
Chapter 514 Nine-tailed Secret

Nine-tailed fox!

Yes, it's the nine-tailed fox!

Because Zimo has never seen the real nine-tailed fox, and the tails of the virtual nine-tailed fox seen on Shenzhou are all of the same color, so he did not think of this at first. After all, many things will be instinctively rejected in his heart after going beyond common sense. Similarly, Although this nine color corresponds to the nine of nine tails, if he really prefers to let Zimo choose, he would rather believe that it is the color of the mutant rainbow.

There is no way. Many times, some fixed thinking is extremely terrible. It binds not only thoughts, but also many behavioral habits.

However, after calming down, Qi Mo thought of this. Fixed thinking misunderstanding, he obviously entered such a misunderstanding, which also made him almost think of a possibility that he immediately ruled it out, and if this mode continues, Qi Mo wants to solve the mystery of this colorful space. I'm afraid it's really empty.

Fortunately, Zimo did not enter the misunderstanding. In his previous life, he was a programmer, and he also worked as a bullboard hacker for a long time. If he wants to become a qualified programmer, then his thinking transformation and imagination must be strong, which is indispensable.

Natural, Zimo is also reflected at this time.

After thinking of the nine-tailed fox, Qi Mo also slowly calmed down the previous noisy emotions, and then began to sort out these inspirations.

First of all, the nine colors in the nine-color space are 'red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, gray and white', while the nine of the nine-tailed fox is reflected on its nine tails.

Nine tails and nine tails naturally become famous because of their nine tails.

At this point, one thing must be made clear.

The nine-tailed family is a fox. Although the name of the nine-tailed is the name of the nine-tailed clan, not all the nine-tailed people are nine-tailed foxes. Just like the old patriarch Mo Yan, he is the eight-tailed, and his eight-tailed is the strongest one in the whole clan except Mo Xu.

The definition of strength in the nine-tailed clan is not the level of cultivation, but the number of tails.

Generally speaking, most people in the long-lost clan are three to five tails. If they can reach five tails, then they can become the backbone of the clan. They are the foundation of the clan.

And if you can reach the sixth tail, you can generally sit in the position of elder. Of course, if your qualifications are too poor and you don't know how to make progress, there is no guarantee. After all, there is no absoluteness in everything. In a world where strength is respected, if you can't grasp it well, you are not qualified for others to do it. It's important!

If you reach the seven tails, coupled with your own efforts and all aspects of ability, you can safely sit in the position of the patriarch. The status of the elder is a one-handed existence in the whole nine-tailed clan. Of course, this is just a metaphor, and there is no praise or derogatory meaning in it.

As for the eight tails like Mo Yan, the position of patriarch is well deserved!

Because, among the whole nine-tailed clan, there are only a few ancestors who can reach eight tails, and the nine tails are really blessed by God.

However, fortunately, in this generation, Mo Xu's bloodline was completely opened and after experiencing the perception, the nine-tailed real body was opened!

Only a few people know this secret in the whole Jiuwei clan. Even people like Li Yuanlao and Zhao Yuanlao don't know it. Of course, Mo Xi, as the patriarch, and Mo Yan, the old patriarch, must know it. Well, the three old men sitting there must know. Then, there was another person in the Mo family who knew that he was going nowhere - Mu Lao!

Since it is rare, naturally no one knows the true appearance of Jiuwei. Although Qi Mo was lucky to see Mo Yan's real body once, Qi Mo saw eight white shadows, not the real eight tails.

Now connects this nine-color space with the nine-tailed clan. Although Zimo has no real examples to confirm, he knows that his guess is not wrong, and he firmly believes it.

After set his mind, Qi Mo kept affinity with the colorful light with his spirit. What surprised Qi Mo was that after he thought of the possible connection between the two, the colorful lights were no longer repelled after being touched by his spiritual power. Instead, they were quiet like a clever hug and tame. Extremely did not fly away.

Naturally, Qi Mo was overjoyed. The cooperation of these colorful lights undoubtedly allowed him to solve this mystery as soon as possible and provide a lot of convenience for touching the real perception.

After thinking about it, Zimo constantly scattered his mental strength to feel every ray of colorful light.

Time is slowly passing, and Qi Mo's expression remains unchanged. His spiritual power is scattered into countless parts, constantly touching those colorful lights, and these touches are not useless at all. Qi Mo's slightly dull eyebrows are also slowly soothing.

And, there is an idea that slowly grows in its heart...

I don't know how long it took, all the scattered spiritual forces trembled invariably, and then all of them flew back and gathered towards Qi Mo's ontological consciousness. With the return of those spiritual forces, the colorful light originally entangled by these spiritual forces did not fly around again. And all moved slowly, and it was not very obvious at the beginning. However, if you are careful, you can find that those colorful rays are actually converging towards their own colors, and the order is exactly from left to right - red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple!


After all the spiritual power returned to the ontology, Qi Mo's consciousness suddenly fluctuated violently!

Although this fluctuation did not affect the nine-color light at all, the strange thing was that the nine-color light trembled.

Then, the colorful lights that have not been touched by spiritual power also gathered together!

In an instant, the whole nine-color space stormed dong, and all the nine-color light flew back, and then merged with the nine light masses in order.

For a while, it was originally just an apple-sized colorful light, but now it is the size of a watermelon!

And after absorbing the last ray of light, this colorful light mass rotated autonomously.

This moment stunned Qi Mo's expression - what's the matter?!