Princess Meow is married, Your Highness, please bow down

Chapter 46 Rejection

Xiaotian pushed the syringe hard and quickly injected his blood into Chi Xiaomi's body, completely ignoring her shouts.

"You bastard madman!" Chi Xiaomi shouted in pain, but it was too late. A drop of blood entered her body.

Xiaotian pulled out the syringe and said with a little relief: " Unlike the cat demon, the way we form a blood alliance is very simple. Otherwise..."

He didn't continue to say anything. In fact, he can't have any spiritual power at all now. According to the way of the cat demon is concluded, he can't do it at all now.

Chi Xiaomi also wanted to scold the bad guy Xiaotian, but found that his body was constantly trembling and some of him couldn't stand still.

"You... don't faint again, do you?" She said anxiously.

Did Chi Xiaomi faint before because she had just been saved by Xiaotian? She was still very weak. So she instinctively worried that after Xiaotian fainted, she would starve to death.

Xiao Tian pulled a pale smile and said, "Don't worry... I will never die... I still want revenge... I'm just tired... I want to sleep..."

After saying intermittently, he leaned back and fell into **.

A hard-mouthed bastard is clearly fainting!

Chi Xiaomi cursed angrily in his heart. Alas... I have no choice but to pray that he will wake up soon.

I don't know how long she has been kidnapped here... I don't know if anyone is worried about her disappearance.

There are always sad words with pictures on the Internet. For example, if I disappear one day, who will worry about me and keep looking for me...

Chi Xiaomi thought about it, and no one was in a hurry.

Maybe...just maybe, Huang Yeyuan will come to her for his great plan.

How can I escape?

Chi Xiaomi began to have a brainstorm. Xiaotian will definitely not let her go in vain, and she will never help him deal with his so-called friend who betrayed him.

After all, she doesn't know if he is the murderer who designed to kill her parents!

Now it seems that the dog demon is also extremely suspicious, even more motivated than the cat demon.

The only uncertainty is whether the perpetrator is Xiaotian or not.

If it's him, then he is her different enemy!

You still have to run for your life first. Chi Xiaomi suddenly thought, is there any possibility that he can launch spiritual power without any auxiliary gestures?

Didn't Huang Yeyuan say that the consciousness of attack is more important than the external posture?

If so, her idea must be true.

Chi Xiaomi closed his eyes and began to meditate in his heart that I wanted to break the chain on my body with spiritual power.

Break it... Break it... Break it!

Chi Xiaomi suddenly opened his eyes, and a purple light slid across his eyes. A layer of spiritual power suddenly burst out from the surface of the body and instantly broke the thick iron chain of her fingers tied to her limbs, and the iron slag was shaken out and fell to the ground one after another.

Chi Xiaomi loosened his body and staggered forward, almost falling down.

Suddenly lost the bondage, and the center of gravity was a little unstable.

She looked happily at the place tied to herself, touched the painful arm tied to it, and then looked at Xiaotian, who was unconscious, and smiled proudly.


Spirity is really a good thing! She suddenly was grateful to Huang Yeyuan for giving her this unique ability.

"I'm liberated!"

Chi Xiaomi looked up and shouted, and then immediately covered his mouth. How did the name of a woman like me come out of her mouth! She should call herself... Miss Ben... No, or Sister Ben?

She actually stood by the bed and struggled with this problem, instead of running away at the first time. She was indeed an innocent little friend.

Fortunately, Xiaotian was not awakened by the sound she made. She finally came to her senses and was ready to open the door and escape.

The moment I turned around, my body suddenly shook.

It seemed that the heart was beating violently. Chi Xiaomi covered his chest and was shocked again!

I felt that all the blood poured on the top of her head in an instant, and her body seemed to burst, and all the limbs trembled fiercely. Chi Xiaomi fell to the ground with a scream, and his body began to twitch constantly, like an epilepsy attack, he couldn't control himself!

