Princess Meow is married, Your Highness, please bow down

Chapter 60 Turn on immediately

If any director wants to shoot a scene of a campus idol drama, Fengluo College is definitely the first choice.

Every place in Fengluo can take a very beautiful picture, step by step.

When Chi Xiaomi stood on the stage of the start-up ceremony, he still thought that everything was Lin Ruomeng was joking.

The huge sound spread the elegant voice of Lin Ruomeng all over the wind.

"Today is the opening ceremony of our Vampire Campus. Thanks to Fengluo's students and leaders from all walks of life, as well as reporters and friends, for coming to support us to welcome the main actors."

After Lin Ruomeng said that, he turned around and gave up the stage, and several major actors appeared on the stage one after another.

Chi Xiaomi also went to the stage. When she saw Lin Ruomeng, she immediately wanted to run over and ask what was going on, but Lin Ruomeng motioned her to calm down.

Chi Xiaomi took a few deep breaths before finally looking up at the stage.

The black presses a human head, and the flash keeps flashing, making people unable to open their eyes.

She turned her head and looked, and she was shocked.

The girl standing next to her turned out to be the frightening killer Mu Xueming!

She looked at Lin Ruomeng in astonidation, and Lin Ruomeng still gave her a calm gesture.

Calm down?!

Chi Xiaomi really can't calm down. A few days ago, he was lying in the hospital because of this woman, and now he wants to shoot with her? It's too late for Xiaomi to be busy with filming alone, and now there is one more way to deal with cold-blooded killers...

Mr. Lin, what exactly do you want to do?

She really couldn't find the purpose of Lin Ruomeng looking for Mu Xueming to participate in the play. She carefully turned her head and glanced at Mu Xueming again, and her little heart trembled immediately.

Terrible Lori.

Then she found that there were two figures that she was very familiar with.

Before she could react, Lin Ruomeng had already

began to announce: "Let me introduce our male number one to you, our Fengluo Tianjiao, Huang Yeyuan!"

There was an immediate applause from the stage.

Among the two familiar people Chi Xiaomi saw, there was Huang Yeyuan.

Huang Yeyuan strode to Lin Ruomeng, grabbed her slender waist, and gently kissed her cheek.

"Beauty director, I like you!"

Lin Ruomeng knew that Huang Yeyuan had lost his memory and became very wrong. If she had kicked him into the Arctic Ocean earlier under the stage, but now it was at the high-profile start-up ceremony.

"I like you too. Why don't I invite you to be the protagonist!" Lin Ruomeng followed Huang Yeyuan's words, and then said loudly to the microphone: "This time, our new campus idol dramas all use new faces. A famous editor and writer tailored the script for our beautiful and handsome actors, which meets the characteristics of each actor. This play must be wonderful. Please look forward to it. Our lead man is an affectionate vampire. He gave everything for his lover, but finally lost his memory and forgot his beloved girl. Everyone thinks that my male lead will be played by Huang Yeyuan, isn't it the most suitable?!"

"Yes! Long live the emperor! Emperor, we will always love you!"

Since Ye Qianxiu disappeared, all the fans in Fengluo have focused on Huang Yeyuan himself, which is much bigger than when he ran for Tianjiao before.

Huang Yeyuan smiled and raised his hand and waved to the people under the stage. The fans immediately cried, and the emperor was more kind and handsome than before.

The leaders sitting in front and investors couldn't help laughing secretly.

Choose such a charismatic hero, and this play will make a steady profit.

Lin Ruomeng also has to admit that although Huang Yeyuan became superficial and frivolous when he lost his memory, his fans actually like this.

A hooligan is indeed closer than a Jade Emperor. And he hasn't fallen to that level yet. After so many years, fans finally saw the emperor smiling.

Next, Chi Xiaomi, the female number one, is going to appear. To be honest, Lin Ruomeng's heart is both expectant and nervous. It can be said that this "Vampire Campus" was filmed for Chi Xiaomi. Whether she can do all the foundation work well and let Chi Xiaomi shine brilliantly depends on her performance.

