Beauty on the side

Chapter 133 Unable 1

From the end of Sui to the ninth year of Wude, due to years of war, the Tang Dynasty lost a lot of population at this time. After succeeding to the throne, Li Shimin ordered the release of 3,000 palace maids, vigorously reformed the government's military system, strengthened military equipment, and intended to defeat the Eastern Turks, so that they could release the captured Central Plains people and restore the population of the Tang Dynasty. He also implemented the policy of saving extravagant fees and light resources, built water conservancy, reclaimed wasteland, and let the people produce at ease. A series of new policies have been issued from him, and in just a few months, the ministers of the court are willing to submit.

At the same time, Li Shimin was good at appeasing people's hearts. When he ascended the throne, he posthumously appointed Li Jian as the king of Xi and Li Yuanji as the prince of Hailing, and edicted them to be buried with the prince's gift. On the day of his burial, he allowed the old ministries of the two palaces to go to mourn and attend the funeral in person.

On this day, someone reported to Li Shimin that an official named Wei Zheng under Li Jiancheng once persuaded Li Jiancheng to murder Li Shimin first. Therefore, Li Shimin sent someone to find Wei Zheng. When he saw Li Shimin, he was not afraid to retreat and looked straight at the person above him. I made tea and quietly looked at Li Shimin. He looked cold and asked the people below, "Why do you provoke our brotherhood?"

Wei Zheng hugged his fist and replied calmly, "Because I was a subordinate of the former prince at that time, I had to do my best to think about him. If the former prince listens to his ministers, there will be no today's results.

The hand that was pouring tea for Li Shimin shook and splashed a little hot tea. I quickly bowed my head to plead guilty. Wei Zheng's words were bold and unexpected. Li Shimin was shocked by my mistake and calmly pinched the teacup and drank it. He looked deeply at Wei Zheng a few times and waved his hand to indicate that he could retreat. Wei Zheng stroked his sleeves and retreated, and strode away. I then poured tea for Li Shimin and asked, "Isn't the emperor angry that this person is so offensive to the emperor?"

Li Shimin shook his head and smiled gradually: "Don't be angry, this person is upright, straightforward and courageous!" After saying that, he summoned the eunuch and said, "Go on the order and make Wei Zheng an advice doctor."

Li Shimin has only been succeeding from the throne for two months and is very careful about the affairs of the government. I think Wei Zhengcheng's admonishment to the doctor was too sudden, so he couldn't help asking this question. Li Shimin smiled and said, "Governing the country is like curing a disease. Even if you are cured, you still have to pay attention to recuperation. Now the four parties intend to submit to our dynasty, which is a rare peace, but I still have to be cautious. If I want to maintain this peaceful day, I must listen to the opinions of the ministers. Wei Zheng boldly said bluntly that if I could see the problems in the dynasty, I would be able to cure the disease!"

I nod and remembered Wei Zheng's words. Li Shimin is uniquely discerning and far-sighted, and the Tang Dynasty has made great contributions to him. He is the supreme of 95, but what would have happened if Li Jiancheng had listened to Wei Zheng's advice? Unlike Li Shimin, Li Jian became gentle and good at civil servants. If he was still there, he should be a diligent emperor.

Thinking about it, I blamed myself for not being good. Wei Zheng was willing to speak frankly with Li Shimin, but he must not dare to speak frankly in front of Li Jiancheng, because Li Jiancheng did not accept him. If he spoke too much, it must be a disaster to kill himself. Because of this, Li Shimin is more suitable to sit in the country and unify the world than Li Jiancheng.

"What's wrong?" Li Shimin fiddled with my jade hairpin and asked softly. I came to my senses and said with a smile, "The emperor governs the country well, and my concubine is happy." Li Shimin sighed, "I know what you think. You are afraid of me now. Do I still have that cruel look in your heart? He clenched my shoulders and fixedly looked into my eyes, "I want to listen to your heart."

I sank my head, and Li Shimin raised my chin and waited for me to answer. I said, "I'm really afraid. I often turn around that day in my dream. I'm afraid that the arrow is directed at me. Even if it's just a dream, I'm afraid." Li Shimin smiled and hugged me: "Now it's different from the past, you don't have to worry about it anymore. Those things in your dreams won't happen. A hundred years later, I will still be with you. Don't think about the distance between us.

I pinched his skirt and whispered, "Yes."

Out of the two halls, the autumn wind shook me, and the cold sweat on my forehead was even colder. Qing'er took the embroidered handkerchief to wipe my sweat and asked softly, "I'm puzzled. Is it because of the emperor's questioning?"

