Beauty on the side

Chapter 121 Ma Qianzi 2

Li Shimin pulled me out of the inner hall and said to me solemnly, "What are you doing here?" I said, "Where do you think I should be?" Stay in the bedroom all day long?"

Li Shimin turned his head angrily and sat back in the hall, constantly looking at the situation of the inner hall. I stood outside the door of the hall and quietly looked at the falling flowers outside. Qinger quietly folded to my side, gently supported my body and said, "Mo Zhaoxun, let's go into the hall. It's windy outside." I shook my head and looked at Li Shimin inside, with a tingling heart.

After waiting for a long time, Tian Shi's imperial doctor finally came out of the inner hall and replied to Li Shimin, "There is no problem with the evening ceremony."

Li Shimin frowned and asked solemnly, "How can Chengqian Hall be poisonous? Why is it poisonous?"

The imperial doctor Tian Shi glanced at the concubine who came to the palace and whispered, "Your Highness, don't be angry. The poison of Mu Fengyi comes from a medicine, that is, the horse money in the contraceptive tea. Don't eat too much, or you will be poisoned to death!"

Princes Qin hurriedly stood aside with doubts: "This medicine in Chengqian Hall is under the control of my concubine. I only give it once every time, and no such thing has happened." She looked at the little eunuch found by Qinger and scolded, "Didn't you cook this tea? What's going on?"

Li Shimin's fierce eyes also turned to the little eunuch who had already knelt together. He came forward and kicked him. The little eunuch fell to the ground and immediately knelt down and kowtowed: "Your Highness, forgive me. Today's Ma Qianzi is... given by Mo Zhao's training."

Li Shimin looked stunned and gradually clenched his fist. I stood outside the temple door and answered quietly, "I gave the medicine in the tea well, but I didn't touch it." The little eunuch looked at me standing outside the palace door and trembled and added to Li Shimin: "It was the slave who accidentally overturned the tea. Mo Zhaoxun was a kind-hearted servant. As for why Mu Fengyi was poisoned after drinking this tea, Mo Zhaoxun and the slaves also don't know!"

Li Shimin coldly curled the corners of his mouth and recruited the guard outside the door to point to the little eunuch and said, "If you made a mistake, drag it down and fight!" The little eunuch begged for mercy, and Qinger pulled me and shook my head as I was about to speak. When Li Shimin was angry, no one could persuade him and had to listen to the tragic sound outside, which made me deeply uneasy. When the stick was finished, Li Shimin closed his eyes and stared at me: "Don't mind your own business in the future. Give me peace!" Then, he turned to the people in the hall, but turned his head sideways and said to me, "This matter needs to be investigated again. Get back to your bedroom and don't make any more trouble!"

I lowered my eyes and retreated to him.

Step back to the hall, the medicine from Shang Pharmacy has already arrived, and more than half of it has cooled down. I waved my hand and had it fall down. I opened the window in the hall, and the window of Muyan's hall was closed. I sat at the window and looked at the hall without saying a word. Qinger didn't know how to open her mouth. She repeatedly picked up a few words and finally came up a comforting sentence: "Mo Zhaoxun, Your Highness didn't mean to attack you. He just felt that the poisoning was serious, so he was anxious."

I smiled at her, how could I not know? If Muyan told me the truth, then Li Shimin yelled at me to protect me. I should be happy, but why is it still very bitter and astringent in my heart?

In the past two days, I asked someone to inquire about her situation from the Muyan Hall and reported that the toxin had been solved and recovered quickly, but Li Shimin still did not allow her to leave the hall for fear that she would still be weak and get some diseases. I smiled faintly. Li Shimin really cared for Mu Yan. He had done this to me in the past. I finally realized the pain of jealousy in the hearts of other women who loved him deeply at that time. It turned out that it was so unbearable.

Princes Qin sent someone to send a pot of wine, saying that it was a tonic for the cold, which allowed me to drink a few sips when I was free. Princess Qin has been unable to let go of my body. It used to be a meal, but now it is tonic. It can be said that she tried her best to make my body feel better, but I was worried about the things in my heart and grinding my body pain. If I don't drink the tonic wine, I don't like drinking. What's more, the wine smells so bad that I don't want to drink it.

Li Shimin will try his best to investigate the poison of Ma Qianzi in Muyan. Now I don't do everything and don't want to do anything. I'm idle all day long and I'm used to taking a nap.

I didn't sleep deeply. I clasped my hands with the bedding and gently opened my eyes. Suddenly, I felt a shadow pouring down slightly and the back of my hand was warm. I moved my head, leaned slightly, and continued to be sleepy. Two pieces of softness and gentleness fell on my lips, and my gentle breath fell on my cheek, causing a slight itching. I'm ready to move, not gently, as if I'm afraid of breaking a beautiful dream to wake me up.

"Yi Ran, what should I do?"

A dreamy word echoed in my ear, so distressed and helpless. Is it him? Not him? Thinking struggled, I opened my eyes, and the bead curtain next to the couch moved slightly, knocking on a crisp sound. I slowly came to my senses. Only two maids were guarding the hall. I raised my body and asked, "Has anyone ever been here?" The maid said, "No one came back to Mo Zhaoxun."

I sat up and clearly smelled the faint fragrance that had not yet dissipated, and the edge of the bed was also warm. So deadly, I lifted the bedding and kicked the cloud-headed brocade shoes and walked out through the bead curtain. The maid was shocked to catch up with me, but she couldn't persuade me back. I don't know when it started to rain. I drove out of the temple gate and suddenly saw a figure walking past the green branches and light red porch.

