Beauty on the side

Chapter 186 Dust Returns to Dust 2

Two days later, I quietly leaned on the soft chair and looked at the corridor outside the hall. There was a shadow walking this way, and the beautiful little face was full of expectation and joy. I sighed for a long time and looked sad at her. The figure quickly arrived at the door of the hall and saw me sitting in the main hall waiting for her. She smiled shyly and rushed to me with the corners of her skirt: "Sister, are you feeling better?"

I smiled and let her sit closer to me. I patted her on the back of her hand and said worriedly, "After so many days of rest, it's much better. It's you, have you made a fuss outside? Mo Zhuan has a grudge against the other palace concubines.

Muyan shook her head and pouted slightly: "A few days ago, the palaces were much quieter for fear of making the emperor unhappy."

I suddenly told her, "It's all over, but you still have to restrain yourself. You are too impatient. Those concubines are born in an official family, and you are inevitably arrogant. If you do things with your braids, it will be bad."

She nodded with a smile: "Okay, remember my sister's teaching and promise not to let those concubines catch the braids."

I couldn't bear to see her so well-behaved in front of me, but I had to confirm it. I looked slightly dark and complained to her, "I haven't slept well recently. I often see the ghost of Zhou Cairen who died ten years ago. I don't know if it's a dream or real. Although her death was not caused by me, I was uneasy.

Muyan's face moved slightly and smiled stiffly: "What is my sister talking about? There are no ghosts in the world."

I took her hand and put it in my arms: "But I'm really uneasy. Yaner, how about you stay in my Deqing Palace today? I'm not afraid to have my best sister by my side.

I opened my mouth to keep her in person, and she couldn't excuse herself. After thinking about it, she had to agree. I smiled reluctantly. When I saw her difficult and arrogant smile, I was depressed and sad.

The night spread out a boundless net and pressed down to devour all the anger. The beating candlelight became weaker and weaker, unable to resist the passing of the wind, and finally left a wisp of gray smoke. The hall suddenly fell into darkness. No maid came in and lit the lights again. Lightning flashed in the sky, and the shadows of trees outside the house swayed. The hoarse wind accompanied by pale electric light peeped into the hall, and the air was dry and could not drop a drop of rain. The air is accompanied by the dryness of the soil, and the whole world is gloomy and depressing, making people eager to cut through the sky with a sharp knife and pour heavy rain.

A white shadow appeared in the hall, and the long skirt dragged on the ground, emitting slight friction. I didn't fall asleep. I saw the white shadow floating from the outer hall to the curtain, and a pair of red cloud-headed shoes stayed there quietly, as if waiting for someone to wake up. The people around him suddenly moved and turned down from the couch. The white shadow gently passed through the bead curtain, and the pale face happened to be imprinted on the lightning. That face is Zhou Cairen, who was burned to death ten years ago. At this moment, she is smiling and floating into the hall.

Muyan under the couch shouted: "Don't, don't come here! I... I must be dreaming. You have been dead for a long time. How can you still be here!"

Zhou Cairen walked in step by step and smiled at her: "This is bad. On the day of burning the Tangli Pavilion, the emperor replaced me, and he asked me to come to you."

Hearing this, Mu Yan was even more shocked: "Impossible! The emperor asked me to kill you. How can I let you live!"

I was stunned, took a cold breath, and my breath trembled. Zhou Cairen over there stopped and asked her doubt, "You killed me?"

Mu Yan nodded repeatedly and retreated desperately, "It's the emperor! It was ordered by the emperor. I just acted according to my orders!"

Zhou Cairen spread his eyebrows, gently rubbed his fingers on his cheeks, raised his arms, and only heard a fierce "hist" sound, with a piece of skin and flesh between his fingers. Mu Yan covered her eyes and screamed, rushed into more than a dozen palace people outside the hall, lit candle lanterns around one after another, and hurriedly surrounded the bed.

I lifted the bedding and straightened up. Zhou Cairen had just disappeared. Only the maid in charge of honor stood in the center of the hall in white, with a human skin hanging between her fingers. This human skin was inspired by the time when the Empress Changsun used it to make the maid of honor pretend to be scars. I secretly ordered the maid in charge of the palace to make a picture according to the appearance of Zhou Cairen.

Under the candlelight, Mu Yan looked at the maid standing in front of her and recovered in an instant. She turned around in surprise, sweaty and pale. She was unbelievably and slightly angry: "Sister, are you planning on me?"

I held her shoulders with tears in my eyes and shook them: "Yan'er... Are you really the one who did it?"

She was at a loss and speechless. I smiled with tears, shook her shoulder hard, and almost hissed, "Tell my sister that you are just an outsider from beginning to end. You have never lied to me, have not taken advantage of me, and have not given advice to the emperor. Say it, say it!"

She pushed me away and three feet away. She knew that she could no longer hide it. She nodded and said frankly, "Okay, I'll tell you from the beginning." She turned her head and did not look directly at me, and I saw the hateful eyes wantonly in her eyes. "I killed Ye Ying. I lied you. It was the first time I had a hallucination and saw Ye Ying's ghost. You have always thought that the maid who died was the maid of lotus seed soup. In fact, it was her. I killed her and threw her into the well! She treats me as a dog. The person she wants to kill is you. Why do you want me to suffer!"

