Cat Travels: The Road to the Devil

Chapter 106 King of Resentment (11)

" hiss--" The cold potion penetrated into the wound, and Jiang Beichen suddenly took a cold breath.

Hongshang's hand trembled slightly. She looked at Jiang Beichen worriedly and whispered:

"Hear with it, it will be fine soon."

Jiang Beichen's hands and feet were tightly tied by chains, and his body was staggered with scars of different sizes, which showed that he suffered a lot during the day.

The clothes on the upper body are ragged, and some of them are stuck to the blood-mixed wounds, which looks miserable.

Hongshang carefully tied up, but when he encountered some trauma again, Jiang Beichen's body would inevitably tremble.

He gritted his teeth and his forehead was soaked with cold sweat, but smiled carelessly.

"Don't worry about me, just do it."

"...What kind of hatred does he have with you?" After a long silence, Hongshang couldn't help asking.

"I don't know." Jiang Beichen pulled the corners of his mouth.

I don't know? Hongshang was a little surprised. If there was no deep hatred, how could she use such a serious punishment? How could she... say that she would marry for Qiao three days later?

" you know his identity?"

"I don't know." Jiang Beichen gently licked the scar on his mouth with his tongue and smiled, "He will always say it himself."

"I'm afraid you won't die until then." Hongshang's mood is very heavy. Now Jiang Beichen is injured all over, and he may be tortured tomorrow.

"Don't worry, he won't kill me."


"If I die, who will he torture?" A sneer flashed in Jiang Beichen's eyes. However... he slowly sank his face.

This Yin Guangyao is weird anyway. Does he always feel that it doesn't match?

Hongshang slowly stopped the movement in her hand.

"It's almost done. You can't sort it out too clearly, otherwise..."

"Thank you." In fact, Jiang Beichen didn't expect to meet her here, but when it came to this, he couldn't help asking, "About... Forgingia, why are you here?"

Hongshang was silent for a long time, and Jiang Beichen looked at her and only smiled gently.

"When I didn't ask."

"...but it's a little complicated." Hongshang sighed, "I don't know where to start."

Jiang Beichen nodded and saw that the red man had been here for a while. He reminded:

"Go back early."

"Hmm." Hongshang squatted down and cleaned up the medicine bottles on the ground, wrapped them in a cloth bag again, and prepared to leave.

"Be careful." Jiang Beichen couldn't help saying, "Take more care of fortibi... We will leave here soon."

"I will." Hongshang left the dungeon.

Jiang Beichen looked at her back and felt that today's red suit was a little strange. He has seen this woman several times before, and his personality should not be so calm. However, after all, after so many things, there should be changes.

Red clothes have been bowing their heads, and the candles on both sides of the road pull out her shadow, with indescribable loneliness.

Without going anywhere else, she went straight back to her room.

The man in the room seems to have been waiting for a long time.

He was wearing a white vest, big-colored trousers, and one foot stepped on the stool beside him to drink for himself.

When he saw Hongshang coming back, he asked without raising his head:

"What did you say?"

Hongshang walked to the dressing table, put the cloth pocket on it, and slowly repeated what had just happened.

Yin Guangyao drank while eating vegetables. Hearing the last sentence, a strong interest flashed in his eyes.

"Can you leave here soon? - Did he really say that?"

"Hmm." Hongshang nodded.

"Sit down." Yin Guangyao pointed to the opposite side. The red man looked very restrained, but he still sat on it.

"Why are you so foreign? You were not like this before." As soon as this came out, both of them were slightly stunned.

"...I used to?" Hongshang looked at Yin Guangyao blankly.

Yin Guangyao's speed of eating food slowed down. He thought of the scene where he had met Hongshang before, and only felt that it was a little girl with teeth and claws.

Strong personality.

will swear.

I like to do it.

And... in Xiling 13th Street, the appearance of forbearance... and the simplest kindness when helping the little boy find his father.

Looking up and taking a sip of wine, Yin Guangyao smiled evilly:

"In the past, it was terrible and not feminine at all. It's good to be like this now."

The red man stopped talking.

Yin Guangyao drank for himself again and again, and the night became darker.

"Do you really want to marry foria?" Hongshang suddenly asked.

"What, can't you?"

"Didn't you say that we love each other?"

"Ga?" Yin Guangyao instinctively looked at the red man with doubt, and then remembered what he said in the carriage that day. He stuffed a mouthful of vegetables and nodded repeatedly: "Yes, that's right, I said it before."

"If that's the case, why did you marry her?" The red man frowned.

"Three wives and four concubines, is it normal?"

"You didn't say we were married." Hongshang looked at Yin Guangyao without blinking, as if she cared about this matter.

"...Well, I didn't say that." Yin Guangyao put the wine glass to his lips and kept looking at the red man. He told the truth: "We're not married. We just eloped."

"Since we haven't married, how can you take a concubine first?" Hongshang's voice was a little annoyed, "I began to doubt that what you told me last time was true? If you like me, why don't you marry me?"

Yin Guangyao smiled, and the wine glass stood in front of his lips for a long time, and was finally put down by him.

"You mean you want to marry me?"

"Shouldn't I marry you?" Hongshang asked.

"You don't remember me anymore. How do you know whether you want to marry me or not?"

"The earth is big, I only know you. If you say we love each other, then I believe it. I'm willing to elope with you, and I don't even want my father. Why don't I choose to marry you? Hongshang took it for granted.

Yin Guangyao's face kept smiling. Hearing Hongshang's words, he couldn't help laughing.

The red man froze, and her face became ugly. She stood up from the stool almost instantly and turned around and refused to look at him.

"I was sentimental. I forced it. I didn't say what I just said."

"Red." Yin Guangyao called her.

The red man was stubborn and did not look back.

Yin Guangyao put down his chopsticks and stood up from the table.

"It's okay for me to marry you."

Hearing the movement behind her, Hongshang turned around hesitantly and looked at him.

Yin Guangyao has been looking at her with unpredictable eyes. His expression seemed to be smiling, but his voice was a little serious.

"It's just that you don't regret it."

Hongjing took a gentle step forward.


A faint smile bloomed on her lips.


(Late update, it will resume the daily update later, until the end of the fourth volume, Jiang Zi~~~\(≧▽≦)/~ Lala, really lie down ** and think that the plot is A Luo's favorite~~ Then when I updated, I saw the long comment~~ I was moved in my heart! Thank you, Xiaojin~~ Let's work hard together~!