Mei Gu Xiancheng

Chapter 62 The Power of Cultivation Seeds and We Dig

Chapter 62 The Power of the Seed of Cultivation and We Dig

"So that's it. No wonder these tombstones are not engraved with names." Junyi finally understood, but after thinking about it, he didn't understand. "Actually, you should hand over the famous post when you worship the mountain. Our Xiaoyao faction is not so stingy that they are not even willing to engrave a name."

"Ha," Chao Lu smiled and said, "You still don't understand. It's all like this. This is to avoid the deceased having powerful masters, relatives or friends. In case you see it, you will avenge them. If you don't engrave your name, you will have a lot less trouble."

"Oh..." Junyi nodded as if she didn't understand. It sounded that there were a lot of things in it. She really didn't know what to say in this nameless cemetery, so she could only say lightly, "I'm not small anymore."

"Ha," he smiled kindly and stretched out his hand to touch Junyi's head, but he was worried that he would stain Junyi's hair and put it down. He met Junyi once when he was a child, and he always felt that Junyi was still the child who peed his pants.

Junyi saw his hand stretched out and put it down, so he took the initiative to take his hand and said, "Fore, I'll help you up. Let's dig and see if we can dig the spiritual vein."

"Oh, okay, okay, what a good girl." Chaolu held Junyi's hand tightly. No one treated him so well for a long time and took the initiative to hold his hand. There were no tears in his empty eyes to show excitement, only the warm feeling in his heart was so real.

However, Chaolu is still worried about digging spiritual veins: "All the powerful practitioners in your sect have come to see that they can't be dug out. I'm afraid they can't do it."

"Yes," Junyi felt that it could be dug through. She believed in Xuguang. Since Xuguang took her to jump off the cliff to dig, it must be done, but she still had to worry about Chaolu's idea. "Fore, seniors have not dug through for so many years, we also want to try it. Maybe we are lucky. In case we are lucky enough to dig through, we will use it together."

Fore, Chaolu shook his head and said, "I have never dug. According to the regulations, the spiritual veins in the Xiaoyao School are all Xiaoyao School. I am not a disciple of the Xiaoyao School. I can't dig them. I still want to ask, are you approved to dig the spiritual veins here? You Xiaoyao faction should have rules. Digging spiritual veins should be approved, and you can't have spiritual veins privately. If you find spiritual veins, you need to report them.

Junyi was stunned. After that, how could he meet such a well-behaved person? He actually has a superior spiritual vein for decades without digging at all. Such a well-behaved person will not expose their "evil deeds"?

"You're not going to talk about it, are you? Don't be so serious, do you? Xuguang said to him with a smile.

Junyi thought that Chaolu would really say righteously and awe-inspiringly that he was going to expose it. Unexpectedly, he shook his head and said, "Since it is the resources of your free school, it is in line with the rules no matter how your disciples of the free school dig it. As for who will dig it, it is also your own business. Besides," he took a look at the smiling Xuguang, "if I move a little to expose, you will kill me immediately, right?"

"Ha ha, what's the matter? It may make you sleep for a while." But this "a while" may always be that long.

Junyi unconsciously took a step back and looked at Xuguang, who was still smiling. She really didn't understand this person. How can a person have so many faces, but none of them is sincere. At this moment, this person's smile is cold, cold eyes and cold eyebrows, full of murderous spirit, ruthless, domineering and cruel...

What Junyi doesn't understand is that such a person believes unconditionally. Why does she believe in him? She really doesn't understand. It may be the sincerity she can occasionally feel, the warmth, seriousness, and reliable sincerity, and even sometimes feels that he is very considerate. I don't know why, Junyi is to believe that he is the real him, and this is the true temperament he always hides.

"What do you want?" Xu Guang is very sharp and has a strong insight as always.

Fore, he couldn't see any emotion in his empty eyes. He went to another grave, reached out and groped for the wordless tombstone, and said firmly, "If you can dig through, I want to use it first, just one day. When you run out, I will plead with the Xiaoyao faction and let your Xiaoyao faction punish you.

"Yes." Xuguang nodded and made a deal.

The problem has been solved here, and the next question is how to dig.

"What should I do?" Junyi looked at Xuguang and knew that there must be a way, waiting for him to take out a magic weapon.

Xuguang saw through her thoughts, shrugged his shoulders and spread out his hands and said, "I didn't expect it for the time being."

He doesn't seem to be joking. Looking at his careless look, Junyi really can't hold back his fire: "I didn't expect you to pull me here?"

"Pila come here and think about it together." Xuguang took it for granted, "Three stinking generals, against Zhuge Liang, the three of us must have a way to think together."

Junyi nodded and thought so. He found the spiritual vein, and he also jumped on the cliff. He can't always let him work hard, and he can also make some strength. Otherwise, what is the meaning of his existence? Why don't he find someone to do double repair as a partner?

First, look for the source of Reiki. Junyi found that the source was under the coffin. There was already a hole the size of a person on the ground. He thought it was dug by the predecessors who came to explore many years ago. After the Spring Festival, the hole was buried a lot by soil. The mouth of the hole was covered with coffins, and then dug some. Junyi's body The material can just drill into the hole and find that the four walls below are three sides of earth, and one side is vaguely exposed to the rock inside. If you look carefully, you can find that there is a gap in the rock, thinking that the aura is washed through the crack of the rock.

This is a cemetery where people are occasionally buried. There is no shortage of shovels and so on, but no one will be stupid enough to think that the shovel can dig out the hard rocks that explosives can't explode. Junyi tried it with a sharp dagger that was quenched with him. When there was a crisp sound, the dagger and rocks burst out countless golden flowers, and the dagger was folded into two halves. Junyi's tiger The mouth also cracked and bled, leaving only a shallow mark on the rock.

