Beauty on the side

Chapter 036 The Sandi 2

There was still white snow floating in the sky, with a thin layer on the shore. I patted the snowflakes on my clothes, and my limbs were frozen stiff. There were fewer people on the street, and it seemed colder and colder. I want to go back to the carriage first, but I'm afraid of missing Li Shimin coming to me. Neither left nor right, so I have to stamp my feet uneasily in place.

A man walked quickly in the street and trotted over when he saw me. I didn't see his appearance clearly. All I knew was that this person was not Li Shimin.

"Who are you?" I looked at the man who suddenly appeared with vigilance and took a few steps back silently. The man was respectful and hugged his fist and said, "Xue Wanjun."

Xue Wanjun? The leader of the doorman of Chengqian Hall. I looked at the lights by the street carefully, and it was him. I relaxed and asked, "Why are you here, Your Highness the King of Qin?"

"Your Highness has rushed back to the palace and is specially ordered to come to take charge of Mo." Xue Wanjun made a gesture to me to go out. Following him in such a hurry, I couldn't help asking, "What's the matter?" Xue Wanjun replied, "Princess Qin had an accident." I was shocked and quickly followed his direction back to the carriage.

Step into the carriage and the carriage began to run. Princess Qin's accident made me worried and anxious, but when I thought of Li Shimin, I felt more lonely. Looking at this carriage, I feel that this carriage is not warmer than before, and it is very empty. Gradually leaving the street of this lamp and running on the way back to the palace, the night was dark, and the snow fell all over the sky, as if it had frozen the whole sky.

When I arrived at the Chengqian Hall, the lights were almost out, and only the lights were still shining in the main hall. When I entered the main hall, Li Shimin sat in the upper seat with one hand and felt that someone came and immediately opened his eyes and looked down warily. Seeing me, he was surprised and said, "Why are you here?"

I have always been worried about Princess Qin's body. Seeing that Li Shimin's face was not difficult, I guessed that Princess Qin should be fine. I calmed my tone and asked, "What's wrong with Fang?"

Li Shimin pointed to the open space in front of the hall, and then I found that the paper lamps in the open space were gone, and there was a pile of ashes on the ground. Previously, I called the maid of honor to prepare it for Princess Qin. Now this gray powder surprised me and quickly explained frankly: "The paper lamp was made by the maidservant, but I really didn't expect the fire!"

Li Shimin put up his sleeves and sat down in the main hall and said, "Concubine Yang has told me that it was the maid of honor who accidentally tripped over the rope before burning the paper lamp. If you can imagine this fire, I don't think you can't kill many lives.

I listened to this and lowered my head slightly. Although his tone was not harsh, it made me trempy. His tenderness and his coldness were only in his mind. And I know that there is no us, but I think about us a lot; I know that there is only myself, but I can't grasp myself.

Li Shimin turned around to leave. I hurriedly stopped him and asked, "Who is the folk woman Your Highness met outside today?"

Li Shimin stopped and looked at me deeply for a while, as if he was thinking about something, but he still stepped away without answering.

It was night, and I toss and turned, and the white snow shone into the room to call it white. I sat up and wrapped myself in the quilt. Although I thought it might be impossible, my mind was still full of Li Shimin and the woman.

The day before March, there was a light snow in the sky, but the weather was not as cold as before. Small green buds appeared on the branches with fallen leaves in the palace, and warm spring was coming.

On this day, I was about to leave, but I saw Li Shimin secretly wave his hand to me and led me to the side of Chengqian Hall: "You go to the East Palace tomorrow to find the guard Xue Wanche. Be sure to give this to him."

Xue Wanche, the guard general of the East Palace, is the younger brother of Xue Wanjun in Chengqian Hall. Li Shimin stuffed a kit into my hand, and I asked doubtfully, "It's just a guard general of the East Palace. Why didn't Your Highness hand it over in person?" Li Shimin smiled and said, "Anyway, you often go to the East Palace, so take it with you."

I heard him like this, so I had to collect the kit. Back in the room, I lay in a distraction, hesitated for a long time, and couldn't help taking out the kit. The mouth was not sealed. I struggled curiously and wanted to see what was inside.

Finally, I couldn't help but open the bag with curiosity, which contained a jade. I put it in the palm of my hand and looked at the light of the white snow. This jade did not look like a rare treasure, but an ordinary jade. Although some ordinary jade is not precious, the pattern on it is extremely rare, and there is no pattern on the jade in front of it, and it can even be said that there is no flaw at all. The flawed jade is a treasure, and this jade is as blank as a piece of white paper. Is Li Shimin going to give it to Xue Wanche?

I looked at this jade. Except for its shape like a leaf, I really couldn't see anything special about it. Maybe it was an ordinary jade that could no longer be ordinary. I put it in the kit, lay down again and closed my eyes, and finally fell asleep until dawn.

I lit the temples on both sides with cold water, removed fatigue and cleared my eyebrows, and took my kit to the East Palace. When I came to the door, the two doormen also recognized me. I nodded and smiled at them: "Brother doorman, please call General Xue for me. I have something to give to him personally."

The doorman nodded to me and promised to go in to find Xue Wanche. Before long, a man wearing dark armor and a sword around his waist stepped out and immediately pressed his morale in front of me. I was slightly blessed with him. He was not unfamiliar with me and said, "Don't take charge of the matter, are you here to find the prince? He went to Liangyi Hall this morning.

I smiled and shook my head: "No, I'm here to find you, General Xue."

"Oh?" He shook his eyebrows and asked, "Mo Zhang didn't work as an errand in Chengqian Hall. Why is there anything to do with me?"

I smiled and took out the kit from my sleeve and presented it: "This is what His Royal Highness the King of Qin ordered me to hand over by hand."

