Cat Travels: The Road to the Devil

Chapter 134 Xiling 13th Street 10

Juluo Qianqi was put down from the air by meat, and his whole body fell to the ground, covered with blood.

But from the slightly undulating chest, it can be seen that he still has a trace of breath.

The green shadow walked towards him.

Before she came to him, she suddenly fell to the ground. She propped her body and crawled towards him.

Lian Jian looked at this scene inexperably.

Finally, he climbed to his side, and the green shadow lifted his body and put it on his lap.

"Luo..." She called softly.

Jueluo Qianqi's face made people unable to see the expression. His dry lips gently opened and spit out a word.

"Get out of here."

Green Shadow smiled, and she hugged him tighter.

"I'm not. You can finally let me hold it well. Be good, don't move, ah."

Jue Luo Qianqi's hands and feet are broken. Even if he wants to do anything, he can't do it.

No... Lianqi looks at such a green shadow and feels incredible.

Is it... Green Shadow, she likes this guy... This guy is so hateful, will anyone like it?

The green shadow hugged him and smiled, and tears fell drop by drop and fell down on his face.

"You know, I've always wanted to call you Luo... but I dare not. It's all right now. I can call you like this now."

"..." Jueluo Qianqi didn't say anything again. For him now, it's terrible to say one more word.

Green Shadow took out something from her arms. She stretched it out in front of Jueluo Qianqi and whispered:

"Luo, do you know what this is? This is my life sale deed, a lifelong life sale deed. It belongs to you and will always belong to you. Green Shadow put the deed of sale into his clothes and wiped the blood stains on his face with his sleeves with a smile. Don't be afraid, I will accompany you, Huang Quan Biluo, I will accompany you.

The green image is like treating the most beloved person, holding him in his arms and clinging to his cheeks.

With a happy smile on her face, she seemed to be fearless of death.


Yan'er was also shocked. She squirmed her lips a few times and finally didn't say anything.

I don't know when there were so many girls standing in the hall, but I only heard one person say unbelievably:

"It turns out that the green shadow has such thoughts in his heart!"

None of them can see it.


Because he secretly fell asleep while practicing the piano, the green shadow was punished by his mother in the drunken building.

The young woman held the palm of her hand that had been hit ten times by size and stood outside the door sobbing. Everyone is eating, but she has no food.

Mom said that she was lazy and didn't study hard, so she didn't give her food.

Green Shadow was originally the daughter of a poor family. She had a father, but he always beat her and scolded her. Now he sells her to a brothel.

She kept crying, her palms hurt so much, and her stomach was so hungry...

The sound of going upstairs came from a distance.

The little girl can't take care of this. She just cried happily.

Suddenly, a palm fell on his head, and the green shadow raised his head in panic.

What fell into her eyes was the slightly open chest. She stared at it and saw someone slowly squat down.

"What's wrong?" People came to ask.

The green shadow looked at his turquoise eyes, as deep as a lake, as charming as a lake.

"I... I have no food to eat..." Green Shadow pouted and cried, "I fell asleep while practicing the piano, and my mother punished me not to eat..."

Some people laughed. He stood up and patted the green shadow on the shoulder.

"Follow me."

The green shadow dares not move.

"Mom...if mom knows..."

"Don't worry, your mother is afraid of me." He winked at her.


"If you want to eat, come with me."

The green shadow looked at his back for a long time, and finally touched his cooing stomach and followed.

It can't be blamed on her. It has been two years since she first met Luo Qianqi.

In fact, no one sees him except his mother.

The first time he saw her in his eyes, it was her crying. Unexpectedly, in the second conversation, she hid in the corner and cried.

Green Shadow is 14 years old.

The night before she received the reception, she stood in the backyard and cried.

Everyone is asleep, but she can feel the sadness in her heart, for tomorrow, and for the life after tomorrow.

She heard footsteps.

Looking back, it's the owner.

She bowed, saluted, and quickly wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes.

He was still wearing a loose robe, with his chest wide open, and his turquoise eyes were so strong that the green shadow was almost sucked in.

"What are you crying for?" He asked in exactly the same tone as when he asked four years ago.

"I...I'm afraid..." She was timid.

"You have to experience it sooner or later. Since you can't avoid it, it's better to enjoy it."

"..." Green Shadow looked at her in a dain. Everything had been taught in this regard. Of course, she understood what he was talking about... Green Shadow suddenly blushed.

She lowered her head and didn't know what to say.

He didn't say anything more and left the diameter beside her. Green Shadow knew that he had walked out of the drunken building.

And she also knew that he had come out of Yan's room before. So the next day, everyone was bought**, but Yan'er didn't show up.

And the third conversation between them was still because she was crying.

Although the 15-year-old Green Shadow is only one year older than 14 years old, she knows a lot of things.

For example, Huakui.

She doesn't know why she wants to be a flower leader so much. Maybe it's because if she can be the best girl in Zuiyilou, then he can look at herself more, right?

It's a pity that she lost the election. She is not as good as Qinglian.

After getting off the stage, she went straight to her room, but bumped into a man's arms on the road.

A familiar question.

Although she only smelled it twice, she never forgot it.

This time, she boldly hugged him. She cried silently and clenched his sleeves tightly.

He stood for a long time and did not push her away or hug her.

"Crying?" He asked.

Although he didn't hear a cry, he felt his chest wet with something.

"I didn't become Hua Kui..." She raised her head and looked at him in tears. "I'm not as good as her..."

He was silent for a long time.

He put his hands on her shoulder and pulled her away from his arms.

"It doesn't matter if Huakui is not." He handed her a handkerchief, "You cry so much, keep it."

"..." The green shadow looked at his back in a daze. What does he mean by what he just said? Does he have an impression of himself?

Since then, she has never had a chance to talk to him.

It's better to say that they rarely meet again.

When he came occasionally, he only asked Yan'er to serve him. She can't figure out why it's Yan'er?

The sisters in the building said that he was a villain, and his eyes were full of evil spirits.

But why does she always remember the gentle palms and broad chest when she thinks of him?

Even if Yaner hates him so much that she wants to strangle him with her own hands, she can't shake his high image set up by herself in her heart.

...Love is such an uncontrollable thing, isn't it?


Fortear went to the meat and asked softly:

"What should I do?"

"Let her come over. I'm going to cast a spell."

"Good." Lian Jian nodded and shouted at the green shadow, "Green shadow, come here and come to us."

"Past?" Green Shadow looked blankly at Forthia. She seemed to think of something and suddenly smiled, "No, I won't go. As long as Luo is here, I won't go anywhere.

(Fifth update~~Cough! Red ticket~~ Leave a message~~~ Let's pass it!)