Beauty on the side

Chapter 075 Luoyang Prisoner 4

From the east of the uncle, the first is like a flying Peng. Who is suitable for anointing?

Du Guiren cares about xylophone and music. The wrong tune with broken strings almost destroyed the whole world in her consciousness. There is hatred in my heart, but I have to love it. I can only live in the memory of the past. Suffering, love is scarred, and it's only cruel or too beautiful.

The rain slowly stopped and the sky became transparent.

I walked slowly on the road, and a beautiful song came not far away. In a blink of an eye, I saw Yang Gongqing standing behind the tree and staring in the direction of the song. There were two maids cleaning the palace road in front, and one of them hummed gently. I was a little familiar with the melody, as if I had heard it somewhere. At this time, another maid pulled the humming and said, "Don't sing, be careful to attract Du Guiren's soul."

The maid of honor who hummed the song nodded: "I always listened to her playing and singing here before, and I felt itchy when I heard it well. I really shouldn't, shouldn't."

I secretly looked at Yang Gongqing. After the song stopped, he looked far away. I was more sure of what I had just thought and walked forward slowly: "This song is not strange to General Yang."

Yang Gongqing turned around and looked at the sweat towel in my hand. I opened my hand and presented the sweat towel in front of him. There was a sarcastic smile at the corners of his mouth and pulled the sweat towel tightly between his fingers. I smiled at him and turned away.

Since it will be painful, don't expose it again, otherwise it will hurt others. I looked deeply at whether the outside of this palace wall is the same as inside, so cold and cruel. Think about what the man is thinking. I think that man has ever remembered me. Think about it, will that person feel guilty?

I shook my head. Since he lost me, he will never think of me again. And his purpose was very successful, and Wang Shichong returned to the palace.

When Wang Shichong broke into my attic, I sat quietly in the yard and watched the flowers fall.

"After seeing you, I think about it day and night. You are not anyone, you are her, and I want to get you!" Wang Shichong opened his hand and walked towards me. I got up and raised my right hand, and the embroidered scissors coldly pressed against my throat: "I'm not anyone, but I'm just Mo Xiran. So does the emperor want a cold body?

I'm Mo Xiran. I'm just an ordinary woman. Will be emotional, sad, desperate; love, resent, hate! And these are all Li Shimin's disdain for the purpose. At this time, my existence is still meaningful to him. I can't help curling my lips and looking at the poor man in front of him.

But after all, I can't betray myself, and I can't give in to Wang Shichong. It was only after Li Shimin abandoned me that he found that sometimes it is better to die than to live, so as not to think about it and worry about it. Li Shimin can treat me ruthlessly, so why can't I bear his strategy? What does the war have to do with me, and the world has to do with me? This time, his calculation is wrong. Love is his and my life is still mine. I leaned the scissors against my neck and died of resentment. I only hope that the wind can take me to the original place and sleep quietly.

Wang Shichong stared and shouted in panic, "I won't touch you, I... just want to see you."

I said coldly, "Your Majesty, let's go to the front line to prepare for the war, otherwise the Tang army will break into the gate, and no one will want to live."

I... will inevitably die, but it's just the difference between dying under his own hands.

Two days later, Wang Shichong often came to see me, and I refused to see him because of typhoid fever. On this day, he was finally angry and the door was kicked open. Because he was worried about competing for the world all year round, his hair was half white and wrinkled. He was close to my face, and his rapid breath fell on my eyes. He lowered his eyes and said angrily, "You are lying to me!"

I said quietly, "Luoyang is in danger. If I secretly inform the Tang army, Zheng Guo will be destroyed. The emperor still went back to the army. Don't miss a big deal by coming to me.

"I have read the records of the maid of honor, and I am very satisfied with your peace of security! As for secretly informing Tang Jun... Oh, I guess you hate Tang Jun." Wang Shichong sneered and continued, "Don't think I don't know what they want to do. I won't lose you, let alone be tricked by them!" The callus palm stroked my cheek, which made me shiver. His ugly desire was rampant and whispered in my ear, "I only ask for this time, only this time to calm my heart, even if I lose the army, I have no regrets!"

The cracked and crude lips covered my ears, which made me have pimples. I was angry to avoid his intimacy and pushed him hard, but Wang Shichong trained soldiers all his life, how could I push him away. In a hurry, I opened the only hairpin and stabbed him in the back. Wang Shichong was in pain, touched his back with a ferocious face and retreated a few steps, with a resentful face.

The wind from the window soothed my long scattered hair, and I trembled all over and stood on the edge of the table. Wang Shichong looked at the blood stains from his back and angrily shook his long sleeves and kicked the door away.

I looked at his departing figure, and there was a secret determination in my eyes. I'm glad that Wang Shichong misses that woman, so that he can't bear to kill me at this time, but if he suddenly understands later, I can't be what he gets, and I'm afraid that it will be exchanged for Ning Weiyu. I can no longer let nature take its course. I want to escape from this troubled world and escape from the deep palace of conspiracy. At this time, I no longer care about what I get and don't get. What I care about is how to forget.

