Beauty on the side

Chapter 025 Breeze Curse 3

Since then, I have rarely gone to the East Palace for some days, because I was afraid of seeing Li Jiancheng. I don't hate Li Jiancheng. I'm a little afraid of him. When he was frivolous to me that day, there was a warm and thick palm in my mind, and I was at a loss for that person.

After half a month, the princess insisted that I go to the East Palace. After refusing so many times, I still went there. When the crown princess saw me, she was happy to tell me that Yin Defei of Guanwa Palace was favored again, and Guanwa Palace was also added by the emperor.

When I went to visit Yin Defei that day, what I held in my hand was the medicinal juice that the imperial doctor's configuration could recall the youthful face. A prescription was pressed under the medicine bowl, and only half a month can be taken continuously to recall the green silk beauty. Two days ago, palace people discussed that the emperor saw Yin Defei playing the piano and singing poems in the Hechi Pavilion of the imperial garden. The scene was as beautiful as a fairy. Yin Defei's appearance became more and more beautiful. The singing poetry did not diminish the elegant appearance when she first met the emperor that day, but was even better.

Help Yin Defei, I just feel pity for her in my heart. The reason why she was out of favor was that she was not as young as Zhang Meiyi, so she accidentally harmed Zhang Meiyi instead of trying to please the emperor. Even if I want to help Yin Defei, she won't believe it, but will choose to believe the crown princess who is bad for her. Yin Defei is just a woman who is kept in the dark. All she wants is the emperor. At the same time, isn't the purpose of Li Jiancheng and the crown princess to collect the favored woman of the palace? The emperor's exclusive favor of Zhang Meiyi is undoubtedly not as good for them as the emperor's favorite other women at the same time.

The two use each other's support to achieve their own goals, and I am the initiator. Now that I think about it, I find myself changed. At that time, I just didn't want to have a poor person in the palace, but it turned into such a situation. Now the palace is very friendly. Zhang Jieyu and Yin Defei are favored at the same time. Yin Defei and the crown princess are more friends. Zhang Jieyu and I are also friends with the East Palace. The two women all applaud for their hearts.

"The prince once told the maidservant that he wanted the maidservant to attract the favored concubine. Now the emperor only spoils the two concubines, and the maidservant has done what should be done. That day, I said to the princess.

The princess's happy face was blackened by my words, and she didn't ask me to let me go. She looked at me for a long time and waved her hand to let me retreat. For a few days, I was finally relieved to be summoned by the imperial concubine.

In addition, the news from outside the palace came that Xue Ju died and Xue Renjiao ascended the throne. Emperor Li Yuan sent people to win the support of Li Gui, who was called the king of Liangzhou, and on the other hand, he ordered Li Shimin to lead his troops to approach Gao Wei. In the past few days, Princess Qin can't sleep well. I took some lotus leaf water from outside and said, "My maidservant, dip some lotus leaf water to relieve your eyes."

Princes Qin pushed away the lotus leaves and asked me, "Xiran, are you very close to the East Palace?"

I paused and smiled: "The princess fell in love with the maidservant and often called the maidservant to talk to me. But I haven't been there for a while."

Princes Qin frowned and looked out of the window from afar: "The people are outside, and he doesn't know anything about the palace." She turned to me and said, "It is the principle of survival to abandon the strong and the weak. The East Palace and the harem are getting stronger and stronger. It is also appropriate for you to make friends with the crown princess."

After listening to Princess Qin's words, I shook my head and said, "I don't understand. The world is the world of the Li family, and it should also be the world of the prince in the future. The two soldiers are opposed to each other. What forces in the palace are opposed to the East Palace?

Princes Qin smiled helplessly and stroked my shoulder with her slender fingers: "There are some things that you didn't mean, but in the eyes of others. So there are some things that you don't want to do, and you will be forced to do.

I'm afraid I know something, but I'm not sure. Princess Qin lay on her side on the couch and called me: "Xiran, don't wait for the lotus leaf water to dry."

"Yes." I came to my senses and knelt on the ground stained with lotus leaf water to make my eyes tired for Princess Qin.

After sunset, the weather was still very sultry. On the way back to Shang Pharmacy, I held a hand with a fan. Suddenly, there was a fan next to me. Turning over and saw that Li Jiancheng was playing a fan for me.

I haven't seen Li Jiancheng since he was drunk that day. He is the prince, who helps Li Yuan win the support and study of the world's war situation according to Li Gui, who is called the king of Liangzhou; he is the prince, but now he has a fan for me. I dodged and dodged: "The prince, don't let the maidservant suffer."

Li Jiancheng picked up the fan: "How busy I have been recently. It's not easy to come out for a walk, so I saw you."

I said, "The prince is so concerned about national affairs, and he will definitely make great achievements in the future."

Li Jiancheng smiled and his eyes became lax: "Great achievement..."

I tentatively asked, "Yes, the prince will definitely make great achievements. The prince is so worried at this time. Isn't it that the prince is worried?

Li Jiancheng suddenly froze his eyes and whispered, "The harem is not allowed to participate in politics, and you have no right to intervene. If you hear this, do you know the consequences!"

I immediately knelt down to him and said, "The maidservant has surpassed, please punish the prince."

