Beauty on the side

Chapter 119 Return 4

I retreated with everyone, and when I arrived at the outer hall, I felt dizzy and trembled a few steps and gasped on the pillar. When Princess Qin saw my strangeness, she quickly called Qinger, who was waiting outside. She asked me how she was. I only shook my head and said that I was tired. She calmed down slightly and told me to take more rest. In a few days, I would ask the Shang Food Bureau for some tonic meals.

I responded repeatedly and gently leaned back to the hall. In my mind, I still recalled what Li Shimin said when he looked at me. Is it true that I am in his heart?

Two days later, the Food Bureau sent me a tonic meal according to the order of Princess Qin. I didn't reassure Princess Qin's words before. I thought it was just a polite speech. I didn't expect her to really care about me, and I couldn't help but be very moved and grateful to her.

The soup sent is hot, colorful and fragrant, and I can't help but want people to taste it. I lifted a spoonful into my throat and only felt that the red dates and peanut soup smelled of medicine. Qinger looked at it and said, "This diet should be added with medicine, so that it can be effective."

I think so, so I drank it at ease.

I have always liked the warmth of spring and the color of flowers. Today, I still can't bear to look outside. Besides, it's good for me to stretch my mood. Determined to walk to the palace garden, he turned around and heard two maids talking:

"I'm envious of others. If I had known it, I would have followed you to the evening hall."

"Didn't you shout to go to Mo Zhaoxun's hall before? Without a hundred days of red, Mo Zhaoxun is out of favor. Now what is favored by His Royal Highness is the evening ceremony of our palace!"

"Yes, Mo Zhao's body is weak and his face is not good. How can he keep His Highness's heart?"

Flowers without 100 days of red......

My heart trembled and I couldn'tcontrol myself. I haven't seen Li Shimin these days, and it's the same for a few days, but I don't care. He was just busy with business at that time. And now... I have stroked my cheeks, and I have been weak since Li Kuan's death. In the past few days, I have not recovered from calming. Who is happy to see such a weak and sick appearance? Thinking of what the doctor and Song Yi said to me that year, I felt very happy. This disease is pressing on my heart, and I will get sick after a long time. And at this time, how can I be in a good mood? Everything Li Shimin has done is involved in my heart.

He is a cunning boy and doesn't talk to me. Because of Weizi, I can't eat!

He is a cunning boy and doesn't eat with me. Because of Weizi, I can't breathe!

Someone came behind me, and I turned around and it was Yan Jingwen. She smiled and nodded to me, and the sun gently sprinkled from her hair, and the cyan robe became brighter and brighter. Every woman in this hall is beautiful and beautiful. She is not like me. She looks sick and really annoying. While sighing, Yan Jingwen came forward and held my hand and said with a smile, "Go and sit in my temple."

Please don't refuse. I went back to the Chengqian Hall with her. When she was about to arrive, she called the palace people to prepare first. When I entered the hall, I smelled the fragrance of ink. Looking again, there was an inkstone on the desk in front of the temple. The ink in the inkstone was not dry, but there was no writing paper. I thought about it secretly, but then I didn't want to think about it anymore. The maid of honor brought a hot tea box of pastry on the table. I sat with her. Yan Jingwen looked at me deeply, and her eyes were full of pity: "I also heard the words of the maid of honor just now. You are aggrieved, and you have to find someone to talk to talk to."

My child's job is in the Shang Pharmacy, and Mu Yan is the source of this matter. In addition to swallowing this sadness, I can only find someone to talk to as Yan Jingwen said. But I don't like to discuss this emotional matter. The moon is cloudy and sunny, and the flowers are full of shallow bloom. Everything in the world is changing all the time, not to mention the hearts of the people.

"I'm afraid that under the influence of rumors, Your Highness's heart has gradually faded away." I picked up a reason at random, and my thoughts drifted away. I knew that this was not because of rumors, but I pretended to comfort myself like this and was suspicious of Li Shimin's death protection in front of Li Yuan that day. I finally couldn't figure out what he was thinking. Maybe... he really changed his mind.

Yan Jingwen said slowly, "The woman in the palace has a child to have a backer. No, it means that even your death can't be predicted, maybe at this moment, maybe at a later moment. It is also lucky for her to be favored by His Royal Highness. You have a deep relationship with her sister, and you should be happy for her!"

"Yan Chenghui, your analysis is very right." I straightened my sleeves and got up and said to her with a smile, "I've been feeling a little uncomfortable recently. I'll go back first."

Yan Jingwen helped me care: "My face is getting worse and worse. Later, I will call the people of the Shang Pharmaceutical Bureau to come and have a look."

I answered with a smile. She sent me outside the hall, and I asked her to go back. I came out under the guise and don't want to talk about it with anyone anymore. On the one hand, I don't want to go back to the bedroom. It's very cold there, and staying there will only make me feel more depressed. Maybe it's because it's too cold or because there are too many memories. I walked slowly, weeping from the bottom of my heart. What if my sisterhood is deep? After all, I am an ordinary woman. How can I feel good when I see my beloved man hugging a woman other than myself?

He walked unconsciously, and when he raised his head again, he actually arrived at Li Shimin's study yard. I looked at the open door, but I couldn't see Li Shimin in the window. I called the maid behind me to my hall to get the tea that Li Shimin often drank. I sat next to Lin Chunmei and made new tea and brought it to the study. Just as I was about to enter the room, I saw someone coming from the other end of the corridor. I fixed my eyes and saw that it was Li Shimin.

