Beauty on the side

Chapter 013 Rouge Error 2

East Palace.

I was blocked outside. When he was at a loss, two men came up the road, one was Li Shimin, and the other was also dressed in noble clothes, but he was not sure who it was. The doorman saw two salutes: "See the King of Qin and the King of Qi!"

It turned out to be Li Yuanji, the king of Qi. I followed the salute. Li Shimin looked at me and said, "Why are you here again?"

I looked embarrassed and said, "I have something to say to the prince."

Li Shimin smiled and said, "You talk a lot with your eldest brother. That's all. Just come in with me." Li Yuanji next to me looked at me deeply and only felt that his eyes were very cold, which made my back numb.

In the light of Li Shimin, I entered the East Palace and saw Li Jiancheng directly. The three brothers were talking in the study. I stood at the door for fear of hearing any national events. I couldn't leave or stay. As if talking easily, Li Jiancheng invited me in. He privately held my hand and hid it in his wide sleeve. It happened that the jade button was in the palm of his hand, so I turned my hand. He also felt it, took the jade button and held it, inadvertently raised his hand, stared at the jade button in his hand, and then looked back at me inexplicably.

Li Shimin and Li Yuanji were present. I didn't talk about this matter, but Li Jiancheng said frankly that it's okay for me to talk big. I thought for a moment and said, "This was handed over by a sister of the slave. Can the prince recognize it?" How can you not recognize it? This is the jade button that your princess said was gone that day. It's just that I don't know why this jade button is in Liqian's hand. But I know that I think the prince can also think that this jade button is enough to prove that the princess lied that day. The jade button had disappeared a long time ago, and she took advantage of this to blame me. On the other hand, the princess should also know that the jade button was missing, or at the same time as the prince's scar appeared. Her purpose was to force this person out.

I thought the prince would ask Li Qian, but it was Li Shimin who didn't want to ask.

He asked, "Why doesn't she want this jade button again?"

It turns out that Li Shimin also knows. It turns out that this has always been regarded as a secret, a small matter that can be forgotten in their eyes. When I said that Li Qian was no longer there, the three people did not show too much emotion, and they were only as surprised as Mother Chen. I suddenly felt chilled. A person's departure could be so calm. I dare not imagine that if I was executed one day, would the people I know be so careless? Is my existence really dispensable?

Seeing that my face was full of doubts, Li Jiancheng took a box for me on the table, which was ordered by his father-in-law to give it to him that day. When I opened the brocade box, there was a bright light in it. I fixed my eyes and saw that it was a dagger. I was shocked. I'm afraid that person is really Liqian!

Everything is clear. Li Qian is the bereaved daughter of the minister of the Sui Dynasty. Li Yuan broke the city and claimed that the queen was exiled among the people and did not want to be elected to the palace. She hated it in her heart and assassinated the prince with a dagger, which was ridiculous. He sneaked into the East Palace and stabbed the sleeping prince. It happened that Li Shimin arrived and grabbed him. Inadvertently drew Li Jiancheng and broke his clothes, which became what he saw in the court that day. Li Shimin said that when he saw her, she was looking at Li Jiancheng on the couch with a dagger. I think this is the reason why Li Qian secretly took Princess Qin and prepared to sew the button for Li Jianyu.

No one cares much about Li Qian's death. I care, I may be the only one in this palace. I have always thought that every life is precious, but in this palace, as Li Shimin said, the lives of inferior people are not comparable to a finger of superior people, which is incomparable in their eyes.

I remembered what his father said. He said that the Li family were all thieves. When the city was broken, he pretended to be kind-hearted in front of the people, and there was a lot of bad water behind him. At that time, I didn't agree, but now, they are really chilling. Although I still believe what I thought at that time, I have to be surprised and confused.

I had no choice but to retreat, but Li Jiancheng pulled me: "I have something to say to you."

Li Shimin smiled and said, "Yuanji, let's go out first. Don't listen to the eldest brother's sweet words!"

I was so guilty that I didn't dare to look at his face and wait for them to go out. When the two left the room, Li Jiancheng hurriedly clasped my shoulder and looked up and down: "Are you all right these days?"

I said, "Blessing the prince, the maidservant is in good physical well."

Li Jiancheng frowned and said, "Xiran, are you still blaming me for not protecting you from being injured by the crown princess that day?"

I shook my head: "The prince was not there at that time. What's more... the life of the maidservant is not as good as the jade button of the princess.

"Nonsense!" Li Jiancheng said, "Anyone's life is tens of thousands of times more expensive than any treasure!"

There were tears in my eyes, and Li Jiancheng's words are really touching for now. He reached out and stroked my face and sighed softly, "Xiran, will you follow me?"

I dodged and said, "No. I dare not."

