
Chapter 515 The Secret of Nine Tails

The nine light masses were all spinning, which made Qi Mo, who had just woke up, look a little confused.

However, Zimo didn't keep this expression for a long time, that is, the light flashed in his eyes, and then he looked at the nine light masses with a fiery look!

It turns out that it is not only useless to keep making friends with these colorful lights. On the contrary, Zimo also understands an extremely important thing from it!!!

And this is also an instant, which makes Zimoton feel dry!

I can't help it. What I get is so overwhelming that I'm eager to be greedy!

Zimo's physique is very strange, which does not mean that Qimo's bloodline, after all, although the Mo family's bloodline is strange, it can only be regarded as strange, and Qimo's physique can be described as strange.

I don't know if you still remember that the root bone of Zimo was not good at the beginning, but his understanding is good, which makes Zimo's cultivation progress not like ordinary root bones practitioners, and the speed of his practice is slow. On the contrary, because of some adventures, Zimo's practice speed has always been very fast.

And Zimo's root bone difference is ultimately one reason - attribute!

Yes, it is the attribute problem, the attribute problem of Zimo's own constitution.

Generally speaking, there are house attributes in the Chen Tomb Continent, which are five kinds of 'gold, wood, water, fire and earth'. Although these five types have some high and low rankings on the Chen Tomb Continent, in fact, the five elements are born with each other and are also restrained. The reasons why the five elements are born together: gold gives birth to water, water gives birth to wood, wood gives birth to fire, fire and earth, and earth gives birth to gold. Gold water: gold sales molten water; aquatic wood: water moist wood; wood fire: wood dry warm fire; fire earth: fire burning wood soil; earth gold: earth mineral gold.

The meaning of the five elements are: the meaning of the five elements are: because of the nature of heaven and earth, water is better than fire; hard, so fire is stronger than gold; strong and soft, so gold wins wood; special victory, so wood wins the earth; real victory, the earth is better than water.

Be strong and soft, so Jinsheng wood; because knives can cut down trees;

Special victory over scattering, so wood is better than soil; because trees can stabilize the landslides;

The real victory is better than the water; because the dam can stop the water flow;

There are many winners, so water is better than fire; because big water can extinguish flames;

Fine is better than strong, so fire is better than gold; because fire can dissolve metal.

Many practitioners like to rank attributes. Some people say that metal is the best, because it is the most aggressive, and some people say that fire attributes are the strongest, because when their attributes are compatible with each other, it is also the most possessive attribute. There are so-called, the public is reasonable, and the mother-in-law is reasonable, which has not been disputed for many years. lun.

However, there is also a consensus on this, that is, all practitioners are recognized as good practitioners, but they are not strong, because they will be hindered. After all, no practitioners dare to coax to say that they can overcome all attributes.

And the two attribute practitioners are geniuses, because the two attributes of the two attributes are destined to be much more accessible than at the time of the battle, and they are not easy to be eaten to death. The three attributes are wizards!

Compared with the two attributes, the three attributes can be said to be a moment of heaven and a moment of hell. Why do you say so? Because of the three attributes, there are a wide range of choices. They can restrain a lot, and at the same time, the constraints are much less. Generally speaking, three attributes are basically not restrained by attributes!

However, this is a good side, compared with a place that makes the three attribute practitioners love and hate!

That's - time!

Yes, time, for practitioners, practice is to take the road against the sky, but is this road against the sky easy to go? Many practitioners who practice one attribute are a little busy, while those with dual attributes need to keep practicing. If they want to stand out and be superior to others, they must endure boring practice, because others need an hour, and you need two hours! Talent is in the same level as others!

Of course, this is also a great benefit!

Unfortunately, although the three attributes have superior attributes, they are extremely tight in time. Generally speaking, it is blessed that such practitioners are born in the main school, because this major school has the capital to spend a lot of money to cultivate such three-attribute practitioners. Is there not enough time? I have a magic medicine, and the immortals of heaven and earth come to pile up a peerless strong man!

If you are a poor boy, it's a pity. Can you have so many fairy materials to pile up???

Therefore, the practitioners of the three attributes, one step at a time, can be said to vividly depict the existence of this extremely special crowd.

And four attributes and five attributes are rare.

Because this is standard - waste material!!!

Speaking of this, we have to talk about the root attributes of 'Second Master' Zimo.

Five attributes!!!

Yes, Zimo's attributes are five attributes!

