Mei Gu Xiancheng

Chapter 69 Registration for Physical Examination and Blood Test Monster

There are only two elders Jin and bronze elders in the large council hall outside the Xiaoyao faction.

"What's wrong with Junyi's deacon's cultivation? The file records that she practiced the fire system and refined the five-fold heavens, but now it seems that she is obviously the water system, and it seems that her cultivation is not high. Does Elder Jin know what's going on? The copper elder asked.

"It seems that... something has happened." Elder Jin vaguely said that he was a source of some sources. I heard that Junyi was wrongly lured his brother to abolish himself to show his innocence, but he did not intend to tell Elder Tong, because Qi Yunzi, as their master, obviously chose to abandon the king's will and keep this matter secret. Since Qi Yunzi decided to keep it secret, he would have violated it any more. Some unspoken rules have been reversed.

Elder Tong is not a person who cares about the truth. Elder Jin didn't ask, but said, "If her cultivation is very low, I'm afraid it's not appropriate to be a deacon. Why don't you test her cultivation by the way and arrange it according to the results?"

"No." Elder Jin immediately shook his head and clearly denied her suggestion. "If I remember correctly, 21 deacons are all unnatural cultivation, and have you seen the person who was knocked down by her? There are three mercenaries, one of whom I know and has a great cultivation."

"She turned the fire-removing cultivation into re-cultivation, and now she must not be able to reach the sky. How could those mercenaries lose? Probably because she is a deacon at the outer door, she dares not do it.

"Ha ha, it's not an inner disciple. Who will worry about the outer disciple of the Xiaoyao faction? If you die, you can go out and hide for a few years. The Xiaoyao faction will not be serious for the disciples outside the district. Elder Jin made a rare complaint.

"But even if it is powerful, the cultivation is..." The copper elder wants to say more.

"Ha ha, Huaiyi, you don't seem to like this new deacon very much. ( Huaiyi: the word of the copper elder)" Elder Jin laughed.

Elder Tong did not hide it and said frankly, "This gentleman's deacon's temperament is really strange. He wears a cloak all day long and covers himself. He hears that it is ugly and ugly. I have never felt anything, but today, it seems that she is too fierce to do things and is afraid of future troubles."

"Ha ha, are you fierce..." Elder Jin pondered. In order to prove his innocence, such a person has such a fierce taste, but he is different from the kind-hearted copper elder. He doesn't think there is anything wrong with taking action. On the contrary, he appreciates Junyi's bold and fierce deeds today, but he Feeling that it's not the time to make a statement, he pondered for a moment and said, "Observe and observe again. It's not the right time to move her now. Let's discuss it after the entry test. In addition, we should also consider Qi Yunzi's side."

As soon as she came out of the inner door, she was deprived of the position of deacon. Among other things, she didn't give her master's face.

"Then her cultivation is still unpredictable. I think it's better to test it. We have a bottom line in our hearts."

"Yes," Elder Jin waved his hand impatiently. "You don't have to ask me about such a small matter. You can make your own decisions."

Junyi didn't know that her little official luck was finally typed with the word "discuss after postponement" after discussion. At this moment, she is busy doing a guarantee registration test for Xuguang.

Registration is very simple, that is, to get the form and fill in the form. Junyi has already filled it out for Xuguang, but she really doesn't want to hand it in and just want to regret that I don't know this person, because Xuguang's own origin on the form is "I have amnesia. I don't know who I am. I don't know. Where did I come from? I only remember that on a month of dark and windy night, I woke up in the depths of the Lingshan Mountains of Xiaoyao School. If it hadn't been for the deacon who saved my life from the wolves, I would have become a midnight snack for beasts. My memory began from that time, and then, I didn't know where to follow the beautiful, kind fairy-like monarch. The deacon went to a place called Qiyun Villa, where the original steward was a bad man and raised hundreds of mistresses. Our messenger of justice, Junyi, walked for heaven..."

When you look at it, you can't stand it, but the person who has been calling himself a "stupid girl" has written about himself more than once about his "beautiful and kind", "smart and generous" and so on. Is there any water? Seeing these words, Junyi was really choked more than once and couldn't cough.

At that time, she kneaded into a group and asked Xuguang to rewrite it, and took trouble to get a new form. As a result, the second time it was more exaggerated than the first time. Well, you can't move. Anyway, if you praise yourself, you will humbly accept it. Thinking that this man will praise yourself at this time.

"Cough..." Xiao He, the disciple who preliminarily checked this form, coughed from time to time and looked up at Junyi, "beautiful and kind" - cough, "smart and generous" - cough, "the messenger of justice" - cough cough.

However, after reading it, he asked professionally, "Are you a deacon?"

"Yes, I am a beautiful, kind and generous deacon." J simply said, laugh if you want to laugh. You don't need to cover it with a cough. Junyi pulls down her cloak. She doesn't care. Anyway, she can't see what she looks like.

"Are you Xuguang?" Xiao He turned his head and looked at Xuguang and asked.

"Yes, I am a handsome and handsome Xuguang." Xuguang Road.

No one wanted to laugh when Xuguang said this, because he was really handsome. He stood there and attracted countless eyes. Some women watched him drool and she didn't know, even if he added the word "very" in front of "handsome and handsome" or the word "unparalleled" behind him. No one thinks he is exaggerated.

"Cough." Xiaohe turned his eyes away from his face and took out the terms and read it professionally to Jun Yi: "I must remind you that if you are a guarantor and the guarantor is admitted this time, if there is any misconduct in the future, the guarantor will be joint and severally liable," he reminded, "If his identity is found in the future, in case, cough, I mean in case If there is a problem with your identity, you should take full responsibility. You can take these terms back and have a look.