She rolled on the ground like crazy with her head in her arms.

What's wrong with her... Who can save her...

Why does it hurt so much... It hurts like death...

Save her...

Chi Xiaomi's consciousness has begun to be chaotic, and his body is still twitching. Tears hurt unconsciously, and the clothes rolled on the ground. But she can't take care of all this.

Is there any way to stop her pain, just for a moment... She is almost unable to breathe...

Why is it like this...Why...

There seems to be two streams of blood fighting in the body, both of which want to devour the other party. They use her body as a battlefield, and the battle will not stop for a moment, and her pain will not stop for a moment.

At this painful moment, the fainting sky slowly woke up.

He opened his eyes and first saw that the place tied to Chi Xiaomi was empty, and he was shocked. But he immediately found Chi Xiaomi rolling on the ground and immediately stood up.

Looking at Chi Xiaomi's constant twitching and rolling, Xiaotian's eyebrows frowned fiercely.

It's terrible... Although Xiaomi didn't run away, she is now resisting his blood!

This crazy state is the so-called rejection reaction.

What's going on... Xiaotian also began to wonder. The cat demon and dog demon king of the same race did not have a treaty on the inability to accept their two blood alliances for the guards.

In theory, because one of the ways to conclude between dog demons and cat demons is to inhale the Academy of Guards with a spell, and the other is to inject blood, which will not exclude each other at all.

And according to the later conclusion model, the conclusion between him and her should have been successful.

So, what is the situation now?

Xiao Tian stood aside and didn't know what to do.

Chi Xiaomi's body is twisting more and more fiercely, and the speed is getting faster and faster! Xiaotian felt that he couldn't let her go on like this, and he had to stop her twitching. Otherwise, her human heart will not be able to bear it.

He took out the tranquilizer in the medicine box, put it in the syringe, and squatted beside Chi Xiaomi.

Just as he was preparing for the injection, Chi Xiaomi suddenly stopped twitching. The body no longer twitched into a ball and slowly loosened.

"Chi Xiaomi, how do you feel?" Xiaotian called, Chi Xiaomi seemed to be unable to hear, did not respond, and closed his eyes tightly.

"Chi Xiaomi... Wake up... Can you hear me?" Xiaotian shouted tentatively again. He stretched out his hand and was ready to shake Chi Xiaomi's body to wake her up.

The palm of his hand slowly stretched out and looked for her shoulder. At the moment of putting it on, a huge purple light quickly expanded and exploded on the top of Xiaomi's head, instantly shaking Xiaotian out of Chi Xiaomi's side, dong--! It hit the wall at once.

Xiao Tian, who was weak, fainted, and the syringe fell to the ground and rolled a few times.

The small room suddenly became quiet and silent.


I don't know how long it took, Chi Xiaomi's body moved, slowly opened her eyes, and the crystal purple light kept flowing in her eyes.

When I sat up, I didn't feel any pain in my body.

There seems to be something different...

The body seems to be full of powerful heat... This feeling is even stronger than when Huang Yeyuan gave her blood transfusion. If she used to be a puppet doll injected with spiritual power, then at this moment, she felt that those spiritual power had been completely absorbed by herself for her own use... Even more powerful than the sense of power brought by the blood of Huang Yeyuan...

She raised her fiery right hand and turned over her palm. A dark purple spiritual light ball unconsciously appeared on the palm of her hand, shining and condensing, getting stronger and stronger. Chi Xiaomi moved his heart, raised his hand and waved it. The light ball came out of his hand, flew on the wall, and burst through a big hole in the wall!

It's time to get it, it's time to get it...

Chi Xiaomi suddenly felt that the spiritual power seemed to be as easy as he was born with, and even the heat of the spiritual power burning in the body made people extremely comfortable.

She is really going to be strong...

Countless cold winds poured in from the big hole penetrated by spiritual power, and Chi Xiaomi slowly stood up...