Beauty on the side

Chapter 012 Rouge Error 1

I touched the wound, went out and lifted the hot water by myself, closed the door and pulled the screen to bathe.

The fatigue of the day melted in this heat. I gently stroked my body with water in a hand bowl, with a little petals in the water, with a faint fragrance and elegance. I like to pick up some freshly fallen petals and use them to take a bath after washing them to relieve fatigue. I put some petals on my arm and suddenly remembered what he was looking at when Li Shimin pulled my arm?

On the left arm, there is a crimson point, which is the palace sand that Mother Chen clicked when she first entered the palace. My face turned red and I shook my head and said to myself. Li Shimin should not look at this palace sand. I touched my left arm. In addition to the palace sand, there was a short and inconspicuous scar on the back of my arm, which I had never noticed. Today, I took a closer look and found it.

I can't remember where the scar came from. I sighed and immersed my arm in warm water. After warming the water for a while, I gradually felt sleepy, so I got up to change my clothes, poured the bath water, and put the curtain to rest.

The next day, I came to Chengqian Hall with Princess Qin's fetal medicine.

Chengqian Hall is very spacious. I followed a maid to lead the way to Princess Qin. At this time, Princess Qin was sitting at the window of the bedroom and embroidered. When I entered the gate, I smelled a faint musk. Li Shimin had just left.

I handed over the medicine bowl: "Princess Qin, I have brought you the medicine."

Princes Qin put down the embroidery in her hand and looked at me. Suddenly, she helped me up with a smile: "You are the medical doctor found by the people. My child's health depends on you."

I retreated and said, "Xie Niang doesn't dislike slaves."

She was stunned by my retreat, but she didn't care. She frowned and drank the medicine, and then put it back on the plate in my hand. I asked, "Is the medicine too bitter?"

Princes Qin shook her head and said, "It's not bitter, it's very sweet." As she spoke, her hand stroked her slightly raised abdomen. Looking at her happy smile, my heart gradually flowed warmly but with some complicated cold air. At this time, Princess Qin showed me a small dress: "How about it? What do you think of this color?

This little dress was exactly what she focused on when I entered the door. Princess Qin was very happy with the child in her womb and began to make clothes after two months of pregnancy. I looked at the little flower she pointed to was very delicate, but it was less charming. I lowered my eyes and said, "I'm brave. The maidservant felt that the color was perfect, but there were fewer embellished buds.

She put her little clothes in front of her eyes and said with a smile, "Listen to you, I feel that there are fewer buds."

Princess Qin has been embroidering clothes in the bedroom for half a day, and my current position is to stay beside Princess Qin and always pay attention to her body until the birth of the little emperor and grandson. Princess Qin was approachable. She heard from the maid next to her that, especially when Princess Qin was pregnant, she was more kind than usual, and the whole Chengqian Hall was warmed by her.

At noon, Li Shimin came back. He entered the bedroom and sat next to Princess Qin to look at her embroidered clothes. Princess Qin sat at the window. When he saw the breeze, he took off his robe and put it on her. Princess Qin's face was flushed. She quietly glanced at Li Shimin and then glanced down at her head to pretend to be embroidered. Unfortunately, she was careless. Princess Qin suddenly took a breath and stabbed her finger. I was so scared that I wanted to step forward, but I saw Li Shimin grabbing her hand and kissing her and gently blowing on her injured finger.

I'm afraid all women will envy this scene. I am the same. Looking at Li Shimin blowing for Princess Qin sadly, I was not only moved, but also had a more complicated feeling in my heart. His body trembled unconsciously, touched the vase beside him, trembled and stood firm. I breathed a sigh of relief and almost had an accident. I was relieved and looked up to see Li Shimin and Princess Qin looking at me. I quickly lowered my head and waited for them to speak.

"This carelessness, Princess Qin will give it to you when I am away, so that I can feel at ease!" Li Shimin's loud voice rebuked the hall.

This is the second time I've seen Li Shimin yell at me. Li Shimin is a summer sky for me. It's always cloudy and sunny, and there is always a sudden rainstorm. I knelt on the ground and dared not look up at him. Suddenly, there was a chill in the bedroom. I heard Princess Qin gently persuading Li Shimin, and I couldn't hear anything from Li Shimin. Suddenly, he said, "Come out with me."

I got up in a hurry and followed him out of the bedroom. With his rapid footsteps, I entered his study. He waved his clothes and sat at the front table. I knelt on the ground and bowed my head and said, "Remember that I will use my life to protect Princess Qin!"

"Your life?" Li Shimin said coldly and pointed to me, "How does your life compare with Princess Qin! What's more, there are my children!"

Yes, how can my life be with the blood of Princess Qin and the royal blood?

