Cat Travels: The Road to the Devil

End speech

On June 25, 2013, at 22:10 a.m., I finally typed the word "full text" in the document. At that moment, my eyes suddenly became wet.

I once thought that if it was over one day, I would be very excited. But now it's really over, and my heart is full of reluctance. The first finished novel in my life, I think I will never forget the mood of this moment in my life.

Dear friends, A Luo's update has been very entangled, so you may not have seen this final speech until a long time later. How are you feeling? Are you surprised or happy or... with a faint sadness?

But no matter what, you are right. The name of this chapter is [End of the speech], which means that this novel is really true and the end.

Then, there is no more.

I once felt that I couldn't finish the final speech even if I wrote 3,000 words, because I had too many words to say to you, but on this day I found that... I couldn't say anything.

If you have to say it, thank you. Thank you for your support and love, your encouragement and tolerance in the days of A Luo's break, and thank you for every comment you kept. Everyone is always welcome in the message area. If you have anything to say, you can say it there. Although the novel is over, I will still come back often. When I need strength, when I am lonely, I still want to take another look at the former me and you.

The theme of the new book is uncertain, but what I can be sure is that I will continue to write, because the dream will never end.

Well, the green mountains will not change, and the green water will flow for a long time. If it is fate, we will see you in the next book.