Princess Meow is married, Your Highness, please bow down

Chapter 61 I will be very strong

Facing the sea of people under the stage, Chi Xiaomi began to gradually feel nervous, and even those contemptuous looks, she didn't pay attention to it.

Mr. Lin is right. She is just an ordinary majority. Compared with many people, she also has a peaceful life.

At least you don't have to run for hunger.

Girls who are as ordinary as themselves are very happy, so who will she continue to feel inferior to?

Lin Ruomeng continued to say to the stage: "Our new drama this time is in the form of weekly broadcast. If the response is good, we will continue to shoot. If it is not good or if someone has any objection to the selection of our actors, we will temporarily change roles. Therefore, emperor fans don't need to worry that Chi Xiaomi will drag down Huang Yeyuan. On the contrary, I want to show you how an ugly duckling successfully transformed into a beautiful white swan! The success of Chi Xiaomi tomorrow is the success of your tens of millions of Chi Xiaomi!"

Lin Ruomeng**'s shouting drove all the people under the stage who were as ordinary as Chi Xiaomi.

Who doesn't want to be on high, who wants to be trampled on.

Ordinary people are also great beings.

This is Lin Ruomeng's definition of Chi Xiaomi.

Next, Lin Ruomeng began to introduce several other male and female supporting roles. The role assigned by Wu Ma Jingyi is the supporting role of the female, not even the second female.

The second girl is a Lori as cute as a doll, Mu Xueming.

Mu Xueming appeared in front of the stage, and everyone under the stage began to marvel. The girl was too pink~

After she took the stage, everyone felt that it would be a matter of time before Chi Xiaomi was replaced.

After that, the process was completed, and the start-up ceremony was successfully completed.

After that, Chi Xiaomi was greatly relieved. She was about to go to the dressing room to change back to her school uniform when someone suddenly called her behind her.


Looking back, it turned out to be Huang Yeyuan. She really didn't expect that Huang Yeyuan would take the initiative to talk to her. After all, he was very resistant to his ugly appearance, didn't he?

"You call me?" Chi Xiaomi also has no good tone. She remembers clearly what he said on the stage, and sooner or later she will take revenge.

"Come here." Huang Yeyuan hooked his finger.

I went... and played with style. Chi Xiaomi asked angrily, "What's the matter with you? It's okay. I'm going to change my clothes.

"Come here." He is still the same word.

Chi Xiaomi didn't want to argue with him. He walked over and asked, "What's the matter with you?"

Huang Yeyuan pulled a bad smile, reached out and circled Chi Xiaomi in his arm, lowered his head and raised his hand to the top of her head, and said, "Do you love me secretly... How can I see you wherever I go?"

"Self-indulted..." Chi Xiaomi pushed away his arm and was about to leave.

Huang Yeyuan pulled her arm hard and pulled her straight in front of him. He raised his hand to clamp her jaw and kissed Chi Xiaomi's rosy lips.

Chi Xiaomi's mind went blank in an instant.

All consciousness or reason disappeared from her head in an instant, and the rest was full of Huang Yeyuan's cold lips.

Once domineering kiss, once intimate proof, once...

Yes, it's all once...

Nothing now!

Chi Xiaomi suddenly reached out and pushed Huang Yeyuan's body hard, stepped back and gasped.

Huang Yeyuan pulled up an evil smile and said, "What's going on, ugly monster? Is it even more irresistible after being kissed by me?"

Chi Xiaomi wiped his lips fiercely and roared, "Perverted pervert! How dare you secretly kiss me! You are shameless!"

"It seems that you like it very much..." Huang Yeyuan pretended to kiss Chi Xiaomi again. In a hurry, Chi Xiaomi raised his hand to cover his mouth and shouted, "You will die when you lean over!" Tell me if you need anything!"

"Okay!" Huang Yeyuan put away his hippie smile and said to Chi Xiaomi with a cold face, "I just accept my things. Please leave the crew happily!"

"Exit the crew? Why should I return? This is the TV series prepared by Mr. Lin for her. She quit. Is there any point in filming? Besides...

