Mei Gu Xiancheng

Three Encounters 4

"Open your eyes... Open your eyes..." The three-tailed spirit fox changed its tone and called gently.

Open your eyes. When you open your eyes, you will see "good things", then I will have a good show! - The three-tailed spirit fox thinks so in his heart.

The curled man did not open his eyes, but his eyes moved in his eyes.

I'm going to wake up!

At this moment, the three little white tails of the three-tailed spirit fox curled higher, took a small step back, and paid a slightly excited attention to the situation in front of them. The bright red tongue also stretched out and licked its lips.


Junyi heard someone calling her in a daze. She gradually regained consciousness from a deep sleep. Did she fall asleep or faint? Probably between the two.

There is a kind of sleep called sleep.

She didn't open her eyes immediately, because she felt the strangeness, weight, and the touch of worm feet on her body, as if thousands of insects were crawling on her body.

At this moment, she should be scared to jump up. The strange thing is that she didn't. She slowly opened her eyes. As far as she could see, countless centipes with countless feet twisted their bodies and slowly squirmed from their chest to her face, even more than one layer, and many centipede on their companions...

At this time, she should scream, but strangely, she didn't.

Her heartbeat did not accelerate, even slower and more stable.

She didn't think it was a dream either. She clearly realized that it was real and she was facing one of the most terrible deaths.

Because she realized that it was not a dream, she instinctively told her that she couldn't move, even if she moved a little, she would die.

If she can release murderous gas, it is the best time to release the murderous gas to scare these bugs at the same time.

Unfortunately, she won't. It is said that only practitioners in the Jindan period can learn to release murderous gas. She... will refine three layers of gas...

So, she can't scare bugs.

If she can make herself have a spiritual fire all over her body, she can also consider that although she may be a little injured, she can roast the insects quickly, control the heat well, and roast insects. It is said that insects are rich in protein.

Unfortunately, she won't. The reason why she won't.

So, she can't burn the bugs.

She wanted to roll and quickly crush the centipede on her body, but this idea was immediately denied, and any subtle movement of the body would alarm them, and the time for them to use the stings at the same time was only zero zero, and the time for the toxic attack was only for zero and zero.

But you can't do nothing. The centipede is approaching their faces little by little, and there are already centipede crawling around their necks...

Junyi saw the fire that was about to go out in front of him and thought that if he jumped into the fire, there might be a way to live, he might be disfigured, but he was very likely to survive.

Strangely, she can still analyze these very, very calmly at this moment. She even analyzes the probability of burns, the death time and mortality of centipede on her body.

Even if there is no calmness at this moment at ordinary times, perhaps it is subconsciously known that if it is not calm, it will die.

Finally, Junyi was also glad that she could not afford to buy a cloak that could defend against the water and fire produced by spiritual power, and even recalled the process of buying a cloak very quickly, making sure that the cloak was not protective of spiritual fire.

The hundred-legged centipede has crawled around her neck.

Junyi feels that she is crazy. How can she be so calm at this time?

In the cloak, a cluster of flames quietly appeared from the palm of her hand. Her palm was facing the ground, one on the ground and the other on the thigh. The flame burned her clothes first and went up little by little...

The fire spread very slowly, probably because there is not much oxygen in the cloak, but the spiritual fire produced by the spiritual power of the fire does not need oxygen, and the spiritual fire is not easy to extinguish even in the water.

With your current cultivation, you can only produce a small flame that is not much bigger than a needle buttock in the palm of your hand, but the potential of people is infinite. There is also a sentence that is not very good but can better express the meaning of "people are in a hurry to do everything".

Focus on thinking, then concentrate on thinking, and mobilize all the limited spiritual power to operate at a high speed in the meridians. The friction of the fragile meridians of the fire spiritual power instantly produced high temperatures, and a cluster of flames appeared in her palms.

Focus on your thoughts, and then concentrate on your thoughts...

The flame produced by Junyi's palm has never been so big. When she practiced fire spiritual power alone and was in the best state, she did not have the current quarter. The palm of her hand was concave on her legs and could not move rashly. Part of the resulting spiritual fire burned her thighs, and part of it was blocked by her thighs and turned up from the palm of her hand.

Spiritual fire, gorgeous dance.

The spiritual fire generated by the practitioners will not hurt the practitioners themselves - who said it was nonsense?

The sword forged by the sword caster can't burst a hole in the sword caster. Someone took the sword forged by the sword caster to kill him, but the sword was broken by itself - haven't you heard of such a thing? Because it didn't happen.

If practitioners want to manipulate their spiritual power without being hurt by spiritual power, they need methods, exercise their muscles and blood, and take a elixirs to transform their bodies step by step.

