Beauty on the side

Chapter 182 Qingjun's side 2

The maid took out the things in the cabinet one by one, and the exquisite wooden boxes were neatly arranged on the desk, like fresh and bright memories, which suddenly lit up the whole hall. Those are all the gifts that Li Shimin has given me in the past 20 years. I have cherished everything carefully and can't bear to put them up and use them, but now... these things should be returned to the original owner.

I stared at the higher and higher box, and suddenly looked at a thick pile of paper pressed on the wooden box on the right, which was written by me practicing pen. He stared for a long time and fell into memories. When he taught me to write for the first time, the feeling of heart pounding and confusion was memorable. The style of writing I am writing now reveals his style in one stroke. Every time I write, I always miss him in my heart.

When I came to my senses, I loosened my body and asked the maid to bring a brazier. She hesitated for a moment and folded out to get the basin when she saw that I had no intention to explain. I struggled to turn over and finally put the fold of words in my hand. The maid in charge came in with a brazier. As soon as I saw what I was holding, I immediately understood and hesitated to come in. With a soft voice, she had to lower her head and put the brazier under me and said vaguely, "Mother, don't hurt yourself again."

I stopped and hurt myself...

I gritted my teeth and pulled a few pieces and fell into the fire basin. The paper is very light and the words are very heavy. When it is attached to the fire basin, a circle of black smoke immediately comes out from the middle and spreads around. Soon, the flames burned the words clean. I stared at the hot paper ash in the brazier, but the movements in my hand did not stop. One by one, I opened my eyes and watched the higher and higher flame burn all the once delicate lovesickness. The rising heat waves and ash rushed into my eyes, and tears fell like beads.

It turns out that I can be so ruthless, burn it with my own hands, and scratch everything about him in my memory. Do I still care about his news? Am I still against my will? Entangled ending, unspeakable mistakes, thousands of miles of rejection because of love. I brushed my sleeves and left. Will the wind disturb his spring scenery?

"Mother, stop burning. I can't help crying when I see you sad." The maid in charge knelt down and cried to persuade.

I smiled, still throwing the words in my hand, and I couldn't finish it: "Who said that I was sad, who said that I cried, it was all smoky. I... I'm not sad at all. I feel so happy. I've never been so happy!"

"Mother..." She whispered and lowered her head to cover her tears.

After burning the stack of words in my hand, I was weak. I lay on the couch and gasped, and called a maid in the hall to the Taiji Hall to inquire about the situation of Li Shimin and Wei Zheng. An hour later, the maid returned to the palace. I asked, "Hasn't the minister in front of the Taiji Hall gone back yet?"

She said, "I haven't left half a step. The emperor retreated from Lord Changsun and Lord Wei and sat in the Taiji Hall all night. Now he has not returned to the Dragon Hall.

I tried to straighten up, and the maid helped me get me up from the bed and sit back. I ordered, "Go and invite the emperor to Deqing Palace. I have something to say to him."

The maid has to step down. Just now, I lay down and didn't see all the wooden boxes on the desk. Now I finally see all these things at a glance. I just feel that the more I look at them, the more hurt I get. It's okay not to look at them. I turned my eyes, held the scriptures, and recited the Buddha's words silently. Li Shimin came soon. He lifted the curtain and was suddenly frozen by a strong smile, and his eyes fell on the desk in front of my bed. How could he not recognize it? Even the boxes were selected by himself. He knew that these were all given to me by him. He approached uneasily and moved his unclear eyes from these gift boxes to me. I gently told him, "These are all given to me by you, and I will return them to you now."

I know that this can't erase everything between us, including feelings. But I still want to say that in this way... my heart seems to be more balanced, even if it is self-deception. He looked at me, his eyes as deep as night, and his tight face could explode at any time. There are ministers outside who force him, and I inside who force him, and if he doesn't make a decision, it is not only him who suffers all the time, but also me.

I looked at him quietly. His eyes trembled, his eyes fell on the desk, and looked at every item from top to bottom little by little. The silk he brought back from the south of the Yangtze River, the jade hairpin he ordered the palace people to carefully build, and a full set of poems and books he collected from the library... One by one, full of memories and warmth, which was all the love he gathered for me. Yes, I know that he loves me, but these now seem to have slapped us heavily, telling us that it's time to wake up and face the reality. I want to return all his love! When he saw the crack in the corner of the table, he roared, waved his sleeves and turned down the table as a reward. Things were scattered and broken. At the same time, I also felt a suffocating numbness in my chest. My heart was cut like a knife, not painful, but numb.

"Mo Xiran, I've had enough! Can you not make arbitrary decisions for me? Everything is up to me!" He roared, his face turned red, and punched the table.

When I looked at the memories broken on the ground, I was moved, but I soon came to my senses. My eyes were haggard, and I turned my eyes lightly. I held the scriptures behind my back and sighed helplessly, "Your Majesty should know which is less important. Please come back."

