Beauty on the side

Chapter 076 Luoyang Prisoner 5

Yang Gongqing watched me get on the horse, pulled a dagger and a money bag from his waist and stuff it into the horse's leather bag, and urged him urgently: "After leaving the palace, go all the way to the west. That is the place where the two armies fight. The emperor dares not send more horses to chase you and revealed his purpose of leaving the army and returning to the palace. He will not risk the hearts of the army because of you. But you should be careful. If the two armies don't pay attention, they are more likely to die. As for leaving the city... You have to find a place to settle down first, and you must be patient. I can't escort you away, otherwise I'm afraid it will implict you.

If Yang Gongqing escorts me away, Wang Shichong will issue a wanted order to pursue Yang Gongqing when he finds that we don't see each other, but the purpose is mine. I nodded slightly: "General Yang, please rest assured that I will be careful on this trip."

Yang Gongqing's face sank slightly, with deep missing and sadness: "Miss Mo, please help me give this to Yun'er." He stuffed it in my hand. I opened my hand and saw that it was a transparent stone with a bright red plum blossom, as if it were blooming, very delicate and angry. I asked, "Do you have anything to say to her?"

Yang Gongqing lowered his eyes and shook his head faintly. I suddenly understood that my men secretly clenched the stone. Thousands of words that he couldn't say were condensed on this stone. When the love is deep, the pain is also strong. Thousands of miles away, I can still feel the other's heartbeat. I believe that she still has feelings for you, but I can only tell her that she is very good and has a desire to rely on each other.

Yang Gongqing raised Marcus's whip and waved it to the horse inside. Marcus's horse suddenly became anxious, roared and kicked open the stable door and rushed out. Say goodbye!" I took a breath, and the hand holding the reins became weak, and I was really nervous. I clamped it hard. Tightly, waved the whip, and moved under his body, the horse ran quickly across its large legs. It's a good horse! Horse, horse, my life and death bet is all up to you!

The cold wind in the middle of the night hit my face, which made me painful. As long as you turn another corner, you can see the palace gate. Several horses that rushed out of the marique flew through the front, and only heard someone shouting behind them: "Come on, Maku's horses have run away. Don't let them out of the palace gate!"

Although this voice doesn't look like Yang Gongqing's, I know it's him. When I turned the corner, I saw the horse in front of me rushing out of the palace gate, and the guards guarding the door listened to the call and chased the escaped horse one after another. I lay down, my heart beat violently, and clung to the horse's back until I fell into darkness until the surrounding area was dead.

I still dare not look up. I opened my eyes and asked myself again and again if I had escaped. The sound of horses' hoofs kept fluctuation in my ears. I smelled the cold but extremely free air, and my heart became happy.

After running non-stop all night, the sky finally spit out fog and gradually turned red. I looked at the vast wilderness and suddenly felt cheerful. I laughed, and this time I was really happy from the bottom of my heart. I put the hair scattered in front of my forehead behind my ears, took a deep breath of this cool smell of hay, and discarded all the turbidity that freely invaded my body in Zheng Guogong. I looked back, and there was an endless barren grass behind me. With the ups and downs of the wind in the morning, I whipped the horse with a smile and galloped to the west.

Another day, I came to a stream to let my horse drink water, raised my hand and looked into the distance. There was a yellow room in front of me, which looked like a ruined temple. Since I left the town around the palace, I haven't seen any villages. The weather on this day is changeable. At this time, there is still sunshine, but it is cloudy to cover the sky, so as to avoid a cold rain this night. I got on my horse and decided to go to the ruined temple.

When I felt the last moment of the broken temple, the sky fell and it rained. This rain will bring the coldest season of the year. My mood always changes with the weather. Looking at the cold rain falling, I can't help but feel sad.

With a faint light at dusk, I found two broken candles in the temple. They should have not been lit for a long time. The candles have been dry and cold. I found a firestone to light it, and a huge Guanyin statue on the temple stood majestically, looking down at the earth kindly and sacredly. I worshipped her devoutly and hoped that this trip would be clear and happy.

The rain wires are connected and continuous. The yellow flowers under the rain eaves are still blooming, and the sky looking up is gradually sad. Is he also staring at the invisible war in the distance? I hugged my body with a faint smile and watched the seedlings tremble in the fire, but it was still not warm. The children's thoughts are about the overall situation, that's what he said. At this moment, why do I still expect him to care about me a little?

In the night, there was silence, and there was a gurgling rain outside, and there was only the sound of dead branches in the fire. I close my eyes slightly and dare not fall asleep too much. Half in sleep, and half in reality, my drooping head often wakes me up. Looking around the temple, it is no different.

Suddenly, there was a slight sound outside the door, and suddenly there seemed to be something heavy falling on the ground, and gradually there was a small friction.

"Who is coming!" I jumped up, my heart beat to my throat, and stared at the door. The dim yellow fire shone faintly, and a dirty hand stopped on the ground. me." A small weak voice came from the door. I was stunned and walked slowly. I saw a messy woman in gray lying on the ground and casting a helpless look at me.

