Underworld Police Station

0110 Ghost Door

"Thank you, doctor Hua Tuo."

I gave him a deep gift, but on the other hand, I thought that I had found Yuyan anyway. This money was of no use to him. What's more, these huge amount of more than 100 billion yuan were also 'robbed' from Cui Yu. It's better to give it to Hua Tuo so that he could hang a pot to help the world. We can also rob the rich and help the poor. Well.

"Master Hua Tuo, please accept this money!" I smiled and handed the silver notes in the bag to Hua Tuo, except for the two male and female ghost registrars who ordered at the 'New Ghost Registration Office', and bribed part of it to the judge Lu, leaving more than 100 billion silver notes.

"Ah, so many silver tickets can't be used, this can't be used!" As soon as Dr. Hua Tuo saw the silver ticket I handed him, he hurriedly pushed his hand and refused, saying that whether it was saving people or ghosts, it was only out of conscience and was not greedy for return.

I gave it to him again and again, but the old man Hua Tuo carried me to the end and resolutely refused to accept any red envelopes. He also suggested that doctors should never collect red envelopes in the case of treating patients! I wondered in my heart. No wonder you, an old man, have a magic doctor's hand, exquisite and incoherent medical skills, but you don't understand the business strategy, but in the end, you ended up!

But Dr. Hua Tuo didn't accept my money, and I couldn't use the money back to the sun. I was anxious. I thought of a way out. Since this stubborn old man didn't accept it, I had to do it to his granddaughter.

"Xiao Qian." My female ghost Xiaoqian said.

"Oh, son, what's the matter?" Xiao Qian asked.

I pulled the female ghost Xiaoqian aside and said to her, "Xiaoqian, your grandfather Hua Tuo is unreasonable. He only treats the sick and saves people all his life. He is so proud of his morality that he can be a model in the medical world! But doctors are not immortals, but they still have to eat.

"You take this money for your grandfather first, go to the city to find a shop and open a medical center. With the good medical facilities of the hospital, it is convenient to buy medicinal materials for treatment, so that your grandfather can treat more patients. Ah, no, it is to treat more sick ghosts." In fact, I also have an idea in my heart. Since Hua Tuo can save the ghosts in the underworld, as long as he has knowledge about medical skills in his mind, he can naturally save people in the mortal world.

"Well, I'm afraid it's not good?" The female ghost Xiaoqian looked at the pile of silver tickets and withdrew her hands in salivation. I knew that she and her grandfather were kind-hearted people, so I continued to enlighten her and did ideological work for her.

"This money is not what you gave for nothing. Was it good for me to invest in the shares at that time? You go to open a 'Hua Tuo Medical Center' in the north of the city. Your grandfather provides medical technical support, and I provide financial help. How about you as a lobby manager to be responsible for the operation of the whole hospital?

The female ghost Xiaoqian listened to me. She also nodded with a smile and said yes, but she still said worriedly, "But I,... I'm afraid that my grandfather will hit me when he knows it. He has taught me that as a doctor, he can't accept red envelopes from patients, otherwise he will go to the 18th floor of hell after death!"

"I said that this is an investment in shares, so how can it be regarded as receiving red envelopes? In addition, did your grandfather spank you?" I asked.

"Okay, thank you." I turned around and pulled Chen Yuyan to the ghost door, but there was a happy voice behind me, "Uncle, come often when you have time."

"Damn, ghosts come here often when they are free." I took Chen Yuyan and ran away without looking back. As soon as I was delayed on the road, there was not much left before the gate was closed.

Fortunately, after transforming into a soul body, the body was much faster, and the Wangchuan River was not attractive. Chen Yuyan and I stepped on the Naihe Bridge across the Wangchuan River and passed. However, I thought it would be good. If I return the same way, it is estimated that Cui Yuzheng reported to the official. Those officers and soldiers are waiting to arrest me in ambush near the boundary river.

"Wait for me." Chen Yuyan and I walked forward desperately. We saw a piece of gray in front of us, but we could only be sure by following the stone path under our feet. We were sure that we had taken the wrong way. When we arrived at the ghost gate, the gate was closed and left only a gap.

"Who is bold to break into the door of ghosts!" The head of the bull's head and horse's face is burly. When I got close, I found that Brother Niu and Brother Ma were more than two feet tall. This is also because the air quality in the underworld is not good, and it is often hazy. Usually, you have to get close to other people's noses to see clearly.

At this time, I approached. I followed the back of the bull's head and horse's face. Oh, mine? The gate, which is more than a thousand feet high, disappeared in the haze from a distance just now. Now, if the ghost gate is closed, it won't fly out even if it grows wings.

"Hey, Brother Niu and Brother Ma, you don't recognize me. My name is Ling Feng, Lord Ling, who is in charge of the hell city god." I thought I had to show my goodwill to both of them, otherwise I would have to explain myself here if I was not saved.

"Hey, don't scream. Do I know you?" The horse's face was longer than the donkey's face and said.

The horse's face was just gloomy, but the bull's head was directly angry. He sneezed loudly, took a trident halberd in his hand, and directly picked me up on the wall. "Who is bold enough to break through the ghost door privately and pretend to be an official of the imperial court? Come on, throw it into the oil pan to fry."

I'm dizzy. I'm coming to this sentence again. Can't we change something else? This has become a mantra. As soon as I saw the bull's head's words, some of the little ghosts came forward and put them all on the oil pan one after another. My neck was tightly strangled by the bull's head. No matter how hard I struggled, I couldn't ask for his awesome strength, so I had to take out the last two silver tickets from my pocket and handed them over.

I held the silver ticket in my hand and shook it in front of the bull's head. He put me down with a green light in his eyes. I breathed a sigh of relief and said to myself, 'Money in this world is strength'.

'Cough' I was put on the ground by the bull's head and coughed hard twice before I soberly figured out one thing. "Mom, I was confused just now. This is the underworld thousands of years ago. Not to mention that the bull's head and horse didn't know me, even Cui Yu was not a judge at that time."

"Lord Niu, Lord Ma." Now I also learned to be obedient. I even changed their names. I quickly handed over a 'release note' signed by Lord Lu and said, "Please show mercy to the two adults."

"Humph." The horse came over, staring at the release note with big eyes for a long time, and then said, "Now that the time has passed, the ghost door must be closed according to the law, but for the sake of your flattery just now, let you pass, hahaha..." The horse smiled and snapped his fingers and said.