"I only answered half of the emperor's question." I held her arm and walked slowly, with distant eyes and indescribable complexity in my heart. Li Shimin can eradicate his own brothers, not to mention me. The most frightening and heartbreaking thing in the world is that the loved one wants to die by himself. What's more, this person is the emperor, the saint who controls the prosperity of the world. Li Shimin is right. Now it is different from the past. In the past, our life and death were in the hands of others; now, the life and death of others are in our hands. He holds the power of life and death of the world. Although he will keep me safe, he has too many concerns. His original simple family affairs have already turned into something that can affect the government of the imperial dynasty on the day of his accession to the throne, and he cares most about the admonishment of the ministers, which is inevitable or inevitable or inevitable, and eventually has to take care of the overall situation. But I can't tell Li Shimin about this. His current identity hinders too much in his heart. I smiled faintly and muttered, "Who can guess the heart of the emperor?"

The autumn wind was slightly dry and dry all over. I walked in the palace for a while and then returned to Deqing Palace. At this time, there was intermittent crying in front of me, and I motioned for Qinger to come forward to have a look. Qing'er was in several forests and finally stopped by a red beam pavilion. She said angrily, "Bold maid, how dare you scare the Empress De!"

"I dare not, I dare not!" Panic came from under the pavilion. I stepped forward and saw a maid kneeling on the ground trembling, next to a basket, and the jade porcelain cups inside were scattered into pieces. I asked, "What's your name? Where is this jade porcelain cup sent to?"

The maid of honor said in a trembling voice, "The maidservant picks qian, and the jade porcelain cup is going to be sent to Mu Zhaoyuan's place." I thought about it and said to her, "You go back first. I will tell her at Mu Zhaoyuan's place."

"Thank you! Thank you!" Caiqi kowtowed several times on the ground. When he raised his eyes, he was shocked. He knelt on the ground and looked at me and whispered, "Mother, I have seen you. I... I used to work in Chang Chongrong's place."

Chang Chongrong... that is, the former crown princess. I vaguely remember that I seemed to have seen her send a message to the former crown princess. I asked her with a smile, "Where are you working now?"

"The maidservant is only doing chores in the palace now." With that, Cai Nerme's eyes turned red, and he lowered his head and cried secretly. I have also stayed in the palace, and the things that come down are piled down on people, and there is no time to breathe. If things are not done well, Mami's angry scolding and beating is small, and it is deadly to blame the superior. This qian used to work in the East Palace, and when she arrived at the court, she went to hell. No wonder she cried when she mentioned it.

I held her hand and said softly, "Tomorrow, you will come to my Deqing Palace to serve. But if you make a mistake, I won't forgive you easily. With tears in his eyes, he bowed down and said, "My maidservant thanked the Empress De. I must serve the Empress Defei attentively!"

I nodded with a smile and went to Muyan's Hanxiang Hall.

After the announcement, Muyan came out of the hall and saluted me. I picked her up with a smile, but hit her with a pale face. For a while, winter and summer were staggered, and she felt uncomfortable all over. She returned to call the maid of honor to prepare tea and invited me to the upper seat. She didn't get tired of laughing, had no expression, and talked to me even more. Finally, I couldn't help asking, "Yan'er, do you still hate me? It was because of me that I made you..."

"My concubine has never hated the German concubine. However, the Empress was imprisoned for three years, but now she is in a high position, and my concubine dares not climb high. That doesn't matter. The emperor never likes concubines, so it doesn't matter at all. Muyan spoke slowly, as if it had nothing to do with her. She felt uncomfortable, but I couldn't say any more about it, so I had to change the topic and say, "I came today to see you, and the other is to talk to a maid of honor. She broke your porcelain cup, please don't blame her. I still have a set of useless jade cups. I'll send someone to bring them to your palace in a moment.

Muyan was slightly stunned and shook her head and said, "The jade porcelain cup was just that my concubine saw that it was dirty and was wiped. If it was broken, it would be broken, and my concubine didn't use it."

"Since I am responsible for this matter, I have to do it well. I'd better send someone back to the palace." After saying that, I left. Just about to go out of the gate, Muyan stopped me behind: "Princess De, please stay!" She quickly stepped forward and lost her cold face and showed a trace of pity in her eyes. She asked me stupidly, "Will the Empress Defei dislike my concubine?"

When asked, I was suddenly in a good mood and held her hand in the palm of my hand: "What's the matter? I have always felt ashamed of you in my heart. I don't come to you, and you don't come to me. I'm afraid you blame me and hate me. Muyan bit her lip and lowered her head and said, "I just heard my sister talk about the maid of honor, and I recalled that this life was also saved by my sister. You are kind to me. I shouldn't have provoked you with such stingy words.

I slowly realized that Muyan has feelings for Li Shimin, but Li Shimin doesn't like her. And I am the most favored person around Li Shimin. No matter what, there must be a barrier in her heart. Li Shimin didn't like her or for a reason. At that time, Mu Yan took my place and entered Chengqian Hall. After that, Li Shimin inadvertently knew the truth and was furious. Later, although I didn't mention it, I knew that he could not tolerate others cheating him, and he lost our first child as a result. Three years ago, Mu Yan's favor was just to remove the attention of Li Yuan and others from me. Now after An'an, he doesn't want this chess piece.