Beauty on the side

Chapter 146 Opening 3

The sun is far to the west, and the two halls are still quiet. Occasionally, there are one or two sounds of tea caps clinking cups, proving that Li Shimin is still in it. Seeing that I was still waiting, the eunuch outside the door did not persuade me or enter the hall. He was hesitating. The embarrassed face suddenly rose and bowed to the door of the hall and bowed to wait. So, I knew that Li Shimin came out.

I quickly straightened my robe and smiled at the door of the two halls. A yellow robe stepped inside and paused at the door. Then, a corner of green clothes stepped out from behind him and was close to him. Caiqi is also in the two halls, and she is accompanied by Li Shimin all day. There was an astringency in my heart, and I looked at Li Shimin again, hoping to find a different look from what I thought.

However, he put his arms around his thin waist and raised his eyebrows to look at me, and his tight lips were cold and hard. I couldn't bear to look at it again. I lowered my eyebrows, picked up my urchins in his arms, and called him coquettishly. He smiled softly at her and hugged her and walked away, as if he had never seen me. My heart trembled, and I hurriedly shouted at his back, "I have newly developed lotus dew pearl tea, and I have specially invited the emperor to drink it in Deqing Palace!"

The figure of the two suddenly remained, and the surrounding air precipitated at this moment. After a while, Li Shimin turned his head and looked at me without any color: "No need. Cai Jieyu is also a good tea maker!"

After saying that, he hugged the nettle's arm tightly and hugged her and left quickly. This time he was really angry with me and didn't even want to see me. He couldn't wait to leave me. He was stubborn, he was determined, and he was domineering, so I should have expected this result, but I didn't expect that picking could replace everything I had ever had, from Liangyi Hall to making tea and water. And it is precisely because of her that I can't speak frankly to Li Shimin, otherwise she will definitely try her best to veto it. I don't even have a chance to find hard evidence and make a sound.

Always give me an opportunity to get along with Li Shimin alone. Since I can't invite him clearly, let him come by himself. I think Li Shimin still misses me and will never be indifferent to me.

In the morning of the second day, I came to the library and began to search for poetry volumes. In the past, I wanted to see that they sent special people to find it according to the title of the book. This time, I went to the library in person. Qing'er couldn't help wondering and asked several times. I couldn't help her, so I had to answer the truth, but I felt a little ashamed: "The emperor likes to read some poems before going to bed. The books in the Dragon Hall have not been changed for several days. I sorted them out and dragged someone to send them to them, so that he will find someone to exchange books again. It will take him time to go back and again."

Qing'er smiled and said, "If the Empress wants to get Zhou Dao, the emperor will definitely understand the Empress's painstaking efforts."

After saying this, my face suddenly became hot. I turned around and continued to look for poetry books. I remembered the appearance of Li Shimin reading books and unconsciously smiled.

There are many books in the library that have not been removed and read. Those books are stacked at the highest point, and the title of the book seems to be a good book. So, I reached out to get it, but I didn't know what was pressed on it. I only felt that the writing moved, and the inner layer shook, and then turned down a picture scroll. I gave the book I had selected to Qinger and lowered my body to pick up the fallen picture scroll. There was a layer of dust floating on the scroll, which had not been opened for a long time. I untied the silk strap and slowly unfolded the scroll, which was a portrait. The painting is well preserved, and the color is also painted in the best color, just like yesterday's new painting. The woman in it is gentle and elegant, and her temperament is extremely familiar, especially the look between the eyebrows.

Qinger leaned over her head and said in surprise, "Huh? When did the emperor draw a portrait of the Empress? Why did the maidservant never see it?

I stared at the woman in the painting, not me! I rarely go out of the palace and have never dressed like this. How could Li Shimin draw such a me? I looked at the smiling person on the portrait, and my heart was fiercely entangled. When I saw the line of familiar words, I took a deep breath and kept tightening my fingers holding the picture scroll. The writing is Li Shimin's word, and the time is 13 years of great career! This portrait has been written for 13 years. At that time, Li Shimin and I didn't know each other at all!

I trembled all over and rolled down to the ground. Seeing that I was abnormal, Qinger held me and worried, "Mother, what's wrong with you?"

I looked at the half-exhibited picture scroll on the ground, and her eyes and smile were still blooming in the air. No matter how clear and gentle it was, it was too ironic for me, and I was even jealous. Why is it such a face, but such a face!

I ordered Qinger to put away the picture scroll and let her not have to take the selected poems to the Dragon Hall. Qing'er looked puzzled, but she didn't dare to ask more when she saw my gloomy and unhappy appearance. She straightened the calligraphy and painting according to my meaning and quickly walked out of the library.

On this day, I didn't bring up this matter again, but kept thinking about it in my heart, recalling the eyebrows on the scroll over and over again, and meditating the black words next to the painting over and over again. Even if there were thousands of surging, I closed my eyes and drowned it into the darkness. The next day, Qinger came back from outside and inquired about it from nowhere. She said to me urgently, "Your Majesty, I heard that the emperor's face is not good when he comes back today. I'm afraid he's sick."

I was shocked at the bottom of my heart, and the surface was still calm and impermanent. And Qinger seemed to ignore my indifference and still spoke to herself. Maybe it was just because I was simply angry with Li Shimin. She said, "I just saw Song Fengyu of the Shang Pharmacy go to the Shenlong Hall. It's time to go to treat the emperor. Don't worry!"

As soon as I said this, I felt something and resolutely got up. Qing'er immediately stopped in front of me and whispered, "Do you really want to go?" Don't be afraid, don't be afraid..."