Xue Wanche stiffened his face and took the kit. Before I left, he couldn't wait to open it. When he saw what was inside, his whole body was stunned. I called him a few times before he recovered. I know. Thank you for me, His Royal Highness the King of Qin!" He put away his kit and turned into the door and left.

Looking at him walking in a hurry and remembering what he looked like when he saw the jade, I understood whether the jade was precious or not, and the secret hidden in it was the most important thing. Only Li Shimin and Xue Wanche understand what Yushi finally wants to express.

I moved back to the Chengqian Hall, and Li Shimin was not in the hall. He should have gone to the Liangyi Hall like Li Jiancheng, but I met Li Yuanji, a person who was always dissatisfied with me.

When I returned to the hall, the snow outside the hall had been swept away, and Li Yuanji stood outside the hall and kept looking at the corridor. If I want to enter the hall, I must pass by the place where he stood. I bravely walked to him and was slightly blessed. Li Yuanji lowered his head to see me and walked away with a cold hum. I didn't like him, so I went to the corridor of the palace. When I was about to get to Princess Qin's bedroom, I met Concubine Yang, as if I were also going to Princess Qin's bedroom. It turned out that Princess Qin and Concubine Yang made an appointment to drink tea and watch the scenery in the open space outside the hall today. I went into the bedroom with Concubine Yang. Princess Qin was in her hair. When she saw Concubine Yang, she smiled and asked her to wait for a moment. Yang Fei was not coquettish. She sat there eating fruit and waited for Princess Qin to eat in the hall together. I remembered Li Yuanji outside the hall and talked to Princess Qin, but Yang Fei next to her suddenly laughed.

"That boy must be!" She smiled and looked at a maid next to her. Her name is Yang Qingyun. She is from Chengqian Temple. She often travels between Princess Qin and Yang Fei. I remember that day on the boat, Li Jiancheng asked Li Yuanji how he was particularly good with Li Shimin these days. At that time, Li Shimin said that Li Yuanji fell in love with a girl in the hall. I quietly looked up and down at her. This girl is really good-looking, with beautiful eyebrows and even posture. If she dresses up well, she must be a beauty.

Princes Qin also smiled at this time and deliberately looked at Yang Qingyun and said, "Then let him wait a little longer to know how to cherish more in the future."

Yang Qingyun's face turned slightly red and lowered his head. Princess Qin and Concubine Yang ate a little porridge again. Looking out of the window, the sun had come out and ordered people to set the table outside the hall. After sitting for a while, the two moved outside the hall and saw Li Yuanji wandering at the gate of the hall from afar. Princess Qin walked in and deliberately asked with a smile, "Xuecai Kaihua. Why doesn't Your Highness the King of Qi come in and sit down and always revolve around outside?"

Li Yuanji looked happy about this matter and strode forward to call "sister-in-law" twice, looking at Yang Qingyun from time to time: "I'm afraid that my second brother will come back, and I should laugh at my anxiousness."

"Oh? Don't you worry about this?" Princess Qin walked to the outside of the hall, a table and stool set up under a sunny room, "His Royal Highness Qi came to see the snow scene with us?"

"Hmm...yes!" Li Yuanji followed Princess Qin casually with an embarrassed face. He blushed when he saw me and the maids quietly looking at him with a smile, but he still stared at me.

Princess Qin and Yangfei drank tea and chatted together, but Li Yuanji didn't say a word, always looking at Yang Qingyun, who was adding tea to the two. Finally, although Princess Qin frowned slightly and asked with a smile, "I heard that His Royal Highness the king of Qi refused the marriage given by the emperor a few days ago, and you are not young. Why is that?"

Li Yuanji listened and moved the corners of his mouth but didn't say anything. He indulged for a while and suddenly knelt down on one knee and said, "Sister-in-law, I want someone."

"Oh? Who? Is there anything in my temple that matches His Royal Highness the King of Qi? Princess Qin deliberately pretended not to know and asked him strangely. Li Yuanji suddenly got up and pulled Yang Qingyun. Yang Qingyun was shocked by his movements, and his face turned white for a while and suddenly turned red. Li Yuanji pulled her forward and said, "I want her!"

Princess Qin and Yang Fei met each other and covered their lips and smiled. Li Yuanji was even more anxious when he saw it: "Sister-in-law, is this given or not?"

Princes Qin raised her eyes and smiled and said, "We have no suggestion, but the dispatch of the personnel of Chengqian Hall still needs to pass through your second brother's ear. Aren't you afraid?"

"Oh, Yuanji is also here!" As soon as Princess Qin finished speaking, a smiling voice sounded behind her. Li Shimin's cloak had not been removed, and it could be seen that she had just returned from the Liangyi Hall. Li Yuanji looked back at Li Shimin with a layer of shame on his face: "Second brother, you came back so soon."

"Hmm." Li Shimin answered and sat down at the table. His eyes stopped holding Yang Qingyun's hand. Li Yuanji saw it and said quickly, "Second brother, I asked you for someone, and both sisters-in-law agreed."

Li Shimin smiled clearly: "Oh, then you can take it away."

Li Yuanji opened his eyes wide and asked, "Didn't you let people go before?"

Li Shimin laughed and said, "Your two sisters-in-law are in charge of the affairs of the maids, and you didn't tell them earlier. Moreover, what you strive for feels better than what others give you, doesn't it?

Li Yuanji thought about it, nodded violently, and smiled naturally.

I didn't expect that Li Yuanji, who killed all over the battlefield, was so shy and cute in front of love affairs. He would only do this in front of people he really like, because he cares and is afraid of rejection.

Li Shimin smiled and looked at Yang Qingyun. Yang Qingyun touched his eyes and immediately lowered his head. I suddenly wondered why her eyes were so uneasy?