Mei Gu Xiancheng

Chapter 63 Pure Version of Liang Zhu and the First Close Contact

Junyi watched Xuguang get the bamboo out. She didn't know that she looked at him and smiled. Maybe this is the reason why she could believe this pervert who was promiscuous and unknown. No matter what his face was performing, he was absolutely reliable at the critical moment, just like he stood in front of Junyi and fought with the demon at the first sight. The female practitioners of the clan will also protect the king, just like his not greedy now...

A little gap is enough. If there is a trace of aura flowing, Junyi quickly pulls the coffin to cover it so that the aura gathered in this small hole can't escape. Junyi dug some of the other three sides to accommodate the three of them.

At the beginning, he agreed with Chaolu that he would spend a day first. He dug out a coffin from the wordless tombstone he often touched. The body in the coffin was completely rotten, and only the bones were left. For the same time, Chaolu said to the bones, "Little brother, I'm sorry to offend you." He groped to put away the bones and held them into the hole, and put together the bones in the hole into a skeleton.

"Foreign, what are you doing?" Junyi is dumbfounded. What kind of ceremony is this?

"I..., this is my little brother," Chaolu stretched out his hand to touch the bones, but when he thought of something, his hand reached into the air but stopped and sighed, "I have been thinking over the years that I can resurrect maybe the role of the spiritual vein here, so I want my brother to be contaminated with the aura here, maybe he can also resurrect. "

Your little brother is already a bone... Junyi opened his mouth to say, but he opened his mouth but didn't say it. After all, he really can't bear to break other people's hopes, even if his hopes are so unrealistic.

Xuguang looked at the bone carefully and pointed to the pelvic bone and said, "This bone is relatively small and the pelvic bone is large. It should be a woman." In detail, he analyzed, "There is a half-moon-shaped gap in the hand bone, which should be a fight wound, injured by a crescent or a round weapon..."

For Zhaolu listened to his words, grabbed the rags on his body to cover the bones, and said in a panic: "Don't look at it if you are rude, don't look at it if you are rude..."

In fact, there is no "rudeness" when a pair of bones are seen by others. The current world is different from before. Living and fleshy women can be exposed, and their good bodies have to show off. There have been few people who have observed those etiquette for a long time.

Junyi's gossip cell has been greatly activated. He came over and handed his blouse to Chaolu, and then asked carefully, "Forelder, she is your sweetheart, but you just said that she is your brother..."

"Brother, what's wrong with you girls? Your mind is full of love. Is there only the love of men and women in the world?! Ah!" For the first time, Chaolu suddenly said urgently, "We had a good talk and travel together. At first, I didn't know she was a woman. I knew it occasionally, and she didn't know that I was a woman. We are brothers!"

There is a story in it... What are you worried about? Obviously, the so-called explanation is to cover up, and cover up is to have a story...

Junyi loves to listen to stories.

"What happened later?" Junyi asked, "Have you proposed marriage? Do you have 18 miles to send it? Do you have a double repair together? ......”

"Do not talk nonsense!" Hearing Shuangxiu say angrily, "Why are you such a shameless girl that you can say the word Shuangxiu!"

It seems that we are still in the stage of secret love.

Junyi pulled her cloak down and spit out her tongue secretly. She not only said it, but also practiced it with a person namelessly. What's the matter? Naturally, etiquette and rules should be observed, but it's too rigid to follow the rules like Chaolu? Just now, it seems that he still abides by the rules of "male and female intimidation" for a pair of bones. This man is too disciplined to make him a rule-abiding moral specimen.

For Zhaolu also regrets his personality: "If I dug up the spiritual vein after I came back to life, maybe my brother can be resurrected..."

Fore, it took Chaolu a year to wake up. When he woke up, his eyes were no longer visible. It took him a year to survive in the darkness without light. Later, he finally came into contact with the disciples of the Xiaoyao faction. It took another two years to get the trust of the Xiaoyao faction to release him out of prison and let him here. After living, he asked the person talking to him where his brother was buried. The man kindly took him to touch it. From then on, he remembered the location of his brother's tomb. The wordless tombstone had been touched by him.

Later, he tried to put his brother in his coffin, thinking that the coffin that revived him might be able to resurrect his brother, but there was no miracle. Many years later, his brother's bones were only rotten with skeletons... In fact, he also knew that people who had died for many years could not be resurrected, but he could not give up hope, and And he himself came back from the dead. Maybe a miracle will happen again?

Except for the two years of being held in the cell by the Xiaoyao faction, he has been staying here for decades, not far away. Occasionally, he is worried about whether there is a wolf coming to take away the little brother's body, whether there is a mouse, whether there is loneliness or fear... Worried that some of these things, he becomes breathless as soon as he leaves here, no Looking for those who didn't get it, he simply appointed himself as a gravekeeper here and took care of all the unnamed graves here.

The little brother has never been resurrected, and he gradually gave up. He only stayed like this, unaware of the sun and the moon, and did not pity the time.

Junyi and Xuguang came to dig spiritual veins, and he ignited a little hope again.

