Cat Travels: The Road to the Devil

Chapter 43 End

A clean and slim white shirt, matched with a black A-line skirt and a newly bought black high-heeled shoes on its feet. On the streets of the 21st century, the fort-foria walked towards the office building not far away with a white bag.

This is a white-collar work suit that is often seen at the peak of work, which is capable and intellectual.

"Hello, where is the interview?"

"Please follow me."

"Thank you."

Lian Jian followed the receptionist around and came to an office door. The receptionist knocked on the door, and there was a voice from the door, "Please come in."

The receptionist politely made a gesture of invitation, and Lian Jian also smiled politely at her, and then pushed the door to enter.

In the clean and spacious office, there is a long white table with three people in it.

"Please sit down." One of the women, who was nearly 40 years old, said mechanically. She looked through the information in her hand and asked, "Ren Lianqi?"

"Yes." Forthia sat down opposite them.

Have you done advertising design before? Can you talk to us about your two-year experience?

"Of course." Liabao smiled and then talked about her two years of work experience after graduating from college...

eight years.

After leaving Cang Wu, it has been eight years.

She changed from a high school student to a college student and a fresh graduate. She went to a smaller advertising company. She did a good job and was very popular with the boss. Unfortunately, due to the financial crisis and the boss's debt, the company finally couldn't stand it. Therefore, this year was the peak of unemployment, and she naturally became unemployed.

These days, she has almost traveled all over the city and interviewed more than a dozen companies, but failed.

Why? It's very simple, because there is no shortage of college students these days, and turtles are everywhere. How can people like her who have not graduated from first-class universities enter those big companies... And small companies are facing an economic crisis, and it's too late to lay off employees. How can they recruit people?

Hearing her friend's prompt, she decided to submit her resume online. She found a website to introduce her job and put her elaborate resume into many companies. She thought she would not be contacted for a long time, but she didn't want to receive a phone call the next day... And this call was not the phone number of the companies she sent, but from this website.

Although she was surprised, she decided to come for an interview. After all, it is the most difficult to find a job these days.

I just tried and passed the interview. And she is the best advertising design.

When Lian Jian walked out of the office building, she looked back in disbelief. After three months of unemployment, she finally found a stable job!

At this time, the mobile phone rang. She picked it up--

"Hey, Xiaoya, let me tell you, I succeeded in the interview!"

Really? That's great! From tomorrow, we can work together!"

Xiaoya is a friend she made when she was in Lianqi University. Although they are not a major, they are very good at playing together. She is also one of the few good friends who have been in Lianqi University. Xiaoya has been working in this company since graduation. She studied accounting and does this.

"I want to tell you, our company's benefits are very good! The bonus at the end of the year is rich, and there are many holidays, mainly because the prospects of our company are not too good! You know, among the profits of China's Internet companies, we can rank first in last year's performance! It won't be long before we become the leader of China's Internet!" Xiaoya said that she was full of ambition.

However, Xiaoya is not talking big, because her company is really powerful.

LQ is the most popular Internet company at present. It has Taobao, Job Application Network and blind date network. The number of members of each website ranked first three years ago. Last year, it entered the online game industry with a high profile, and the first online game launched became the hottest game of the year, which was the same for a while.

It is currently the most favored Internet company in the industry, and everyone knows that its prospects are unlimited.

Lian Jian breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile, "Yes, yes, LQ is the most powerful and will definitely become the first!" Well, let's not talk about it. I'm going to buy some work clothes, and finally I have a job again, oh yeah!"

"Well, I'll continue to be busy - by the way, Forsythia, don't just buy work clothes. You also need to buy some party clothes. If you continue to be so lazy, you really won't get married!"

"Ha, if I can't get married, I will live with you for the rest of my life."

"Go, you can't harm me! Forsythia, I'm serious. It will be the Dragon Boat Festival soon, and the company will have a party. You must dress up beautifully at that time!"

