't always beat Lao Cao, or you can't finish it."

The ground is really... too violent. I really don't know how Lao Cao put up with it. Junyi really can't stand it. If Junyi is Lao Cao, he will leave in minutes! It's not a big deal in this world now!


In a word, among the flying people in the air, Junyi finally reluctantly listened to the story of Cao and his wife in those years. At the beginning, the master chose the double cultivation * and took over the baby *. Even if the double cultivation partner in this life is set, the beginning is almost the same. Mingzhen carefully took over the baby Jun. Yes, Lao Cao was scared when he took over his wife, because he thought it was a bag of sugar, but he didn't expect to be a crying "little man", which scared him to death.

Later, they grew up together. Lao Cao also said that his wife liked to bite his fingers when she was a child. She had no teeth and didn't feel painful, but felt special... "I feel very 'special'" Lao Cao's original words were so. The cute little man, at the thought of such a cute little man was his wife, Xiao Cao was happy at that time. The ground giggles (of course, he is also laughing happily now, and this slip of the tongue caused another flying man in the air again).

"Later, your wife's cultivation of fire spiritual power became different, didn't it?" You are going to ask.

"Well," Lao Cao nodded, but he didn't dare to sigh. He was afraid of being beaten again. The painful memories began. "After his wife practiced the spiritual power of the fire system, she had poisonous sores. The master said that the body was excluded. At the beginning, the cultivation of the fire system was soon, but it had not been good. Later, we analyzed that it was the wrong skill, but It's too late, and the foundation has been wrong. I took the risk to change my skills, but I still can't. My wife suffered to death, all because of me..."

"She has been like this from the beginning?" Junyi was a little surprised. This mistake was not small. He began to have poison sores from the beginning. How many years have he suffered? Moreover, children, especially little girls, are the most beautiful. Who dares to play with Lao Cao's wife? It must be very lonely and depressed.

"Yes... I'm not good..."

"Is it your fault!!" Lao Cao's wife kicked again, "It's also the master's fault. What kind of broken skill has been chosen by thousands of people!"

"It's risky to cultivate immortals. My wife can't blame the master." Lao Cao rarely said back, "This skill is indeed faster than other practices."

"I don't understand," Junyi asked Lao Cao, "She has changed her appearance. Do you still like her?"

"I like it!" Lao Cao did not hesitate.

"But has her personality changed? No longer the little girl with a bulging face and doesn't hurt when you bite your fingers. Do you still like her?

"I like it! Why don't you like it?" Lao Cao still did not hesitate.

Junyi shook her head and said that she was puzzled: "But why do you still like it? I like one person, but I like the appearance or the character of Ta. People are nothing more than internal and external, internal personality quality, external appearance, appearance, and personality quality are also different. In fact, he is no longer the original person. Why do you still like it?

"Why can't I understand," Lao Cao didn't understand. "What are you talking about?"

"It's like this bench," Junyi took the bench in the room as an example. "When you were beaten, you broke all four stool legs and replaced it with a new stool leg the next day. Is it still the original stool?"

"Yes." Old Cao Dao.

"Then if the stool surface is folded the next day and replaced with a new stool surface, a stool, nothing more than the stool leg stool surface, these have been changed, can you tell me that it is still the original stool?"

"This..." Lao Cao and his wife are lost in thought. No, this bench has changed its legs and surface countless times, but they have never thought about this problem - is it still the original stool?

The world is capricious, the vicissitudes of life will change, and people will change even more. So, if the appearance and personality change, is it still the original person? If you are no longer the original person, what else do you like?

Lao Cao's wife was also stunned. She looked at the bench opposite and muttered, "I'm not the original one? What do you like about me? ......โ€

Lao Cao instinctively shrank and thought that his wife was going to kick over again, but there was no expected abuse. His wife sat like that and looked at the bench distraction. In an instant, something that supported his body was drained. His whole body was decadent, and the thing that was drained was called self-confidence.

Lao Cao took his wife's hand and said to Junyi, "Sister, you seem to be right to say that, but you missed something."

"What is it?" You are going to ask.

"Emotions, people have feelings." Lao Cao looked into his wife's eyes and recalled, "I also hesitated a few days before I wanted to marry my own wife (probably premarital phobia haha). Thinking of living with my own wife for a lifetime, I was suddenly scared. My master called me over and told me what I would never forget in my life. He said, 'Cao Bin, in addition to love, there is another thing called responsibility; in addition to responsibility, there is also a thing called affection. If you feel that you really can't live, the master won't force you, but if you are reluctant to give up, don't think too much about treating her wholeheartedly. This is your life. It's your choice.'"

"Responsibility and affection..." Junyi muttered.