Lin Ruomeng herself has been at the top of the entertainment industry. She already feels that no role or song, for her, there is no sense of challenge and excitement. And this time she challenged the identity of the behind-the-scenes pusher, and the long-lost tension finally came back.

Lin Ruomeng said excitedly to the microphone, "Then please invite the female lead of our play, Chi Xiaomi."

After she finished speaking, she waved to Chi Xiaomi.

Chi Xiaomi was immediately dumbfounded. Why did he get to himself so soon?

Seeing Lin Ruomeng waving anxiously, she knew that she could not continue to stand still. The stage was silent. She moved her small steps nervously and walked to Lin Ruomeng.

"Mr. Lin... I..." Chi Xiaomi sweated nervously.

Huang Yeyuan turned his head and looked at Chi Xiaomi. Suddenly, he stuck out his tongue and whispered in Lin Ruomeng's ear, "Beauty director, this female lead is so ugly. It's disgusting."

The voice was not loud, but Chi Xiaomi heard it clearly, and his face turned pale in an instant.

Lin Ruomeng is glad that Huang Yeyuan is not human enough to shout directly on the stage and not cooperate with Chi Xiaomi. She grabbed Chi Xiaomi and said to the crowd under the stage, "What do you think of my heroine?"

A burst of laughter immediately came from the stage.

"The director is too ordinary. Let's replace her!" Someone shouted below.

"President Wu Ma is 10,000 times better-looking than her! Change the president of the witch horse!"

Chi Xiaomi looked at Lin Ruomeng with a pale face. In fact, she usually hears the cocoon in her ears. It doesn't matter what others say, because she can't change other views and can't block other people's mouths. But she is afraid that Lin Ruomeng's TV series will be affected.

When she was nervous, she still unconsciously recovered Chi Xiaomi's original character for fear of involving others.

Maybe her spiritual power is strong enough now, but her heart is still not strong enough.

Lin Ruomeng knew what she was thinking. The purpose of letting Chi Xiaomi enter the entertainment industry was to let her hone a powerful heart in this deep and hot fish and snake circle.

The most terrible place in the world is in this circle.

Lin Ruomeng wants to transform a unique strong man in the world and let everyone witness this miracle!

She said to the microphone, "How many girls in the world are better-looking than my female number one, Chi Xiaomi? I don't think anyone can calculate it. However, I chose her as my heroine. Everyone usually watches the idol dramas of those fancy boys and girls, and watches those beautiful heroines meet handsome male protagonists. They must have fantasize in their hearts. If you can also meet such a lover, but..."

Lin Ruomeng lengthened the ending, turned his head to look at Chi Xiaomi and said, "After all, the outstanding girls in the world are in the minority. There are many girls who are as ordinary as Chi Xiaomi. Isn't such a girl qualified to be favored by beautiful men? Don't such girls have the same crystal-like beautiful hearts as those beautiful girls? Are they even more pure and kind than them? Is such a girl worth loving or not? What do you think?!"

She put the microphone under the stage and waited for everyone's answer.

"It's worth it!!!" Those student girls who were as ordinary as Chi Xiaomi immediately answered loudly.

It's worth...

When Chi Xiaomi heard these two words, his heart was inexplicably warm. The question asked by Lin Ruomeng is actually what she wants to know most: is she so ordinary, is she really not worthy of being loved?

Lin Ruomeng nodded with satisfaction when she heard the expected answer.

Fortunately, she rushed the students of Yunqi and Xingluo together this time. If it's all those guys whose eyes are above the top, she will be hung on the table today.

She didn't play any tricks, but made Chi Xiaomi confident with simple reasons.

This is the truth. Ordinary people in the world account for the majority, ordinary people make up the majority, and they are the foundation of life. Nowadays, people blindly pursue the lives of those few people, but forget their position. It is also very important to forget themselves. They forget that they are the foundation of society. Because they forget these, they can't even experience the fun of life. They chase those unretainable things every day and live a life exhausted.