Cat Travels: The Road to the Devil

Chapter 107 King of Grievance (12)

The ghoul began to be busy up and down.

Lian Jian originally wanted to ask Yin Guangyao how to marry him the day after tomorrow. Is it possible to make a true visit? But before she asked, she heard the news that Hongshang was going to marry Yin Guangyao.

The towel for washing her face was held in her hand for five seconds before she applied it to her face mechanically.

The teenager leaned against the bed and his face was pale. His original ghost robe was removed and cleaned by the maid who served him. Now he is wearing ordinary clothes, but the color is still dark blue.

The long black hair spread behind him, slightly across his shoulders and left lazily in front of his chest. He looked at the blue sky outside the window and frowned slightly.

Looking at the passing day by, he still felt that he could not help it, and he felt strange no matter how he thought about it.

After taking care of himself, Lianqi went to his bed and sat down. Seeing that he looked at the sky in a daze, he smiled and stretched out his hand around his hair.

The meat looked at her with a smile on her lips.

"How's it going?" Lian Jian asked, "Are you feeling better?" Is the mana back?"

"Not yet." The meat shook his head slowly. He propped up and wanted to get out of bed. Go outside and have a look. There are a lot of strange things in this house.

Forie nodded and stood up to help him.

The forclipssus did not close the door when he came in. He could feel the sunshine before he went outside, but the meat stopped when it was still some distance away from the door.

"What's wrong?" Lian Jian is puzzled.

"So it is." The meat doesn't look good.

"What do you mean?"

"The material of this house is made of Millennium Hesson."


"Well, this is an extremely precious tree species, and there is absolutely no place where ordinary human beings live."

"Where is that?"

"The territory of the light clan, the sanctuary."

"Huh? ..." Forthia didn't quite understand.

"Legend has it that the light and night are descendants of the gods. These two races are inseparable, and no one can win. And the thousand-year-old cedar is something that can temporarily imprison the night clan's spells.

"Night clan..." Lilang forteared, and she suddenly remembered something and looked at the meat: "Well, aren't you, not... from the Ye clan?"

"Hmm." The meat nodded and rubbed the nose bone tiredly. If so, it would be really troublesome.

It is reasonable that night people can't be so easily imprisoned in a cedar-structured house, but he is not in a special period. Now, as long as he stays in this room, he doesn't want to use magic. What's more, he can't even go out.

The unique boundary of the thousand-year-old cedar has no impact on the other six paths except for the night people.

"The house is quite new... is it well maintained, or... just built?" Forthia looked around and only felt that it was a very exquisite wooden house.

"That's not the point." The meat walked towards the coffee table beside him and gently pulled the skirt with one hand. After all, it was already a little hot at this time.

"The point is that no one has been to such a place as the Holy Land."

"... Haven't you been there?" Lian Jian was surprised.

"None." The meat turned around and sat down. He picked up the paper fan on the table and gently fanned it, and a wisp of hair on his face fluctuated with the wind. In such a place as the Holy Land, only the soul can enter - that is, the so-called paradise.

"That... light clan?"

The Bliss World is the territory of the light clan, but what is the light clan? ......

"The people in the light clan have no entity, they are all souls."

"..." Lian Jian was really stunned, because she had heard something before, and now she is a little difficult to understand: "Isn't it said that the god of light was born from the light clan?"

"Yes, it has always been."

"In this way, the god of light doesn't even have a body?"

"There is a body. In the light clan, only those who have become the god of light will have a new body.

"Oh..." Forsemia nodded as if he didn't understand.

"Oh... I should have guessed it." The meat shook its head and sighed, and a self-deprecating smile appeared on his face.


"Yin Guangyao is a member of the Guang clan."


"There are six ways to get such a thing as cedar except for the people of the light clan."

"...So, is it difficult to deal with?" This is what Lilies wants to know most now.

"It's tricky."

If Yin Guangyao is just a powerful force in the underworld, maybe he can still think of a way. But now it has been speculated that Yin Guangyao is from the Guang clan, so... trapped in the cedar building, he, a member of the night clan, has no choice.

"This house needs to be destroyed and clean, and I have to leave no fragments before my spell will come back."

According to reason, his high fever has subsided, so he should have recovered last time. Presumably because of this house, I still can't use magic.

"Look, can I?" Lian Jian stood up slightly.

He looked at her with a meat smile and didn't say anything.

There is some heat on the face - the eyes are getting more and more electric, dead cat! Lianbao looked at him coquettishly and reached out to pat the sword at his waist.

"What about adding it?"

"The sword is certainly a good sword in a hundred miles, but fortear can't give full play to its greatest skills. Otherwise, this thousand-year-old cedar is indeed no match for it.

"What should I do?" Fortemi walked three steps to the coffee table and sat down.

"I don't know." Meat said helplessly that he really has no way to deal with it now, so he said it was tricky. After all, Yin Guangyao is the only one who has the ability to destroy this small building in this place.

Judging from the current situation, the probability of their escape is probably reduced to the minimum, right? ... Lian Jian pulled down his shoulder and sighed gently.

On the other side, Jiang Beichen's pavilion has long been set on fire by Yin Guangyao. Fortunately, Zhiyuan decided quickly, otherwise something would have happened.

The body is the body of some people who died of illness in the human race. If the flower demon can't be found, the paper kite can only take a lot of effort to kill one. Fortunately, Bao has not yet practiced his human form, otherwise there is nothing he can do about the monster with higher spells. She disguised the corpse and easily deceived the exorcists.

Falling from such a high place is naturally different. They can only judge by size and clothes.

So, they were almost sure that everyone in the Mu family had been killed in battle.

"Why is there no flag?" A man who examined the body said so. This is a very important thing for the ghost exorcist.

"Maybe it fell?" Another person guessed that it was not impossible that the cliff was so high that it was easy to lose.

... A Bao, the little flower demon with many bruises on his body, stood in the barren forest under the cliff with a fire fold, wanting to cry without tears.

Flag...Dear flag...Where are you...

As it walks, it is looking for it, thinking about what Forthia has said before. It knows very well what the flag means to the Mu family.

Too careful, it ignored a pair of hostile eyes in the jungle.