Mei Gu Xiancheng

Chapter 169 The father-in-law can withstand the hatred of loneliness and the evil lion

When the poppy saw that the master still didn't speak, Chaolu opened his eyes and answered Junyi's question: "Qiao Si caught them to threaten you."

"That's great!" Junyi said happily.

Really, Junyi is so grateful to Qiao Si. He actually found the poppy! Unbelievable!

Not only found it, but also tied it in front of her. This spiritual pet can't find where it has gone! That's really great!

For Qiulu looked at her strangely, "He is despicable, but you are so happy?"

"This... I haven't seen them for a long time, and I just miss them tightly." You said.

Save the little tiger and poppy, and you mean poppy: "What's wrong with you? Why don't you talk? Not energetic?"

Poppy was listless and finally replied weakly, "Once the sea was difficult to water."

Little tiger didn't understand.

Ji Chaolu said, "It seems to be a wound."

Junyi said decisively, "I'll treat you to dinner later."

The matter here has been solved, and the evil lion is still struggling with Qiao Si.

Qiao Si complained in his heart. He wanted to escape. Every time he escaped, he was stopped by the zombie, but the zombie did not kill him or hurt him. He only let the evil lion continue to fight alone.

"Senior, why don't you help? Didn't you solve it early?"

Junyi is really impatient.

"He wants to kill the enemy, and I agree." For the way out.

"But... he's injured. I'll help him."

"I respect his choice." For the first time, Chaolu also stopped Junyi, "This is a fair duel."

"Before respecting his choice, respect his life," the evil lion is about to be killed, and you are determined to help. Since Qiao Si is im moral, you don't have to be polite. "Poppy, my master's identity allows you - don't hesitate to faint this guy!"

After a long time, the poppy answered weakly: "Oh..."

"I come to my senses, as the master, I order you to poison him. Immediately, I will never stop him from being poisoned!" Repeat.

The owner's words still need to be heard. The poppy emitted black smoke, and soon the smoke covered the cave. Qiao Si wanted to run and was stopped by Chaolu. Even if the mouth and nose smoke was blocked, it could still enter the body from the skin. After a while, Qiao Si fainted.

Before Qiao Si fainted, the evil lion tried to hold the wall and finally stood and fainted.

For the deep cultivation of Chaolu, he can't stand it.

Junyi covered his mouth and shouted, "It's too cruel to attack indiscriminately... Give me the antidote! Poppy, do you hear me, the antidote!"

After half a sound, the poppy slowly reacted and slowly took out the nectar to give it to Junyi. Junyi quickly took a sip and quickly fed it to the predecessors of Chaolu, the evil lion and the little tiger, as well as the poppy itself, sweating.

After wiping the sweat, Junyi repeated to the poppy: "Don't walk around, follow me, go back and treat you to dinner immediately."

The powerful poisonous smoke of poppy did not cause surprise, and the indiscriminate attack did not cause surprise. On the contrary, the poppy is Junyi's spiritual pet, which surprised Chaolu and the evil lions one after another, such as Chaolu, "Junyi, how many good things have you hidden?"

You apologized embarrassfully: "Huai Bi is guilty, in fact..."

"The future is terrible." For the first time, he nodded.

There is a magic weapon that can't help but take out and show off. That's writing a novel. In reality, you will definitely not live long. There is a magic weapon to take out at the right time, just like Junyi. There is a kung fu called forbearance, not impetuousness, and loneliness. In this impetuous society, few people can do it.

It's time for exciting booty!

The evil lion can't move. For the first time, Chaolu took out a magic treasure crystal from Qiao Si's portable space and piled it up three or four piles.

The evil lion said, "It's all in two places. I just want Qiao Si, and I don't want anything else."

Junyi said, "I just need to live." After her thousands of calls, the poppy finally came forward to help find the antidote needed for the poisoning on Junyi's arms and legs.

"I don't need these either," Chaolu is not polite, absolutely not. "Each of you choose a useful magic weapon, and please replace the rest with crystals for me."

His cultivation is the highest. This time, he saved Junyi's life, and he deserves to accept these.

So it's better to be strong. Look, you should be more bullish when you divide the equipment. Junyi, who lies on the ground and feels pain all over, is deeply touched by this.

The evil lion among several people in a tiger was too seriously injured to move at all. Junyi was trapped by Liuyun and poisoned one after another overnight. At this moment, he was very weak. Poppy was stupid. Xiaohu was ignorant. Only the predecessor Chaolu was still intact and came and went freely.

After resting in the cave for a few hours, Qiao Si moaned and showed signs of waking up. The evil lion asked Junyi to pick up his tendons and hamstrings. Junyi happily replied, "It's time for revenge!"

