Cat Travels: The Road to the Devil

Chapter 105 King of Resentment 10

Since Lian Jian chased the meat and left, everyone was panicked.

The time has passed, and now a day has passed, and Bao has not yet returned.

There are many exorcists wandering not far from the museum, and even go to the bottom of the cliff to find the body. It seems that they won't stop if they don't force the Mu family to death.

Paper kites know that there is no way to wait like this. Her mood is very heavy. The sky has also been in the museum for the past two days. When he woke up, he knew that the fortula and meat had disappeared. Now everyone is waiting for Bao. He hesitated repeatedly and said:

"That little flower demon... Let me find it."

"There are all ghost exorcists at the foot of the mountain, and they will not spare you." The paper kite turned around.

"What are you afraid of?" The sky pulled the corners of his lips, and his purple eyes deepened. "After all, I'm not from the underworld or the Mu family. I don't care about hurting them."

Paper kites droop down the eyelids.

The museum is not a place to stay for a long time, otherwise they will never find the body and will be exposed sooner or later.

The sky is unconsciously ready, and a day has passed. It is reasonable for the children of the Mu family to go to the town or the countryside to hide, and they really shouldn't be here.

But none of them said to leave, and they must be waiting for the little flower demon.

"If you have any ideas, just tell everyone directly. Don't worry about Bao and me. I will contact you then.

After saying this, he left the room without looking back.

The paper kite stood in front of the window, and the white paper umbrella looked a little transparent in the sun. Naturally, she knew what the sky meant. Forthia probably won't be back for a while, and she should have made other plans early.

When she suddenly thought of something, she chased out and shouted at the tall back:


"What?" The sky stopped and turned around.

The little girl gradually walked out of the door, wearing a plain Taoist robe and still wearing white flowers on her ears.

"Pay attention to the signal."

The sky looked at her for two seconds and grinned:

"I see."

"Be careful not to be caught by them."

"Aren't you hitting me?" The sky turned around and waved his hand, signaling the paper kite to go in, and he continued to move forward.

The paper kite bit her lower lip gently, and the ghost soldier behind her reminded:

"Won, you don't want to stay here for a long time."

"Thank you." She nodded to the ghost soldier and walked into the hall.

Several children were waiting in the room, and Mu Jin was directly tied to the chair. Everyone is in a bad mood, but he is definitely the one who is most likely to do stupid things impulsively.

Mu Jin saw the paper kite coming in and immediately shouted:

"Master - you asked me to find Bao!! You let me go!!——"

He shook his body desperately, and the stool tied to him was also shaken back and forth by him.

The paper kite sighed gently.

"Jin, you know, I can't let you die. If the leader comes back and can't see you, he will blame me.

"This is what I have to go!!——I will write to the head!!——"

"Listen to me, the ghost soldiers here helped us find out. The people who went to the foot of the mountain to look for the body didn't find anything - that is to say, Bao must not be dead."

After receiving the news, Mu Jin was a little calm, and Zhiyuan continued:

"Just now, the sky has gone out to look for Bao. He is not a ghost or a member of the Mu family, so it is most suitable for him to go to Bao. Compared with magic... Mu Jin, he is much better than you.

None of the children of the Mu family have seen the sky take action, not to mention them, even the warp.

"...he went to look for it?" Mu Jin asked.

"That's right. I'm coming now to discuss the future with everyone. Mu Jin, I don't care how much you worry about Bao, and I hope you don't act impulsively, otherwise you will lose your life for nothing. When Bao finds it back, who will take care of it for the rest of his life?

Hearing this, Mu Jin's nose was slightly sour. He lowered his head, stopped looking at the paper kite's eyes, and did not dare to speak.

I'm afraid that I will burst into tears as soon as I make a sound.

"We all have to leave here and divide into three ways."

Because they entered the door very late and had never traveled for a task, no one had seen them.

However, what those exorcists know is that there are still three adults, a monster and five children left in the Mu family. So if the five of them act together, it will be too eye-catching.

The paper kite took out the map.

They are now located in the north of the suburbs between Xiling City and Heshi Town. She took a general look at the surrounding towns and began to plan.

"Mu Jin and Mu Shui together, you go to Heshi Town, remember to change your name, don't be eye-catching."

"Mu Huo and Mu Tian together, you just go to Heyuan Village and wait there all the time."

"And I went back to Xiling City alone. I have never been on the street since I arrived at Mu's house. They don't know me.

Originally, Zhiyuan wanted to take Mu Tian with him, because he was the youngest, but some people in Xiling City may have seen him.

In fact, it doesn't matter. She will do some tampers later, causing everyone to fake death. Those ghost exors are bound to be fooled, so there will be few of them in the world from now on.

The cause of the incident is Xiling City, and she may be able to find out something when she goes back.

Mu Shui looked at the map and hesitated for a moment and said:

"We are all separated. How can we get together?"

"Looking for the leader is on me. When I find the leader, I will go to Heyuan Village and Heshi Town to find you. So don't leave until then."

"I see." Mu Huo nodded.

This is the best way, but I don't know when to wait.

"Well, let's name it now. It will be convenient to find it then." Just in case, Zhiyuan said, "Don't use the name before entering the Mu family. In case they have figured out everyone's details, it will be bad."

Several children nodded one after another, wiped their foreheads with water, and said:

"Fortunately, Master thought of it, and I was going to use my previous name..."

"My name is Yu Fu, and Mu Tian's name is Yu Gui. We are two brothers." Mu Huo said first.

"If so, my name is Qin Lin, and Mu Shui's name is Qin, Qin... She and I are two brothers and sisters." Mu Jin picked it up.

"Qin Guoguo!" Bathing with water and laughing.

"Okay, I've written it down." Zhiyuan nodded, "I will come to you with the name Lilac. Don't forget it."

"Yes! Master!" Several people shouted in one voice.

Although Zhiyuan didn't teach them for a few days, they all admired her.

After explaining all the following things, Zhiyuan began to prepare for the fake corpse.

She is not too worried about whether the children can live well in those two places. These four children are all clever. Mu Jin and Mu Huo are relatively mature and stable, so as long as the matter of fake corpses is solved, they should not be in danger of being hunted down.

In this case, she has to investigate whether there is anyone else who was with Hongshang that day.

(red ticket~~~\(≧▽≦)/~lalala)