Li Jiancheng looked at me with indescribable pain in his eyes and said to me, "The princess is straightforward, but she likes to use hidden tricks. I also married according to my father's words, which was not what I wanted. I like your kindness and softness. If you want to marry me, it will be a blessing in my life.

He turned around and said to himself, "When you see me, you call the prince a blessing. Do you know that my blessing is on you."

What Li Jiancheng said made me nervous and scared, and I felt a trace of guilt towards him. Li Jiancheng stood in front of the window with his back to me. I looked at him and thought for a long time, and finally said, "I dare not be the blessing of the prince. The blessing of the prince should be peace in the world."

Li Jiancheng turned serious, lowered his anger, and clenched his fist in his sleeve and said, "Xue Ju, who occupied Longxi, called himself Emperor Qin. He was in Tianshui and had 300,000 troops. He led his troops to attack Tang Jingzhou and seek Chang'an!" He looked at me in a blink, and his eyes became mild, but there was a kind of injury. "Do you think my blessing hasn't arrived yet?"

Women in the harem are not allowed to participate in politics, not to mention that unknown juniors like me naturally do not know the major events in this army. Li Jiancheng said it now, which scared me for a while. I asked, "Is the prince going to go on an expedition?"

Li Jiancheng shook his head: "The people have invited the Grand Marshal and set out in five days. I hope we can calm down this battle as soon as possible and return safely and victoriously. He shook my hand, "Now the big country is unstable, and the war situation is coming out. If you can achieve peace in the world as you said, it will also be my blessing.

I pulled my hand out of his palm and raised my breath. I couldn't suppress it. What I thought was that I wanted to see Li Shimin. Li Jiancheng sighed and smiled and said, "I won't force you. I want you to be willing to be with me."

I smiled at him, but it looked unnatural: "Prince, if nothing else is wrong, I will retreat."

Li Jiancheng seemed to be suddenly clear: "Yes, Shimin and Yuanji are still outside."

I nodded and retreated to him, and he suddenly stopped me again: "Xi Ran, I'll wait for you in Sanhong Pool tonight."

Sanhong Pool is a place for emperors and concubines to go boating. How can I easily go in? Seeing that I am embarrassed, Li Jiancheng said, "Don't be afraid. When the moon rises, you can just come in. No one will stop you."

It should have been planned, and I can't refuse.

When Li Shimin and Li Yuanji saw me coming out, they both looked at me deeply. Li Yuanji looked at me strangely and looked at my whole body, which made me feel restless all over. On the contrary, Li Shimin glanced at it and entered the door as if nothing had happened, but it made me tremble.

Why do I always feel Li Shimin's rejection of me, except for the first meeting.

The first feeling was as bright and clear as the sunshine of that day, which made people happy. But now he always looks at me coldly. He doesn't want him to be nice to me, but his appearance really makes me feel strange and frustrated. I don't know what I didn't do well. Since the second time I saw him, he has done this to me. I thought all the way, but I really can't think of the reason why Li Shimin did this.

I touched my face. Who in the world doesn't appreciate beauty? I had a veil to cover my face that day, and now I'm naked and my eyebrows. Did I look so bad that he didn't see me?

I shook my head secretly. I really can't believe that Li Shimin is a beautiful person in love.

Li Shimin's attitude made me panic about him from the bottom of my heart. I dare not see him, let alone stay with him, especially the complex and changeable eyes when he looked at me, which made me uncertain what he thought of me.

I thought of Li Jiancheng. I shouldn't have given him any hope. How could I afford to give him hope?

When the moon rose, the sky was not completely dark, and blue and white dark clouds floated in the sky, putting a layer of lonely and quiet colors on the palace. I came to the Sanhong Pool alone, and there was no eunuch around. There are three pools in Sanhong Pool, Donghai Pool, Nanhai Pool and Beihai Pool. After walking for a while, I saw a small boat with dark yellow warm light on the edge of the East China Sea Pool. The traces of the water rippled slightly, and the dark yellow reflection also flashed.

The sky was getting darker and darker, and two big birds that returned late flew through the air, and the flutter of their wings crossed the sky, showing a forest. The curtain on the ship was lifted and a slender figure came out. When he saw me, he smiled with relief: "I thought you wouldn't come."

"Since you are here, then..." Li Jiancheng stepped on the shore board and stretched out a big palm to me. I looked at his palm and shook my head and said, "I dare not ride with the prince..."

After saying that, Li Jiancheng pulled his big hand, and I rushed forward and staggered into his arms. My ears suddenly burned, and I heard him sullenly: "I knew you would say that!"

Li Jiancheng still held my hand. His hands were a little cold, but the palms were warm. He held it tightly, and I broke away a little but couldn't stop. I suddenly remembered that when I entered the palace that day, the sun was shining. When I first met him, his thick and warm palm gave me infinite warmth and peace of mind.

In a trance, Li Jiancheng called me, and I smiled at him.