She pointed to me and laughed silently: "On the first day of entering the palace, she took off my clothes and threw me in the Chengqian Hall and let me be with a man like this. Later, I learned that what I took away was your seat! You are my benefactor. No matter how cruel I am, I won't hit you, but I hate Ye Ying! I listened to her first and made her think that I was afraid of her. When she relaxes her vigilance against me, I will lead her out and stab her in the heart while she is unprepared! She was scolding me before she died. She said I was a monster, and she said I wouldn't die. Am I a demon? Am I? I'm a human...isn't it?"

Ye Ying, who threatened her, actually killed her! Unexpectedly, she has changed since this time! My heart hurts so much that I can't breathe. In front of her, her hands trembled and she was so angry that she tore off the hanging beads on her body. The jade beads fell and rolled all over the hall. And the damn Zhou Cairen and Weinizi, they are not good to die!" She cursed angrily and smiled, as if it was very happy for her, but it was so cold in my eyes. She smiled fiercely and said, "I sent someone to assassinate Wenizi. I was betrayed by the assassin and almost died. Fortunately, you spoke, and... the emperor intended to forgive, so he left this life. I put foreign flowers in Zhou Cairen's tea, poisoned her crazy, and finally set fire to Tangli Pavilion!"

Although I guessed after Chang Chongrong's words, I was still shocked when these words came out of Mu Yan's mouth. Such a seemingly innocent woman's heart was so thorough! I deeply sighed that she continued to explain on that side, which really made me breathless. Wenizi... I used your brother Yin Hongzhi to beat her under house arrest! At that time, he deliberately had an affair with the maid of the palace in order to plan to get rid of Weinizi. I have known my sister's identity, and naturally I also know the identity of Yin Hongzhi. At that time, I was afraid that he would tell you the truth one day, so I thought about how to alienate you from him. I deliberately led you to the Shangshe Bureau to let you know that Yin Hongzhi had foreign gold flowers in his hand, but he was still fooled by a few words. I wanted him to retreat in the face of difficulties, but sometimes the enemy is also the best stepping stone, so I use him, except Weini!"

"You mean... Hongzhi lied to me at the beginning, and the foreign gold flower in his hand..." I was shocked, and the words came out casually, but stopped abruptly. A huge stone was pressed on my heart, sinking and breathless.

It also has something to do with Hongzhi. If so, then it was none other than Hongzhi who drugged Li You at the beginning! And Weini only drugged Zhou Cairen. Why did Hongzhi do this? Li You was his nephew. Did he want Li You's life because of Li Shimin at that time? But why did he treat Li You so well later? Is there any conspiracy? I panicked and another question came. I didn't dare to face the answer in my heart, but I couldn't help asking, "How can you do so much alone?"

She smiled and looked a little happy: "It's the emperor who protects me behind my back. He knows the right and wrong of the harem, and it is uneven here. Zhou Cai and Wenizi are too arrogant. The emperor used them to suppress each other. When the time is ripe, they will get rid of them together!" She looked at me again with soft eyes, "I just use this to achieve my goal. Sister, they have always been presumptuous to you. I really can't see them, and I really hate them!"

I shook my head sadly and laughed at her ignorance: "If you hate a person, should you kill her?" Your Majesty, how can you be willing to take advantage of it!"

She rushed forward and held my hands and her eyes were bright: "Because I am your good sister. The emperor understands the relationship between me and your sister. You are my benefactor, and I am also affectionate and righteous. I am on your side!"

Sister? Sister? Affectionate and righteous?" I pulled out my hands and sneered, "If these things weren't forced by you, would you tell me?" What did you do to what happened next?"

She closed her palm empty and smiled: "The back... You should know it. It's okay for me to say it again."

I was stunned when I heard this. I know, but that's not the answer I want to hear! Muyan, I still fantasize that you just do this. Why, why did you do so much later!

She stood up, turned around leisurely, and the veil floated up and fell down elegantly: "Ha ha, Queen Changsun... I also killed the queen." She stopped and looked at my face, as if waiting for my surprise and anger. And I just felt that I didn't hear it really and was in a trance for a moment. She continued without regret: "I put a oleander in the wind in her apse and made her angry death. I did it myself, and the queen also knew the identity of her sister. Although the emperor told her, I was still uneasy. She is the mother of a country. From the perspective of the country, she will definitely kill you, so I secretly planned to kill her!" Far away, she knelt down to me and asked, "Sister, don't tell the emperor, the emperor... the emperor will hate me to death and will dismember me!"

I secretly changed my breath, loosened the palm of my robe, and my eyes were cold: "Don't say it's all for me! Don't you have any selfishness? Don't you like the emperor? Don't you want a mother's world? Do you think you can escape without telling the emperor? This palace is in charge of the harem, and it is not difficult to kill a Zhaoyuan!"

She shook her head in a hurry and grabbed everything available: "I'm working for the emperor. If I die, the emperor will definitely blame you!" And...and I'm your sister!"