I looked down at her and stroked the messy hair on her cheeks. Her cheeks were cold, her lips trembled slightly, and there was a cut in her forehead. Because of the rain, blood stuck to the wound. I felt pity and raised my hand to help her into the temple and let her lean against the fire to keep warm.

I took some water by the stream before, and I only had such an edible thing. I put the mouth of the water bag on her lips and gently fed her a mouthful of water. The woman closed her eyes and leaned quietly. After a while, Xing regained some strength and leaned to me: "Thank you for saving me. Mu Yan has been here."

I nodded and smiled and added some firewood to the fire.

The next day, the sky was still cloudy, but Fortunately, the rain had stopped. I gave Mu Yan some silver and led the horse away alone, but I always felt that someone was following behind me. I looked back again and didn't find a shadow, but I still guessed a little bit in my heart. Finally, I had no choice but to say coldly, "If Miss Muyan needs anything else to help, just say that I don't like to be followed like this."

Muyan came out from behind the big tree next to her, with a pitiful look and whispered, "Muyan has nowhere to go. I wonder if the girl can take Muyan with her?"

I sighed and said, "Miss Muyan, yesterday was because I couldn't see you die. I don't ask who you are or why you have fallen like this. In fact, I regard you as a meeting. It's not a good thing to follow me."

Mu Yan shook her head with tears and knelt on the ground and said to me, "I am the daughter of an ordinary farmer in Luoyang City. My father was easy to gamble and owed a lot of gambling debts. Two days ago, several bullies came to ask for debts. My father couldn't take it out, so they killed him with a knife. That's not enough. They still have to take me back as... Want tools. I tried my best to escape. The world is so big that I don't know where to go. In this world, there is no one to trust and rely on. Until I meet a girl, please let me go with you!"

She is also a lonely person. I can't help thinking of my missing father and brother, and I can't help but feel sad. I'm not from Zheng Guo, I'm from the Tang Dynasty. I turned my head and said, "If you still want to follow, follow."

"It doesn't matter where you are from. I only know that girls are good people!" Muyan stood under the horse and looked up at me with joy. I sighed, "Come up by yourself. I can't pull you."

The horse moved, but Mu Yan below still didn't climb on the horse. I turned around quietly, and she was trying to think about how to get on the horse. The stubborn face reminded me of myself, and I was not so stubborn. After a lot of tossing, the horse finally shook her back, and she smiled like a bell behind me: "Sister, let's go."

Her "sister" makes me in a trance. Can I fall in love with this person I haven't known for a day?

I don't know when Luoyang's prison will come to an end. It can only be one step, it is one step.

The sky is gloomy, and some rain falls from time to time, but there is no heavy rain. After galloping for half a day, I finally saw a small village in front of me, touching about a dozen families. I whipped the horse and ran there, got off at the entrance of the village, and took Muyan into the village. When I saw an old girl who was kind-looking, I came forward and asked, "I don't know if I can disturb you for a while. My sister is not in good health and wants to borrow a place to rest."

The old girl looked at Mu Yan behind me, nodded with a smile, and led us into the house. I couldn't help asking shamelessly, "I don't know if the old man has porridge, but we..." The old man poured a pot of water for us and smiled and said, "My old man came back from the field quickly. Let's have porridge with us later." She looked at Mu Yan in a blink of an eye. The mud after touching the rain last night has dried a lot, and some of it was stained on Muyan's clothes and hair. The old woman took a clean dress from the room and said, "This is the new robe I made for my daughter. She forgot to take it away when she got married. If she doesn't mind, go to the back of the house and wash her body and change it."

I was really grateful. I gave a color to Muyan. She immediately took her clothes and nodded to the old woman and walked to the back of the room. When I came back, the whole person seemed to be in the same shape. The robe was a little bigger, but it also fit the body. A few long black hairs were pulled behind my head, setting off the beautiful and pitiful eyebrows, and my small mouth was slightly raised, calling me. I smiled and took out silver from my waist and stuffed it into the old man's hand: "For nothing else, this is a good skill for me to buy your robe."

The old man pushed the silver into my hand and said, "Although it is not as rich as the officials, this ordinary life has been going on for a long time. This silver is nothing, just for the safety of a family. My wife is dazzling and knows that her craftsmanship is not good. How can she take the girl's money?

The old woman pushed the silver, turned around and walked outside the house, looking at the vegetable field not far from the entrance, waiting for the people she spent her life to love and rely on. I envy her. I don't know when I can live such a comfortable life, love each other and rely on each other all my life.

At this time, Muyan behind me suddenly grabbed my shoulder and pointed to the outside in horror: "It's them, it's them!" Mu Yan shook her voice and hid behind me and clutched my clothes tightly. I looked and saw four or five big men coming outside the door, staring at each door. I subconsciously pushed Muyan aside and drove her to the inner room, signaling her not to say anything.

Coincidentally, those big men happened to come here and begged for water from the old man. The old lady was kind in her heart, so she came in to get water. Seeing that Mu Yan and I were hiding in the inner room, she couldn't help looking at it casually. These two eyes were grabbed by the big man and stepped into the house suspiciously. Muyan and I hid in. I leaned against the wall and quietly looked out. The old man handed them water, but they turned their eyes and looked into the house.

"What were you looking at just now?" One of the big men asked.