"When did I receive your things?"

Huang Yeyuan pointed to his lips and said, "You just accepted my kiss and won't admit it?"

"Then you take advantage of me, okay?" Chi Xiaomi is completely crazy by him. God, when does she need him to kiss? Who likes his bullshit kiss?!

I have never seen such a cheap and obedient boy.

"I know you like me, so you will always follow me. But I really hate you, and I can't wait to see you forever. Between not seeing you and sacrificing the color, it is appropriate to sacrifice for eternal purity. And you also take advantage of it. Get what you want, get away from here!"

When Huang Yeyuan said this, his face was full of disgust.

Although Chi Xiaomi knew that he hated himself now, he was still deeply hurt by the expression on his face.

Disgust, right? It's annoying, right?

She hates him more at this moment!

Chi Xiaomi raised his head, nodded Huang Yeyuan's chest hard, and said, "I'll make it clear to you now. I'm arrogant. I, Chi Xiaomi will never like you!" I think you are even more disgusting. Do you know how disgusting it is? It's disgusting to spit out what you ate the day before yesterday! Please don't show off in front of me. I've vomited my stomach the other way around!"

Chi Xiaomi bent down and spit out a lot of things.

Huang Yeyuan hurriedly stepped back a few steps in disgust, covered his mouth and nose and roared, "Why are you so disgusting! If you vomit, you will vomit!"

"You should know how disgusting you are now..." Chi Xiaomi wiped his mouth and said.

Huang Yeyuan couldn't stand the pungent smell of vomiting and turned around and walked away.

Chi Xiaomi smiled bitterly. This arrogant boy actually came up with such a way to quit... It's really strange...

Just when Chi Xiaomi thought that she had successfully forced off Huang Yeyuan, he came again.

The location this time is at the door of her dormitory.

Huang Yeyuan leaned against her door frame and said loudly, "You also said that you don't like me. You live so close. Do you peek at me in the shower with a telescope every day? Come on, what should you do before you quit?

"I'm too lazy to talk to you"

Chi Xiaomi came under his arm with a cold face, and Huang Yeyuan stretched out his long hand and pulled her arm.

"You tell me clearly, I've been seeing that you will die!" His tone actually had a crying voice, like a coquettish child.

Chi Xiaomi turned his face and looked straight at him for a long time. Huang Yeyuan was a little hairy and said, "What are you looking at?"

"You've been watching me for so long, why haven't you died yet!"


"Stop talking nonsense. Stay away from me." Chi Xiaomi glanced at him and strode forward.

Huang Yeyuan reluctantly shouted in the back, "Why don't I give you a hundred kisses... or I'll sacrifice myself... Can you not join the crew?"

Chi Xiaomi smiled bitterly as he walked.

Well lo, in order to force her away, she even used the beautiful man's trick. This is not like the original Huang Yeyuan, or this person is not Huang Yeyuan at all!

He once wanted him to recover his memory, but he didn't even let Wen Jinghong approach him. What else did he talk about to restore his memory?

Besides, I don't have time to pay attention to his affairs.

Xiaotian said that he would go to the dog king for revenge. Although he was very evil, he could also see that he did what he said. It's just that there hasn't been any news for so long. I'm afraid it's more bad.

If the dog king is so easy to deal with, then Xiaotian will not have been hit by his plot at the beginning.

On the contrary, open and aboveboard people can't fight those villains who secretly make bad.

So, she still has to find an opportunity to find out where the dog king is.

At present, she does not have the ability to investigate anything, which she understood when she returned to Fengluo. Whether you have the ability to fight or not, the conditions for survival come first. To put it bluntly, if you don't have money, it seems that many things in this world can't be done.

Lin Ruomeng asked her to be an actor. She has no definite reason to refuse, and it is also here.

It's just that if Lin Ruomeng signs a contract with her, she will give her money.

With the support of money, she can take revenge without any attention.

Sooner or later... She must let the dog king pay for her blood!

Chi Xiaomi, who was once simple, has only one thought in his heart at this moment: I will become stronger, strong and strong!