This is the best garbage root bone! Because, if the three attributes are not piled up with countless spiritual materials, they are the Lord who fell into hell. Five attributes like Zimo, my God! I'm afraid that a good sect will also be exhausted by it and can't cultivate it into a peerless strong man.

It has to be made clear that although Zimo's physique is five attributes, but because of his spiritual power and spiritual power, and the three strange meridians in his body, every breakthrough of Zimo needs to accumulate countless spiritual powers. Strangely, the balance in Zimo's body has never been broken, and Zimo After practicing Burning Heart, the spiritual power in the body has all become a dark color on the forehead, and there is no so-called five states of spiritual power.

If it hadn't been for the realization of his own problems, he might not have been able to think of it.

First of all, the spiritual power of the practitioner is also divided into colors, which are gold-golden, wood-wood cyan, water-water blue, fire-fire red, earth-earth yellow.

Well, please note that this refers to the spiritual power, that is, the spiritual power in the body of the practitioners, not the spiritual power in the world. This must be distinguishable, because, generally speaking, spiritual power is invisible and colorless, which is like light. Light is colorful. The reason why it looks colorless is because Therefore, they reflect a variety of colors, that is to say, what color the object is? After the light shines in, only the color of the object is reflected, and the rest of the colors are absorbed.

Now, the spiritual power in Zimo's body has always been dark, with silky electric light, and Zimo's cultivation has not been growing slowly, so he also ignored his own roots.

Five-attribute bone!

The garbage root bones in the garbage!

Before breaking through to the god, it is difficult to take a step forward, because before the god, the practitioner is constantly refining around the body for breakthrough, and after the god, otherwise, after the god, the body of the divine consciousness is produced in the practitioner's body. After the divine consciousness is generated, it can be said that the practitioner's real Stepping out of the shackles of life, because even if the body dies, immortality is not a real death!

This is also the reason why countless people admire and envy the level of the gods. Why practice? Isn't it for immortality??,

Being able to live and immortal is naturally everyone's expectation, and the desire of practitioners is stronger. After all, some of the things they enjoy are not what some mortals or small monks can imagine.

Having said so much, it's time to talk about the reason why Qi Mo is so excited, because of Qi Mo's full attributes, if Qi Mo breaks through and wants spiritual power, his demand is extremely huge!

And these spiritual powers in front of us can just solve this need!

Because these spiritual forces are all divided into attributes!

Nine colors, nine attributes?!

Although Zimo can't guarantee that his guess is right, at least there are exactly five attributes he knows that can be aligned with in these nine light masses~! Although there are differences in color, it can be said that for people who have a deep understanding of the five spiritual attributes, these five attributes make it clear that if they can absorb all these five light masses, as long as they accumulate experiences and perceptions in their future practice, they can do it. As for the other four, Zimo is not If you think about it, he can't figure it out.

However, in his heart, Zimo has a faint guess.

I'm afraid that the remaining four are not pure attribute spiritual power, but the four slightly special spiritual forces that come out along the edge of these five attributes.

For example, ice attributes and water attributes are closely related. Ice attributes are derivatives of water attributes, but ice attributes are stronger than water attributes.

Looking at the nine light masses, Qi Mo was entangled in his heart. Just now, he also tried to see if he could receive these nine light groups, but he got nothing, which made Qi Mo a little frustrated. If he couldn't start by looking at these nine huge treasures, it would be better not to see them!!!

Well, please forgive such a loser mentality, the road of practice, not greedy, others are more greedy than you, but at that time, it is likely to be spit out by others as bones!

While thinking about it, the nine light masses suddenly flourished, and then the nine light clusters squirmed up. This scene made Qi Mo also be distracted, shorthand, and couldn't take his eyes off. However, his consciousness was ready to run away at any time.

You should know that concentration is the essence. All the colorful light in this huge nine-color space has gathered into these nine light masses, which makes Qi Mo also be wary.

And under Zimo's gaze, about a quarter of an hour later, the light that had been shrouded in brilliance slowly revealed the lineup without looking at it. At a glance, it scared Qi Mo!

PS: (not counting the number of words) Ask for some support~! I talked to the editor-in-charge a few days ago, and I asked, is it necessary for me to write down this result? Binggua said that there was no need, but he still insisted on finishing it and not issuing a new book. To be honest, I am still looking forward to the new book. After all, I also prepared it seriously, but I will finish "Annihilation" well, even if only one person reads it!

I'm watching, please let the pen and ink know, let me know that I have your company!

Thank you~!