Beauty on the side

Chapter 047 Branch Plum 1

Speaking of this person, Li Jiancheng looked solemn and stunned. I touched him and asked, "What is the prince thinking?"

Li Jiancheng came to his senses: "Nothing."

I turned my back and said, "When we first met, I heard the prince tell me that if I was familiar with it in the future, I would talk to myself. It seems that the maidservant is not enough.

Li Jiancheng seemed to wake up and shook my hands urgently and said, "That's not the case. It's just this matter..." I glanced at him and was slightly angry. He saw and said, "Changsun Wuji is very clear and has done a lot of work for my Tang Dynasty. This man is relatively shrewd in politics and tactics. And he is always around the world... he is really a dangerous person.

It's like biting my tongue. The following sentence is not very clear, but I still understand it. I asked, "Is the prince saying that he is dangerous to His Royal Highness the King of Qin or to the Tang Dynasty?"

Li Jiancheng looked at me and didn't know what he was thinking. After a long time, he said, "Actually, you are also a dangerous person. But since I believe in you, you can't fail me!"

The depressed ice in my heart was smashed by his words. I trembled and replied with a smile, "I only ask for peace of mind, and I will live up to it."

"How can I make you feel at ease?" Li Jiancheng stroked the hair on my forehead and asked gently.

"If you don't hurt me, don't use me, and don't deceive me, I will feel at ease." I answer.

He held my long-haired fingers and muttered, "Don't hurt, don't use, don't cheat." His eyes turned and condensed and fell on my face, "If you hurt, if you use it, if you cheat, I will not let you go!" Whether it's you to me or me to you!"

I lowered my head with a guilty heart.

I selfishly thought: If I can put aside all the conspiracy and struggle and hold Li Jiancheng's heart, I think I will also be happy.

At night, before leaving the Chengqian Hall, I wanted to ask Li Shimin to return to the pharmacy as soon as possible, and I was worried about him taking a detour when he saw me. I had no choice but to hesitate in the yard for a long time before I dared to go to the inner hall. His study was still bright, and I hesitated for a moment and finally knocked on his door.

"Your Highness, please tell me if you have something to do." I said at the door, and after a while, I heard his promise and went into the room. Li Shimin stood at the desk with a brush and practiced calligraphy in an upright manner. The room was very quiet. I looked at him so seriously that I didn't know if I should speak about this matter. Before he spoke, he said, "I'm going out of the palace tomorrow. Do you want to follow me?"

It's hard to get along with him like this, not to mention leaving the palace with him. I refused, "Your Highness must have something to do when you leave the palace, and I dare not follow."

Li Shimin took his brush and looked at me and said, "I'm just going to the easternmost. Don't you want to follow?"

I opened my mouth and was surprised. The easternmost part of Chang'an is my home. After entering the palace for almost a year, I miss my father and brother very much. Therefore, I said shamelessly, "It's very far to the east. I'm afraid that others will not take good care of Your Highness, and the maidservant will still follow."

"Well, that's great!" Li Shimin put down his pen, walked around the table and walked out of the door. I still had something to ask for instructions. I hurriedly followed and asked, "Your Highness, where are you in a hurry to go?"

"Bathing and changing clothes!" Li Shimin shook his sleeves and walked to the bath hall without looking back. Hearing this, I couldn't help blushing, so I had to stop and salute alone.

The next morning, someone sent a set of folk clothes to the court and asked me to wait at the back door of the palace after wearing it. This set of clothes from the Chengqian Hall fits just right. The long cyan skirt, the goose yellow robe, and the yellow silk hairband coil up the long hair. He changed his appearance and felt much better. In addition, he was thinking about his father and brother, and his pace to the palace gate was much faster.

After several trips back and forth at the palace gate, I finally saw a carriage coming. It was the carriage on the day of Shangyuan night, which was also Li Shimin's carriage. When they arrived at the door of the palace, the people inside lifted the curtain slightly, and the soldiers at the door immediately let them go. Li Shimin's eyes fell on me, and I came forward and said, "The maidservant and the groom are waiting for your Highness's dispatch."

Li Shimin didn't say anything and put down the curtain. I carefully sat outside the trunk. After sitting firmly, the groom beside me waved the whip, the horse began to trot, and the car slowly drove out of the palace gate.

The last time I left the palace was on the first night. It was cold and dark, and I couldn't see the beautiful scenery outside at all. And this time in the warm spring, the white clouds are high, the breeze is gentle and the sun is shining. I took a deep breath and was free and happy. Suddenly, his arms were tightly grasped and dragged back. In an instant, I went from outside the car to the car. Li Shimin likes plain colors. Today, he also wore a simple one, and only a silk hairband was tied to his hair, which was very casual and chic. He grabbed my arms and pressed me on the soft seat beside him. Looking at my panicked face, he asked, "Would you like to sit with me?"

