Mei Gu Xiancheng

Chapter 170 I know you pretend you don't know I know

"What happened later?"

"Later, he even sold my daughter! I helped him make a cow and a horse to help him do all the bad things, and he even sold my daughter! He didn't tell me that I was not a vegetarian. After hearing the news, I asked him to settle accounts. He even told me that he had found a good place for my daughter, and I should thank him!

"You know what happened later. Now that I have arrested him, I just want to force him to ask him where to sell my daughter. My mother killed him inch by inch!"

After listening to Junyi for a long time, she planted flowers in the flower field every day and felt that the sun was sufficient and the world was still beautiful. Unexpectedly, countless people were locked in a dark dungeon not far away, sold and used as a furnace tripod...

All kinds of life always make people sigh infinitely.

"It's really miserable. Compared with you, what I met is not a problem." Poppy, who has never spoken and has no sense of existence, suddenly said.

"Poppy, what's wrong with you?" Junyi asked. I wanted to ask her when I invited her to dinner, but if I have a chance to ask at this moment, I should seize the opportunity at this moment.

"I..." The poppy went down again, "I was dumped."

Ah? Who will dump you? You didn't hook up with a powerful repairer, did you?" Junyi is incredible. Are there any men who don't like the rough waves like poppy?

"He said that I was not the one who wanted to find a woman, and I don't understand. Don't all human men like me? I checked it for hundreds of years and said... How could it be wrong... Hey..."

"What did he say he was looking for?" There are also men who don't like poppies, and Junyi is even more interested.

"I don't know. He said he wanted to find someone to farm and weave."

"Oh," Junyi was excited. "What he is looking for is me. Where is he? I'll deliver the goods to your door!"

This topic is still better. It's much easier. The hatred of the evil lion is too heavy. Junyi is going to be overwhelmed. There is an urgent need for this topic to be diluted.

"You?" It's not that Poppy underestimates her master. She thinks that Junyi is too small and much smaller than her.

"I launched*, can't I return it unconditionally in 7 days?" You don't give up.


When he came down from Tianqing Peak, Junyi found a frozen snake. When it was still cold, it had frozen into a snake stick. Junyi felt sorry for it and put the snake in his arms. When he got home, he found that the snake had not woken up yet, so Junyi put the snake into a jar. In order to make the snake recover as soon as possible, Junyi put 30 grams of ginseng, 500 grams of wolfberries, 100 grams of cooked ground yellow, 4,000 grams of rock sugar, and 5,000 ml of white wine into the jar.

Poppy can't understand: "Master, do you like to drink medicinal wine?"

"I don't like it," Junyi said, "I just remembered this joke and insisted on using it. And..."

"And what?"

"And it's not easy to survive. You have lived for hundreds of years, and you have to learn the worldly wisdom. Don't worry, I will teach you slowly."

Poppy said, "You're going to flatter that powerful zombie. It's easy to enjoy the cool under the big tree. I know." Ignoring Jun's unhappy eyes, she continued, "It's not a few hundred years old. I've lived for thousands of years. To be precise, except for my unconscious years, I have lived 1986."

"Two thousand years?!" Sure enough, he didn't live on a timeline, but it doesn't matter. "What about 2,000 years old? Isn't it disliked?"

"I...I...I'm bigger than you!" Poppy Road.

Junyi: "You have been disliked."

Poppy: "I'm better than you! I will poison it!"

Junyi: "You have been disliked."

Poppy: "I'm more beautiful than you!" Your figure is better than yours! **Kung Fu is also better than you! You don't even know what ** Kung Fu is!"

Junyi: "You have been disliked."

Poppy: "...Can you not say anything about this?"

Junyi: "You have lived to be 186 years old and haven't married yet."

Poppy cried: "In the past, I didn't like many people who wanted to marry me, and some practitioners wanted to marry me. I didn't like it. I really want to marry him. Why did he dislike me? On what basis? What does he have...woo..."

Poppy has been very popular since it became an enchanting beauty. Mortal people love her beauty like a flower, and practitioners love her thousand years of cultivation. This is the first time she has been disliked. She is very hurt and very concerned about it. Junyi hugged her and comforted her: "Okay, just cry. I used to be often disliked by people. Isn't it good now? This is not a big deal. Let's turn pears into motivation and cheer together. By the way, what is ** Kung Fu? Tell me about it?"

"That's what you humans call double cultivation."

"Oh, that, I know. I've studied it in depth before. Needless to say, don't waste time."

After having the experience of being trapped in the flowing cloud array, Junyi regained her previous state of caution and step by step. She left the poppy and the little tiger, especially the poppy, and ordered her to protect them 24 hours a day and go to the hut hand in hand.

On the other hand, it is also convenient to urge and help the poppy and the little tiger, especially the little tiger, who often touch its pure white hair and affectionately say to it, "You have to practice well, practice quickly, and then marry me with colorful auspicious clouds!"