Of course, the simplest way is to use fire - fire spiritual power is generally safe and harmless in the meridians of people with fire spiritual roots in the form of spiritual power. When the spiritual power is drawn from the body meridians and these spiritual powers are used to generate spiritual fire... Remember: Don't burn yourself, throw away to burn your opponent! - That's it. .

However, at this time, Junyi can't move and can't turn his wrist and palm up, so she can only burn herself. The pain of being burned by the spiritual fire is several times more painful than that of ordinary flames. Fortunately, her body has also taken some elixirs, and her resistance to the spiritual fire is a little stronger than that of ordinary people, so neutralize it. At this moment, she bears It is equivalent to an ordinary person accidentally turning over the pan when cooking fried meatballs and being splashed by hundreds of hot oil.

Junyi herself admired herself. Under such pain, she did not move or hum. She even soberly analyzed the reason why she could endure the pain so much: it was not that it was the fear of ten thousand insects that devoured the huge pain.

Finally, the cloak was burned through a hole, centered on the round hole, and the flame spread around.

There are not many spiritual fires, but they make ordinary fires on clothes and cloaks, and the fire suddenly becomes a little large.

The hundred-legged centipede that touched the spiritual fire immediately disappeared. When she touched the ordinary fire, it twisted and became painful. The skin and cloth burned and made a buzzing sound. Junyi smelled the fragrance of barbecue, including worm meat and her own meat - although this was nothing like, she suddenly felt that she could be humorous in the future. Tell others that the meat of insects is not as fragrant as its own meat.

The tail of the three-tailed spirit fox stopped swinging and stared at the situation in front of him without blinking. He saw the little repairman curled up almost wrapped in centipede and opened his eyes. He saw her lowered her lowered eyes and eyes moved and saw countless terrible centipede on his body, but he did not see what he expected. Collapse and shouting.

He thought that the little practitioner was so scared that he couldn't move, but he clearly saw the clarity in her eyes.

Then, he saw a cluster of flames burning through the spiritual fire and drilling out of the cloak, and the open fire began to burn.

This surprised and appreciated him very much. Few people can be so calm in this situation - waking up in a deep sleep and finding that they are full of terrible bugs.

Even if you are a well-cultivated immortal, you have to panic when you encounter this situation (of course, immortals will not let yourself be in such a situation). What's more, you are an entry-level young cultivation that can't even use murderous spirit. The pitiful spiritual fire that can be created is so calm that the three-tailed spirit fox is a little unbelievable.

As a result, these murderous and even skinned guys woke up and saw that they were full of centipedes, all of whom were scared to protrude their eyes, and then screamed more sadly than the killed pigs (using pigs to describe them as too insulting pigs. Pigs are very good animals, pigs, I'm sorry.) ...Of course, it didn't take long. The centipede was frightened and attacked, and tens of millions of stings pierced together, and fell to the ground in a moment.

Once he was extremely bored and struggled to catch a Jindan period to play. As a result, the powerful repairer of the Jindan period opened his eyes and was so scared that it was a pale face. It was a bloodless person, releasing unnecessary murder and spiritual power continuously. It is said that after going back, he had a nervous breakdown and released his murderous spirit when he saw a bug.

He also caught two foundation periods, which was the most tragic. At first, the poor foundation builder thought it was a dream, but later he woke up and killed the centipede. No one would want to know the process...

The three-tailed spirit fox was caught for the experiment precisely because he did not believe that anyone could be so calm in such a state.

The king's intention made him unbelievable, and this unbelievable lasted for a long time.

A low-level monk who can only create a small poor spiritual fire. His cultivation can't be lower. He can set fire so resolutely that he has always calmed down. The three-tailed spirit fox can't help looking at him with some new eyes. He thinks that this little man may not be abnormal, or he is already crazy - "abnormal" and "crazy" It seems to be the same meaning, but this is not the point. The point is that he no longer wants to see the heroic scene of thousands of centipedees. He began to think: whether this abnormal madman can survive tonight is not certain.


The centipede are indeed not very smart. Their intelligence is not enough to make them understand that the flame is the resistance of the prey, and their wisdom is not enough to realize that they must attack. In fact, they think that the flame is related to the "yellow square leaves" (spiritual talisman, centipede) with in front of them. I don't know the name) is the same thing.

The way they deal with it is the same as before. One goes to die first, builds a bridge with the body, and then the others only cross the charred body. If one can't build a "bridge", then two, three, four... They are much less afraid of death than human beings, which is compared with them. People have the greatest advantage.

The centipede is not smart enough, which is the most grateful place for God, and it is more fortunate than the fact that you can't afford to buy a cloak to prevent spiritual fire.

However, the centipede is not afraid of fire and death, which is the place where she is afraid. Ordinary insects are afraid of fire and will retreat when they see the open fire, but this is the depths of Lingshan Mountain, and there are no ordinary species here... If it goes on like this, before the centipede has receded, her whole body has been scorched.

Is she helping the centipedes cook their food?