Beauty on the side

Chapter 120 Ma Qianzi 1

I pulled Qinger and retreated her behind. If I care about this, these palace people who love to listen to the story don't know what they will say, and they will be annoyed by what title they have to put on me at that time. I asked the little eunuch who was still wiping tears on the ground, "What medicine is in this tea? Where did it come from?"

Seeing me asking, the little eunuch ignited hope, knelt down and said to me, "This medicine was taken by Ma Qianzi from Princess Qin."

Princes Qin has always been strict with herself. If she makes such mistakes, she only scolds a few words at most, but the little eunuch is too timid and thinks too much. Looking at his helpless pleading look, I said to him, "I can help you, just help you not be punished. You must figure this out!"

"Xie Mo Zhaoxun, Xie Mo Zhaoxun!" The little eunuch smiled and kowtowed several times on the ground, followed me to the Shang Pharmacy.

There are many diseases in spring, and there are more people entering and leaving the pharmacy. Nian'er was grabbing medicine in the room. Seeing me standing at the door with a pale face, he hurriedly led me into the inner room. I pointed to the little eunuch behind me and asked Nian'er to get some money for him. The little eunuch kowtowed a few more to me and followed Nian'er out. Ma Qianzi is not a good medicine. If you take too much, you will be poisoned. This contraceptive method in the uterus is really worrying.

Song Yi has always seen all the diseases on my body. After he opened a few medicine lists for the imperial doctor, he came to the inner room to find me. When he saw me, he shook his head gently and said to me, "Your face is so weak that you are not a disease. Have you forgotten the instructions of the past? Everything can't be pressed in the bottom of your heart for too long. If you want, you can come to me to complain, and I will analyze and solve your worries.

I rubbed the corners of my eyes and smiled casually and said, "The pharmacy is busy inside and outside. How can I disturb this little thing? It's the same for me to complain to Huaeryue. Today, I mainly want you to prescribe a prescription for replenishing qi and blood for me. I've been dizzy recently.

Song Yi got up and held the little wolf on the desk, licked the ink pen, and still told me, "This medicine only cures the symptoms but not the root causes. When you entered the palace, you were weak, and now you are even more empty. If you don't want to live a life of taking medicine all the time, it's up to you." He put down the pen and shouted the ink on the paper, dried the handwriting and gave it to the medical assistant beside him. Then he came behind me and gently rubbed my temple with his fingers, and his words were helpless: "Are you still dizzy?"

I raised my face and closed my eyes and smiled, "It's better, Song Fengyu is the most capable." Suddenly remembered the question, and I raised my eyes and asked, "Is Nian'er still clever in front of Song Fengyu?"

Over the years, Nian'er has been following Song Yi. Nian'er is dexterous and cute. Song Yishu is a gentleman. If Song Yi also has affection for Nian'er, it is also very appropriate for them to be together. As a medical assistant of the Shanghai Pharmaceutical Bureau, Nian'er will stay in the court all his life unless he meets a nobleman, and Song Yi has not had a family in recent years. While I pity him, he is anxious about Song Yi. Hasn't seen Nian'er's care about him over the years?

With a slight smile, Song Yi said, "Nian'er is smart. If there is any progress in two years, I want to get a job as a doctor for her." It's good to think about Nian'er's future, but that's not what I meant. I turned my head and looked directly at him: "What about Song Fengyu? He hasn't been able to start a family these years. What's his plan or what's the difficulty?"

His eyes did not dodge. Song Yi looked at me word by word, "There is no plan or difficulty. I just want to treat people in this palace and make her healthy and happy, so there is nothing else."

On the contrary, I flashed my eyes, lowered my eyes and meditated secretly, and my heart turned softly. It is clear that I owe one person to me. I reached out and called Qinger in, helped her get up and said to Song Yi, "I'll go back to the hall first. Just send someone to send the medicine later."

His eyes were slightly injured and changed gnarly. He nodded and sent me and Qing'er out of the room. Before leaving the Shang Pharmacy, I looked back at Nian'er, who was catching medicine in the pharmacy. My heart was complicated, and I couldn't help sighing and looking at the distant sky. Everything has changed, only here has never changed.

I'm going to walk to Muyan Hall. That tea is really unfair to her. When I entered her hall, I glanced at the teacup on the desk. There was no heat on my head and thought I had drunk it, and I couldn't help sighing in my chest. I saw that there was still a dark blue book on the desk, which was the scattered poem taken by Li Shimin from the study that day. It turns out that in the past two months, Li Shimin not only spent the night here, but also liked to hold this book in a comfortable mood.

Mu Yan came out of the inner hall, and there was a trace of sadness between her eyebrows. After seeing me, I suddenly changed seven or eight times with joy. She smiled and pulled me up and served a plate of fruit to cut for me. I pressed her hand and said that it was not easy to eat cold. Muyan stiffened and put down the teapot with a wry smile: "Sister, do you hate me?"

"What's the hatred? You are his, and that's what you should do." I smiled and said calmly, but there was a colic pain in my heart, and on the other hand, I felt pity for Mu Yan.

