Cat Travels: The Road to the Devil

Chapter 133 Xiling 13th Street 9

"There is a brothel called Zuiyilou on Xiling 13th Street in Xiling City, and the girls in it have been signed with deeds of death. Their master is one of the five major forces of the ghost clan. Now that Luo Qianqi has returned to the king of resentment, I think you can choose to eradicate him first. Of course, I also believe that with your strength, it is more than enough to deal with him.

Lipsia took out this letter again, with its own trickle and a faint fragrance. They chose to come here because of the letter, and now it seems that they have come to the right place. All the contents of the letter are true.

"It's just...who the hell is it?" Forthia began to think about this problem again. I always feel that I have seen the words on it somewhere, but no matter what she thinks, she can't remember it.

Let's put it away first and study it later. Forthia put away the letter paper.

Then she took out the contract she had found before and walked towards the girls.

They saw the forears coming and retreated one by one.

"Don't be afraid. I'm Yan's friend."



They looked at each other in congrue.

Lian Jian stretched out his right hand, holding dozens of deeds of sale on it.

"Let's see if there are any of you in these contracts."

As soon as these words came out, they were stunned. Among them, the girl standing in front stretched out her hand tremblingly and took over the contract in Lian Jian's hand.

When she got it in front of her, she exclaimed in disbelief--

"Sisters! It's a contract! It's really a contract!!"

The girls behind them coaxed up, and everyone began to compete. For a moment, the whole second floor was extremely lively.

Green Shadow stood alone at the railing and looked at the scene below, and her expression had become very calm.

Fortearant wanted to walk to her, but thinking about what would happen next, she simply turned her back and stopped looking.

The meat will never spare him.

Although she felt cruel in her heart, Luo Qianqi's decision to do things really made her extremely angry. Now that the meat wants revenge, she's better not to stop it. To be honest, she felt that Juluo Qianqi deserved to end today.

Green Shadow looked at his ferocious expression as his fingers were cut off one by one.

She didn't know what kind of anger the teenager had in his heart to torture him so little.

It's just a matter of a knife, but he doesn't do it.

Green Shadow's eyes were very indifferent, but she looked at Juluo Qianqi like this, and her eyes would never leave him half a centimeter.

The girls next to them have found their contracts one after another, and many of them ran downstairs and ran outside the drunken building.


Every dressed girl was originally going to welcome guests tonight as usual, but none of them expected that at this moment everyone could hold their own deed of sale.

The light gauze skirts rotated one by one, and many girls ran to the bottom of the stairs, so that the rain was drenched on themselves.

They danced and laughed happily. Although these laughter was hidden in the rain, the whole Xiling 13th Street seemed to feel their joy.

"Forsythia - Forsythia--" Yaner suddenly shouted into the room, "Come out - Forsythia--"

"Coming!--" Lian Jian responded and ran down from the second floor. When passing by the meat, she and the meat looked at each other, and the two quickly passed by.

Yan'er waited for her at the door. Seeing her come out, she hurried to hold her hand.

"Foria, didn't you say that you would definitely take off the signboard of Zuiyilou?"

Fortear was taken into the rain by her. They stood under the stairs and looked up at the exquisite signboard. The girls around stopped dancing and gathered around the fortite one by one.

This atmosphere deeply infected Forthia. She didn't say anything, but pulled out her sword and drew hard against the signboard. The horizontal signboard immediately divided into two and fell down from above.

Everyone's eyes fell on the stairs with it. Yan'er saw it and took the lead in stepping on it, and one foot was not enough.

"Sisters! Let's trample it together!"

"Okay!!--" Everyone said with one voice and walked up. No one cared about the wet body, and they all stepped on the signboard happily--

It's over! It's finally over! Those days that can never be seen to get ahead were finally taken away by the rainstorm with this sign!!!โ€”โ€”

The fortear wiped the rain on her face. She looked at them and couldn't stop laughing.

The smile is really contagious. For the first time, it is the first time that Lian Jian feels it so strongly. Although it didn't happen to her, she couldn't help cheering with them.

She was too focused to notice the door of Zuiyi Building. A woman looked at her for a long time.

"Miss Lian Jian." Ziyin finally opened his mouth.

Lian Jian looked up and saw the woman who had just fought with him in the basement.

But in her eyes now, there is peace.

They should not be enemies now, right? Lian Jian thought so.

She walked towards Ziyin.

"What's wrong?"

The consonant handed her a silk handkerchief, and the forsythia took it over and wiped the rain on her face.

"Don't you still have an injury on your leg? It's bad for the wound to get caught in the rain.

Lion for a moment and smiled, "If you don't say it, I will forget it."

In the battle, Ziyin had scratched her leg, but later she also took revenge.

Ziyin's face was a little raised. Lianjian looked at her while rubbing. Seeing that she had something to say but didn't say it, she took the initiative to open her mouth.

"Miss Ziyin, do you have anything to say to me?"

"...Miss Lianqi, I... I know you are the head of the Mu family. I just want to ask you, can you... let me worship under the door of the Mu family?"

"..." Lian Jian stopped the action in his hand and looked at her seriously.

"I know it's very abrupt, but the masters have already... I'm the guard here, and now I've regained my freedom. I've been martial arts since primary school to kill demons and eliminate demons for the benefit of the people... So, I think, can you... accept me?"

"Are you afraid of death?" Lian Jian asked such a sentence.

Ziyin straightened her chest. She looked at the forsythia and said firmly:

"I'm not afraid."

"That's good." Lian Jian nodded and said with a smile, "Since you are not afraid, then come."

Yaner in the rainstorm turned slightly and looked at the two people standing in front of the door. She bit her lips thoughtfully.

It was not until she heard the sound of heavy objects falling to the ground that she turned around and walked inside.

Now that everything is almost done, Luo Qianqi should solve it as soon as possible.

However, as soon as she entered, she saw the green shadow getting up from the ground. Her clothes were very wrinkled, and even her forehead was bruised, which seemed to roll down directly from the second floor.

(Fourth update~red ticket ah~~~)