Xiaoyao sent to survey and say that it can't be dug, and what they said makes sense. The rocks here have been essenced by Reiki all year round and have become an indestructible treasure for ordinary knives and guns. If it is obtained from the secular world, it is also a valuable weapon material.

The rock is very big, and it is hard to imagine whether it will be a whole rock as big as a mountain. Maybe it is as big as a continent (junyi's brain is a little tough). Anyway, it is impossible to pry open by force.

After a while, Junyi found some hollow vines and wanted to stuff them in the cracks and attract aura. Unfortunately, the gaps were too small to be stuffed in at all, and he was also worried that the vines would plug the cracks, so there was no chance to sing at all.

"Well, it's a little brainy to think of attracting spiritual power," Xuguang said sarcastic things. Although he also thought about this method, he still wants to say sarcastic words. "But please observe the size of the gap, your eyes can't see anything. Such a little stone, I will only take out my real ability, but I'm afraid that the noise will attract attention. Those rules of your free school are really annoying, in case..."

Junyi also ignored him lying on the ground and babbling. All his words were directly blocked. Junyi dug around the cave a little and found that there were many bamboo shoot roots coiled here, some of which had buds. I thought a bamboo that would emerge every day came from here.

"Bud..." Looking at the Xuguang inside from the small hole, he seemed to think of something.

Suddenly, a flash of inspiration flashed, and Junyi also thought of it. She looked at Xuguang, chose a healthy and very small bud from the wall of the cave, carefully stuffed it into the crack of the rock, and stuffed the gap with a little soil and a little water. Because the gap was very small, Junyi made it for a long time, but in fact, it only stuffed a few drops. .

The next step is to wait.

"Can it work?" Junyi is a little worried.

"The power of seeds is amazing." Xuguang is full of confidence.

It will take a day for the spiritual power to rush to come. It will be dawn in a few hours. Junyi feels that he can only go back first and come back tomorrow.

For the first time, Chaolu said, "Don't worry, I'll watch it. If it succeeds, I will definitely not swallow it. I will wait for you to come."

The method of using seeds is not difficult to think of. For the way, Chaolu doesn't think about it. Just because he is not a disciple of the Xiaoyao faction, he has been sitting on the spiritual vein for decades and does not dig. He only waits for an opportunity to make a request for only one day. His character is absolutely trustworthy.

"Okay," said Junyi, "I'm sorry to trouble you."

Xuguang winked at the dew: "If it grows a little, you can eat it. Don't let it make the gap too big to attract attention."

Fore.g., he nodded to Lu to show his understanding.

Xuguang used wooden spiritual power to send the young bud bud of the bamboo deeper and did some maintenance on it. He thought that the wooden spiritual power directly promoted it, but once it did not succeed. Junyi was afraid of being anxious but persuaded him to give up. Then he played with stones and branches for a long time. According to him, he set up a psychedelic gossip array to let People don't pay attention to this. He has dabbled in a wide range of knowledge and learned, and he even knows such a remote thing as gossip array.

Junyi thought for a moment and shook his head: "No, there is no 300 taels of silver here."

"That's right," Xuguang kicked off a stone that had just been moved, which made it a little difficult. "But what if the aura overflows and attracts attention?"

"It should be able to block it with a coffin," Junyi thought, "If it really doesn't work, it can only..."

"What can I do?" Xuguang and Qi Chaolu both looked at her and asked.

"You can only eat hard." Your intention seems to be in a dilemma.



All three of them laughed. This is a wealth that is more than a windfall. At this moment, they are about to get it, and everyone is very excited. For the first time, Chaolu touched the nameless tombstone and looked forward to it.


How powerful is a seed? It's definitely much bigger than she could imagine. In the past two years, when she took the task of killing monsters, you had a problem with mung bean sprouts. She stayed curiously for two days and didn't even care about the monsters walking around arrogantly nearby. She saw that the women of the farmer who were neatly sprouted would press a large basin on the soaked mung beans. Fill it with water. After a day or two, the mung bean sprouts will grow together and use their big heads to push up the basin full of water.

There is no doubt that the power of a seed can rise to the mountain.

The bud of the bamboo did not disappoint them. When they came the next day, the cracks in the rock had become much bigger. Although a small bamboo was not very good-looking and somewhat deformed, it grew tenaciously from the cracks. They could even hear the muffled sound of rock moving from the cracks in the rock. It was this bamboo. In the rooted sound, with the spiritual power catalysis of Xuguang, it got a pure spiritual power. At this moment, it instinctively took root desperately towards the source of spiritual power to reach the spiritual power over there.

The rock gap looks a few the size of the outside. In fact, many places inside are smaller than the tip of the needle. The roots of bamboo have been stubbornly rooted all the way and finally opened the gap a little.

"It's okay." Xuguang quickly controlled the growth of bamboo with wooden spiritual power and pulled it out. Because the root was too tight, it wasted a lot of effort to get it out. Fortunately, Xuguang has wooden spiritual power, and it really can't be done without wooden spiritual power.

Digging spiritual veins is the most taboo to be greedy. If it is too cruel, it is easy to collapse and crack. What's more, Junyi are "secretly" digging, let alone too hastily. Even if it is slower, it will be less, and if it is less, a greed will be abandoned.

Junyi watched Xuguang get the bamboo out. She didn't know that she looked at him and smiled. Maybe this is the reason why she could believe this pervert who was promiscuous and unknown. No matter what his face was performing, he was absolutely reliable at the critical moment, just like he stood in front of Junyi and fought with the demon at the first sight. The female practitioners of the clan will also protect the king, just like his not greedy now...