It's obviously him, obviously it's him!

The breath trembled violently, and I chased into the rain and ran towards the opposite corridor. Your Highness...the people, the people..." The plain robe never looked back. I shook my eyes, and the shadow disappeared at the end of the porch. I'm afraid that because of the rain in my eyes, I still tried my best to catch up, but I still chased the corridor without a shadow. Suddenly stunned, I began to suspect that it was a dream and gasped a little. Qing'er chased me with an umbrella and put it on for me and said urgently, "Mo Zhaoxun, you can't stand more in this cold rain. Come into the room quickly."

I looked at the empty corridor and saw the pale apricot blossoms penetically into the corridor.

Half of the apricot blossoms in May are stubborn, but unfortunately they can't even stand the breeze and drizzle. When the petals leave the flowers, only the dark fragrance remains in the world. After the wind and rain, no one smells it. Unable to bear the hope, Hua Feifen Xie Zhu fell away, unforgettable lingering whispers, laughing for a long time.

After three days, I slowly woke up from noon and saw a man standing by the couch. Looking at it again, it was Nian'er. I called her gently, and she turned her mind two steps to my bed, with a look on her face. My eyes sank, and Nian'er whispered in my ear, "Xi Ran, today I accidentally bumped into a maid on the palace, just like a person!" He paused and said in a low voice, "It's the maid of honor who took astragalus."

When I heard the words, I thought quietly. I got up and moved to the hall to sit down. I retreated the palace people in the hall and only called Zhou Molan in: "You have been by Nian'er recently to help her catch a maid who has too much grudge against me." Only I, Nian'er and Muyan knew about Huangqi's maid. I turned to them and said, "Catch this maid for me and quietly lock her up for me to be interrogated in person."

Zhou Molan got the order and retreated with Nian'er. After two days without thinking in the hall, Zhou Molan suddenly came to visit me with a smile and said confidently, "Mo Zhaoxun, the first thing you gave me to me went very well."

I couldn't help laughing when I saw his proudness and praised him for doing a good job. Although I was eager, it was almost dusk. Li Shimin was in Chengqian Hall and could only wait until the next day he went to court, so I asked Zhou Molan to guard the maid of honor tonight. The next day, I retired from Qinger and went out of the hall alone with Nian'er, saying that she would go to the Shang Pharmacy to ask me about the recent situation.

The waste house is next to the Shang Pharmaceutical Bureau, which was originally used by the Shang Pharmaceutical Bureau to put wet and rotten bad medicine. Because the smell was too heavy to find other ways to deal with it, the room was empty. Zhou Molan guarded the door. Seeing me coming, he quickly opened the door of the room and patted the dust inside to let me in.

I walked into the room and saw a figure shrinking in the corner. I reached forward and raised her chin. The white light cast into the window shone on her face, which shocked me. I stepped back a few steps and was a little unstable. This face didn't feel much scary when I saw it, but it still scared me when I looked at it in this shallow white light. This maid of honor is the scar-faced maid I asked about when I was a maid of honor.

I thought about it. If it was this person, her characteristics were so obvious, how could she be found at this time? Sure enough, Nian'er exclaimed, "How can this be this person? It was not her yesterday!"

The person arrested yesterday is not her, but what's wrong today! The most likely explanation is that someone transferred bags late at night, but why didn't they just run away? Nian'er and Zhou Molan both looked surprised. Zhou Molan said anxiously, "I opened my eyes and stayed here all night. How could I change people!"

At this time, footsteps approached outside the door, and the light flashed in the room, and someone stepped into the room. At this time, half of the abandoned house may come for us. In front of the palace man with her head down stood a gloomy person. She stared at the scar-faced maid in the corner and turned to look at me, and her eyes were no longer gentle.

"The maid in my temple said that she secretly followed you to have a look when she saw the guards in your palace arresting my people." Princess Qin glanced at the trembling maid in the corner of the wall, and her sharp eyes swept over me, waiting for my explanation. Before I figured out the whole story, I was seen by Princess Qin again. In desperation, I lowered my head and apologized: "I made a mistake."

Princes Qin shouted angrily: "What does Mo Zhaoxun mean? The person who arrested me said it was a mistake. Isn't it that I'm not afraid of you if you treat me better?"

Princes Qin was angry at this moment, and the maid behind her immediately knelt on the ground. Nian'er and Zhou Molan also knelt down and couldn't say anything. I half bent over and said, "Princess Qin is angry, but she didn't mean it. The original story... can't be said for a while.

In the heart of the palace people, Princess Qin has always been kind to people. Maybe the people in the room knelt down and dared not make a sound. Realizing the inadvertent anger just now, she slowly came forward and helped me up and said, "The tone was more serious just now." She looked at the maid who was still shrinking in the corner and explained, "The maid is very fragile for her own reasons. I can't bear to see her innocent suffering, so I'm anxious for a moment. Don't worry about it."

I smiled and said, "Princes Qin's kindness and wisdom are well known in the palace. Such caring for a maid is really our role model, and it's not too late to learn."

"I'm not as good as you said, and I have to learn from you in many places." Princess Qin sighed, took the embroidered handkerchief from her sleeve and wiped the sweat on my forehead, patted me and said, "Since there is a misunderstanding, forget it. When the weather turns hot, you'd better go back to the hall quickly and slowly. Don't let the wind on this narrow road cool down.