Beauty on the side

Chapter 037 appenix 3

"I will ask my father to marry me tomorrow!" Li Yuanji happily promised to say this and left with Yang Qingyun. Princess Qin and Yang Fei were still laughing about this matter, and Li Shimin only interrupted a few words and stopped talking about it. He looked up at me, which was asking me about Xue Wancher. When he saw me nodding, he continued to laugh with the two of them.

In the afternoon, Li Jiancheng asked someone to send me a message asking me to go to the East Palace when I was free. Princess Qin embroidered the children's clothes in the house. She also heard the words of people and me and nodded to let me go.

Entering the East Palace, I knew that Li Jiancheng was waiting for me in the study, so I walked to the study by myself, and no one stopped me on the road. I feel strange. In the past, if you want to enter the East Palace, you have to say a few words to the doorman before you can come in. If you meet the stew manager in the corridor, you have to explain a few words. It seems that you haven't seen me today.

I saw Li Jiancheng talk about this, but he didn't think so. He only pulled me to show me the treasure that Li Yuanxin gave to the East Palace, and asked me to choose a few at will and go back. The more he avoided me, the stranger he became and looked at him. Seeing me like this, he had to say, "Everyone in the East Palace knows that you are with me."

I was stunned and tried to calm down and asked, "Does the people in the palace know?" Li Jiancheng held my shoulder and smiled, "Only the people in the East Palace know that the palace will be publicized at that time. Now you can choose your favorite baby carefully, right?

I looked at the treasures on the table, shook my head and said, "These are rare treasures, but I don't like them." Li Jiancheng was surprised and then realized, "I really want to know what the real treasure is in Xiran's heart."

"The most precious nature is life. If there is no life, why are these things useful?" I said. Li Jiancheng nodded, pointed to the chessboard and said, "I want to see how you live."

"Yes." I answered and sat on the chessboard with him. While twisting the black chess piece in my hand, I carefully asked, "Is the relationship between the East Palace and the two women in the harem?" Li Jiancheng looked at me and said, "Why did you ask about this?" I put down my chess pieces and said, "The two ladies were the maidservants who were ordered by the East Palace to make friends with them, but now I have been assigned to the Chengqian Hall. Today, I will ask casually when I think of them. Moreover... the crown princess was pregnant, and the maidservant heard that neither of them had sent a greeting from their elders.

"Not bad." Li Jiancheng also played chess pieces and said, "Since you danced on that day, few people in the harem have come. I sent people to get close, and the effect was not obvious. They were only polite for a while at that time.

I asked, "Is the people in the harem really that important to His Royal Highness?" Li Jiancheng smiled and said with a trace of rascal in his eyes, "The beloved woman is the most important thing for a man. As long as someone catches this beloved woman, it is equivalent to catching that man."

After thinking about it, I was immediately surprised. Li Jiancheng reached out and stroked my mouth and smiled: "I believe you, so I'll tell you. After a few days, I will ask my father to marry me.

"We are asking for marriage again!" I couldn't help breaking his hand and shouting. Li Jiancheng raised his eyebrows and asked, "Huh? What? Who else has asked for marriage?"

I decided to say, "Your Highness the King of Qi. Today, he was going to leave a maid from Chengqian Hall, saying that he would ask the emperor to marry tomorrow.

"Oh?" Li Jiancheng's eyes stopped on the chessboard and suddenly smiled, "Come on, play chess first." However, he didn't concentrate on this chess game, and every step was not as exquisite as before. He finished a game with me absent-mindedly and got up and said that he had something to do and couldn't accompany me. I nodded and let him go. In the past, if he wanted to write a book, he would always ask me to be on the side, but today he didn't. Li Yuanji could disturb his mind. I meditated on his abnormality and went out of the study. I walked alone to an empty corridor and suddenly felt creepy behind me.

I looked back and saw that there was nothing but a curved water corridor. I continued to walk forward, but I still felt that someone was quietly following behind me. This is the East Palace. Is it Li Jiancheng or the crown princess? I took a few steps and suddenly turned around, but I saw a dark shadow flashing in front of me. My head was heavy and painful, and my eyes fainted and softened.

I felt that it was dark. I woke up slightly and had a pain in the back of my head. Thinking of the dark shadow before, I suddenly opened my eyes, but found myself lying on a ** and covered with a layer of quilt. I rubbed my eyes and looked around the room, which was very simple and conspicuous with a long sword hanging on the wall. I moved my foot, but I heard a sound of chains. I looked down and saw that a thick chain was locked on my feet.

In surprise, a voice came from the corner of the room: "From today on, stay here!"

I looked up, and my fingertips were dressed in black. I sat cross-legged on the other side of the room. The low eaves just blocked the sun outside. No wonder I didn't find him just now. The man stood up, and the hooded black windbreaker completely covered his face and stopped not far from me. I looked at him up and down and said, "The people of the court imprisoned the maids of honor for no reason to be punished."

"I'm not from the court!" The man denied it. I smiled coldly and glanced at his boots: "But brother wears official boots on his feet!" His figure was stunned and said in a deep voice, "You are really a big harm! If it were on my side, I would definitely help, but it's a pity..." I heard it strangely and shook my head and said, "I'm not with anyone. There should be any misunderstanding among them."

