
Chapter 90 Zhiluohua Family

The years are no longer, and the distance of Wo may be within reach, or may be at the ends of the earth. She said that acquaintance is fate, but there is no fate, just like fireworks. Although it is beautiful, it does not last long.


"When did Xian Jixuan's rules become a decoration?!

The cold words made many practitioners present calm.

As the voice fell, a man in a dark golden robe walked up slowly.

"A teacher-level boy dares to make trouble in my immortal Xuan?" The middle-aged man in a dark gold robe looked coldly at Chen Da, who was lying on the ground with a painful face, and suddenly rushed to Chen Da with murderous eyes.


Chen Da, who was originally severely damaged, spit out a large mouthful of blood under the murderous impact of the man in the dark gold robe, and then looked at Hua Shao, who clenched his fist tightly for help.

"Huh?! Is he your subordinate?"

The man in the dark golden robe naturally noticed the place where Chen Da looked. Then, after glancing at the slightly frowning Lieyan, he turned his head and looked at Hua Shao and asked.

The few flowers who were named did not show much fear. After all, a cultivation in the middle of the spiritual level still can't make him feel scared!

"Yes, I'm afraid there is something wrong with the senior who hurt my subordinates so seriously." Hua Shao's eyes narrowed slightly and looked at the man in the dark gold robe and said in a low voice.

For Hua Shao's opening, everyone present was shocked. What's the point of this person? How dare he talk to a spiritual strong man like this!

Lie Yan also turned his eyes and his heart was slightly awe-hearted. This guy doesn't look simple!

"Oh?! Young man, your tone is not small!" The man in the dark gold robe moved and felt a trace of nonsense about Hua Shao's words. He seemed to be a young boy.

Hua Shao brushed her sleeves, slowly left her seat and came to a place two feet away from the man in a golden robe. Her narrow eyes looked coldly, and then said, "I don't know if the breath is big, but my Hua family can't be kneaded at will!"

"Flower family? The flower family of Daluo Zhiluo City? The man in the dark gold robe thought for a moment and then asked, and also heard a trace of solemnity from his tone.

"Exact! "The corners of Hua Shao's mouth turned up, and he saw a touch of surprise from the look of the man in the dark gold robe. A strong spirit? chi...

The Hua family, the de facto ruler of Zhiluo City, the capital of the Daluo Dynasty, founded the country about 800 years ago. At that time, Hua, the ancestor of the Hua family, ruthlessly founded the Daluo Dynasty by relying on his strong personal force and a group of brothers who followed the world. However, after careful calculation, Hua Wuqing is not the ancestor of the current Hua family. Hua Wuqing His original name was Hua Shaofeng, but he was hurt by love. Since then, his name has been changed to Hua Wuqing.

After the establishment of the Daluo Dynasty, because there were no descendants, I was also depressed. When a person's strength reached its peak or completed what he wanted to achieve, there was no desire for progress in his heart.

Hua ruthlessly named the son of a brother who had fought with him as the prince, and let him temporarily replace the government affairs. After that, he entered the retreat. A hundred years later, Hua ruthlessly passed on the throne to his adopted son Hua Taisui, and passed on the double practice techniques that took a hundred years to study to Hua Taisui, and then left Daluo. Travel all over the world and there is no news.

The double practice left by Hua ruthlessly is extremely strict on the test of true feelings, and it is not an ordinary evil skill like picking yin and yang! Therefore, after spending too much time to pass on the skills to future generations, the double cultivation began to enter the world of practitioners for a while, and a new way of practice gradually became perfect.

Because of the age of flowers, the wind of double cultivation gradually took shape. After hundreds of years of deposition and changes, Zhiluo City has become a holy city of double cultivation! Countless couples came to hear the wind!

Hua Taisui is also a person with a true temperament. He told the practitioners of the world that the Lord of Zhiluo was ruthless for the flowers and built a real statue for thousands of true practitioners to worship!

The look of the demon wind has changed, but after meditating for a moment, his eyebrows raised, and his expression must be certain. The awe-inspiring words said to Hua Shao on his face: "Ha ha, even if you are a person of the flower family, you have to abide by the rules here in my fairy Xuan! "

"You! Hua Shao's face changed, and his face became gloomy in an instant.

"Well, if you dare to make trouble again, it's not as simple as serious injury! "The tone of the demon wind is very fierce!

Look at the people in the field and immediately said, "Come on! Throw this guy out! "

Yes! "

Two strong men with blood in their bodies stepped forward and threw out Chen Da, who was constantly twitching in a coma with one hand!

"Bum! "

A muffled sound made a young man who was about to walk in. When he saw a half-dead man being left behind, his face was full of confusion. He was about to open his mouth and ask the people around him, but when he saw the people passing by, he just glanced at him and left, which was not strange to them. However, everyone is used to this kind of thing, get used to it?!

The young man scratched his head and hesitated in front of the door, considering whether to go in or not....

"Young master, he..."

A man standing next to Hua Shao was about to open his mouth, but his gloomy Hua Shao raised his hand and blocked him.

Then he took a deep breath, and a trace of cold flashed in his narrow eyes.

"I have learned the rules of Xianzhixuan. Say goodbye! "

Hua Shao waved his hand and walked away. However, as soon as he took two steps, he looked at Lie Yan with cold eyes and said coldly, "Kid, I hope you don't die too fast!" Go! "

Lie Yan didn't even pay attention to Hua Shao's cruel words, but hugged the demon wind and said, "Thank you, senior! "

The demon wind smiled and said to Lie Yan, "He broke the rules. I should take action. There is no need to thank me!" "

Lie Yan nodded and said nothing more.

"Guys, I'm really sorry to disturb your interest! "The demon wind apologized to the people present.

"Haha, the predecessor's action is good. The fairy is so spotless that he is unparalleled, and the boy dares to slander it. He deserves to be embarrassed! A white-faced man laughed loudly.

"Yes! It's good! It's good! "Another young man said.

Yes! The senior took action, which was really extraordinary! "



To this praise, the demon wind did not say anything, and said to the crowd: "Guys, eat well and drink well. I have something else to do. Say goodbye first!" "

"Senior, please! "

"Well, you're busy, you're busy! "

The demon wind's eyes paused in a corner on the second floor, and then looked away. His eyes were full of curiosity and looked at Qi Mo, who was standing coldly aside. There was a trace of doubt in his face, but he did not open his mouth, but his figure flashed and disappeared in front of everyone.

Zimo looked at the place where the demon wind disappeared in confusion. After being stunned, he was suddenly shocked. When the demon wind disappeared, a familiar feeling suddenly came from Qi Mo's heart.

Qimo's eyes suddenly opened! This?!

First update! I will participate in the activity later and have to participate. The second update is before ten o'clock!

Ask for support, the journey of destroying the domain, pen and ink will not disappoint everyone!

Give me a count of tickets~! In addition, the post bar is in urgent need of popularity now. You can go shopping if you have nothing to do. Just go to the post bar. Thank you, (my roommate did it.)