"Oh, I know." Junyi said that she was still prepared to be the guarantor after thinking about it.

She solemnly took over the terms of joint and several liability in her hand and solemnly folded it and put them into the sleeve bag. She had to go back to see the terms inside, especially to study whether there was any "intentionally attract women from the same family to practice crimes", as well as "chaotic relations between men and women", "because they are too handsome to cause women to fight in the door" and "because of the negative heart caused the female group to jump off the cliff" How many joint and several responsible for such sins she has to bear, and she can foresee that all of them will happen in the near future.

Hey, try to look at Xuguang. Even if you can't do it, you have to do it. You have to watch him not provoke female disciples of the same family, otherwise you will be miserable.

After handing in the form, there is a physical examination. Preliminary physical examination items are relatively common, similar to the recruitment of people in large workshops in the city. Height, weight, lung capacity, trachoma, color blindness, and occasional infectious diseases (there are serious infectious diseases are not accepted, not discrimination, for the sake of other people's health). Take off your clothes to see the bones. Condition and so on.

Soon after Junyi saw Xuguang go into the cabin to check his physique, the doctor who checked his bones rushed out of the room with a red face and pushed everyone away. Soon after, Xuguang tied his clothes from the inside and came out as if nothing had happened. He glanced around at the people who stared at him and laughed extremely "innocently": "I didn't do anything."

His skirt had not been worn yet, revealing a large area of wheat-colored healthy skin. Several nuns screamed and fainted on the spot.

Junyi held his forehead and took out the joint and several liability clause in the pocket to study, hoping that he would not have much joint and several liability for "affecting the normal order".

Except that it is too handsome to affect the normal order, everything is going well, but I didn't expect that Xuguang would not do it when the blood was drawn. His reason is: "I'm so handsome. What should I do if I leave a scar?"

He was told that he would not leave a scar. He said, "I'm so handsome. Are you willing to poke me with that sharp thing?"

Everyone fainted.

Handsome?! Junyi slowly stepped forward, grabbed Xuguang's neckline, waved his hand with a punch, and then clapped his hands. Looking at the nosebleed left by Xuguang, he said to the stunned disciple, "You can take blood."

Many women who wanted to see Xuguang wandering around shouted one after another: "How can it be like this?!" How can you hit him in the face?!" It's too cruel!" Oh, my God, she is not a woman!" ......

Junyi clapped her hands with the dust that did not exist, and the ground was light. She found that she was quite disgusted with Xuguang's appearance. What's the use of being handsome? She had facial recognition disorder and couldn't see it. Not to mention that she couldn't appreciate it, it also caused trouble. There was a group of nymphomaniac girls around.

One day you have to find a way to make him ugly. It's best to be disfigured... You think darkly.

Junyi's punch was quite heavy, and Xuguang's nose was bleeding a lot. When all the items that needed blood were tested, there was still bleeding from Xuguang. A disciple came to receive the blood with a red reagent that was churning like a cup of boiling water. Before receiving it, he took the reagent and turned around for everyone. He explained to the crowd: "This is The monster's blood is added with the reagent refined by Lu Tiancao. If it is a monster, the blood will instantly condense into ice cubes. Everyone is optimistic!"

As he said, he put the reagent under Xuguang's face, and Xuguang's nose blood dripped down his chin. At the moment when the blood fell in the air, Junyi's heartbeat suddenly stopped and moved faster than her mind. She actually attracted the spiritual group on her neck to smash the reagent.

The reagent landed, and the red rolling ** flowed on the ground. The blood drops of Xuguang dripped down and dripped on the red reagent rolling on the ground. The reagent did not turn into ice.

The disciple with the reagent shouted at her, "What are you doing?" Do you know that such a bottle is very expensive? This is the inner disciple who has practiced for seventy-49 days!"

It was not until the reagents on the ground flowed to the ground that she came to her senses until she heard the complaint of her disciples. Yes, what was she doing...

She saw that Xuguang also pinched his nose and looked at her in surprise, and then seemed to smile at her.

She saw that everyone sighed and looked at her strangely.

"I..." Junyi breathed slowly and lied calmly, "I'm sorry, my spiritual group is not easy to control, and sometimes it will get out of control."

"Then you discard it!" The disciple said.

"This..." Junyi said, "It's not easy to control."

"Just throw it away. What are you doing with you?"

"I said," Junyi's tone remained unchanged, and the cloud breeze said lightly, "It's out of control."

"Ah..." The disciple's face turned pale and instantly understood that he was out of control. This time, he broke the reagent bottle, and next time he lost control and broke someone's head.

The disciple blinked. He seemed to see a mouth that slowly cracked into a crescent smile, Sensen's white teeth... He had a cold war and hallucinations. Junyi's deacon was so terrible and dark that he had hallucinations.

Although the reagent was broken, Xuguang's blood also dripped to the ground and mixed with the reagent. Everyone saw that the blood and the reagent did not react. Bet that Xuguang was a disciple of the fox spirit and lost the lost crystal with a black face; Junyi's spiritual power "out of control" to break the important medicine should be recorded and reported, and the damage of the medicine If you lose your monthly money, it will be deducted in installments if it is not enough.

Junyi cried, what did she do? What the hell did she do! Why do people who have refined the cultivation of the water system, who are really calm, always do impulsive, strange and reckless things? Who will tell her what's wrong with her?

There was also the voice of Ai Ai in the Xuguang period: "Help me, I'm dizzy, ah... I'm still bleeding, I'm going to die... I must bleed to death... I don't want to die like this, I must die..."