Princess Meow is married, Your Highness, please bow down

Chapter 166 The past is like blood

Darkness is the coldest color in the world. It represents death, loneliness and hopelessness.

At this moment, the whole world has fallen into complete black.

No matter how powerful or fearless she is, even her bravery is so powerless in the face of the darkness.


It's not that she hasn't experienced death, and that doesn't mean that she is not afraid of death.

The weakness and coldness penetrated her heart, and she had no strength at all.

Walking in the endarkness, she was muddle-headed and didn't even know where to go.

Is there anyone in...

Tell her where she is now...


It's so cold...

It is even more chilly than the world cast by ice and snow. The cold chill pierces the flesh and blood bone marrow of the skin... No, she seems to have no flesh and blood, only skin and bones.

What about her blood...

In the haze, I seemed to hear someone shouting, "Don't let the blood shine. I want your death if I die!"

The voice was so arrogant and harsh that it stung Chi Xiaomi's nerves, and then she was obviously in deep darkness again.

I don't know why, the darkness has produced a force that seems to take her far away...



"Father, when I become the king in the future, I will definitely find the light of the other half of the guide, escape from this world with all the cat demons, truly return to the original protoss, and let our master be truly free!"

At that time, the moon of Ye Mu was young and beautiful, but she had the man's pride. Her ideal was to fulfill her father's wish.

Since being sealed in this world, the cat demon has always wanted to find an opportunity to contact the seal of the original Protoss and escape from this alien space to the real world, instead of being imprisoned alone in this toy-like crystal garden.

His eyes were full of fighting spirit, and Ye Muzhiyue looked up at his father with a smile.

My father kindly touched the top of the head of the curtain moon and said kindly, "I already know the whereabouts of the remaining half of the guide light. When I find it, I can synthesize a complete light of the guide with half of my hand. At that time, we can find what the protoss has been hiding and seal me. The place of our seal.

"That's great, father."

That day was the happiest and happiest day in the moon. She had an eagle in her heart and always wanted to fly freely with her father's wishes and the people.

However, that was the last time she talked to her father.

She curiously secretly followed her father to trace the light of the other half of the guide, but she didn't expect that it would make her father go back.

The moon of the curtain is very powerful, and his father is also powerful. He is the king of the whole cat demon world. His benevolence and his supreme spiritual power make all the cat demons willing to submit to subordinates.

Ye Mu Zhiyue has always believed that his father is invincible.

However, invincible is not as good as the enemy's conspiracy.

She didn't know what kind of boundary her father was in, and she would die suddenly in the Syra City.

The place of etiquette was originally the place where the father was ready to prepare and have the other half of the light of the guide.

My father fell into a pool of blood and did not move.

She couldn't believe everything she saw, but the dazzling blood pierced her eyes, and tears fell silently.

She saw a man, a dwarf cat demon.

In her memory, she has seen this cat demon, because the dwarf in the cat demon is too rare. She remembers that his name is Mu Yeqiu.


He is the current King Mu.

Chi Xiaomi doesn't know whether his father's death is related to him, but it can be determined that her death has something to do with him.


She died, and there was no room for defense and retalis. Her proud colorful spiritual power fell silently even before she could send it out.

A huge hole was pierced in the chest, and blood came out and dyed the snow red.

If there is no reincarnation, if she is not a great wizard, she may not even be qualified to recall all this now.

She didn't understand. Maybe she was in some kind of boundary, but she couldn't notice that kind of boundary...

But she still remembers the scene she saw before she died.

The light of the guide belonging to his father appeared in the hands of the dwarf Mu Yeqiu, and he smiled proudly.

In the second life, resurrection, Ye Qianxiu picked her up.

At the moment of death, she instinctively used the art of reincarnation, turning her soul into a soul that automatically looked for the body that had just died.

Maybe she won't die. Knowing the injustice of her death, she found a baby who had just died.

But her memory and spiritual power were imprisoned.

Ignorantly looked at the cat demon king city opposite at the peak of the snowy mountain for ten years.

Ye Qianxiu was the king of Ye at that time. He loved her. After knowing her hatred, he gave up the throne to him. However, she was once again tricked by the thief.