"Oh." Lian Jian was a little surprised. She thought for a moment and thought it was right, "Well, okay, I know."

After all, it's a company party, so dress beautifully.

Xiaoya smiled when she heard that Lian Jian agreed. The two said goodbye and hung up the phone.

Three months of depression disappeared because of today's admission. When Lian Jian walked on the street, he suddenly found that the sky was so blue, the trees were so green, and everything was so beautiful!

If conditions permit, she really wants to shout, ah! The days of work are so wonderful!!


On the Dragon Boat Festival, the company had a dinner, and the female staff dressed up with flowers and branches.

The for forbion has to sleep at home because of a high fever.

Xiaoya called and said with regret, "Foria, it's a pity that you didn't come..."

"Hmm, isn't it?"

"Yes! Our general manager finally came back from abroad. He dined with us in person this time!"

"Well...that's a pity..."

Lipsia has been in office for half a month, but has never met their president. It is said that he is the most successful businessman in the industry in recent years. He is about 28 to 32 years old and a famous golden bachelor. Well, it's not a pity that Lianqi is not this, but as an employee of the company, he is naturally curious about his boss...

"I won't say, the medicine is coming. I'm very sleepy. I'm sleeping."

"All right, good night."

"Well, good night."

After hanging up the phone, Lian Jian's mind was much clearer in an instant.

In such a quiet night, she always easily remembers that dreamlike experience...

She came back as if she had never been to that world before. Day after day, year after year, she even began to doubt whether that experience was just her dream.

If it's a dream, why is it so true?

If it's not a dream, why can't she find any trace?

She has been away for so long, how are those friends doing? Have you ever thought about her...

The sleepiness gradually came, and the consciousness of the foregian became more and more blurred, and finally fell asleep.

In a dream, a man in black drifted in the wind with her on the endless sea. When he spoke, his eyes smiled and his eyes were warm and bright.

Fortear has seen such a sentence in the book that you may meet two men in your life. One has been gentle for years and the other has amazing times. If you met two men at the same time, which one would you choose?

Xia frowned in distress and said, it's so hard to choose. I want it so much! Ah ah! It's going crazy! - When she said these words, it seemed that the two men really appeared. But Lian Jian just looked at this passage quietly and was silent for a long time.

In her life, such a man once appeared.

He not only softened her years, but also stunned her time.

"I, love you."

In the dream, she heard him say I love you again. Although stiff, it is extremely sincere.

I love you too...

She muttered.

Unconsciously, the for forearedness in his sleep slowly slipped through a tear from the corners of his eyes.

How many times have you dreamed of him? This is the second time I cried in a dream. She thought that she really couldn't count it.


"Foria, I heard that you were sick yesterday. Are you feeling better now?"

"It's all done. Thank you for your concern."

The current minister of Forthia is a very enthusiastic middle-aged man. He is humorous and cares about his subordinates. He is very happy to work with him.

"There is a party in the department tonight. Will you attend?"

"Hey? Tonight? I'm just free!" Lian Jian said with a smile.

There are 11 people in their department, three of whom are interns like her. Maybe everyone is not familiar with it. The minister wants to make the relationship between colleagues more harmonious through the party. Well, although there is no Xiaoya, and although she is not looking forward to it, Lian Jian will not refuse, because she also wants to have a good relationship with her colleagues.

It's just... If she had known that she would have lost her temper after drinking, she wouldn't have agreed at that time.

In KTV, I drank a lot of wine, and the foreng was dizzy.

She occupied the microphone alone and howled. Although some colleagues are drunk, there are many sober people. They are really shocked by such forears...

On the big screen, there is forsythia's favorite music - "Sing for You".

"You accompany me crazy/Even if there is wind and waves, there is your escort/You cast the wall to protect my stubbornness/Indulge my dream to accompany me/I sing for you to be strong for you/If love is light, you are the sun/You want to fly and I will be your safe haven/If you are tired, I will wait here to return... ..."