I shook my head: "Your Highness is noble, and sitting with Your Highness is really a slave." I thought about it again and asked, "Your Highness saw me take a detour a few days ago. Why do you still want me to sit with me today?"

Li Shimin finally put down his dull face and said, "It's really my fault to threaten you to marry the East Palace with your father and brother. Recently, I thought about it and took you to see them as a compensation.

I couldn't help laughing and said, "Your Highness is not only using this."

Li Shimin grabbed my palm, his eyes, and the dark light flowed: "Since you know, why didn't you slap down at the beginning?"

"You are the Lord, I am the servant, the man in the palace, who should have done something for you. What qualifications does the maidservant have to do the duty of Your Highness? I said quietly, lost in my heart.

Yes, you are the master and I am the servant. I should do something for you. There can't be any emotional color in it at all, otherwise the master and servant will change.

Li Shimin gently put down my hand and stopped talking. I turned my head to open the small curtain on one side and looked at the scenery outside the window, but my mood couldn't fly. Looking out of the window, my heart looked inside the car. The people beside me did not move, as if they were looking sideways at the scenery I was looking at.

The carriage bumped for several hours, and the carriage stopped after hearing a sound. Just as I was about to get out of the car, a burst of sword sounded, and Li Shimin pulled me back and jumped out with me in his arms. I don't know what happened. I staggered a few steps and stood firmly on the ground. Li Shimin hugged me and shouted in front of me, "Who is coming?"

I fixed my eyes and saw that the groom had been killed by the sword, and this was at the door of my house. The door was open and there was no one in it. Four big men stood by the door with swords in their hands. I felt ominous and worried. One of the big men said angrily to us, "This family is full of people in the palace. You destroy my Sui Dynasty, and I will destroy you!" After saying that, the four people roared and split the knife.

It turned out to be the remnants of the Sui Dynasty!

Li Shimin pushed me behind me and flew forward to fight with the four people. Suddenly, the light of the sword suddenly flashed and a gust of wind. Although Li Shimin fought alone, he had the upper hand. I looked inside the door of the house, and the door of the room was open, but there was no one, and my heart suddenly felt uneasy and tightly twitched.

Here, four people have been killed by Li Shimin.

Although I saw him kill these people with his own hands, I was still in pain. I ran forward and beat him hard and said angrily, "It's all yours! If I hadn't always blackmailed my father and brother, and if the people in the palace hadn't come here, how could these people think that my father and brother were people in the palace, and how could this happen at home!"

Li Shimin quietly took the long sword and let me beat it. He said gently as never before, "There is no one in the room. Maybe they have moved to another place. Don't think badly. If you believe me, I will help you find it. Don't forget, this world is from my Li family, and where else can't I go?"

This world is his Li family's...

Yes, this world is already his Li family. What else does his family have to fight for? If they hadn't secretly competed and forced me to do something, would my family have been the victim of their Li family?

I complained secretly, gritted my teeth and didn't say anything. Li Shimin paused darkly and said, "Actually, I have never found your father and brother, but I saw that the East Palace often came here, and that day I said something nonsense to annoy you. Donggong has been threatening this, which is inevitably a little strange. I said, if you believe me, I will help you."

I understood what he meant, and I couldn't help asking one more question: "You said something nonsense to annoy me just to marry the prince and then achieve your divorce plan?" Do you know how uneasy I am about this nonsense? Why do you have to threaten this? Is it possible that in your hearts, whether it is family affection or any feelings, they are all ruthless people!"

Li Shimin's face stiffened and his eyes were no longer soft. He said coldly, "I'm ruthless. In this way, I don't have to pay attention to your father and your brother.

I shouted, "If you ignore it, you will ignore it!" My own family, I find it myself, better than some people have the intention to abuse their feelings!" I turned around and walked away quickly, with anger in my chest, and a loud roar came from behind me: "How do you find it yourself? Are you going to escape from the palace!"

After listening to this sentence, I just stepped to run, and my body suddenly tilted, and the whole world turned around in front of me. Li Shimin put me on his shoulder and said angrily, "Don't think about it!"

I patted him on the back, but he didn't respond and walked straight into the room. I was inexplicably nervous and hit the ground more fiercely. He tilted his body and threw me down. There was a pain on his back, and he stared at it in a blink of an eye. Li Shimin stood at the door of the room with his arms in his arms, looking straight at me with a pair of deep eyes.

After looking at each other for a while, he swept the room and said, "The room is neatly decorated, with only some spider webs and dust, which doesn't look like running away or hostages. As for the people outside just now, it's time to wait for the people who should come at the door!"

I also glanced at the house. The decoration was really the same as when someone lived there, but there were more spider webs and dust, indicating that no one had entered for many days. I secretly glanced at Li Shimin. He was walking into the room. I apologized. If it hadn't been for his insistence on coming in and having a look, I wouldn't have known these situations. Thinking of the scene just now, I couldn't help blush for what I had thought before.