He moved to me and moved his eyes from my side to the scriptures in his hand. He sneered a few times, but he was helpless: "Don't you feel guilty? Don't you want to atone for your sins? I want you to live, which is to atone for your sins! If you dare to make your own decision, your sins in this life will be redeemed!"

I listened to it in my heart, but ignored it. He pulled my arm in anger. I was already unstable and pulled by him. Before I could react, I twisted on the couch, and half of my body hung outside the couch. The maid in charge quickly hugged me from the side and cried, "The emperor is angry! If the emperor wants to punish me, I will punish the maidservant. It is the maidservant who takes care of the Empress well. Please don't be angry with the Empress.

Li Shimin may not have noticed that he was too hard for a while, and he was also surprised and panicked at the moment I fell down. He looked at my pale face and his hands froze in the air. When he came to his senses, his fingertips moved. He gently hugged me, took me back to the couch and lay down. His tight lips stopped saying a word. His deep eyes looked at me hard, and then got up and brushed his sleeves and lifted the curtain.

My eyes are sour and my vision is blurred. I blink hard to hide my tears. A thought came into my mind, and I said lightly, "Tomorrow... Tomorrow, I want to drink shrimp soup and tell the Shang Food Bureau to make a bowl yesterday morning. In the future... If I have another appetite, I will order it again. Also, take some more grapefruit meat. I haven't tasted it for a long time.

The woman in charge of the palace was still crying. Hearing that I was going to eat, she was immediately happy and nodded repeatedly: "Yes, the maidservant is going!" Before she finished returning the ceremony happily, she ran out of the hall. I smiled desolately and closed my eyes and waited quietly. I know very well what I was waiting for. This is the way I chose and the way I chose for him.

Soon, the maid in charge came back with a plate of grapefruit meat in her arms. When the grapefruit meat was placed in front of my couch, I smelled the fragrance and couldn't help but feel acidic in my stomach. I asked someone to move it away and use it tomorrow.

Today's night is no different from the day for me, a person who lies all day. The next morning, I asked the maid to go to the Shangshi Bureau to get shrimp soup. The maid was in charge of the matter and asked, "Why do you have to work hard? When the shrimp soup is ready, the people of the Shangshi Bureau will bring it by themselves."

I didn't answer and asked her to bring me the grapefruit meat. I sent someone to get it, but I didn't want the people from the Food Bureau to come. I'm afraid they can't do what I want when they come.

I ate some grapefruit meat a little. I had a pain in my stomach. After taking this little, I felt sore on my stomach, and then I began to have colic. I couldn't help but feel pain. I covered my stomach and bent down. Seeing this, the maid in charge of the palace quickly withdrew the grapefruit meat and poured hot water for me. At this time, the shrimp soup of Shang Pharmacy was also brought back. I pushed away the hot water and said that drinking hot soup was the same. The maid in charge of the palace did not doubt it. She picked up the shrimp soup and fed me with a spoon.

When I looked at this spoonful of shrimp soup, I was confused for a moment. I hesitated for a moment and drank it cruelly. The maid in charge smiled innocently and continued to feed me soup. I thought to myself: If she finally understood, I don't know how to regret it. Although this maid is not as intimate as Qinger and me, she is also very loyal.

At this time, a sharp and slender voice suddenly came from outside the door. Duke Zhou stepped into the Deqing Palace with a roll of bright yellow and stood outside the curtain and read it out to read it: "The imperial edict arrived: Yin Qiyan, the daughter of the Yin Shishi of General Zhangye and General Zuo Weiwei in the previous dynasty, escaped from punishment 20 years ago. Now the harem is in chaos, and there is private punishment and bold. God, the sin is unforgivable. Specially ordered by the emperor to give poisoned wine, Qingjun's side!"

After listening to this, the palace people took a deep breath and looked at me quietly with their heads. I laughed and asked the maid in charge to take the order on my behalf. When the golden edict rests in my arms, it is like a thousand pounds of boulder, which confuses my heart. Eunuch Zhou waved his hand, and the eunuch behind him held a glass of clear wine. The maid took it hesitantly and put it in front of me after all. Her eyes were full of tears and her arms trembled. I looked at the gently shaken scaled wine in the glass and felt dazzled. I closed my eyes deeply, and then reached out to get it. I only felt a strong pain in my stomach, which went straight into my abdomen, and a heat wave surged from my abdomen. My throat turned violently, and I vomited a pile of black blood.

"Bang!" The maid in charge of the palace was so scared that she overturned her glass to the ground, hurriedly held my shoulder from behind, and cried so hard that she couldn't speak. Seeing that the situation was wrong, Duke Zhou was at a loss and simply folded out of the Deqing Palace and reported to Li Shimin.

I'm still vomiting blood and foaming. This is the credit of grapefruit and shrimp soup. When grapefruit and shrimp are eaten together, it will form the poison of arsenic. Although it is not as strong as orthodox arsenic, it is also highly poisonous! Li Shimin, Li Shimin, I finally died at my own hands, so... you and I don't have to feel guilty and resent each other.