Beauty on the side

Chapter 046 Breaking the Robbery 7

I turned around to find Li Jiancheng's figure and saw him follow Li Yuanji into the Wude Hall. Li Jiancheng is the one who has always put family affection first. No matter how bad it is, he will not leave his relatives, let alone kill him!

Xue Wanjun came with his sword and stood beside Li Shimin to remind him, "Your Highness, do you want to go back to Chengqian Hall?"

Yes, the chess game is over and the game is decided. The people here are just a pawn at his mercy. After that, you don't care what these pieces do. If you can lose them, just lose them. Anyway, they won't touch the hearts of chess players. Are all the feelings in his heart just a chess piece?

I not only sighed: "Your Highness's chess is finished."

Li Shimin looked at me with cold eyes and said, "Chess will never end." He took his long sword and approached step by step, which was particularly clear in this cold hall. Every step of him seemed to be cut on me with a knife.

"Your plan?" I knew it, but I couldn't help asking how good it would be if he shook his head. The pain that can't be erased in his eyes is still stabbed in his eyes like a needle. Li Shimin looked at me and lost the elite layer in his eyes. He seemed to be a little helpless, but he didn't give me an answer.

"From beginning to end, the maidservant finally understood." I said.

Thinking of the person who was hurt, I hated that I couldn't be flat. My chest was full of blood, and my brain was hot. I suddenly slapped him on the cheek, but it still stiffened in mid-air. Xue Wanjun behind him saw that he wanted to lift his sword again, but was stopped by Li Shimin. Li Shimin, won't you kill me? My fingers trembled but still pointed straight at him. I said fiercely, "You really, really..." My eyes were blurred and my face was wet. I lost my tone and muttered to myself, "It's really heart-wounding."

In the empty square, the oncoming wind was very cold. I untied the belt of the cloak with a sarcastic smile and let it fall. It is just a piece of cloth for the cold wind to shelter from the wind. It is useless when the weather is hot. I turned my eyes and walked away alone. The spring rain in March always likes to linger at night, with a layer of water vapor on the face, and the wind blowing from it looks extremely desolate.

It turned out that the fire wanted to burn clean, not just me!

Li Shimin, you are so good at martial arts. It turns out that your battlefield is more than those invading enemy soldiers.


In April, Liu Wuzhou united with the Turks and stationed in the Yellow Snake Ridge, with a strong military front. This time, Li Yuanji was invited to fight. A few days later, he took several soldiers and horses to Bingzhou and began to fight against Liu Wuzhou.

Li Yuanji went on an expedition at this time to prove his strength. Since Ye Ying hurt Yang Qingyun, he has no longer relied on Li Jiancheng and Li Shimin, and has been making himself strong so that people no longer dare to plan on him. No one said anything about that day. No one knew about it except us in the palace. She only said that Princess Qi suffered a severe cold on the day of the wedding banquet and could not go out for several months. Li Yuanji's attitude towards Li Shimin is no longer as kind and righteous as before. When they meet, they are not lull or hot, but they are slightly better for Li Jiancheng, and occasionally go to the East Palace to talk about the past.

I haven't slept well recently. Every time I think of that day, my heart is uneven, but I can't attack. After a few days, my mood finally calms down. Princess Qin still didn't like my care. I only checked the results of the maids in Chengqian Hall, and I didn't care about me. It's really uncomfortable to stay in Chengqian Hall all day. I'm afraid that when I see Li Shimin, there is always a strange feeling in my heart. I also didn't want to go to the East Palace. I didn't like to see the prince's gloomy face, which made me feel creepy all over. I simply went to the small kitchen of Shang Pharmacy to make some chicken soup for Song Yi. However, once or twice, the people of Shang Pharmaceutical Bureau began to gossip, and their eyes looked at me were different. That day, he went to find Song Yi and saw that he had got up, and his face was still gloomy. He looked at me put chicken soup on the table and said, "I'm in good body. I don't need to send chicken soup anymore."

I knew that the gossip outside made him uncomfortable, so I nodded and delivered the soup to his lips, maybe for the last time. He took the bowl by himself, drank it slowly, and looked up at the empty bowl: "I'm afraid it's the last time."

I took the bowl and said, "If you are happy, you can tell me another day."

Song Yi smiled faintly: "Accompany me for a walk outside."

The sunshine is very good, and the warmth will flow soon. Song Yi only walked slowly in the yard, his face had not recovered, and his plain clothes looked pale. He was still weak and afraid that he would be tired, so he stopped at a place to look at the scenery in the courtyard. In this season, the leaves are green and flowers are lush, and the faint fragrance of flowers comes from other places from time to time, which makes my mood gradually relax.

Suddenly, I saw a pot of green plants in the corner of the yard. The leaves are large and very green. The thick roots are kept in a wide porcelain jar. The growth is very beautiful, and the edges of the green leaves are dripping down thinly. I came forward to touch its leaves, and a trace of coldness came from my fingertips. The people around me suddenly opened my hand, and I looked back in a surprised way. He looked at my palm left and right with a worried look. I felt strange. I withdrew my hand and looked at myself and asked, "Why is Song Fengyu so nervous?"

