Princess Meow is married, Your Highness, please bow down

Chapter 47 What is the truth?

The fierce wind moved Chi Xiaomi's scattered hair and shook it. Her expression was holy, firm and pure.

Xiaotian was awakened by the loud sound of the wall breaking. When he opened his eyes, he saw the new Chi Xiaomi in front of him.

He was stunned there.

For a moment, he seemed to see a familiar shadow, a female king who had died for a hundred years.

The great self-confidence and domineering from every inch of his body made his heart beat fiercely.

"The moon?!" He couldn't help shouting softly.

Then he understood that the man had died forever, and since then, he had no opponent. The indefeatable enemy used to be so strong.

Chi Xiaomi looked up at Xiaotian and said, "Xiaotian, I want to thank you for your blood, which made me reborn."

His blood? That blood can only make Chi Xiaomi and herself, and will not bring her any change.


"Has Huang Yeyuan ever saved you?" Xiaotian asked excitedly.

Chi Xiaomi nodded.

"Last time the dog king ordered you to kidnap and draw a large amount of your blood. You didn't die, but you didn't lose the ability of the guard... Was it Huang Yeyuan who transfused his blood to you?"

Chi Xiaomi continued to nod.

Xiaotian was silent for a longe...

The man Huang Yeyuan actually ignored the law of heaven and saved human blood transfusion. Cat demons are different from dog demons, and they can't meet any blood at all. And Huang Yeyuan did this, but the law of heaven did not punish him... Is there a loophole in the law of heaven... Or is it invalid?

It has been hundreds of years since the last time the law of heaven punished the alien king. Maybe there is a possibility of failure.

After all, nothing in this world is valid forever.

So Xiaomi's convulsion after being entered into his own blood is the rejection reaction between his blood and the blood of the cat demon of Huang Yeyuan.

Xiao Tian's expression suddenly appeared... How did Chi Xiaomi survive!

Just like humans, if an organ transplant is transplanted, it will have a rejection reaction. And the blood of the cat demon and the dog demon can never be integrated, so Chi Xiaomi should be a dead man at this moment!

This freak!

Xiaotian sincerely sighed from the bottom of his heart that the ability to exist both the cat demon and the dog demon guard is already strange, and he is also the child of the guard and the cat demon. Now even the blood of the cat demon and the dog demon can be integrated.

Xiaotian has four words in his heart to describe Chi Xiaomi: all sizes.

What else in the world can't be realized by Xiaomi any longer?

It's just...

"It's a pity that you still didn't become my guard. You have the ability of the cat demon and the dog demon at the same time, so I want to conclude with you. After all, the guard of the dog demon is too rare. Xiaotian said with great regret, "But from now on, I'm afraid no one will be able to control you..." He said, looking at the big hole in the wall.

Chi Xiaomi took his words as a compliment. She noticed the key point: "You mean that I'm not the guard of any alien king now?"

Xiao Tian nodded and said, "Because of the hedging reaction of blood, you and Huang Yeyuan's blood alliance were destroyed. And my blood was swallowed up by his blood. Now, you are free..."

After he finished speaking, he sighed gently.

Chi Xiaomi heard her say that she was free, but she did not move, because Xiaotian seemed to be extremely fragile at this moment.

She knew that she should not have any sympathy for such a murderous person, but she still couldn't move away.

Maybe...maybe it's just that she still has some questions to ask him.

"Xiao Tian... Without me, wouldn't you be able to take revenge?"

Xiaotian smiled bleakly, looked blankly ahead and said, "When I was at Fengluo College, after I killed you, Huang Yeyuan came after me. None of their cat demons is my opponent, so I didn't pay attention to him. In fact, I don't pay attention to him now. He thought he was strong because he didn't meet me!"

When talking about this, he looked very proud. Xiaotian continued, "I'm afraid of the law of heaven. Cat demons and dog demons can't kill any creatures in the human world. So I showed mercy. I didn't expect that this boy would burst out more than usual spiritual power... But even so, I can easily resist with my ability... However, what I never expected was that the damn master quietly cursed in my body. My spiritual power is no longer continuous, but I lose as much as I use and can't regenerate. Therefore, I was defeated in the hands of Huang Yeyuan... I tried my best to grab you with all my spiritual power... The ability of the guard running to you can heal my spiritual power and let me return to the past state, and I can settle accounts with God. But... now everything is superfluous... You can go... If you want to kill me, do it!"

He said and closed his eyes.

Kill him?

Chi Xiaomi was stunned. Although he has extremely strong spiritual power and self-confidence, Chi Xiaomi is still Chi Xiaomi, and his heart is also Chi Xiaomi's kind heart. She can't kill and goblins on her own.

Unless he is...

"I have a question for you now... Do you know who my parents are?"

If Xiaotian is her parent-killing enemy, she will never be merciful.

"Your father should be called Chi Mutian... Your mother should be called Mushake. The combination of their violation of the law of heaven is known among the different kings.

Chi Xiaomi stepped forward and asked, "So you know how they died?"

She asked tentatively, staring at Xiaotian's face with urgent eyes, observing any changes in the expression on his face.

"I know...but I have no obligation to tell you." Xiaotian suddenly stopped talking.

"How about exchanging your life for this secret?" Late Xiaomi made a condition.

"If you don't take my life, God will take it sooner or later. I can't unlock the spell in my body. Sooner or later, I will die. Xiao Tian was not moved.

"What if I can untie it?"

Chi Xiaomi remembers that she has medical spiritual power, although she doesn't know whether this spiritual power is useful for dog demons. But Xiaotian said that she also has the ability of a dog demon guard. Maybe she can have a try.

Xiaotian opened his eyes, looked at Chi Xiaomi's face, and explored the authenticity of what she said. Finally, he smiled with relief and said, "Anyway, there will be no worse situation than now. It is also a way for a dead horse to be a living horse doctor. OK, then I'll tell you the secret.

Xiao Tian began to tell Chi Xiaomi about the truth she had been looking for about the death of her parents.

About fourteen or fifteen years ago, the combination of Chi Xiaomi's father and mother shocked the whole alien demon world. These two people and demons were originally students of Fengluozhong. Like the current Huang Yeyuan and Chi Xiaomi, they are pure alien kings and the concluded guardian relationship. However, the two of them fell in love for a long time. Maybe the love was too deep, and the two decided to take risks to become husband and wife. All strange kings believe that the law of sky shielding will punish them, but they live safely in the human world. Later, their child, Chi Xiaomi, was born. The treaty of the law of heaven is that even if the guards and alien kings are descendants, they will not live for more than three years. But late Xiaomi passed his third birthday.

All the strange kings can't sit still and think that they don't have to be restricted by the law of heaven in the future.

At this time, the news of the death of these two people suddenly came.

And when they thought of tragedy, the different kings began to be afraid of the law of heaven again and were no longer ready to move.

"All strange kings think that they are the punishment of dying in the law of heaven. Only I know that this is a good thing that God has done!"

When Xiaotian mentioned Tianye's name, he immediately gritted his teeth with hatred.

"God is the king of dog demons?" Chi Xiaomi asked a question.

Xiaotian nodded and explained, "The system of cat demon and dog demon king is actually similar. They are all managed by a demon king and a big wizard to manage all subordinate kings. In the dog demon, the dog king and the great wizard are mutually restricted. However, I gave up all my powers to help God manage all the dog demons. Unexpectedly, he still didn't believe me and wanted to kill me!"