I knew what she was worried about. I smiled and said, "This time, the emperor will not refuse to see me." Qinger was still a little unclear, but she still let the way to follow me to the Dragon Hall.

Li Shimin finally couldn't sit still. After all, he still acted, so he didn't believe me in the end. It is difficult to gain the complete trust of a person, not to mention that I want to gain the trust of an emperor. He laid this country, and in the end, it was still robbed by him. In this long-term planning and secret struggle, what he believes most is what he sees, and he never needs anyone's explanation. So now, there is no need for Song Yi to explain. Every word of Song Yi may touch his anger. As for why he came to Song Yi, I don't want to guess any other reason except that he was sick. I have a letter in my sleeve that asked me to meet Song Yi and let him see what he can see. If he still doesn't believe it, I can't help it. Anyway, does he really care about me?

As soon as I arrived at the Dragon Hall, the slightly closed door opened, and an eunuch came out and bowed slightly to me: "Your Majesty, please enter the hall."

I was stunned. Li Shimin had already expected that I would come. Is it wrong this time? At this time, it seems better for me not to appear. The eunuch in front of me invited me inside, and I breathed secretly and stepped into the temple. The door behind him was no longer closed, and the two maids of honor pushed each other to open the hall, and the hall suddenly became bright.

Li Shimin sat on the top and looked down at my Highness's me. There was not only Song Yi but also Nian'er standing in the hall. I will definitely look at Li Shimin's disease-free face, calmly move forward, recall what happened a few days ago, and read the picture scroll I saw yesterday in the library. He looked at me with light eyes, as if I were not familiar with him, and there was an unclear smile on the corners of his mouth. If there was nothing, it was too illusory for me.

"What's wrong with the emperor?" I was blessed and raised my eyes and asked. He looked cold and not sick.

"I know you will come, and I have something to tell you." Directly to change the topic, his cold face smiled slightly, looked at Song Yi and Nian'er, and then said to me, "I know that you and Song Fengyu have always been friendly, so I specially gave a decree."

I was hung up in my heart and asked, "I don't know what the emperor gave me?"

Li Shimin suddenly laughed: "Song Fengyu and his medical doctor Gu Nian'er have long been in love. I only learned today that it is no wonder that Song Fengyu has never married a wife. It turned out to be this. I granted Gu Nian'er to retire from his official position in advance, so that the two could get married and give him a house outside Chang'an City as a congratulatory gift!" His body leaned forward slightly, with a smile on his face and cold eyes, "What do you think?"

My heart tightened and pretended to smile and said, "I'm afraid the emperor has asked the wrong question. This question should be answered by Song Fengyu and Gu Shiyu."

Li Shimin nodded gently and leaned back on the golden chair, saying casually: "They have no objection. I thought that you had a good relationship with them, so I said hello to you.

"My concubine is happy from the bottom of my heart." I answered with a smile and secretly looked at Song Yi and Nian'er. Both of them stood aside with calm heads and could not see a trace of joy.

In my conversation with him, Li Shimin didn't ask what Song Yi and Nian'er meant, and then let them retreat. And I can guess what happened before, and I can also think of what Li Shimin was thinking at this time. His eyes fell from above, and there was only him and me in the hall. The cold air swayed the long willows in front of the window, which was too depressed. He stretched out a hand and waved me forward. I stood in front of him, and he half leaned against the chair with scolding: "You have always known that I don't want my woman to be intimate with other men!"

I said lightly, "So the emperor removed all the suspicious things around my concubine, my concubine..."

He pulled me down, nodded my lips, and his eyes suddenly stopped in my eyes: "At this time, I don't want to hear you call yourself 'concubine'."

This sentence should have been moved, but I still sank in the glacier: "I thought you would kill Song Fengyu. When the former prince left, I felt so guilty that I was heartbroken. If you really killed Song Fengyu today, I would be even more ashamed that I could not forgive him, just because I couldn't owe them. And you and I can't figure out how many times we owe each other. We can't figure it out and entangled, and I'm afraid we can't solve it in this life. It's just that who is really entangled with you in my bones or me?

With shallow surprise between his eyebrows, Li Shimin asked, "What do you mean?"

I smiled bitterly and looked at him and said slowly, "The clothes are as new, and people are as old. No matter how many women around you are, it's just a need for power, or... a shadow.

Li Shimin tightened his eyebrows and asked me, "Do you mean Cai Jieyu?"

I sank my eyes, got up and turned my back to him, laughing at the corners of my mouth. He was silent behind him and then sighed, "You should believe me. I have no feelings for her."

"If you want others to believe you, you should trust others first." Otherwise, this will not happen today. I turned around and retreated to the hall. He didn't keep me and didn't send anyone to say anything later. I sat in the main hall of Deqing for a whole day and didn't wake up until the night was full of stars. What is my empty waiting for? For him to come? Even if it's just sending someone to pass on a sentence? Maybe he already understood what I meant, so he dealt with it calmly.

Gradually, the holy pet of picking qian became more and more prosperous. What Li Shimin said that day had no feelings for her. After all, I couldn't understand it. If she has no feelings, how can she spoil her for so long and so deeply? He is the king of a country, and all the rights are in his hands. As long as he wants to, who can threaten him? What's more, Cai Ner was originally just a little maid. Putting aside these things, the only result is that I am out of favor.

However, this is not sad. After all, my once favor has always belonged to another woman. It's just a false sentiment that I lost. What's the use of my false feelings? It's better to lose it.