Beauty on the side

Chapter 016 Rouge Error 5

Back to the Shang Pharmaceutical Bureau, Song Yi was still picking up the lamp in the hall. I went forward to have a look. It turned out that he was still writing a prescription to pick out medicinal materials. Song Yi saw me and was not surprised that I was still out so late. He handed me the medicinal herbs and asked me to smash them. He said that this was Princess Qin's medicine. Princess Qin has been weak recently and pregnant again. Naturally, she is very cautious about medicinal materials and must not make mistakes.

I said to him while pounding medicine next to him, "Soong Fengyu, I'm going to take care of Princess Qin."

Song Yi looked up at me and lowered his head to turn over the book.

"Then take good care of it and don't let anything happen again." Song Yi said.


I lowered my head and focused on pounding the medicine. The yellow candlelight was shaken by the wind coming in outside the door, and the sleepiness gradually came. I rubbed my eyes and saw Song Yi looking at me. He pressed my hand and said, "Don't worry. I've been tired all day. I shouldn't let you do it again."

Song Yi worked hard to drive me back to my room and went back to the hall by himself. I lay **, but I was sleepy and didn't know what I was thinking. There was a faint cry from outside the house. Listening to this faint Nocturne, I finally fell asleep slowly.

I think I got up early. Everyone was still in the house, so I was in the pharmacy. When I passed the pharmacy, I saw that the door was half open. I was stunned and pushed the door in. Song Yi lay on the table and pressed the medicine book he read last night. He didn't go back to his room all night. I walked in gently, took out the book pressed under him, and put his hand comfortably. Unexpectedly, Song Yi was suddenly awakened by my move. He suddenly looked up in panic and gradually calmed his eyes when he saw that it was me. I looked at him apologetically. He covered his mouth and waved his sleeves to ask me to go out to cook Princess Qin's medicine.

I carefully took the table and he sorted out the medicinal materials overnight and came out of the pharmacy. When I was decocting the medicine, there was a shadow on the ground. I looked back and saw that it was Song Yi. Song Yi had gone back to his room to tidy up his clothes, but there was a faint shadow under his smiling eyes. He walked around in front of me and stood looking at me fanning the stove. After a while, I couldn't stand his motionless eyes. I simply raised my eyes and asked, "Song Fengyu, why are you looking at me?"

Song Yi did not dodge. He said, "Xi Ran, how many Liu beauties do you think there are in the world?" I was slightly stunned and knew what he meant. Seeing that I was clear, he sighed, "The palace is deep. You have to learn to save others, and you should know how to save yourself."

He knew that I went to Sanhong Pool last night and knew that I met Li Jiancheng. He was afraid that I would fall into the deep water of the palace and could not get out. Song Yi must have reminded Liu Meiren in this way, but Liu Meiren was still drowned in this deep water, so he looked at me with pity and told me in a sighing tone.

I asked him, is Song Fengyu happy with the willow beauty?

He said that this joy is not the other's joy.

But the willow beauty is really happy with him. I know.

I remember that the expression and eyes of Liu Meiren when she saw Song Yi that day, most of them were involuntarily. When Nian'er and I broke into the Shang Food Bureau, Liu Meiren could completely hand us over to the owner of the harem or blame us, but only asked us to kneel at the door of the hall in order to see Song Yi. If this is not enough, that time I sent medicine, I smelled the fragrance of her when I came forward to send her honey dates. It was the fragrance of medicine, and it was the same as Song Yi's fragrance. If this is not enough, Liu Meiren fell ill that day. It was Song Yi, and no other imperial doctors were seen. If this is not enough, I still remember that Liu Meiren's hall likes to be full of white plum blossoms. Song Yi also likes plum blossoms. Shang Pharmacy has planted several plum blossoms, and there is also one opposite the door of Song Yi's yard. By chance, I saw the maid beside Liu Mei folding plums. She was not folded, but she liked to fold the plum opposite the door of Song Yi's yard.

I wanted to tell Song Yi about this, but Liu Mei didn't tell him until she died. How could I go against her will? Liu Meiren didn't want to tell him that she was afraid that he would feel guilty and sad, but that she was afraid of adding gravity to his back. Perhaps, a man will always be sad after a woman leaves. Even if he is happy for her without love, he will always be sad when he knows her thoughts.

If the woman in the palace is unlucky, she always loses her life for various reasons. Liu Mei was involved in the deep water, but Liqian was not, but Liqian was drowned by the deep water in her heart. After all, they can't escape the word "affection". God's kindness is not high, and there is nothing they can do. I thought that the fan in my hand was taken away. Song Yi shook leisurely against the stove with a fan, and the fog of the medicine stove rose, stroked his jade hair bun and disappeared into the air. The palace is not the same as the heavenly palace. Except for the emperor and grandson nobles, the rest of the people must not be moved in private, otherwise it will stain the holy face. Song Yi is also about the same age as Li Jiancheng and Li Shimin. He has not married a wife yet. It turned out that there were more court ladies in this palace.

Song Yi suddenly turned to me, and my eyes were at each other. I hurriedly trembled and said, "Excuse me, I take the liberty. Song Fengyu is young and successful. Why don't you have a family?"

Song Yi suddenly smiled and said, "I'm used to being alone. Moreover, there is no one to think about. He calmed down and continued, "In the palace, I'm afraid of more people, but sometimes I have to read it."

The heat of the medicine stove came out, and we suddenly came to our senses. I hurried to get the bowl. Song Yi slowly poured the medicine. I took the wooden plate and put it away. I got up and went out of the Shang pharmacy.

Entering the Chengqian Hall, Princess Qin was having breakfast. Seeing me coming, she nodded slightly to me. I also smiled and brought the medicine to her. She looked at the bowl of fetal medicine but did not reach out. I haven't seen Li Shimin since I came in, and I guess I'm going to prepare for the expedition. I said, "His Royal Highness the King of Qin told me to take good care of Princess Qin so that I can pay the thief at ease."

Princes Qin looked out of the window and muttered, "Since he has arranged everything, I should support him. The safety of the country and the happiness of the people is the most important. She turned around and took the medicine bowl and slowly got down.

The wife is pregnant and wants her husband to accompany her, and the family watches the child fall to the ground. Li Shimin is going on an expedition, and he doesn't know when he will come back. Princess Qin's worry, even if she is very reluctant, is helpless.