Li Jiancheng was panicked by my kneeling and pulled me up with a soft face: "Xi Ran, I don't mean to punish you. It's just that the less you know about the palace, the better."

I suddenly remembered what Yin Defei said to me that day: close your eyes, close your mouth, and cover your ears until the day of death. Pret to see, pretend not to hear, pretend not to know, this is the maid of honor.

I lowered my head and said, "I know that I won't ask about it anymore. The two concubines in the palace have completely inclined to the East Palace, and the task of the slaves and maidservants has been completed, right?

Li Jiancheng did not answer immediately and walked slowly on the road with me, but I was far away from him. He didn't force me to do this, and he could still hear me talking from a distance. After everything is done, I will definitely reward you and give you endless glory and wealth.

I understand what he refers to as glory and wealth. Since it has been useless to refuse so many times, I will follow it. Moreover, what I care most about at this moment is not that matter. I raised my eyebrows secretly: "Is the prince talking about pulling over the harem? I don't understand what credit this can be.

Li Jiancheng's dark eyes at me: "You don't need to understand."



The weather was fine and the red leaves were flying. I came to report quickly outside the palace and went straight to the Taiji Hall.

Soon, good news spread in the palace: Li Shimin, the king of Qin, led his army to hold high and stayed with the enemy for more than 60 days. When Xue's army ran out of food, Li Shimin saw that the fighter plane had arrived, so he ordered Pang Yu, the general of Right Wuhou, to lead his army to the south of Qianshuiyuan and come out to the right of Xue's army. When Zong Luohu concentrated his forces to attack Pang Yu's army, Li Shimin personally led a large army to attack his back from the north of the shallow water plain. Zong Luohu returned to fight and was defeated by the Tang army. Thousands of people were killed and injured, and fled to the fold. Li Shimin believed that the opportunity to break the bamboo was not missed. He immediately led more than 2,000 horses to win and chased directly, occupying the south bank of Jingshui, so that the scattered Zongluo army was not allowed to enter the city. Xue Renqi lined up under the folded city, and his generals were waiting to surrender to the Tang Dynasty. Xue Ren was afraid and refused to guard when he entered the city. In the evening, the Tang army besieged the city. In this battle, Luo Yu died in the battle, and Xue Renqi surrendered and was beheaded in the city.

Sheng Li Yuan praised Li Shimin's strategy of adopting a late-attack, weak enemy to win, no strong walls, and chasing and fighting fiercely, so that the army turned defeat into victory and won the first victory of the founding of the country! His brave plan is unparalleled in the world, and the special ceremony is waiting for his return. However, Li Shimin sent a letter back saying that he could not raise his glass and relax after winning the victory. Li Yuan had to send an order to get together on the day of the return of the king of Qin.

Princes Qin's belly has been round, which is not easy to see under the wide robe in late autumn. On the day Li Shimin came back, she got up early and wanted to go to the high platform to see it. My husband was naturally happy when he returned from the war. I called a few more maids of honor to follow and helped Princess Qin go up to the high platform together.

From the high platform, you can see far away. The red green mountains and slightly yellow grassland outside Chang'an City will return old people in that distant place. Princess Qin ordered a maid to wait in the square under the city building at any time, and she would be notified immediately as soon as there was a reward outside the palace. The sky gradually changed from pale to blue in the morning, and the sun was gently shining. Finally, the maid of honor reported that Li Shimin had entered Chang'an City with the army.

Princess Qin just sat for a while and couldn't help leaning against the high platform to watch. I stood on the high platform and saw a long army moving slowly in Chang'an City and coming towards the palace. I tried to suppress my undulating breathing and stared at the person in front of me. The man at the front of the team, wearing black armor, rode a brown horse with the team forward. He was Li Shimin.

I left my eyes and was afraid that the more I looked at it, the more I couldn't breathe. Princess Qin held her stomach and still looked at it from afar with a smile. I asked gently, "Princes Qin, Your Highness, there is still a long way to go to the palace. Do you want to sit down first?"

Princes Qin shook her head: "No. Your Highness is fighting so hard outside, how can I always be so comfortable?

To get married is to share joys and sorrows. I nodded, saw the cool breeze, and told Princess Qin to take a robe for her.

Actually, this is just an excuse for me. I don't want to see the returned figure on the high platform, and I don't want to see the vows between them. I don't want to, not at all. But they are husband and wife, and I deeply envy their love, so I have to bury myself. I quickly left the high platform and rushed to the Chengqian Hall as if someone was chasing me. I was afraid that Li Shimin would run back to the palace, although it was impossible. He is the person I want to see but dare not see.

I only walked to Chengqian Hall, with a sudden pain in the back of my head, and my eyes became dizzy. When I fell down, I saw two people in a trance. Who is it?

In the blur, I felt that someone lifted me up and staggered for a long way. I had a pain in my back and was seriously thrown to the ground. I frowned and stroked the back of my head, and my face was suddenly washed with a basin of cold water, which suddenly woke me up.

I half sat on the ground and got wet. Opposite a maid took a basin and stepped back. There stood a beautiful woman standing in the hall. There was a pain in the back of my head, and I stroked my head and it was swollen. The woman saw me frown and shouted, "Whose hand, drag out the stick to blame fifty."