Princess Meow is married, Your Highness, please bow down

Chapter 167 The Land of Rites

Wen Jinghong immediately gave McDull a white look, "Can you not say such unlucky words and touch the mold?"

"It's just a possibility that the courageous mice dare not face the real situation." McDull looked at him coldly and said.

"I said, you dead McDull, do you want to fight?"

"What, are you still your opponent in the fight?"

The two of them were about to quarrel.

"Enough, the situation is so urgent that you are still in the mood to quarrel." Huang Yeyuan stopped with a cold face.

"It's all him!" This time, the two of them accused each other tacitly.

"I don't know if I will see you in the future. Do you want to miss each other by quarreling? We don't have much time, so we will leave to enter the dog demon country immediately.

Huang Yeyuan's mind has flown to that strange dog demon world at this moment.

Chi Xiaomi, you have become very powerful, haven't you?

Then you have to live out of the dog demon country. Don't let me worry about you.

Huang Yeyuan explained some things about McDull. Just as he was about to start with Wen Jinghong, he suddenly smelled an unusual smell in the air.

The three were surprised and said, "What's the smell?"

Originally, the air was full of the smell of dog demons, and occasionally there was a very faint residual smell of some kitten demons. At this time, the smell of the cat demon suddenly became strong. The three cat demons could not tell how many cat demons mixed together to make the smell of the cat demon so strong.

"King Mu said he wanted to attack the dog demon kingdom. Did he come so soon?" Huang Yeyuan frowned and guessed.

"Maybe it's true." McDull's eyes suddenly stared at the front and didn't move.

Huang Yeyuan and Wen Jinghong looked over and saw a large group of people on the road ahead, followed by hundreds of cats.

Needless to say, walking in the front must be the high-level kings of the cat demon who have high spiritual power and can maintain their human form in the human world, while the cats behind are mostly cat demon soldiers.

"It came so fast." Wen Jinghong sighed.

After a moment of meditation, Huang Yeyuan suddenly felt that they came at the right time.

Cat demons will not attack dog demons in the human world, because the law of sky covering will definitely hurt both of them, so the best place left is the place of etiquette.

This place of etiquette is actually in the hinterland of the dog demon kingdom.

The dog demon world is different from the ordinary world. It is not a flat or ball-shaped space, but a large ring with a small ring, which is similar to the three rings in Beijing City. However, the difference is that their place of etiquette is in the ring in the middle, and from the outside world, they must first enter the place of etiquette. .

It was a wasteland, without any human smoke, or even no trace of dog demons.

It is said that the dog demon has always guarded the entrance to the outside of the place of etiquette, because the entrance of the place of etiquette has some kind of boundary that deters the spiritual power of the dog demon, which is not conducive to the defense of the dog demon.

This is just a rumor. Huang Yeyuan has just heard that the place of etiquette is a must-have place for cat demons to fight with dog demons.

And this time, if the cat demons come to attack the dog demons, they will definitely go to the place of etiquette first, and then the dog demons will definitely come out to fight.

As long as he sneaks in from the entrance when the dog demon comes out of the big ring to fight, he will unconsciously. Don't consume any spiritual power and enter the core area of the dog demon to find Chi Xiaomi.

Of course, I don't know that there is another self in the world, who has the same memory as himself for more than a hundred years. The difference is that this Xiaotian is not called Tian. He is called Tian Chong. What's more different is that he especially listens to the orders of the dog king. He has never been unruly to the dog king like Xiaotian.

Seeing the dog king coming, he hurriedly saluted. The dog king waved his hand and asked, "I just want to see the progress. How's it going?"

At this time, the dog king still didn't know anything about the cat demon attacking the dog demon country, and his mind was still on his great plan.

The expectation of this plan should start from the news brought back by the real Xiaotian.

At first, when Xiaotian went to Fengluo College to carry out the plan to eradicate the cat demon king, he heard that the cat demon king was arrested, so he went to the dungeon to assassinate him. He

That is to say, Chi Xiaomi once saw the man in white who wanted to kill her in the dungeon, which was actually Xiao Tian.

At that time, she was almost killed by Xiaotian's spell control, but she broke Xiaotian's spell, and Xiaotian was surprised to find that she was not only the strongest guardian of the cat demon. He felt that her body had the ability of the dog demon guard, so he temporarily left her.

Chi Xiaomi didn't know about this period, because Xiaotian had erased the memory of seeing him when she woke up.

He came back and told the dog king about this amazing discovery, and the dog king was also surprised.

In the last century, the last dog demon guard has passed away, and no dog demon guard has ever appeared in the world.

And for his enemy, the cat demon, with the help of a powerful guard, greatly improved the spiritual power that could not compete with the dog demon, and the dog king felt an inexplicable threat.

We can't let the cat demon develop like this.

He implemented a plan to assassinate the cat demon guard, but the human reproductive ability is too strong, and I don't know whether it is because of the cat demon gene or for some unknown reason. The number of cat demon guard is increasing.

When he was string about the assassination of this method of treating the symptoms but not the root causes, Xiaotian brought the news that there was actually a human existence among the cat demon guards who had the abilities of both cat demons and dog demons.

The dog king felt that things were about to turn around.

So he sent his men to extract a large amount of blood from this human girl and prepare to make a new dog demon guard.

They exchanged blood with the blood of another baby. The baby did have the ability of the dog demon guard, but he suddenly ignited to death when he formed a blood alliance with the dog king.

This made the dog king very angry, but at the same time he also understood that this method could not create a new dog demon guard.

The dog king suddenly looked like Xiaotian and his cloned dog demon, and the sky was heavy.

He came up with a better way, yes, to clone the human girl.

However, there is another problem. It is very easy for their dog demon to clone Chi Xiaomi. However, the guard ability of Chi Xiaomi is not just the ability of the dog demon guard, but also the ability of the cat demon guard.

He wants to remove the ability of the cat demon guard in Chi Xiaomi's body so that it can be cloned in batches. Otherwise, he will make so many guards like the original Chi Xiaomi. If the cat demon can also be used, wouldn't he make wedding clothes for others?

Such a stupid thing is not done by his great dog king!