Beauty on the side

Chapter 077 Luoyang Prisoner 6

The old man noticed something strange and shook her head and said, "The domestic cat called, so I looked at it casually."

The big man took a few steps in. The old man stepped forward and pulled him before he said anything. The big man turned around and cut her face away. The old lady didn't even have time to scream. She fell straight to the ground, and bright red blood flowed from her face to her hair and the ground.

I covered my mouth without screaming and stared at the dead old woman. We killed her. She is just a kind old man!

The big man's knife pointed to the old woman on the ground and said to others, "A few mud footprints are clearly on the ground and you still want to lie to me!" I'll go in and have a look. You guys go outside and guard the window gate so that people won't run away!"

These inhuman killers only complained about the war in Luoyang, which made these people dare to do so evil and recklessly in the light of day. I turned around and leaned back. Mu Yan bit her palm and cried silently. At this time, I heard an old cry outside the house, thinking that it would not be the old man's husband who came back. These people would definitely kill people. Before he thought of what to do, the crying outside scolded several big men. With a knife sound, he cut off the unfinished words, and there was a dead silence.

With guilt and anger in my heart, I shook my hand and touched the long bag around my waist and held the dagger tightly. I can only let go!

The big man approached step by step with a bloody hook knife. I held my breath and concentrated. When his leg stepped into my sight, I bayonet down and pierced it from my little leg to the sole of my foot. Ah!" The big man roared bitterly and stabbed with a knife. I had turned around and hugged Mu Yan and turned aside to avoid the deadly knife. Hearing the roar of the big man, the guard outside immediately came to the room and saw him sitting on the ground with blood. Several people blushed angrily and rushed over. I couldn't, so I had to swing my dagger to stab. As soon as my wrist hurt, a big hand pressed me against the wall and raised a knife to stab me. Muyan beside me went crazy and inadvertently touched the candlestick on the table and suddenly stuck it to the man's arm. He let go of me in pain and slapped Mu Yan twice.

A sword shadow flashed from the outside, and there was a cry of pain in front of him. Looking again, the big man was lying on the ground and twitching, and his back was deeply cut. Seeing this, the other people pulled the hook knife around their waist and turned around and rushed out. The purple figure fell from the roof and shuttled among several people, and quickly took them down in one fell swoop. There was a big man lying on the ground covered with blood. Her cold eyes slowly went up over them and stopped on my face. I was still in shock. I looked at her in surprise and moved my lips: "Ye Ying..."

This time, he was saved by Ye Ying, who had always wanted to kill me. But isn't she dead?

The old girl and her husband were kind. I buried them in a nearby mountain and felt heavy on their graves. If it hadn't been for our arrival, they could continue to enjoy the years and live happily. Love each other, rely on each other... The grief cry of the old man's husband echoed in his ears. Seeing the person who has been with him all his life dying in front of him, how painful it was, how desperate it was, and I didn't even know why he was going to die.

I took a long breath, and Mu Yan beside me was frightened and leaned against me and fell asleep. I stroked her long hair. Will she be more relaxed now? Those who wanted to catch her died, but two kind people were defeated.

Ye Ying stood quietly, with no feelings on her face, and she didn't know what she was thinking.

I asked, "Didn't you always want to kill me?"

Ye Ying would never hide it. She said, "But I found that you are just his pawns like me. It makes me more happy to live than to kill you!"

I smiled faintly and asked her, "How did you get out?"

Ye Ying bent down and sat next to me with a smile: "It was the prince who let me go. It seems that the prince's heart is really much softer than that of His Royal Highness the King of Qin. Oh, I'm so glad that he loved someone who didn't love him and chose to let me live for her.

Li Jiancheng... Is he for me? Because deception was discovered, he was trying his best to make up for my resentment and hatred. Why, why does he always treat me well!

Seeing my move, Ye Ying said again, "Your Highness's heart is made of ice. No matter how many people I do for him, he won't care how much I do. You should be happy to have such a person as the prince who loves you deeply. Seizing the throne is what a man wants most. What is a woman in a political game? But the prince knows you best! As for Your Highness... Oh, do you still have any extravagant expectations?"

It's like a warning between a woman and her daughter for a man. I lowered my eyes and asked myself, am I really not worth it? I looked at the unknown woman in front of me: "Why, it seems that you know everything."

Ye Ying sneered and said, "Because you and I are both abandoned chess pieces, do you think my appearance this time is just a coincidence?"

I was immediately alert and said, "It turns out that you have been following me. What else do you want to do?"

She sighed: "You don't know me very well. Since I saved you, I won't kill you again. I just want to borrow something from you."

"What is it?" Love!"

How can I borrow it? It's a situation that I can't even grasp.

"Your Highness has completely abandoned me. And you are different. I want to see how hard Your Highness's heart is and why he won't look at me more!" Ye Ying pressed close to my eyes, and the deeply painful eyes poured into my eyes, which was so dazzling.

I flashed my eyes and curled my head and said, "Sorry, I won't see him again."

Ye Ying didn't believe it and snorted coldly, "If you don't want to see him again, why do you keep going west? Even if you just want to escape, the result is still the same. He is in the west, and you will definitely see his army if you keep moving forward.

