Ming Diary

Chapter 20: East Factory?

Maybe it was misled by the Hong Kong martial arts films produced in the last century * decade, which made people slightly misunderstand the "factory guard". Dongjishi Factory, a privileged supervision agency, secret service and secret police organ in the Ming Dynasty. Ming Chengzu set up the East Dongchang is the earliest national secret intelligence agency in the history of the world, and its branches are as far as the * peninsula. The location is located in the north of Dong'anmen, Beijing. In the late Ming Dynasty, Jinyiwei was juxtahe with the East and West factories, and the activities were strengthened, so it was often called "factory guards". The power of the East Factory is above the Jinyiwei, which is only responsible to the emperor and has the responsibility of supervising and monitoring the Jinyiwei. You can supervise and seize subjects at will without the approval of the judicial organs. Dongchang Fanzi works in the streets and alleys of the capital every day, not completely for the imperial court, but for his own personal gain. They often fabricate charges and falsely slander the good people, and then take advantage of the opportunity to extort and extort. By the middle and late Ming Dynasty, the detection scope of the East Factory even expanded to the whole country, and even the remote areas of Yuanzhou also appeared the officers of the East Factory. Of course, Zhu Di set up the East Factory because his own throne was not very authentic. Naturally, he knew that the low minister missed the missing Emperor Jianwen, but he resented himself, and he did not trust them. Kings and ministers only suspect each other. In order to suppress and monitor these forces against himself, Zhu Di set up this famous "East Factory". When the above original intention to safeguard the imperial power was made several generations later, it was greatly tasteless. Not only did it not play a big role in maintaining the imperial power, but it also played a lot of negative effects. The dictatorship of eunuchs in the Ming Dynasty was the first to open the East Factory.

I remember that Xu Ke's film "New Dragon Gate Inn" is very well-known, and the big villain "Factory Duke" in it is also deeply rooted in people's hearts, which makes many movies and TV series talk about how Duke Cao comes to the East Factory, which makes Cao Muwen feel cold.

After observing this room for a long time, Cao Muwen looked at the land of Dongchang, which did not have the gods mentioned by later generations - there were some father-in-laws who were so high in martial arts, as if they could kill people thousands of miles away with one palm.

But when you think about it, it's just some ordinary people. These eunuchs can sit in this position only because they serve the emperor closely and naturally have a much closer relationship with the emperor than the ministers, so they are newly appointed and let them monitor the officials for themselves. If you really want martial arts to be amazing, it is difficult for those father-in-law to practice the Sunflower Treasure Book. Cao Muwen looked at it for a long time, but found nothing horrible. In terms of the personnel of the East Factory, Cao Muwen has only seen a few "services" standing guard and looked at them from afar. I saw them all wearing pointed hats, white leather boots, brown clothes and small silk around their waists. It's just an ordinary guard.

Seeing that there was no danger, Cao Muwen boldly walked over. Although there are few pedestrians on this street, they are not completely gone. There are still some carriages and trucks on the road, and what they see is not the carriages and horses of the "factory guard". I feel relieved.

I remember that although I met Wu Zheng at the intersection, I didn't go in this direction. Suddenly, he lowered his head and learned Wu Zheng's look just now, and quickly moved away from the government office of the Dongji factory.

After moving forward for a while, Cao Muwen changed his mind when he saw the building in front of him. Several big words "Jinyiwei North Town Fusi" are in sight. I am still familiar with Cao Muwen. Jinyiwei was a proprietary military secret service agency in the Ming Dynasty of China. Its full name is "Jinyiwei's Military Command Department", which can arrest anyone and conduct private interrogations; some functions are similar to modern gendarmerie and National Security Bureau. There are also works involved in collecting military information and plotting against enemy generals. Similar to today's CIA, the ancients used to secretly call Jinyiwei and Dongchang as court eagle dogs.

Because these two institutions are the emperor's confidants, they are appointed to monitor other personnel. Therefore, although the secret struggle between the two institutions is well known, the two groups still cooperate with each other. Fusi, the most important town in Jinyiwei, made a close neighbor with Dongchang.