Maybe a strong aura can bring brothers back to life!

Xuguang listened to Chaolu's memories, noticed a broken rope wrapped around his fingers, and asked, "Did your brother give you anything?"

"Before she came to the Xiaoyao School to challenge, she picked up a stone and made a necklace for me to put it on. The little brother joked that it was a magic weapon and asked me to wear it well," said, "It was originally hanging around my neck. I don't know where I lost it after I was resurrected, leaving only this thread. Although I have been well in the past few decades, I have been well kept it. Storage, the thread is also rotten and broken. There is only such a small cut. I wrapped it around my finger and left a memory.

"I'm afraid your brother didn't finish laughing." Xuguang said that he had long suspected that Chaolu had any magic weapon to bring back to life, but it was not easy to ask, but now when he saw that he didn't seem to know how he was resurrected, and he thought of the lack of the shape of the moon buds in the upper half of his "little brother's" hand bones, and he couldn't help thinking of a natural history he saw.

"Isn't it a joke? ...What did you say..." For Chaolu asked, he vaguely felt the clue of the matter.

"Yes, what's going on?" Junyi asked anxiously, and she was more anxious to know than Chaolu.

"It is said that there is a treasure exiled in the fairyland in the ancient southern country that can bring people back to life. As a result, the treasure of the ancient southern country was destroyed, but no one has ever seen this treasure." Xuguang Road.

"Ancient South? Is it possible that the elder's brother is from Gunan, who has the treasure of rebirth from the dead and finally gave this treasure to the senior? Junyi extreme brain tonic.

Xuguang nodded: "Yes, it is very likely that there is a sacrificial ceremony in ancient South China. Men and women who have just come of age will cut off a piece of their own flesh and sacrifice to the god of the moon at the coming-of-age ceremony. The god of the moon will bless them no matter where they are, their souls will return to their homeland after death. The gap left on the skeleton hand bone is very similar to the sacrificial shovel painted in the natural history.

"Impossible... It's just an ordinary stone. I watched her pick it up on the bank of the river..." For the case, Chaolu can't accept this inference. If Xuguang is right, it is that his "little brother" left him the hope of life, which is equivalent to exchanging her life for his life!

Xuguang shook his head again and affirmed, "I'm afraid she is too precious. I don't want it. I deliberately picked it up for you. Maybe it was thrown there early in the morning. If I guess correctly, this resurrection treasure is a spiritual stone engraved with the resurrection array, and it is indeed likely to be a treasure flowing down from the fairyland."

"" For example, looking at the moon with empty eyes, bending the moon is like the gap in his "little brother's arm. In fact, he can't see the moon, and there are no tears in his empty eyes, but he is still used to looking at the sky like this and not letting tears flow down.


"For stone, this one is the hardest and smelliest and most suitable for you. Come on, let me make a necklace for you."

The sun was shining that day, and the smile of the "little brother" turned around after picking up the stone was brighter than the light from the branches. He originally wanted to say, "It's not right for a man to wear a necklace." But under the bright smile of the "little brother", he couldn't say a word and looked at her stunned.

"For stone, what are you thinking about? It's really like a stone, hehe..." She put her necklace on tiptoe and found that he looked at herself in a frenance.

"You're so beautiful...not..." For the first time, Chaolu noticed that he had lost his words, and his dark face suddenly turned red. He hurriedly said, "I'm not saying that the little brother is good-looking. How can a man say that he is good-looking? I mean... I mean, this stone is beautiful, this stone is beautiful..."

"Good-looking, let me tell you, it is not only good-looking, but also a baby." She is mysterious.

"Why is it a baby?" For Chaolu, isn't it just picked up by the river?

She blew up gently and said playfully, "Well, look, I blew the fairy spirit up. With my fairy spirit, it is a treasure. Maybe one day it can save your life. For like that, you can't pick the stone when you wear it. I made it so hard."

"I won't pick it." For the way out.

She gently blew on Chaolu's heart, blowing up the ripples in his heart. He looked at her obsessively and held the stone.

What are you looking at? What a stone, so...wood!"

"What is a stone?"

"I ignore you, you swear not to take it off."

"I swear..."

"This stone is worthy of you. You are all stones." She picked up the stone on his chest and looked at it. Her little finger touched his chest and felt his wildly masculine heartbeat.

Then, both of them blushed.


"Little brother, what's your name?"

"I won't tell you. I'll tell you when you come home with me."


"What's good? Do you understand? Say whatever you say, Stone!"


They died and were buried.

The "stone" on his chest sensed the disappearance of his vital signs little by little. Just as a pure water and wood aura was rushed over, and the magic array in the stone automatically started and began to save his life as much as possible.

This magic array is really powerful. Only Reiki can operate without spiritual power, but there are too few auras that can only be used once a day. It took 365 times a year to wake up to make Chaolu wake up. Unfortunately, it collapsed into sand before he could cure his physical disability.


"I have decided that I want to practice. I want to go to the fairyland. The stones flowing out of the fairyland can bring people back to life. There must be a way to resurrect the little brother!" For the way out.