Li Shimin was shocked, and then passed me into the study and took a small poem to memorize it. I stopped him and asked with a smile, "Your Highness is busy with trivial matters, and I have made new tea. Would you like to have a few drinks?"

He lowered the corners of his eyebrows when he heard the words, squeezed the corners of his mouth, and his cheeks were dull. A bunch of setting sun in the sky reflected on his crown and jade beads, folded the soft color and shaking seductively, and the corners of the black robe flew in the wind, slowly and chaotic, near and far away. Chunmei always thanked under the charming sun. As soon as the wind passed, it floated up, scratched his hair and fell on his robe. I stretched out my finger to twist the petals on the robe, and the robe shook, leaving a resolute back.

"Your Highness..." I muttered softly, and my eyes were red and falling, and the fragrance of flowers scattered with a faint sadness. His robe flew and turned back slightly, but he didn't see his eyes falling into my eyes. You are still weak and have a good rest. He moved his lips and left resolutely, losing his unreliable thoughts in the messy corridor.

The banquet of the general corner, Yan Yan. I swear and don't think the opposite.

His eyes closed gently, his head was dizzy, and he unconsciously retreated a few steps. Qing'er helped me care and asked, "Mo Zhaoxun can't stand the wind. Let's go back and have a rest."

I rubbed the corners of my eyes, cleared my head a little, and slowly walked back to the bedroom. Qinger helped me sit on the couch and suddenly caught a glimpse of the pink roses on the table. In the past two days, there were new buds and light buds in the green. It's just that its flowering period has arrived, which makes me sad. Doesn't it represent the vow of love? Why is it not human at all?

Say some complaints about the fragrance of flowers and flowers blooming, and put down the curtain and lay quietly on the couch, with a dull eye in his eyes. I opened my eyes and didn't say anything. Qinger looked around and was worried and anxious. She came forward and asked me if I wanted to see Li You. I thought that the surroundings were very quiet and inevitably made people sad, so I also responded to her and let Li You make trouble. The nurse came in from outside the hall with Li You in her arms. At this time, Li You just woke up and looked at me with half closed and confused eyes. The wet nurse put him next to the bed and made him laugh with a ringing bell. I remembered something and called Qing'er to take the incense carved wooden box on my makeup table. I opened the carved wooden box and heard a crisp sound of bells, which was sent by Li Jiancheng on the day of Li You's full moon.

I have nostalgia for Li Jiancheng, so I didn't think much about letting Li You wear this bell bracelet. I just felt that Li You liked it, so I asked him to wear it. This bell bracelet is very light, but Li You's skin is too delicate, so the nurse wrapped a layer of soft cotton on the bracelet before putting it on him. Li You looked at the golden bell on his little wrist shaking, and the crisp sound echoed in the quiet hall. He grinned happily. I felt comforted and couldn't help smiling. The wet nurse and Qing'er were happy with Li You and teased him. I looked at the scene in front of me and sighed and listened to people's laughter.

The shadow is oblique, and the dark fragrance floats. Back in the plum forest outside the palace, the moonlight is as clear as water. Each palace pink plum is a butterfly under the moonlight, with red stamens and pink petals stacked, like the sudden ecstasy and sadness in my heart. He stood under the plum tree and finally looked at me with tenderness and joy. I smiled, clear and bright. I ran through thousands of feet of moonlight and unbridled. At the moment of hugging, the deep pain in my heart immediately turned into heartfelt joy!

"People of the world!" I opened my eyes, without Merlin, without the moonlight, without him. The depths of the hall were dark, and a small candle was quietly lit beside the couch. The door moved and the curtain moved gently. Is Mo Zhaoxun good?" The night watchwoman lowered her waist and asked. I waved my hand to make her retreat and turned over and lamented. Whether you can't let go of the fetters of the past, or are you still afraid of the future?

Two months later, Mu Yan was still favored, and my body was still empty. Princess Qin and others know that I often come to see me when I am not feeling well, including Mu Yan. I had some pimples in my heart. I only said a few words and laughed lightly, and I was not as calm as before, and the man in charge of everything in the hall did not step on my door, which really hurt people. Princess Qin ordered the food treatment of the Food Bureau to be ineffective, so I secretly retreated. I don't want to alarm anyone in the hall. This day, I called Qinger to go to the Shang Pharmacy with me to have a look.

In the morning, people are always the busiest. The palace people all bowed their heads and left in a hurry and dared not delay the things at hand. Suddenly, with a bang, a little eunuch fell not far away, and sprinkled a cup of tea in front of him. It's good to sprinkle tea and make another cup, but the little eunuch actually sat on the ground and cried. I was puzzled and asked, "Where was it sent to scare you so much?"

When the little eunuch saw me, he hurriedly knelt on the ground and hesitated for a moment before whispering, "This... this is tea for Mu Fengyi."

"There is no need to panic, just make another cup." I turned my heart and looked at the wet dew, "No, is this tea strange?"

Although my face was empty, my eyes became sharp, staring at the little eunuch on the ground approaching. The eunuch was panicked. Seeing that my look trembled even more, he quickly replied, "Mo Zhaoxun, this tea is... Your Highness's tea to prevent pregnancy at dusk, and there is only so much medicine every day. If... if there is a twilight ceremony, the slave's life will not be saved!"

I was stunned, and the little eunuch grabbed the corner of my skirt and begged, "Please train Mo Zhao to help the slaves, this... isn't this just to help yourself!"

Qing'er held me and called the maid behind him to pull him away and said angrily, "Be presumptuous! How dare you threaten Mo Zhaoxun!"