"Yes, at that time, I thought that my wife began to hold her, and her life was my responsibility. Besides, I still have feelings for more than ten years of raising a puppy. What's more, my wife is already a part of my life and can't give up. No matter what she becomes, she is a part of my life."

"Is this the division of responsibility and affection... Hey..." Junyi muttered and sighed for a long time.

Lao said, "My own wife said that you are not good at people, and you always can't listen to them. In fact, that's it. Some people in the world are affectionate, and some people are sometimes not sentimental; some people have a gray-headed mood, and some people abandon all the way to pursue better. Although it's not good to speak ill of people behind their backs, it's really wrong to do this matter. It's him who's sorry for you. It's not your fault.

"Isn't it wrong for me?" You said.


"I just can't accept why Brother Mingzhen did that to me," Junyi recalled, "I abandoned me in front of so many people at the wedding and slandered me so that he couldn't stand it, and then..."

"How's it?" Lao Cao asked.

Junyi realized that he had leaked the beans and hurriedly said, "It's okay. Thank you. I'm leaving."

She left quietly after saying that.

The wooden door squeaked and closed. Lao Cao's wife came to her senses from thinking and depression, almost pulled Cao's ear 180 degrees, and scolded, "Do you dare to think about marry me or not!" You don't want to marry me! ......โ€

Junyi has gone a long way and can still hear Lao Cao's pain: "Ah! Ah! Honey, please forgive me... I know it's wrong... Ah... Ah... It's all in the past. I swear I haven't thought about it since then. It's not that I forgot to mention it today... Ouch... Ah... Ah! Ah ah! ...I shouldn't have mentioned"

I thought I was hung up and beaten again. This beating must not be light. Jun Yi said silently in his heart: Lao Cao, I'm sorry for you.


In the bamboo forest, X was dressed in white, and the morning sun shone on him. From afar, he dizzled his body. The breeze blew and his clothes floated. I don't know when he had an extra hole flute in his hand. He cut a section of bamboo while waiting for Junyi. The tool was "borrowed" from Lao Cao's house.

He leaned on the bamboo and blew it, his voice was like resentment, like crying like complaining, and the lingering sound was endless.

Junyi walked to him and said indifferently, "Let's go."

"You cry," x put down the flute and said, "It's better to vent."

"Why should I cry?" You said lightly.

Because I know that you have suffered too many grievances, because I know too many things and it's too tired to be in my heart, because no one knows the pain in your heart, because I specially made a hole to create a sad atmosphere for you...

For all the real reasons, X looked at Junyi and didn't say anything after all. Suddenly, he smiled and took out a pile of wine, "Why don't you drink?"

The wine was also borrowed from the old Cao family.

"Good." Inexplicably, you agreed.

The wine brewed by the old Cao family is easy to get drunk. Junyi didn't eat and drink on an empty stomach all night, and got drunk after holding a few bites of the wine jar.

"Isn't it really my problem?" Junyi said, two lines of tears slipped from her cheeks, dripping down, and fell into the earth silently.

"It really shouldn't be." X eavesdropped - no, - eavesdropped on their conversation. Still eavesdropping.)

"Then why? Why did Brother Mingzhen do that to me... He is obviously the best person to me, and he should be the best person to me..."

"You are unlucky." X channel.

"Why... We have so many good memories and have been working together. He also helped me with the crime of stealing elixir when I was a child... Why did he become like this... How could he become like this... How could he do this to me? ......Woo..."

Junyi cried, from silent crying to choking, and then to crying. After drinking, she said everything. She had a lot of bitter water to say, but her bitter words could no longer be expressed. Only crying could be accurately expressed. The empty bamboo forest was full of her sad crying.

After Mingzhen said "unbearable" at the wedding, people looked at her with tinted glasses, felt that she was strange, and even felt that she was mentally ill, and no one knew and no one cared about her suffering.

Junyi also told himself that it was okay. Every day, he said to himself in his heart, "It's okay, I can survive". After a long time, it seems that it's really okay.

But those sufferings are still in the deepest part of her memory, which makes her breathless.

It's just that no one knows and no one cares.

Xuguang hugged her, let her lean on her shoulder, patted her on the back, and whispered in the distance: "Please, don't wipe your nose with my clothes..."


Junyi cried in his arms, cried for a long time and fell asleep, woke up and cried again... Finally, he fell asleep and occasionally choked in his dream.

At noon, Qingru was ordered to find the deacon Junyi who did not appear to do anything. She found that she was sleeping in ** and could not wake up for a long time. There were tears in the corners of her eyes sliding down the pillow, and the pillow was wet.

At night, Qingru, Tongchang and others living in a courtyard heard the sound of depression in Junyi's house. Their voices were sobbing, like resentment, crying like complaining, and the remaining sound was endless.