
Chapter 91 Meet!(!)

After a faint glance, the inseparable figure

Looking back at the new moon, the virtual shadow has already overlapped


Brother, you are good at it! Flame! "

While Zimo was stunned, a clear voice came to his ears, and then a white hand came into his eyes.

Zimo looked up and saw that the red-haired young man was looking at himself with a smile on his face.

Xiaoying looked at Lie Yan with a curious face, and her eyes were full of curiosity.

Zimo. "

Qimo stretched out his hand and shook it gently. Looking at the dark red flame, a touch of shock appeared in the depths of his eyes. The fiery young man in front of him gave him a faint threat, as if there was a powerful power in his body!

Do you mind having a drink together? "

Lie Yan also noticed Qi Mo's behavior just now. Although he was innate, the speed of his reaction made Lie Yan, who had already stepped into the teacher's rank half a step, feel shocked!

Moreover, the look of the demon wind when he left made De Lieyan have a trace of the idea of making friends with Qi Mo. When he went out, the enemies on all sides were either strong demons or stupid and invincible! Lie Yan asked himself that he did not belong to both categories.

"Ha ha, I don't dislike it, and I should accompany myself. "

Zimo does not feel any hostility from Lieyan, and from his courage to be the so-called "fairy", he still has the courage to speak when he knows the difference in strength, which makes Qimo extremely appreciates it!

In Qimo's previous life, in Chen Lin's world, the sons and daughters of the world dare to love and hate, which is the most praised! Now in this world of practice, the same law applies the same way!

"Haha, okay! Brother, be happy! Xiao Er, another table of good dishes, ten pots of ice and fire fairy wine! "

Zimo smiled and sat down with Lie Yan with Xiaoying.

" By the way, Brother Qi, what's the name of this child? Lie Yan looked at the little shadow staring at him and asked Qi Mo curiously.

Within for Qi Mo to speak, Xiaoying said by himself, "Red-haired brother, my name is Ghost Shadow, Ghost Shadow, Ghost Shadow, you can call me Xiaoying!" "


Lie Yan and Qi Mo were stunned, and then they both looked at each other and laughed. This introduction is really cute...

Brother, what are you laughing at? "

The laughter of the two made Xiaoying puzzled. What did the brother and the red guy laugh about?

"Cough, our little shadow is so cute~! Qi Mo coughed twice, touched Xiaoying's little head and smiled.

Lie Yan also nodded and agreed deeply. The depression in this period of time has been cleaned up a lot at this moment!

"Hmm! Xiaoying also agrees, brother, you really have a vision! Xiaoying smiled on her little face, and her little palm kept patting herself.



"Sung officer, your wine and dishes are coming! "


Please enjoy! "


Come on, I'll do it first! "

"Good! Refreshing! "


For a while, the atmosphere gradually became lively with what to eat and drink!

Zimo was at a table, and there was a burst of laughter from time to time, but the atmosphere was hot! From time to time, some practitioners at other tables looked sideways, but no one stopped them. After all, the performance of the fire just now also won the favor of everyone!


Longhua, the martyrs, in the council hall.

"The head of the family, there is news about Yan Shao! "The steward bowed to Lie Tianteng, who was sitting at the head of the hall.

"Oh? Say it quickly! "

After listening to the words, Lie Tianteng, who was frowning and meditating, his eyebrows spread, and then said nervously in his voice.

Not long ago, Yan Shao appeared in Tianfeng Town, and then went to a vein under the jurisdiction of Qingfengmen with the eldest lady of the Dongfang family. There are also ten other practitioners below the teacher's level! Cheng said without hurry.

Huh? The girl from the Oriental family? "

Lie Tianteng frowned and meditated for a while. He was puzzled and continued to ask, "This combination is not bad! But what are you going to do there? "

According to the news, it was because of the strange madness of the monsters in the mountains and attacked the station under the jurisdiction of Qingfengmen. After the news, the eldest lady of the Oriental family invited people to resist together. It happened that Yan Shao also joined his party. Later, an alien monster appeared in the later stage of the division! "

The solemnity also flashed in Cheng's eyes. From the news, the resourceful stewer also had many puzzled things.

What?! Is Yan'er all right? The fierce sky's look tightened, and his worry was revealed. Which parent in the world doesn't care about the safety of their children? The same is true of Lie Tiankui!

Please rest assured that Yan Shao is fine. Later, the second master of the Dongfang family appeared and took away the eldest lady of the Dongfang family. Yan Shao did not accompany him, but continued to practice alone. The stewman said hurriedly.


The fierce sky exhaled a turbid breath, holding his heart and letting it go.

"Continue to pay close attention to the young master's whereabouts, and let Lieming and the Raptors search for the whereabouts of the boy together! Get the news as soon as possible! "

A sharp light flashed in Lie Tianteng's eyes and ordered the stew manager who bowed down.