Singing, tears slipped into his mouth. Lian forshyo held the microphone and cried, "Why don't you come to me... I've been waiting for you, don't you know? You don't know! ...Woo-woo... If you don't show up, then I'll really go on a blind date!"

After getting drunk, maybe she didn't even know what she said. The female colleague sitting next to her handed over the tissue and carefully asked, "Foria, how are you?"

Forsythia cried so much. Why has it been so long? As long as you think of him, it still seems that you have just fallen out of love.

At this time, the door of KTV suddenly opened. A man in a suit came in.

The slender man, although the light in the room is very dim, he can still see his delicate eyebrows. He walked to the fortight, bent down and picked her up.

Then he left without saying a word from beginning to end.

The remaining ten people in the KTV stared at the empty door. They could hardly believe it. The man took the fortia away...

"General, General Manager..." The girl closest to Forte swallowed her saliva and said.

"Are you sure?!" Someone exclaimed.

"I also think so, but I'm not sure..." Someone echoed.

"That's right, have you seen it clearly?"

The young man sitting on the other side of the fortibi nodded and said firmly, "There is absolutely no mistake. The man who took the forear forear is our President Mu!"


There was a black car parked outside the KTV. The man in a suit opened the door and gently put the drunken fort on the co-pilot. After closing the door, he walked around to the other side and sat in.

The lights are on, but he is not driving.

He turned his head and looked at the blushing fortula, and tears suddenly appeared in his eyes.

He pulled the fortight's head over and put it on his forehead.

Feel her temperature in this way.

"I finally found you." That's what he said.

Well, finally.

Eight years ago, with the help of his mother, he gave up all the power of God and came to this strange world.

There is a vast sea of people. How can he find his beloved woman without magic? Later, he started his own business. In order to find her, he engaged in the Internet. LQ, that's the initials of her name. He began a long way to start a business, first Taobao, then applying for a job, followed by a blind date... Finally, he entered the online game industry. These websites he made requires an ID card for registration, so that he can find her as long as she comes.

But year after year, he checks the name of the newly registered user every day, but never has her.

Not yet. He has to work harder to make this career bigger and bigger, so big that the forears will one day come to register.

Finally, facing the crisis of unemployment, he saw familiar names among a large number of registered users.

Except her resume, she in the photo, with a graceful smile.

At the age of 25, she turned out to look like this... When she smiled, she was quiet and beautiful.


Eight years ago, she said those words clumsily in the woods. She tried her best to resist the impulse to cry. At first, he was very flustered, but finally understood.

He understood why she did this and why she pushed him away.

His nostalgia for her has become a burden for her.

"Because of me, he can't go back to the wilderness and see his mother." Lian Jian's heart must think so.

If he doesn't go back to the wilderness all his life, will she blame herself for the rest of her life?

So he left. As a man, how can you let your woman bear such a heavy responsibility? He didn't make any agreement with her, because he didn't know if he could come back alive. If he can't come back alive, I hope she will really forget him as she said and find a man to rely on to get married and have children.

And now, he is back. Although he is no longer a god, he is still alive.

He really wants to say thank God, but what he wants to say most is...

In the car, the man rubbed his fortight forehead with his forehead and whispered, "Thank you... still waiting for me..."

Sometimes he will think, when he finds Forage, will she have married a woman? Will she fall in love with someone else and not recognize him?

But at the door of KTV, he heard that song. While he knew that he had been looking for her for many years, she was also waiting.

He loves her, and she loves him too.

There is nothing happier than this.

Maybe his hair accidentally touched her cheek, and the foreng felt itchy...

"Hmm..." She moaned and slowly opened her eyes.

Four eyes facing each other.

The lights outside the car flashed, and the inside of the car was relatively speechless.

The forsythia looked at the deep brown pupils in front of him, and his heartbeat suddenly accelerated.

What she saw was the most beautiful eyes in the world.

(Author's words: May all lovers in the world finally get married.)

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