Mu Yeqiu, you are the most vicious cat demon in the world!

She was tricked again and died in the place of etiquette.

Idiot... The moon of the curtain... You think you are so great, but you can't even beat a dwarf...

But what's the use of thinking about this now...

The feeling of death is getting deeper and deeper... She seems to hear death raising the sickle with a ferocious smile on her head...

If she dies this time, I don't know if she can be reincarnated successfully...

I don't know when my father's hatred and ideals, the freedom of the clan, will come true...

In the cold darkness, Chi Xiaomi lost his last consciousness, as if he were dead, and hung his head powerlessly.


"King Mu's edict?" Huang Yeyuan stopped in a hurry.

"All cat demons have been received, and Fengluo College is no exception. This is what Xiao Xueer told me." Wen Jinghong hung up the phone in his hand and raised his eyebrows.

"What is the content of the edict?"

"King Mu wants to attack the Dog Demon Kingdom."

"Oh?" Huang Yeyuan stopped and said, "Which song can the old dwarf sing? Who doesn't know that he is affinity, and he has never dared to offend the dog demon. Why did he suddenly attack the dog demon country with great fanfare?

How can there be a smell of conspiracy?

"Who knows, how can we kind little demons understand his strange thoughts? Do you think so, emperor? Wen Jinghong shrugged his shoulders and said that there was no solution.

"I know." McDull suddenly opened his mouth in a low voice.

"Oh?" Wen Jinghong and Huang Yeyuan looked at him together.

"His all-time goal is finally about to be successful."

"What's the purpose?"

"The Mu dwarf I know has always wanted to rule the world of all demons. Moreover, I have a suspicion that I haven't said it all the time?"

"What's the matter?"

"Since the old wild king, before he succeeded to the throne, which king has reigned for more than ten years?"

Huang Yeyuan recalled that he really didn't. Although he didn't remember what happened so many years ago, he vaguely heard the terrible brother Huang Tianji say when he was chatting with his father.

"I suspect that King Mu has always been taunting."

"It's understandable." Huang Yeyuan said briefly.

King Mu was originally an ambitious person, saying that it was too possible for him to do anything for the sake of rights.

"But what does this attack on the dog demon have to do with it?"

"King Mu himself is not a spiritual cat demon, as you all know. Why did he even convey the edict to Fengluo College, which he had always disliked in the name of attacking the dog demon kingdom?

"Does he want to kill two birds with one stone?"

"That's right."

The three people suddenly became clear.

On the surface, King Mu summoned all the powerful alien kings among the cat demons to attack the dog demons.

There may be only two results in the attack. One is the victory of the cat demon, and King Mu will naturally take over the goblins of the dog demon kingdom.

And if these summoned cat demon king masters fail, his strength of King Mu will still be preserved, and the dog demon will also suffer serious losses due to the confrontation with the cat demon, and will definitely not attack the cat demon.

After all, the difference between the number of cat demons and dog demons is not a little different.

A good move to do two birds with one stone.

Not only weakened his old opponent's strength, but also eliminated those dissidents in the clan who threatened him.

If he is not good, he can actually sit in the position of the king of cat demons. It's really good to play tricks.

Wen Jinghong said shamelessly, "Then let's send a message to those foreign kings who are not the Mu nationality, and ask them not to attack the dog demon country."

"Do you think it's possible?" Huang Yeyuan asked.

"Why is it impossible? In fact, everyone doesn't like King Mu. Why do you go to the net even if you know that it's a treacherous scheme?"

"Have you forgotten the eternal feud between cat demons and dog demons?"

"I haven't forgotten, but I can't die in vain..."

"Cat demons are all proud goblins... I think you know. If you are laughed at by the dog demons and they are afraid of death and don't fight, you will definitely not be the biggest insult to them?

"You're right. What should I do? Did you let King Mu's treachery be able to win?

"We can't take care of this for the time being. The matter of Chi Xiaomi and Lin Ruomeng is important.

Huang Yeyuan told him what was the most important now, and Wen Jinghong became nervous.

They have also been chased to the waste station at the entrance of the dog demon world.