The stewor Cheng was about to answer, but there was a gentle knock from the door of the hall.

"What's the matter?! "

The stewer Cheng took a look at the sky and asked in a low voice after receiving his nod.

General Manager Wei came to visit and invited the owner to see him. A report came from outside the door.

Hearing the words, a flash of light flashed in Lie Tianteng's eyes, nodded, got up and walked out, and the steward followed him and went out.


Tiandu, the royal family.

"Your Majesty, Princess Ming... An old man spoke to Long Feng, the emperor of Longhua, who was enjoying the swimming fish, but he didn't finish.

"Ha, Sun, you have been following me for more than 20 years, haven't you? "

Long Feng did not interface with General Manager Sun's words, but asked about other things.

Yes! Your Majesty, since the king's biography is in you, the old slave has been following your majesty. Mr. Sun's face remained unchanged and said in the interface.

"Ah, tomorrow, you know that although she is usually very obedient, once she opposes, who can change it... Long Feng shook his head with a wry smile.

"Ha ha, what your majesty said, but the old slave forgot it by mistake. General Manager Sun smiled softly.

"Haha, okay, Sun, how is the progress of what I told you? "

Longfeng's sleeves fluttered, and countless petals flew down from the trees by the lake and floated on the lake. The swarm of swimming fish that were foraging were scattered.

General Manager Sun glanced at the swimming fish, and a trace of confidence flashed in his beautiful eyes. He said steadily, "Your Majesty, don't worry, none of the remnants of those remnants of the party can escape this time!" "

"Well, that's very good! "

A murderous look appeared on Long Feng's face! For so many years, the figure of a woman appeared in my mind... Long Feng slowly closed her eyes...

Mr. Sun sighed and said nothing more. He stood behind Long Feng and quietly looked at the petals scattered on the lake...


Outside Tianfeng Town.

"Young master, I..."

A painful voice sounded, which made Hua Shao, who flew to the head of the team, paused, and then turned his head to see Chen Da, who was full of pain.

"What?! Hua Shao said impatiently.

"Less... Young master, I, I'm fine, as if I'm on a ten-thousand-year iceberg. Good, good, so cold! "Chen Da curled up tightly, and his face was very pale! The teeth are "biting" non-stop!

"Huh?! "

Hua Shao was shocked, and Chen Da's performance was also very confused.

"Less... Less... Young master, the meridians in my body are about to be frozen~?" Chen Da said with a shiver.


Hua Shao's eyes changed, and the meridians were frozen?! Hua Shao stretched out his hand, pulled Chen Da's wrist, and stretched out his two fingers a little on his already stiff palm. A polar anode domineering spiritual force rushed into his sea of gas along Chen Da's blood that was about to freeze.

The rest of the people stood quietly on the spot without disturbing them. They vaguely surrounded Hua Shao and Chen Da. I have to say that these people's sense of defense is still in place!

"Huh? Is this?!"

Hua Shao's narrow eyes suddenly changed, and there was an extremely cold spiritual power in Chen Da's body. This spiritual power showed dark black, mixed with a trace of silver light. Hua Shao noticed that this spiritual power was constantly wandering and constantly eroding its meridians. Hua Shao thought about it and wanted to try to clear it. His consciousness controlled the warm spiritual power in his body and went straight to the strange ink spirit impact.


Hua Shao suddenly shouted in pain, grasping the big slender five fingers and loosening! The body retreated a few steps back, and his eyes were full of shock!

"Young master?!"

"Young master?! What?"


When the attendants saw the state of Hua Shao, they all shouted urgently! If there is any accident, then it is difficult for him to escape his duties and others. Just now, in the immortals, several people were scared out of a cold sweat. Although the Hua family is strong, they can't quench their thirst!

"Chen Da?! How dare you hurt the young master?!" An attendants shouted sharply to Chen.


Chen Da, who has become dizzy, is extremely bitter in his mouth and hurts the young master like this? Chen Da spit out a mouthful of blood, was so angry that he fell into a coma.

"It's okay, it's none of his business!"

Hua Shao, who stabilized his figure, wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth and looked solemnly. He looked around and said to the entourage, "Leave here first. He is in urgent need of treatment. Let's talk about it when he is conscious!"

"Yes!" A group of people responded.

"You two carry him and go!"

Hua Shao left a sentence and left first!

Second update! There was no movement in the votes, and my own votes were bitterly voted for myself. Don't make me so embarrassed, okay???

I'm almost ashamed to see people. Everyone, let's count tickets~~~

Give the ticket, that's what, that's what~ Everyone knows~~~~ Of course, I'm also very grateful for clicking every day. In a word, thank you for coming to support me~~~