Song Yi pointed to the pot of big leaf plants and said, "The smell of boiling medicine in the yard is too heavy. A few days ago, I asked someone to bring plants to this yard to put them away. I didn't want to see them today, but I brought this pot of dripping Guanyin."

"When you have a good rest, don't forget to tell me." I pretended to be angry, turned my head to look at the basin of Guanyin, and said with a smile, "This Guanyin is beautiful. It's best to put it here." With that, he touched the drop of water Guanyin again. Song Yi patted my hand, afraid he would pull my back and couldn't help frowning. I quickly helped him, and he endured his anger at me and said, "I should order people not to approach this drop of water Guanyin... No, it should be abandoned directly!"

I looked at him unclearly and didn't expect that what he said later shocked me. It was really dangerous to put this water Guanyin here.

He said that the white juice in the dripping Guanyin stem is poisonous, and the dripping water is also poisonous. If you touch or eat the juice by mistake, it will cause discomfort in the mouth and suffocation in serious cases, leading to death. The skin will be itchy or strongly stimulated when it comes into contact with its juice, and even blind when it comes into contact with the juice. Drip Guanyin can indeed purify the air well, but if you want to raise it, you should be extremely cautious!

I looked deeply at this quiet dripping Guanyin. The beautiful and peaceful appearance is so deadly inside.

A figure came from the porch next to her. When Nian'er saw us, she turned her head to leave. I hurriedly called her before she turned back.

"Nian'er has been really busy these days. Thank you for your hard work." I took Nian'er's hand and said. Nian'er quickly glanced at Song Yi and lowered her eyebrows and said, "Nian'er is in this industry. How can it be hard or not? As long as everyone is safe."

When I was away, Nian'er took care of Song Yi all the time. When Song Yi was weak, only Nian'er was by his side.

There are times when I come to Shang Pharmaceutical Bureau today, and I should also take a look at Chengqian Hall. The sun is still warm. I want to stay and leave the two of them out of the pharmacy. Song Yi has always treated people very well, but the recent care of Nian'er has made him stay a little cold. I shook my head and couldn't figure it out.

Returning to Chengqian Hall, there was nothing else but a few baby cries occasionally in the inner hall. I walked around the porch and saw a figure in front of me. I haven't seen Li Shimin for a few days. Today, he saw me, but he walked around the other side. Looking at his turned figure, he was originally very resentful, but now he touches his chest and is a little entangled and depressed.

A few days later, a man came to the hall. I took a look. It was the man who was looking for Li Shimin at the Wude Hall banquet that day. He was dressed in a cyan robe and had a slightly solemn face. He saw me politely asked Li Shimin where he was going. Seeing the maid passing by salute him, I was also blessed, but I couldn't guess who he was. I led him to sit in the hall and answered his words and went to the hall to find Li Shimin.

Li Shimin returned to the palace and was not in the bedroom of Princess Qin, but in the study. When I was looking for him, he was reading in his study. After listening to me, he took the book and went straight to the hall. He didn't look at me at all, and my heart suddenly surged with boredom.

There are maids waiting in the hall, and I can't go there anymore. A few tender red petals suddenly floated in the sky, falling on my group with a trace of fragrance. I want to come to Xihua. I am happy to see myself. I follow the direction of the wind blowing, looking for the petals all the way, and finally find the place with the most fallen flowers in circles. This spring flowers bloom and fall a lot, but it is not as desolate as the autumn sun. The scene at this time is very wonderful!

I looked at the tall trees with pink flowers on them, and the sun was shining brightly. Where are the flowers blooming so well? Looking left and right, it turned out to be the backyard of the East Palace.

My heart was a little heavy, and I still wanted to leave, but I saw that Li Jiancheng was just here. When he saw me, he was a little stunned, and then smiled brightly. As he came to me, he said, "I've been busy recently. I haven't seen you for a long time."

"The prince was free, so he let the maidservant see him. I was really happy." I also laughed.

Li Jiancheng approached me, held me in his arms, leaned his head on my shoulder, and breathed in my ear without saying a word. Compared with before, he should be in a bad mood. I patted him on the back and asked, "What's wrong?"

"I haven't seen you for a long time, and I feel it in my heart." He whispered in a slightly apologetic tone. I don't know what I feel, but I just feel that his sadness is really emanating by me. I didn't say anything, just let him lean on me quietly. For a long time, he looked up and asked, "Are you in Chengqian Hall? Is everything all good?"

I nodded: "Princes Qin no longer has to be served by me. The palace is very idle, and the people who come today can still be free."

Li Jiancheng's eyes flashed and asked, "Who is here?"

I replied, "I don't know. I've never seen it. This person does not wear official clothes when he enters the palace, and his words and behavior are very polite.

Li Jiancheng looked aside secretly and said, "If you guess correctly, it's the Duke of Qi and the eldest grandson Wuji."

It turned out to be him. Changsun Wuji is the elder son of Princess Qin, and he has always been friends with Li Shimin. I just often hear people talk about it, but I don't recognize him.