I don't know if the heart I didn't want to face was making a fault. I was actually angry and stared at Ye Ying fiercely and stopped talking to her. I gently shook Mu Yan on my knee and told her that it was time to go. Mu Yan got up and rubbed her red and swollen eyes and left behind me. Ye Ying did not come, but I had a hunch that she would follow me secretly.

The weather was getting cold, and I slowly walked west. I didn't dare to get too close to the land of the two armies, so I walked and stopped nearby. At this time, the direction is the safest for me. Now when Wang Shichong catches up with my limelight, everything will become smooth. As for who wins and loses between the Tang Dynasty and Zheng, it has nothing to do with me. As long as it can give peace to the world, it has nothing to do with who unifies the world. It's just that every time I think about this, I can't help worrying and distressing. I'm afraid of who will lose and who will be gone.

If he is really gone, will I also be sad? Will I still be so calm now?

The Canyue hung alone on the window sill, reflecting the memories pale. Wandering alone under the moon, only the shadow locks for thousands of years, and the two have no chance to fly together, and the flowers are puzzled. The infatuation suddenly causes heartache.

At night, I found another empty dilapid house and made a fire. It was a cold windy day. It's colder than a day. This morning, when I arrived at the door of the house, I suddenly found that there was white snow flying, and the ice shadow dyed the whole world pale. By the road, the red moon season blown by the night wind is the scattered soul, the lonely mind, and my past and present life. Suddenly, I wanted to dip a touch of dark ink and paint a melancholy mood. The silent loneliness of the book was in the vicissitudes of life a hundred years later. Nostalgia and reflection, the sad wind blows through, and the past is helpless. Now, I can't stop, I can't get familiar with the cold, and I can't blow away my sorrow. I hope this winter snow can freeze everything until thousands of years.

I led the horse and Muyan through a village. As soon as the winter snow fell, the horse could not even eat the dead grass, and the journey all day was also exhausted. Farmers on the battlefield could not eat more food for horses, and even some porridge and rice were given different values of silver to get it. When the snow is less, I'm ready to go somewhere else and find a place where I can shelter from the wind and rain for a few days. At this time, a small snowball rolled around my feet and wet my shoes. Then I saw a four- or five-year-old boy sitting on the snow, holding a pile of snowflakes in his hand. His cold red face was stained with some plaster, and a pair of confused and panicked eyes looked at me.

Muyan saw his snowball wet my shoes and said to the child, "It's annoying to play here. Go home quickly!"

The child looked at her, and his men still picked up the snowflakes and seriously carried it to the small plate in front of him: "When I take the clean snow and take it home to my mother, I won't be annoying here."

I was stunned and asked, "Do you need snow to cook at home?"

The child raised his head and said, "There is no rice at home. It snowed heavily. My mother said that she would not be hungry after eating clean snow."

I sighed deeply and felt very sorry. After eating winter snow, my intestines are frozen. Naturally, I feel numb, but I don't feel hungry, but it is prone to sad accidents. I did not hesitate to take a bank of silver from my waist, touched the child's cold hand and fortressed in. Muyan suddenly reached out and took the silver back. I turned around and frowned and said, "Muyan, what are you doing?"

What do you do? You and I depend on each other for life, and these two taels of silver are also very precious. Muyan took my hand and said seriously, "Sister, I know you want to help him, but you gave him money for no reason. If he remembers that he can get it for nothing, how will he live in the future? Is this for his good?

I thought for a moment and nodded and asked her, "I can't help. What do you think I should do?"

Muyan pulled me away: "Naturally, let him figure it out by himself."

What Muyan said is reasonable, but what can such a young child do at this time? I looked back at the child's pitiful eyes. He stared at us leaving, and the silver hand was still deadlocked in mid-air before he received it. I took Muyan's hand away, turned around and stuffed silver into the child's hand and said, "Remember, you have to live on your own in the future."

The child's confused and innocent eyes didn't seem to understand what I said. He just stared at me and opened his little mouth: "Auntie, my name is Ming Xiaozhu. Thank you!"

I touched the mud on his face and smiled. Mu Yan pulled me back behind me and stared at the silver held by the child, and her face was full of iron blue. After leaving the village, she didn't say anything all the way, just strode for herself, and there was nowhere to complain in her heart. I followed quickly and said to her helplessly, "The child doesn't know anything now and can't do anything. I just warned him. I think he can listen to it."

Muyan stopped and turned around angrily, with elite anger in her eyes: "These days, we are so frugal. You actually gave that unrelated child an ingot of silver. Why should I live in a shabby house for porridge and rice!"

I couldn't tell whether she helped the child for no reason or because she was reluctant to think that I had treated her badly. I calmed down and said, "At the beginning, I said that it was not a good thing for you to follow me. If you want to go alone now, I won't keep you."

Hearing this, Mu Yan pulled down her face and looked at me bitterly and said, "Sister, I didn't mean that. I was just worried too much. Anyway, silver is yours. You can use it as you like, but don't care about others. We still have a long way to go, and we don't have a way to make money!"

Muyan's worries are not wrong. At present, she is frugal, and she has just given the child money, and there is not much entanglement in her hand. The war in Luoyang City is heavily guarded, and it can't go out, and it can't be peaceful inside. It's really sad.

I secretly touched the dry purse on my waist and sighed in my heart, and I was at a loss.