Xuguang, the little fox, seemed to be unhappy. Every time he heard this, he walked away. Junyi felt that he thought he was naive. He couldn't remember what she had said to Xuguang, and Xuguang licked her hand after thinking about it for a long time.


After solving Qiao Si, Junyi has been resting for many days. She has a big thing to sort out.

She has done almost nothing these days. Sometimes she looks at the sky in a daze for a long time, sometimes she looks at the bleeding fingers pierced by roses in a daze, sometimes she pierces herself with roses, sometimes pierces pierces little foxes with roses, and sometimes pierces with roses...

A few days later, she was finally sure - she traveled through time! Grandma's she really came through time! His grandfather really has time travel! You aunt really bumped into her! Do you still have any curses?! No matter how many swearing words are, it is not enough!!!

It's simply a young man! My friends and I were stunned! By the way, do you remember my friends? How many years has it been now? Is it anti-travel? Soul wear or body wear, depending on the situation, it's soul wear now!

All kinds of madness! All kinds of mess! Do you want to be so bloody! Why don't you remember it at the beginning? Don't ever think about it! What does it mean to think that you are in your twenties?! What kind of blood-spitting plot is this?! This red fruit is the plot of God playing with her!!

Occasionally, she found the information of the graduates of the "Junyi Fairy Taoist Couple Special Training Course" and took a thick ch of information. Junyi finally found the sense of existence in the world. She looked at the information and swallowed, "This is the most meaningful one I have done in more than 20 years of my life amnesia. Well, even if you have the memory of your previous life, you can't do better. Is any of them rich and handsome? This has a lot of fertile fields, and there are many shops here. Wow, this, this, this has a handsome horse! Why is it all good? So I don't know which one to choose... Ah, ah, it's terrible, it's difficult to choose..."

Xuguang was waking up from taking a nap in the sun. He narrowed his eyes in the sun and saw a female nun sitting crazy on a pile of materials. Somehow, he suddenly breathed a sigh of relief. In the eyes of unfamiliar people, Junyi's temper and personality seemed to be similar to before these days, but Xuguang and Junyi were together. In the past year, he always feels that Junyi seems to have suddenly changed into a person.

He thought that this stupid nun suddenly changed her sex. It turned out that she was just more nymphomaniac.

"Why don't you smoke one? Whoever draws a few beans is my beans..." Junyi closed his eyes and let fate decide.

The little fox Xuguang also closed his eyes. It's too boring. Is there anything interesting?

There is really one thing... The little fox opened his eyes and hinted with his eyes that he wanted to call others out. There were only two people. The little fox Xuguang asked, "What did you want to say to me at that time?"

"Ah?" Junyi shouted in his heart, "I don't remember when or what I said."

"When you are in the flowing cloud array, what is the word after you like it?"

"Oh, at that time, I said I like you," the little fox's little heart trembled and listened to Junyi continue, "You are so cute, your ears are so cute, your soft claws are so cute, and your little eyes are so cute..."

" Come on, you are blind and can't see my eyes at all." The little fox Xuguang closed his eyes again.

Junyi was silent and looked at the suitable man on the ground without saying anything for a long time. After a long time, he gently said, "Thank you very much for coming to me for help. Really, thank you for giving me the opportunity to meet you."

"It's just that you want to save me. I really want to save you. I also find a beautiful and sexy one. How can I find you?" The little fox said with his eyes closed.

Junyi knew that the little fox was seriously injured and beaten back to its original shape, but he didn't say it. These days, Xuguang also felt that Junyi knew, and he also pretended not to know that Junyi knew that Junyi knew; just now, Junyi knew that Xuyi knew, but she pretended not to know that Xuguang knew, and Xuguang also knew that Junyi pretended I don't know that she knows...

Junyi silently took care of the logical relationship and found that it was really roundabout. Sure enough, she felt that Xuguang's awkward personality was reasonable. She always lied and acted, and always couldn't guess the real thoughts in his heart. Junyi was not sure whether it would cause too much harm to his self-esteem.

In comic novels, it's good for her to rush to hug and not let go, but in real life, she dares not take this risk and always has to worry about the other party's feelings. She can't just do it when she feels happy.

Who would like this kind of person? Only those who are blind will like it. Anyway, that's it. He is willing to stay here.

Self-esteem is the most inconvenient thing, but it must be, otherwise it is better to die than to live, but sometimes you have to accept it. To what extent you receive it, the benevolent will see the benevolent and the wise.

Anyway, at this time, Junyi decided to accept it, decisively and unscrupulously. She decided to seek asylum from Shang Wuge Master No matter what. If she really couldn't, she would go back to the inner door. Originally, she had been driven out of her anger. She wanted them to cry and beg her to go back, and she would not go back for the rest of her life!