The man ignored what I said. He picked up the long sword on the wall and said, "No one will come to this room, and you don't have to ask anyone to save it." As he spoke, he pulled out his sword and wiped it carefully with a handkerchief. I watched him wipe the sword, and my eyes suddenly flashed with the sharp sword light. After slowing down, I thought about it. I looked closely at the man in front of me. After wiping his sword, he looked in my direction and opened the door to go out.

I was knocked unconscious by him in the East Palace. I looked out of the window. It was still afternoon. The sun was gradually sinking to the other side of the mountain. It could be seen that I had not been in a coma for a long time. No matter how high his martial arts skills were, he could not take me out of the palace and find an unmanned room. I think I'm still in the palace! But which places in the palace are uninhabited? In addition to the royal exclusive, how many abandoned houses are there in such a large palace?

The chain on your feet is not short, and you can get out of bed, but you can't move forward a foot away from the window. The window is closed, separated by a piece of paper from the outside world, and the light is still clear. I turned around and picked up a stone and threw it on the window. The tissue paper in the window was poked into a small hole. I looked out through the hole, and I couldn't see anything else except the light of a tree with tender buds.

I sat back**, and this chain was so painful that my ankles hurt. I took a careful look. A piece of skin had been rubbed on the instep. I rubbed it gently and suddenly stopped my hand. After thinking about it, I got out of bed and walked back and forth several times with the pain. The door was opened, and the man came in with the food in his hand. It turned out that he was afraid that I would starve to death. It seemed that I was still useful to him.

"What are you doing?" He saw me standing by the bed and asked me.

I sat down by the bed and pointed to the chain under my feet and said, "Your chain is very heavy. I hurt my foot after walking down a few steps." At this time, the white socks on my feet have reflected a faint blood stain. "Can you help me get some from the pharmacy?" Song Fengyu's self-developed secret medicine is the best, and it will be completely cured in two days.

He put the meal and said, "Shang Pharmacy? You are so smart that you know that we are still in the palace, but why should I help you? I pointed to the food on the table and said, "That's all. If you wanted me to die, you should have killed me with a sword, shouldn't you?" The man prepared the meal and sat down after hearing what I said, "Who said it was for you?" After saying that, he picked up his chopsticks and stuffed a mouthful of vegetables into his mouth.

I smiled and called him again: "Please open the window for me. This room smells very disgusting." He looked at my feet and got up to open the window. I'm glad that the stone I just threw was relatively small, and he didn't find the loophole. I sat at the head of the bed, just diagonally opposite the window. Outside, there were several tall trees and a winding path, but the road was full of fallen leaves from last year, and I thought no one had passed by for a long time.

The sunset has fallen in the back half of the mountain, and the sky and the earth are much darker. The man turned out after eating. I stayed alone until night and was about to lean on ** to rest for a while. Suddenly, he pushed the door in again and lost a medicine bottle in **. I opened the medicine plug and smelled it, and a faint fragrance suddenly appeared in my nose.

Song Yi's secret ointment? He really went to get it. It can be seen that he is still a person with a good heart, but he is also a careless person!

I thanked him with a smile. Before he said anything, a shadow suddenly flashed outside the house. He immediately raised his vigilance and chased out. The tree shadow outside the house swayed on the door shadow in the wind. I saw it creepy, but I felt as if I had seen it before. At this time, a shadow jumped into the open window, and I suddenly smelled a wisp of fragrance. Before I could react, my mouth was covered by the visitor. I fixed my eyes and saw that it was the woman who left with Li Shimin on the day of Shangyuan.

I looked into her eyes and sent a faint message. Although I saw cold disgust in her eyes, it was not murderous. Is it Chengqian Hall that found me missing? Is she a person sent by Li Shimin? However, there are so many people in Chengqian Hall, how can they find someone who is not in the palace?

"Ye Ying!" There was a surprise in front of him. The woman in front of him turned around and the shadow cast by the faint moonlight grew in front of the door. The man stood at the door with his sword. From his tone, the two must have known each other, but Ye Ying was not surprised and happy about him and said lightly, "I took her away at this time, and you can tell her that she ran away."

"You can't be against me!" The man stepped forward and reached out to pat her on the shoulder. Her body flashed and pulled out the sword from her waist to point at him. Ye Ying said, "Really? If I insist on taking it away!" The long sword in his hand went straight to the man's face. The man didn't want to hurt Ye Ying. He resisted her sword but clenched the long sword in his hand without its sheath. Although Ye Ying took advantage of the weapon, he was not the man's opponent. The man scratched the dodge head of the sword and subdued her with his backhand.

"You lost." The man said. Ye Ying looked at me and was still so cold. She pulled out her arm hard, jumped out of the door with her sword, and a clever figure flashed by the window. I took a long breath and saw that what they were most afraid to see was the blood sword. So it seems that the two should be old acquaintances.

"Why don't you chase her? Aren't you afraid that she will reveal my whereabouts?" I asked him. But he sneered, "Now the palace is in a mess. Who cares about you, a maid of honor?"