In the middle of the night, the maid of honor on the pavilion leaned against the wall and dreamed. Previously, I deliberately opened a window in the room and quietly got up barefoot on the ground. The cold smell of the ground went straight from the soles of my feet to my whole body. I carried my shoes and dropped it out of the window, gently stepped on the prepared stool and turned out of the window.

I suppressed the panic in the bottom of my heart, calmly put on my shoes, and bent down to walk to the Maku in the palace. After staying in Zheng Guo Palace for so long, I have known some places. Maku is unguarded, and only during the day can eunuchs send some grass food there, and there is still some distance from the attic to Maku, and they must hide from the guards who patrol overnight.

After deciding to escape from the palace, I secretly rectified a suit of robes in the room, similar to men's clothing. When I walked, I got rid of the shackles of big skirts and big sleeves. I didn't like to use this thing in Zheng Guo Palace. I found the hairband when I came to casually swirling a bunch of hair. This outfit undoubtedly reduced a lot of trouble for me when I was secretly. After successfully avoiding two pairs of night patrol guards, it was not far from Maku. I walked through the bamboo forest and suddenly stepped on the crisp sound of fallen leaves and suddenly had one more person behind me.

I immediately noticed that I was about to run. Suddenly, a cold light flashed, and it was cold on my neck. The person behind him stepped sideways in front of me and frowned coldly: "Are you going to escape from the palace?"

I will definitely look at Yang Gongqing and won't answer. Do I still need to answer with such an obvious motivation? What a question! Unexpectedly, Yang Gongqing suddenly put down his sword, knelt down on one knee, with a deep meaning flowing in his eyes, and whispered, "Please help me fulfill a wish."

I came to my senses and turned my head and said, "I don't like to help a heartless person. If you want to punish me, please do what you want!"

Yang Gongqing looked at me quietly and said calmly, "I sent Du Guiren to the palace. I caused her to be trapped in this palace." He whispered painfully with endless guilt, "Her singing is beautiful, and she was heard by Wang Shichong, who went on patrol, and asked me to take her to the palace."

I looked at the man in front of me. For a wish, I could uncover the scar to explain my misunderstanding of him. I took a breath and listened quietly, not daring to disturb this distant and desolate memory. He said, "Du Guiren's voice is very beautiful. I taught her to play the piano and sing before she left the cabinet. She asked me how to find me if I wanted to continue learning the music. I said that as long as she played this song, I could hear it. And she misunderstood my mind and only complained that I couldn't bear to talk about it at the beginning. I don't expect that such a misunderstanding made her go to such an end, and now I feel so guilty!"

Looking at his sincere eyes, I was finally soft-hearted: "What do you want me to do?"

"I'll meet someone for you." Yang Gongqing smiled sadly, "Yun'er is also Du Guiren's sister."

It turns out that the woman Du Gui mentioned before his life was his sister. Yang Gongqing smiled, which was the deepest sadness: "Since I want you to meet her for me, I should tell you everything... Her dance is the most beautiful dance I have ever seen in my life. On the day the thief was killed, she didn't know it and was still dancing for me by the stream. After returning to the Du family, I found that while we were selfish and happy, the Du family was suffering the final tragedy. Yun'er complained about the pain in her heart on me. If she hadn't fallen in love with me and made an appointment with me in private, she would not have seen such a miserable appearance of the Du family. She would rather die with her family. Since Du Guiren entered the palace, the sister seemed to be gone, and she felt that she was the only one living alone in the world. I knew she couldn't forgive herself, so she complained about me and then chose to leave me and left fiercely, because she knew that I would never blame her. Until two years ago, someone won the leader of Chang'an dance and entered the Tang Palace. I was vaguely touched by the word 'dance' and looked around for the news of this person. Now I'm sure it's her.

I didn't understand and said, "Since you already knew, why didn't you go to her in person? Otherwise, you will escape from the palace with me!"

Yang Gongqing shook his head: "She is a stubborn person. How can she see me again when she leaves me? Moreover, Zheng Tang is not two-able. I can't leave Zheng Guo, but if I don't see her, I will live up.

If you don't see her, you will fail...

The heart is touched, and too many people have too much helplessness. Yang Gongqing told me so much. I really hope that I can take his sincere affection and use my eyes to meet the person he has been thinking about all his life. I nodded: "Okay, I promise you that I will meet her for you."

I'm secretly sad. I have completed others. Who can help me?

Yang Gongqing took me to hide overnight as a patrol guard. With him, it went much better and soon arrived at Maku. He pulled the strongest horse and gave me the reins, "Next is the palace gate. You just need to ride the horse straight, and I will solve the rest."

I wanted to go out of the palace and hit the west with a voice. Now it is reliable for Yang Gongqing to help. I thanked him, and he smiled and said, "Don't thank me. This is just because you are from the Tang Palace. I'm just helping myself.