Although this brocade guard is the emperor's bodyguard, in fact, its base camp is not located in the imperial city, but in the area of the Jinzhong River in Tianjin. However, it has two townships in the north and south. Among them, the Fusi of Beizhen is in charge of secret surveillance, anti-corruption, independent investigation, arrest, judgment, detention and counter-espionage matters. The most special thing is that the Fusi of Beizhen has its own prison - the imperial edict prison. It can directly obey the emperor's order without the authorization of the three laws of the imperial court. It can be used to punish. This punishment is full of tricks. That is extremely cruel, that is, nine deaths, and the least, it will end up with a disability. According to the records of Ming Dynasty, there are 18 sets of executions commonly used by Jinyiwei, including sticks, brain hoop, horse bars, nail fingers, etc. In addition to the instruments of torture, there are also many unique punishments, such as "brushing", "hook intestines", "shovel head meeting" and so on, which ensure that those who have suffered "wish to die and are extremely happy to ascend to immortals". It is basically impossible for criminals not to admit the crime. After being imprisoned, they are dedicated to the emperor, and they do not need to pass the commander of the brocade guard, and the brocade guard officer is not allowed to interfere in the matter. From this point, it can be seen that the different departments in Jinyiwei are also divided into three, six or nine grades. Because of the above-mentioned "magic" institutions, Beizhen Fusi is naturally more feared than Nanzhen Fusi, because it has more power. The Southern Town Department is in charge of criminal investigation, interrogation, judgment, intelligence and research and development of military weapons. Compared with Beizhen Fusi, the responsible aspect is more "logistics".

And the biggest difference between Jinyiwei and Dongchang is in the sphere of influence. Although Jinyiwei's headquarters is also located in Beizhili and Dongchang, its power in the Shuntianfu area of Beijing is still slightly inferior to that of Dongchang. But sometimes it has a well-established branch throughout the country. There are thousands of households in all provinces and important towns across the country. Their task is actually to spy on the officials, soldiers and civilians of the area for the emperor and secretly investigate the military and civilian dynamics. It is jointly operated by thousands of brocade health agencies across the country to monitor the whole country.

The important offices of the two most famous secret agencies of the Ming Dynasty were located together on this street. It seems that this is also the reason why there are so few pedestrians. I was afraid that because of a moment of carelessness, I found an excuse for this group of fans to get it in, that is, "I can't survive, I can't die." The informer has nowhere to sue. Even if the Yin of Shuntianfu saw the factory guards, they secretly trembled. If they dared to take care of the affairs of the factory guards, they would have to get in.

For good, it is also a rule for ordinary factory guards to go out, because they disdain to waste time with ordinary people. You have to go to the street to eat and drink some overbearing meals, buy things without paying, and occasionally blackmailing is also a "extra-fast".

This is very much like Cao Muwen's taste.

Cao Muwen saw that the Fusi Yamen in Jinyiwei North Town looked at ordinary, and he could not detect how many people had been killed in it. Now how many inhuman prisoners have been tortured in the prison. I saw two big stone lions squatting around the main door, the big red painted wooden door. Left and right give a tall bodyguard with knives and brocade clothes. From time to time, I glanced back and forth at the few passers-by on the street, but I was afraid that they were frightened.

I didn't expect that the appearance of these hells on earth that I don't know what happened inside is still calm. Cao Muwen felt that he was here for a long time, which was likely to attract the attention of the guard.

"Ah~~~, if they really target it, it won't work to ask grandpa and grandma." Cao Muwen thought of it in his heart. Judging from the route and direction he came out, Wu Zheng is likely to come from here. Why does he have anything to do with Jinyiwei? Cao Muwen was shocked.

If you think about it carefully, there is such a possibility. Wu Zheng should have gone to the Fusi Yamen in Beizhen first, so it can be ruled out that he had committed something and was looked at by Jinyiwei. If so, he should be happy in the Fusi Zhao prison in Beizhen now! But looking at his trembling appearance, it is unlikely that he is a brocade guard. On the one hand, Cao Muwen slowly retreated without attracting the attention of the guard, and at the same time, he was quickly thinking about the reasonable explanation that Wu Zheng was most likely to come here. Because Cao Muwen has not carried out such reasoning thinking for more than half a year since he came to the Ming Dynasty. It is precisely because today that I have seen the "factory guards" that have been extremely exaggerated in future generations, and my long-sleeping reasoning hormones have sprouted. He actually felt a trace of pleasure that had not been seen for a long time.

After leaving this street, Cao Muwen did not dare to be careless and turned back to the original crowded street, hoping that the crowded flow of people could also provide some cover for himself.

"I hope it's overdoing." Cao Muwen thought with some trembling in his heart.

After a few more circles around the city, Cao Muwen confirmed that no one was following him before he put down his nervous heart and returned to great fun. It seems that it has indeed been one fell swoop many times. Cao Muwen thought of it cheaply. It's really suspicious. It is unlikely that people will be interested in such a small role as themselves. On the contrary, Wu Zheng, until now, Cao Muwen still has doubts about his appearance on Dongdaemun Street. However, this person is really a little strange." Cao Muwen remembered his attitude towards himself. Although Wu Zheng had a good attitude towards himself and should be glad, generally speaking, as a profession that people avoided at that time, Wu Zheng, as an official, had no scruples about his identity. Alas~" Cao Muwen sighed, as if he was going to end this kind of thinking. Anyway, he is a strange person, which is right.

I went out for a day today and returned at dusk. Now Cao Muwen is exhausted and too lazy to think so much. So I planned to have dinner and go to bed early.