Muyan smiled stiffly, waved her hand and retreated to the palace man in the hall, sighed to me and said, "I'm his person, but he is not mine." She pushed the empty teacup in front of me. "This cup of tea is enough to prove whether he really spoils me."

I was surprised: "You know?"

"How can I not know?" Muyan sneered, with pain in her eyes, "I also know that you are worried about me when you come here, and I'm not happy. These two months have been like dreams. In the eyes of outsiders, I have been occupying Your Highness, but only I know that the person who has been occupying Your Highness's heart is you, and no one can rush in.

"Oh, is it?" I laughed bitterly. The person in his heart is me, so why does he still... defeat me so much!

"Do you think Your Highness really spoils me?" Mu Yan clamped the teacup with her fingers and shook the remnants of the juice at the bottom of the cup. "I was surprised to see Your Highness come to me, but later he said something to me to understand that it was all for you. The emperor has a big understanding of you. On the day you came back from the two halls, the emperor pressed the eyeliner in this Chengqian Hall. If your Highness is still obsessed with you, I'm afraid the emperor will attack you. Therefore, His Highness, who was really unable to choose this temple closest to you, read poems full of red bean lovesickness, and he was distracted when he read it. He sometimes stood at the window and looked in your direction, but your window never opened.

It turns out that the scattered poem notes that there are too many sorrows. In the past few months, because of my weak body, Qinger only needs to open the window slightly, which is not big. The taste is thousands of knots, and it can't be cut endless. At this moment, my heart is full of Li Shimin standing in front of the window, repeatedly drawing what kind of deep hope he is looking forward to me.

Mu Yan put down the teacup, smiled bitterly at the corners of her mouth, and continued to say frankly to me: "After acting for so long, Your Highness has always been ruthless to me. I'm just a pawn at his mercy." She pressed the back of my hand and burst into tears, "But I'd like to do it for you. Because I like Your Highness, because you are my benefactor.

I put my backhand and put her hand in my palm: "Yan'er, I'm too stingy. I'm wrong."

Flashing with joy, Mu Yan smiled and burst into tears. She got up and half knelt down and hugged me: "Sister, thank you for not being angry with me, but my heart hurts so much that I can't breathe!"

"Yan'er..." I rubbed her long soft hair and slowly patted her back, but I didn't know how to comfort her. She fell in love with Li Shimin, but Li Shimin only regarded her as a pawn to protect me and extinguished all her hopes and expectations with a cup of tea.

The person holding him suddenly sounded in pain and backed away with the table. Mu Yan stared in shock and looked straight at the teacup on the desk. I stepped forward to hold her almost falling body. She covered her throat and looked pale, and her footsteps twisted hard and twitched on the ground.

This sudden situation and her appearance immediately scared me back a few steps. Muyan stared at me with wide eyes, holding her throat in one hand and stretching out to me with the other. There was a hoarseness in her throat that seemed to be screaming, which was extremely horrible. I covered my mouth with shock and stared at her pain on the ground, but she couldn't move her feet. The next moment, she suddenly closed her eyes, her limbs were loose and lying softly on the ground. I softened my heels and fell to the ground, trembling and staring at her with my arms. I shook my head and woke up, and quickly climbed to the person who shook the ground. There was no response. My heart raised my throat, and I held her shoulder in panic and shouted, "Yan'er, Yan'er!"

Hearing the cry, the outside of the hall rushed into several maids of honor and was immediately at a loss when they saw this scene. I hugged the dizzy Muyan and shouted to them, "What are you doing here? Why don't you go to the pharmacy to find someone!"

The maid nodded in a hurry and ran out of the hall. Qing'er helped me pick up Muyan and put her on the bed with several maids of honor. I was eager to walk quickly. In addition, I lost my strength with the roar just now, and my head suddenly felt dizzy and staggered against the pillars in the hall. Qing'er quickly turned around and helped me: "Mo Zhaoxun, don't be excited, slow down first."

I remembered something and pulled Qinger and said urgently, "Come on, find the little eunuch I met today!"

Qinger helped me sit down in the side chair: "Yes, I will look for it immediately. Mo Zhaoxun, don't worry."

She called two palace people to stay by my side and quickly drove out of the hall. Muyan lay on the couch and was still unconscious. I moved and sat on her couch and stroked her dark cheeks to feel a chill. My heart was flustered. I stretched out my finger under her breath, and there was still a faint breath.

Dr. Tian Shi quickly came from the Shang Pharmacy and was also shocked to see Mu Yan's blue and dark face. I quickly retreated to let him treat her. He probed Mu Yan's pulse and immediately opened the silver needle belt. Several more shadows stepped outside the door. It was the palace maids called Li Shimin and Princess Qin. At this time, Qing'er also brought the little eunuch in. The little eunuch did not know what to do and saw the atmosphere in the hall shrinking aside.

Li Shimin saw me by the bed at a glance, but turned straight to the people on the couch and asked Tian Shiyu, "How is she?"

The imperial doctor Tian Shi hit the flint and twisted a slender silver needle in his hand and said, "His Royal Highness, Mu Fengyi is poisoned. Now Weichen has to control the spread of toxins immediately. Please wait outside with Mo Zhaoxun first."