Li Shimin sat on top, and I knelt down. The door was wide open, and the eunuchs walked back and forth several times, but we didn't say anything. Suddenly, there was a sword light on the top, and a sword with a sheath was thrown in front of me. Li Shimin said coldly, "Let me see how you use your life."

If you don't want to make an untimely mistake, you will die. I took a deep breath and raised the sword with both hands. Judging from its hilt, I have seen it. When he saw Li Shimin for the first time, he was equipped with this sword. He must have used it to kill the enemy bravely, but he didn't expect that my maidservant took advantage and died under such a noble sword.

I held his sword around my neck and looked up at him. Seeing that he looked calm, I smiled and said, "King Xie Qin is dead."

There was a trace of pain in the neck, and there was a burst of pain in the hand, but there was a pain in the arm. It turned out that Li Shimin had crossed the main table, pulled off my sword arm and twisted it back. My hand hurt, and a crisp knife fell behind me. Li Shimin held me behind the door, with anger in his eyes, gasping and whispering, "Do you think I will let you die so easily?"

"I..." It turned out that offending Princess Qin would make you so annoying. I trembled and didn't know what to say. Looking at the anger in his eyes, my heart was cold. His eyes slowly came down from my face and looked at my neck. It seems to be my illusion that I saw the pain that flashed in his eyes. I shook my hand to cover the wound on my neck and said, "My maidservant is not feeling well these days. His Royal Highness Qin still asked another doctor to take care of Princess Qin."

Li Shimin suddenly looked up and looked at my forehead and reached out to lift my hair. Yesterday, I was much better on the forehead of Donggong, but I could still see the deep wound. Li Shimin stared at my eyes and touched my forehead with one hand: "Here, and..." His slender fingers scratched my face and touched my neck. "Here, no scars are allowed."

I couldn't figure out the meaning of his words, so I nodded my head. He let me go and turned out of the house. I was finally relieved and saw the sword lying straight on the ground stained with bright red blood. I wiped the blood stains on the sword body and found the scabbard in front of the main table and put it away.

When I came out of Chengqian Hall, I passed by Princess Qin's bedroom. I wanted to go in and apologize, but I was afraid that Li Shimin was in it, so I went straight back to the Shang Pharmacy. Song Yi was reading a medical book and was very surprised to see me coming back. First, I didn't want to come back from Chengqian Hall so soon, but saw the wound on my neck.

Song Yi said: Why don't you cherish yourself so much?

He took medicine to bruise me. He seems to like to heal my wounds, or he still hasn't diagnosed and treated people's itching for a long time.

In the next few days, I really didn't take half a step to the pharmacy. It's not that I don't want to, but Song Yi said that I had a wound on my neck and went out of the pharmacy, which was afraid to scare many people. This just makes me feel free. I don't have to run around to deliver medicine to serve people all day long, but to sort out medicinal herbs and decoct medicine in the house.

is also almost good. Song Yi's medicine is very good, and there is no scar on his neck. On this day, someone in the court sent a message that a little girl secretly came to the Shang Pharmacy, saying that a woman in her room was seriously ill and M Mother Chen was not allowed to take medicine. She really couldn't bear to see it.

Song Yi thought for a moment, and the imperial doctor could not be sent out, so he had to call me and Nian'er, who had stayed in the court. I was stunned when I saw the woman the little girl said. **The person's breathing is weak, and his body is thinner than before. His face should have been unwashed for many days, and his forehead bone is ashes. Feeling that someone was coming, she immediately opened her eyes, and her big eyes were not as smokey as before, but full of dry fear.

"Liqian." I came forward and shook her hand. She was slightly stunned and smiled. Her pulse is so weak that she can hardly figure it out. She is extremely weak and depressed.

Yingting is a heavy job. Liqian is thin. In addition, Mother Chen doesn't like her, which naturally tortures her, and depression is an important reason for her collapse.

I asked the little girl and Nian'er to go out and close the door, just me and her. I patted her hand and said, "Liqian, if you have any pain in your heart, just tell me or cry."

Li Qian's eyes were covered with tears, and she shook her lips and spoke. I bent down to hear it. She said, "I'm not bitter, I'm just ashamed."

I looked at her puzzledly. She held my arm and cried. Her tears wet her sleeves, but it was not as cold as her heart. I looked at her quietly and couldn't say anything to comfort her. Her bone-like hand reached into the sleeve width and put something in my heart. I opened it and saw that it was a jade button. I immediately understood!

Li Qian left that day and walked quietly, no one knew. When the little girl went to tell Mother Chen, Mother Chen was just surprised. Fortunately, she gathered a few taels of silver to bury Li Qian, and finally there was no place to die.

Li Qian said that she was ashamed of me and Liu Meiren.

I felt that there was another person in her trembling lips. So, I took the jade button to find this person for her. This jade button was very heavy, which made Liqian breathless, which made Liqian have a deep imprint in his heart, and also made my heart dull.