But she had to admit her failure. After discarding Qiao Si's cultivation with one palm, she picked out a hamstring and couldn't do it, but she couldn't cut it down, and her limbs were unable to breathe heavily. "Fore, senior Chaolu, a hundred crystals asked you for help, and I'm dizzy."

"You don't have this disease." For the morning dew is strange.

"To be honest, I'm dizzy. Take the dagger over..." Junyi's hand is shaking so much that she can't breathe. She can't do this job decisively.

For Zhaolu reluctantly ended his meditation practice, came over and took the dagger, and picked up Qiao's four tendons and hamstrings in three or two.

Junyi's hands and feet are cold and begging for comfort, "I'm so useless that I can't even pick tendons."

For the first time, he said, "Hmm."

The evil lion said, "It doesn't matter. Just practice more in the future."

"..." Junyi is speechless. Generally speaking, what's wrong with you is asking for comfort and praise. For example, "My face is so big", hoping that others will comfort you. "It's not big. What's big? I don't think it's big at all. It's just right. It's beautiful."

For example, "My handwriting is so ugly." At this time, the answer waiting is "It's much better than what I wrote."

Junyi miss Xuguang. If he is here, he will definitely comfort himself. Even if he doesn't sound good, it is very comforting. If he says bad words, it will make people feel comfortable. He has such a ability. He is now a little fox. It's inconvenient to speak, but his hair is very soft and his body is very warm... How long he hasn't seen him? I haven't seen it for a long time...

Oh, my God, I haven't seen him for a long time! Junyi was shocked by himself and shook his head repeatedly, "No, no, I can't miss him. What does he think of? Just a liar who is awkward and difficult to get along with, I don't know which one has cramped recently and has become lustful! What do you think of this kind of person? Hurry up and think about something else. That's right," Junyi raised his voice and asked the evil lion, "What's your hatred with Qiao Si?"

The evil lion clenched his teeth and his face turned dark.

"I shouldn't have asked, I'm sorry... I was wrong." Junyi knows that he is wrong, and his curiosity should also be used in the right place.

"He sold my daughter," said the evil lion. He lay flat on his back. The condensed water at the top of the cave dripped on his face and slipped from his face. A smile appeared on the corners of his lips and recalled, "My wife's name is Leling, the daughter of a great scholar in the city. I robbed it when I was young, although it was robbed. I really like her and treat her well. Later, she got pregnant and didn't look angry with me. She said that she would follow me. Those days were the happiest days I had.

"What happened later?"

"Later, she gave birth to a girl and said she would go home for confinement, so I agreed. Who knew that her family ran away and took the child away. I've been looking for it, but I haven't found it for more than ten years..."

"Then how did Qiao Si sell them?"

"It's a long story..." The evil lion sighed, "I followed Qiao Si to build the Dragon Gang, and also wanted to rely on the brothers in the gang to inquire about them. Later, the Dragon Gang became better and bigger and bigger. It ate several gangs nearby. Later, he had a big appetite. In addition to protection fees, ice (poison) and other activities, Qiao Si did it. I don't agree with the sale of furnace tripods and human trafficking. What's more, the furnace tripod is really too big, so I object and insist that this job can't be done.

"He said that there was support from the inner door and began to sell unknown disciples who were unattended in the outer door, and even stunned the registered disciples of the outer door. Although it was hard for some people to escape from the outer door and few people would not attract attention, he would still investigate it. He even got the inner door disciples to sell. He said that he would not be found at all, but we They were scared and advised him not to do it again, but he didn't listen. Some brothers were fascinated by the large handful of crystals he brought back and could not see the danger at all.

"Qiao Si often says, 'This world can go as far as it is bold!' Hearing his words, I knew that he had gone crazy and followed him with a good result.

"I have done a lot of sins in my life, and I don't want a good result, but my brother, I want to give them an explanation.

"At first, I was going to catch him and lock him up, but I didn't expect him to find me earlier and tell me a surprising news. He said that he saw my wife and children when he was selling the furnace tripod far away. He said that my daughter had grown up and was very beautiful. As long as I don't get in the way, he won't move them. I'm willing to help, and he will return them to me.

"He really met them. How can you believe what he said?" You are going to ask.

"Damn it! I don't believe it, and then he took me to a dungeon where the furnace was closed. My wife and children were really locked in it. Bah, brother, I knew that this man was really not a fucking thing!" The evil lion became excited. "It turned out that he met my wife and children when he first went far away to sell people. At that time, he caught them back and kept them in the dungeon for many years, waiting for me to find him! My poor Leling, she was so beautiful when she left... When I saw her, her hair fell out and she was going to be blind. She knelt down and said to me, 'Please, save our daughter'..."

Junyi touched the soft white hair of the little tiger and looked at the poppy while bowing his head. The threat of hostages is really Qiao Si's usual method.

"What happened later?"